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Sklar Technology Partners - September 2020

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Sklar Technology Partners - April 2020

Sklar Technology Partners - April 2020 APRIL 2020 I love cooking for people. I’m always trying to ma

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Sklar Technology Partners - July 2020

4-inch slices. 5. Using a melon-baller, scoop out the center of each cucumber slice but leave the bo

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Sklar Technology Partners - September 2018

Sklar Technology Partners - September 2018 September 2018 7462 Old Hickory Drive, Mechanicsville, VA

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Sklar Technology Partners - September 2019

Sklar Technology Partners - September 2019 SEPTEMBER 2019 7462 Old Hickory Drive, Mechanicsville, VA

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Sklar Technology Partners - June 2020

3 cup marinade. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Reserve remaining marinade. 3. Heat grill to about

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Sklar Technology Partners - March 2020

4 cup whole-wheat panko 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese Directions 1. In a large ovenproof skillet over mediu

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Sklar Technology Partners - December 2020

flashlight set and a Taiker personal wrist alarm. The loud alarm will easily draw attention in an em

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Sklar Technology Partners - January 2022

Risks- Assessment. And it’s not a matter of “if.” It’s a matter of “when.” It’s 2022: No business is

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Sklar Technology Partners - November 2020

Sklar Technology Partners - November 2020 NOVEMBER 2020 7462 Old Hickory Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 2

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Sklar Technology Partners - October 2020

4 tsp pepper Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2

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Sklar Technology Partners - September 2020


7462 Old Hickory Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23111


ALYSSA SKLAR, FOUNDER OF THE NATIVE GNOME How Gnomes Highlighted the Value of Being a Dad

someone to master that craft. At least, you should be. A lot of entrepreneurs forget that barrier to entry for their industry. Things become so easy for them that they commoditize their product with the mindset of “Well, anyone can make this!” But that’s because they forget all the time and hard work it took for them to reach the point where it is easy for them now. In the past, I’ve been asked by my technicians why I charge X amount for a job that only takes them a minute to accomplish. In response, I ask them how many years it took for them to get to the point where they can get the job done in a minute. They had to do it 1,200 times before, investing a lot more time into the process, in order to reach that level of mastery. Whatever industry they’re in, I encourage people to remember that barrier to entry. That’s where the value of their work is. Our Real Legacy As a dad, I’m regularly amazed at the passion and ambition I see in all of my children. Before the pandemic derailed things, my son Jake was doing a great job as a ski instructor out in Colorado. Meanwhile, my eldest daughter, Madelyn, has said since she was 5 years old that she wants to be the CEO of a fashion company. Last year, she was accepted to the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Right now, Alyssa is learning a lot about business, through trial and error, and she’s super dedicated to her Etsy store. I’m really proud of my kids, and I wanted to brag a little about them this month. Seeing them do well lets me know that I’ve done a pretty good job being their dad. And that’s something I could never undervalue.

“Is it because you increased your inventory?” I asked. “Did you buy ad space online? Did you promote your store somewhere? Does it have something to do with the Etsy algorithm?” Alyssa couldn’t identify the source of the traffic, but she is very aware of her demographic and exactly who is buying what. “Younger people tend to buy the earrings,” she said to me. “And the gnomes are usually bought by older people like you, Dad.” Comments about my age aside, that’s a testament to entrepreneurship. Most people who want to sell stuff tend to give up if they don’t have immediate success. Alyssa had her shop for months before she started getting any traction. To grind it out through those hard days and really believe in what you’re doing is the mark of a good entrepreneur. Don’t Undervalue Your Mastery Knowing what you’re worth is one of the hardest lessons anyone has to learn. This is as true for artists selling custom garden gnomes as it is for our technicians. Early on, I went over Alyssa’s store pricing and how much it costs her to make a gnome. The hard cost for the materials is about half as much as she’s selling the gnomes for. I asked her if that pricing would scale up because her time is limited. She admitted that it would erode the margins, but right now she’s 17, so her time is free. I’m just glad she’s making money, but I told her that as her skill improves and she gets faster and faster at making a gnome, her pricing will need to scale up accordingly. What many people fail to realize is that when you pay for a product or service, you aren’t just paying for the time it takes to make that product or provide that service. You’re also paying for all the time it took for

A while back, my daughter called me in the middle of the day with some very big news: “Dad! Somebody from Portland, Oregon, just bought a pair of my earrings! Can you believe that?” My youngest, Alyssa, has her own Etsy store called The Native Gnome ( TheNativeGnome). She makes garden gnomes and little pieces of unique jewelry. Alyssa’s been running the shop for a while and has made a number of sales, usually to people she already knows. That call about selling a pair of earrings to someone in Portland was huge because it marked one of the first times a total stranger bought something from her store. A Testament to Entrepreneurship I love entrepreneurs and the fact that I see my daughter working so hard on her store makes me so proud. Alyssa makes everything herself by hand, and all the gnomes are crafted from clay. Our oven at home is on basically nonstop these days as part of the gnome manufacturing process. When I told her that the gnomes needed to have a name and personality, she wasted no time adding backstories to each of their descriptions in her store. I know that because I’m her dad, I risk sounding biased, but Alyssa is incredibly creative. I’m amazed by the stuff she makes and how in touch she is with the business side of things. When she had a sudden uptick in sales, we talked about where the new traffic might have come from.


Change Can Be Easy

It’s important to be aware of our behaviors, both the good and the bad. Do you become defensive when things don’t go your way? Are you quick to anger when you make a mistake? Are you impatient when coworkers do not operate as quickly as you do? Do you talk too much during meetings? None of these are flattering habits. By practicing self-awareness, we can catch ourselves when we fall into bad behaviors. However, it’s not enough to be aware of your personal failings. Jennifer Porter, managing partner of The Boda Group, teaches the importance of self-management. This is a learnable skill that allows us to turn self- awareness into self-improvement. According to Porter, self-management can be achieved in six steps: 1. “Decide where you want to self-manage.” Practice self- awareness to identify behaviors you aren’t proud of and actively decide to work toward self-improvement. 2. “Notice and reflect on what’s driving your lack of self-management.” Notice how you feel in those moments when your behavior is not your best. Ask yourself what is driving that action to understand what motivates your poor behavior. 3. “Consider your choices and your reactions to those choices.” Instead of responding with your default behavior, what else could you do? How do you feel about those other options? 4. “Make a plan.” Think of what concrete steps you can take to correct your poor behavior. Make an actionable plan that you can follow the next time you’re about to fall into an unwanted habit. SELF- AWARENESS MEANS NOTHING Take Action Toward Self-Improvement

Pam Marmon’s Outline for Effective Post-Pandemic Transformation

Pam Marmon understands what it means to adapt. After growing up in Bulgaria, Marmon had to modify her way of living when she emigrated to the U.S. Today, she’s a CEO, entrepreneur, wife, and mother who believes that change doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, she’s mastered it. Marmon has even established a company, Marmon Consulting, that helps other companies develop strategies for executing transformation.

In Marmon’s book, “No One’s Listening and It’s Your Fault: Get Your Message Heard During Organizational Transformations,” she outlines her proven

methods for effective communication in any company setting, from a major corporation to a family business. Released on March 24, 2020, Marmon’s advice is timely in a period when many business owners are searching for proactive solutions and the next step in finding post-pandemic success. Marmon’s book is the perfect guide for business leaders who recognize the need for tangible change and want to execute it as effectively as possible. The key, Marmon explains, is to identify your company’s culture and cater your plan’s language to suit what will resonate with your employees the most. This will establish a sense of alignment with your business’s vision and direction, which can be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. You cannot achieve success in a period of change if your team is doubtful and unwilling. With your company united toward your vision, you can begin to enact real change. However, this is only the beginning. Marmon’s book also outlines how to connect with fellow leaders in your company to develop a framework for growth. By creating a stable foundation and inspiring change, you’ll find this time of major transition to be much smoother than you may have anticipated. As a result, your company will come out on top at the end of the COVID-19 era. Marmon’s mantra is inspiring: “With the proper process, change is not hard.” And with her book, “No One’s Listening and It’s Your Fault,” business leaders can see just how simple change can be.

5. “Practice.” You won’t master a new habit in a day. Practice self- management again and again until it becomes second nature.

6. “Repeat the process.” Your first plan may not be the best one. At each opportunity, evaluate your behavior and vow to stick to the path of self-improvement. Self-management is not easy, but it is a necessary skill we must all build. Self-awareness alone means nothing if you don’t work to improve yourself. When you do not work toward self-improvement, that awareness just becomes an excuse.

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SPICE UP THE SEASON 4 Shockingly Healthy Fall Spices

NUTMEG Native to Indonesia, nutmeg is rich in compounds called monoterpenes, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Research published in the journal Food & Nutrition Research reported that rats that consumed nutmeg oil experienced a significant reduction in inflammation, inflammation-related pain, and joint swelling.

undergoing chemotherapy. It can also help treat indigestion, fight infection, and lower blood sugar levels. A study published in 2011 also suggested that ginger may even help boost brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s.

As the summer ends and fall begins, we will soon find ourselves in the season of spice — specifically, pumpkin spice. Whatever your personal feelings about pumpkin spice may be, the truth is that many popular fall spices are great for your health. Here are a few seasonal spices that are as healthy as they are flavorful, and some recipe suggestions to help you take advantage of these great spices.

Recipe suggestion: Turkey Ginger Noodle Soup (

Recipe suggestion: Apple and Oat Scones ( AppleOatScones)

SAGE A single teaspoon of sage is packed with vitamins and minerals. Sage contains iron, calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin B6. Sage also has microbial effects, which are good for your oral health and can help prevent dental plaque. Additionally, a clinical trial published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences suggests that consuming sage may help lower LDL levels, sometimes called the “bad” cholesterol.

TURMERIC Turmeric has been used in traditional medical practices in India for centuries to treat sprains and swelling. Research into this golden spice has found that turmeric really does contain compounds that promote healing. One of these compounds, called curcumin, is a strong antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Recipe suggestion: Pasta with Butter, Sage, and Parmesan (

Recipe suggestion: Golden Tea (WellnessMama. com/223/turmeric-tea/)

GINGER Of all the spices on this list, ginger might be king. Ginger can be an effective treatment for nausea and has been used by cancer patients

Fall is a season full of great flavors. These spices prove that your favorite fall flavors can be as healthy as they are delicious.

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Balsamic Marinated Flank Steak

The summer isn’t over yet! Get out the grill for this delicious steak dinner.

Ingredients •

1 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for grilling

2 garlic cloves, sliced

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1 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves

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1 3-lb flank steak Kosher salt, to taste

1 tbsp dried oregano

2 tbsp whole-grain mustard 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Directions 1. Combine garlic, rosemary, oregano, mustard, and vinegar in a blender. Purée until garlic is minced. 2. Add oil and continue blending until creamy, then season with salt and pepper to taste. Reserve 1/4 cup. 3. Place steak in a ceramic or glass baking dish and cover steak with the remaining marinade.

4. Remove steak from marinade and let excess marinade drip off. Sprinkle the steak lightly with salt and pepper. 5. Light grill and oil grates with olive oil. 6. Grill steak over moderate heat for 10–12 minutes, turning halfway through, until steak is lightly charred and the internal temperature reaches 125 F. 7. Let the steak rest for 5 minutes. Thinly slice, drizzle reserved sauce, and serve.

Turn to coat the other side, cover, and let marinate in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

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7462 Old Hickory Drive Mechanicsville, VA 23111 804-730-2628


Inside This Issue

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Gnomes in the Oven

How to Enact Effective Change 6 Steps to Better Self-Management 4 Healthy and Delicious Fall Spices Balsamic Marinated Flank Steak



3 Online Workout Platforms You Should Try


body parts you want to strengthen and even buy optional equipment

Your living room might not be the most conducive environment for a good workout. But as the world continues to grapple with the effects of the coronavirus, working out at the gym, or any other public facility, is out of the question for many of us. Fortunately, you can still work up a sweat from home with the right workout videos for a fraction of the cost of a monthly gym membership. Here are a few worth your time and money!

to use at home. Get access to the entire fitness library for a

monthly fee of $20 or save by paying an annual fee of $135 at

Alo Moves

Alo is one of the most prominent outfitters for yoga lovers everywhere, but the workout routines offered through Alo Moves go beyond just yoga and meditation. Whether you’re new to working out or a seasoned fitness buff, you can find thousands of workout routines to follow along with on You can even download routines to your phone and follow along with them in your backyard or at the park, all for just $20 a month.

Tone It Up

Tone It Up is more of a fitness community than a workout program, but the website still offers a variety of both free and paid workouts plus a paid nutrition plan. Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT), cardio, a total- body workout, or one geared toward specific body parts, like abs or glutes. Through the Studio Tone It Up app, which costs $15, you can get additional workouts delivered to you weekly. Even if they’re not what you’re used to, doing these online workouts can ensure you don’t lose the fitness you’ve worked so hard to gain. Try one of them today!


While P.volve only has around 200 workouts available through its online platform right now, new videos are being added every week. If you’re looking for resistance-based, high-intensity, low-impact workouts, this is the platform for you. You can customize a workout plan based on which

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