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Somes House Booklet 2022

Somes House


Welcome to Somes House

Welcome to Somes House. I look forward to meeting you all over the next few months and making 2022 a year to remember for all the right reasons. This booklet will answer questions you may have about the House system at College.

The History of Somes House Maria Somes was the widow of the wealthy ship owner Joseph Somes. In 1851, she purchased land in memory of her late husband and presented it to College. Later proceeds from the Somes endowment funded the Somes Scholarships, which have been awarded annually, and now assist more than 30 boys each year. Maria Somes died in 1911 at the age of 95. She was sent annual reports on the progress of the Somes scholars. She remains the only woman to have her portrait in the Dining Hall. (Taken from College – A History of Christ’s College by Don Hamilton.) Somes House was founded in 2000 to meet the needs of a growing dayboy population at Christ’s College. 7 Gloucester Street was converted from a home into a dayboy House. Boys came to Somes voluntarily in its first year, with the exception of the first intake of Year 9 boys in 2000.

Somes House is located at 7 Gloucester Street. Somes House has good facilities for study and recreation. We foster a friendly, supportive environment, while aiming for high standards in personal and interhouse endeavours. The Somes House values are pride, respect and commitment. If you have any further questions, we can discuss these when I meet with you or, alternatively, please contact me on the numbers contained in this booklet. – Craig Aitken, Housemaster

01 – Christ’s College Somes House

The Housemaster

Somes House and hope to see it maintain its strength as one of the best day Houses at Christ’s College. Dr Craig Aitken, Housemaster

Mobile: 0272 689 440 Email: [email protected]

I am 53 years old and married to Mandy Anderson. We have three children, Jessica, 20, Isaac, 18, and Lucy 16. Mandy has a background in sport and recreation management. She is the Director of Sport at Rangi Ruru Girls’ School. I began working at Christ’s College in 1996 after finishing my Doctorate (in Chemistry) at the University of Canterbury. For the first four years I was an Assistant Housemaster in Richards House, followed by School House. In 2000, I joined Somes House as a House Tutor for Year 9 boys. In 2001 I was appointed to the role of Head of Science and Head of Chemistry. I continued in these roles until becoming the Housemaster of Somes House at the beginning of Term 3, 2004. Outside College and family life, I enjoy long-distance running and touch, in which I have represented Canterbury and New Zealand Men’s 40 touch teams. In 2011, I was fortunate to be selected in the New Zealand Men’s 40 touch team that won the World Cup in Scotland. I look forward to continuing the progress of

Deputy Housemaster/Mentor Dr Tom Hawkins Tom joined Christ’s College in 2019, after having enjoyed his time at the school teaching Mathematics and Statistics during his teacher training. He settled into the Somes team, and re-established Venture Group as a summer sport option. A keen tramper and mountaineer, he enjoys sharing his passion for the outdoors. In winter, he manages the road cycling team. He and his wife previously taught in the Cook Islands. He was previously a research scientist in the US and Victoria University of Wellington. Email : [email protected]


New Boys in 2022



Tawhiri Cate Eli Clarkson


Heaton Intermediate Marcello Ferguson Cathedral Grammar Tom Gardiner Medbury Jackson Grace Medbury Jack Howard Medbury Mun Chi Jager Cathedral Grammar Bill Li Medbury Sam Pfahlert Medbury Jack Richardson Cathedral Grammar Jackson Robertson Medbury Josh Shannahan Breens Liam Singer Medbury Manoj Solai Medbury Yannis Zhang Halswell

03 – Christ’s College Somes House

Head of House

YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

HEAD OF HOUSE Geordie Miles Chris Green Will Midgley Cam Robson Marcus Hoetjes


Fletcher Bowley

Sam Brooks

Oliver Grennell

Ben Brook Tim Stewart


Charles Henley

James O’Gorman

Corbin Child

Jos Hoetjes

Sam Jardine-Coom

Sam Dunford-Baker

David Chapman

William Young Campbell Taylor Daniel Sharples Laurie Renwick Mac Bolderston

Luke Wium


Sam Bird

Andoni Sekeris

Ben Satterthwaite

Tom Perkins Jacob Bird Callum Long

William Doak

Rory Williamson

Scott Harris

Ethan Clements Rhys Thatcher

Jeremy Lidstone

Jay Sprott

Fin Smith

Jordy Annand Charlie Owens James Luxon

Charlie Chubb Thomas Clarke


The House System

Christ’s College is divided into 10 Houses, seven for dayboys, three for boarders. The dayboy houses are Condell’s, Corfe, Harper, Jacobs, Julius, Rolleston and Somes. The boarding houses are Flower’s, Richards and School.

House Structure The House system is one of the strong features of College. It is not only the physical base from which the boys operate, but also where boys develop close relationships, leadership skills and a real sense of community. Academic, sporting and cultural facets are all catered for, particularly in interhouse competitions. However, the House is a lot more than a physical space. It is the structure in which the boys form lasting bonds with other members of the House and develop a strong sense of unity over their five years at College. Their involvement in a wide range of duties, as well as interhouse academic, sporting and cultural activities, encourages and instils a sense of responsibility, pride and commitment to the House in particular and to Christ’s College in general, and helps develop personal qualities and values. The Housemaster The Housemaster is responsible for the individual development of every student in the House, both academically and in co-curricular pursuits. They are the first liaison between parents and College. They advocate for their students when necessary and are in regular contact with teachers.

The Mentor System All Houses have a Deputy Housemaster/ Mentor and staff mentors who assist the Housemaster with pastoral care. Each boy is assigned a staff mentor and, in vertical groups of boys from Years 9–13, placed in a mentor group. These groups meet their mentor each week. Year 9 students spend the start of Term 1 with their Housemaster, before being integrated into the groups. During these weekly meetings, boys can discuss their goals for the year, as well as participate in other activities, such as group discussions, led by senior students. The goal-planning process is student-driven, but guided and monitored by the mentor. Being part of a mentor group allows the boys to build a relationship with a member of staff who is not their Housemaster and is not necessarily one of their subject teachers. Mentors also undertake House duties and attend selected House assemblies and functions. They provide feedback to Housemasters about the boys in their group as required, and Housemasters can also access all goal-planning documentation. The mentor systemwas introduced in 2018 and, while it has made a positive start, is likely to be refined in years to come.

05 – Christ’s College Somes House

Kate Belton / Mentor

Emma Bracken / Mentor

Steve Everingham / Mentor

Erin Rutherford / Mentor

Head of House and Deputy Head of House The Head of House and his deputy are Year 13 students. They assist the Housemaster in the running of the House. They often represent the views of the boys in the House about any changes to House organisation. Years 9–13 Students All other students also have duties to maintain the environment in Somes House. They are encouraged to be involved wherever possible and to uphold the Somes House values of pride, respect and commitment.

Interhouse Activities There aremany interhouse competitions,which range frommost sporting codes to drama, debating, singing and chess. House prefects select and organise teams. Boys are encouraged to volunteer to be in teams, though teams are selected onmerit, based on age group and ability. The opportunities in interhouse activities are great fun and provide leadership skills, as well as fostering a special spirit in the House. Boys can earn House colours for their involvement and performance in interhouse activities. Boys get points for participating, making finals and winning championships. Athletic championships are held in Term 1, shortly after the swimming championships. In both cases there is an interhouse competition as well as the individual championships. Boys are encouraged to enter these competitions, both as individuals and in the various relay events.


House Environment

Daily Routine

The House has areas for study and recreation as well as secure bike storage. Other facilities in the House include: – a kitchen, with toastie machines, microwave and hot water. – a locker room, with a full-size locker for each boy,suppliedwithagoodqualitycombination lock to keep their locker secure – showers and toilets in the locker room.

For most students, the daily routine is: – arrive at Somes House by 8.10am – read the noticeboard for any notices and get their name checked off the roll by the Housemaster – organise books and folders for the first two periods of the day – House assembly at 8.15am, except on Thursday which has a late start, beginning with school assembly – attend Chapel service (Monday and Friday), mentor groups (Tuesday) and school assembly (Thursday) – attend all classes – take part in sport or cultural activities after school.

07 – Christ’s College Somes House

House Expectations


House expectations are based on a need for organisation and respect, and apply to everyone in Somes House. They are not onerous and most students abide by them naturally. The following are the more common daily expectations: Roll House roll is taken each morning at 8.15am. Any boy who is late to school, for whatever reason, must report to the Housemaster as soon as he arrives at school. If school has begun, he should report to the main office. Permission All boys must obtain permission to be out of the school grounds at any time during the day. Breakage and Damage Students should treat the fabric and facilities of the House with respect at all times. Any breakages or damage within the House should be reported immediately to the Housemaster. Possessions All bicycles must be clearly and permanently named, and must be locked in the bike shed. All possessions and clothing must be clearly named. No boy may borrow any property from another boy without first gaining permission. Boys may return to the House at break and lunch to eat meals, study or for recreation. Boys tend to get changed in the House for PE and sports practices. They may use the House after school. It is usually locked at about 7pm.

Chapel is a central part of College life. Boys are required to attend services on Monday and Friday before classes, congregational practice on Wednesdays, and two Sunday Chapel services per term. The Chaplain prepares boys for Confirmation, provided they are in Years 12–13. The preparation course is held in the second or third terms, with the Confirmation Service usually held later in the year. All services are listed in the College calendar or on the College website. Parents are welcome to attend any Sunday Chapel service.


09 – Christ’s College Somes House

General Information

Contacts If there is any concern, parents should contact the Housemaster in the first instance. The Housemaster can then direct the concern to the Executive Principal, Deputy Principal or subject teachers as required. Meetings with teachers and members of senior management may then be arranged. Illness/Medical Absences For daily absences or illness, please call 03 364 8676 and leave your son’s name and reason for his absence. For extended absences please contact your Housemaster. Leave If a boy needs to leave the school grounds during the day for a dental, doctor or physiotherapy appointment, his parents must contact his Housemaster. Parents are asked to try to arrange such appointments outside school hours whenever possible. Students then sign out at the main office and sign in on their return. If a boy is to be absent for a private reason for more than two days, parents are asked to request leave in writing prior to the absence. Such leave is granted by the Deputy Principal. Social Events During the year there will be a number of social events which parents and families will be invited to attend. These include House Music and House Plays, as well as a House Dinner, Prize-giving, and other functions during the year.

School Hours Students report to the house to be ready for House assembly at 8.15am. They leave school after they have met their academic, sport or cultural commitments, usually between 5–6pm. Dayboys should not stay around school after 6pm unless for a specific purpose. Notices The Christ’s College calendar for each term can be found on the College website. Students are asked to check upcoming events at the start of each week. Students are expected to listen carefully to notices at House assembly and must regularly check the House board, as well as Schoolbox and their College email. Lockers Each boy has a locker in the House, where he can store books and school equipment, packed lunch, sports gear etc. Boys are given a combination lock at the start of the year. They are expected to keep their lockers tidy; they must not leave food in their locker and should take their sports uniforms home for washing. Lunch Boys may eat their lunch where they wish within the school grounds. Year 9 boys can use the common room, where there are toastie machines and a microwave, or stay in the courtyard area in front of the House. The cafe is located in the Chapman Room and is open at lunchtime every weekday. It offers a wide range of food items and drinks, with healthy alternatives.


Laptops, Books and Stationery All textbooks issued by the school, exercise books and stationery items must be named. Students are expected to look after their books and keep them in good order. Boys are asked to use a school bag to carry their gear during the day. The boys need to ensure that they carry their laptops with them at all times. When not in use, they need to make sure they secure them safely in their lockers. Bicycles Boys are encouraged to cycle to school. They are asked to lock their bike in the cycle shed beside Somes House. Some sporting codes (rowing, for example) require boys to cycle to venues for practice or competition days. Helmets must be worn at all times and bikes should have appropriate lights, especially in the winter months. Students are expected to follow the road code and to respect other cyclists and pedestrians at all times.

Wherever boys eat, they are expected to put all rubbish in rubbish bins and cans/plastic bottles in recycling containers. A limited number of places are available for dayboys who wish to have lunch in the Dining Hall. Boys should apply on the first day of each term through the Housemaster. Lunchtime Activities Boys are encouraged to be active during lunchtime and make use of the sporting facilities. The library is open at lunchtime. Many interhouse events take place during lunchtime and boys will either participate or support House teams. Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop in Gloucester St, where you can buy uniforms for all sporting codes and basic stationery items, is open every school day between 10am–5pm. Second-hand uniforms are sold in the Uniform Shop.

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13 – Christ’s College Somes House


All uniforms should be purchased from the Uniform Shop upstairs at 10 Gloucester Street. A list of uniform requirements will be sent to all parents.

Sports Gear All Houses have their own colours for athletics and interhouse sports. Somes boys wear a blue singlet with a navy diagonal band across it and white shorts or a blue and navy rugby top. There is no regulation footwear for PE and athletics, but all boys must wear footwear around the school or when running in the park. Sports gear can be purchased from the Uniform Shop.

In the senior school, a different blazer replaces the striped blazer worn by juniors. In all cases, blazers must be worn when on leave from College. Full uniformmust be worn when going home after school, unless boys are being collected from directly outside the House. After sport practices, boys may travel home in sports gear or in a tracksuit. Formal Uniform The formal uniform consists of the grey suit and white shirt. It is worn on a Monday and Friday during Terms 2 and 3, and for Sunday Chapel services. Stripes Blazer Uniform This uniform consists of a striped blazer, white shirt, and mid-grey long trousers or black walk shorts (summer). It is worn on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during Terms 2 and 3 and every day during summer. It is also worn for any sport exchanges.


