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Truth Package

Truth Package Table of Contents Commitment to Trust.................................................

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Soul Truth Product Guide

R E T A I L P R O D U C T G U I D E | 2 0 2 2



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Enlightenment is when the wave realizes it is the ocean.

-Thich Nhat Hanh



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We are devoted to helping you fulfill your dreams. When you rise, we all rise.

We see the truth of who you are and not any bullshit stories you have made up about yourself. We help you restore that truth.

We are intentional about every single thing we create and every word we write, hoping to fan your flames and see you brave even more.

We know the sweet spot to live in peace will require you to let go, so we are here to hold space for you in the painful, messy middle.

We believe it’s time to allow yourself to rest deeply, with no cords attached. And we will do our best to show you an easier way and remind you that your soul already knows this way. These soulful creations were birthed with the intention to support you in your soul work, on your spiritual path. We promise to let love lead us as we dive deep below the surface and meet your soul truth with ours.

We offer meditations, retreats, and sacred tools to remind you, it’s time to trust yourself once more.

You are the medicine, your soul knows the way, and you are what you've been waiting for.

We are Soul Truth.



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Standing in my truth, I am unapologetic, bold, and unshakable.Dancing in the spotlight, I am messy, imperfect

Photo by Nate Hovey



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Meet Bri, Founder & Creator of Soul Truth

Brianne is a Writer, Soul Coach, Healer, Photographer and Honored Wife & Mama.

She started her own journey as a massage therapist in 2001. The portal to healing swung wide open, and without hesitation, she walked through it. In the following years, she became an Esthetician, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and Essential Oil Master Teacher. She grew a business with 400,000+ wellness warriors across 50+ different countries and led one of the fastest growing teams in d ō TERRA Essential Oils. Soul Truth was born in 2016 after losing her second parent to cancer. Living in Hawaii at the time, she decided to stop running from her pain. She was ready to alchemize it and make purpose out of it. Since then, she has created countless programs, retreats and pathways for others to restore their body, remember their truth and stand in their power. Her love for creativity, art, and helping others see their beauty has brought her back to one of her greatest passions, photography. She travels the world holding workshops and retreats as she guides others to unleash their potential and shine their sacred light on the world. She has a passion for all things movement– through dance, boxing, yoga, and soul work. She’s had many teachers and values love, growth, and contribution above all else. She loves her roles as a wife and a mama of 4, and she trusts her journey wholeheartedly. She has built everything around her family as her core purpose. She believes in miracles, in love that is unconditional, that laughter is medicine, and when you heal, the world heals. She is a Taurus, Number 8 in Numerology, A Generator in Human Design, a Futuristic, and her Spirit Animal is a Humming- bird.

She is hungry for healing in the world. She craves to live in a world where we all forgive and accept ourselves so that we can forgive and accept each other.



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1. HOW YOU DO ONE THING, IS HOW YOU DO EVERYTHING. How you handle and manage any situation, challenge, or experience in your life is how you probably handle all of them. The pattern of somebody's existence in one aspect of life, big or small, will present itself in all other areas of their life. It doesn't matter how small something is, it will show up in the largest thing that person does. It is reflected everywhere. Holding back in one area of your life is holding back in all areas. 2. LIFE IS A MIRROR: ITS REFLECTION SHINES YOUR IMAGE BACK TO YOU. Life is neither fair nor unfair. It merely provides confirmation of your thoughts as the user and experiencer. The world is a mirror of our state of being. What we think about and say often mani fests directly in the form of people and situations. Everything you experience in life is a reflection of yourself. 3. WE ARE NOT BROKEN, WE ARE ALREADY WHOLE. Our limiting patterns and beliefs block us from finding peace and connection within ourselves and the world around us. With awareness, integrity, and love we will shed the lies, find our center and return to self. Your experience of wholeness will require you to use your power to move the ego aside and live your soul's truth. Underneath the mask lives the truth. Your soul truth is sacred, whole and eternal.



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4. IN ORDER TO GROW & PROGRESS, YOU HAVE TO LET GO. Letting go is essential because it creates space for growth and renewal. If we are not evolving, we are dying. Life is all about continuous progress: the ability to move forward and to live out our greatest potential. Accompanied with letting go is forgiveness. Forgiveness brings sweet release, freedom and insight. When we release the pain, our soul has room to expand. We free ourselves by letting go of all victimhood, blame, and resentment. Those don't belong where we are going – only love and courage live there. 5. LIFE HAPPENS FOR US. There is a gift inside every one of our limiting beliefs and challenges. We can find appreciation for the protection that our limiting beliefs have provided us and at one time served us. We can find growth within ourselves from every challenge we have faced. We are responsible for our response to life and our perspective in every situation. We would not know our own strength and what we are made of without the challenges we face. Even when we can not see it, the Universe has our back – our greatest good is always at play. 6. ANSWERING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS WILL TRANFORM OUR LIFE. By asking the right questions, we discover more and more truth. In exploring what our truth is, we will also uncover the lies we tell ourselves, that keep us from growing. With every lie released, and every truth uncovered, we become more of our truest nature. When we answer intentional questions, we give our soul a voice, and a chance to be heard. As we plant each question in our heart (not our mind), we leave room for the answer to bloom.



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Soul Truth Self-Awareness Card Deck Meet Soul Truth's OG, this card deck was our very first Soul Truth product! It was designed to support you as you deepen your relationship to self on a daily basis. Each day, let your intuition guide you, and choose one or more cards from the deck. After you read the card, take some time to meditate on the question or journal your answer. Self-awareness is a beautiful thing. Your soul knows what you want and has the map to get there. If you ask your soul the right questions, listen openly, and take soul-driven action, you will transform your life forever . Soul Truth taps into your inner wisdom and gives you spiritual guidance to unleash your potential and courageously live your soul’s sacred purpose.



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Soul Truth Card Deck Includes: • 55 Soul piercing questions • Daily Inspiration • Daily Soul Action Steps

SKU: 001 RETAIL: $22


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Soul This journal was designed to support you as you deepen your relationship to Self on a daily basis. The Soul Truth Journal contains 55 soul-piercing questions that will help you access and connect with your inner truth. This is an inspired tool to support you in deepen- ing your relationship to Self. Transformation is promised when you write in the Soul Truth Journal daily. TRUTH SELF-AWARENESS JOURNAL

Write to feel. Write to heal. Write to witness your inner beauty and give your soul a voice.

SKU: 002 RETAIL: $22



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Soul Truth Daily-Awareness Journal

Each day open up the journal and intuitively choose which question your soul wants to answer. This journal can be paired with the Soul Truth Daily Awareness Card Deck or used on its own.



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You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. -Rumi



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Soul Intention Crystal Bracelets What does your soul most want? Your soul is waiting for you to make your move. It wants you to experience an unlimited amount of joy, success, and abundance. But first, you must be aligned with what your soul most wants. Your soul is gently and consistently calling you, to clear the doubt, reach higher, and experience what's possible for you. It all starts with an intention. These Soul Intention Bracelets were designed to help you get clear on what you want, plant the seed of possibility, and keep your focus on your dreams. Remember, if the dream is in you, it is for you.



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STEP ONE: Drop into your heart and align with what your soul most wants, and from that space, choose your intention bracelet.

STEP TWO: Sync up with your inner wisdom of what's possible and open up the gold vessel. Write down your intention on the paper provided.

STEP THREE: Put your intention inside your bracelet vessel and close. Take a moment to feel into what your life will look and feel like when you are living this dream.

STEP FOUR: Wear your bracelet daily, until you see your dream manifest or if your soul asks for a sacred shift in another direction. Then, plant a new, aligned intention.



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I AM THE Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver Soul Intention Bracelet Amethyst: A Spiritual Guide, a Dream Protector, an Alignment Coach This bracelet invites you to no longer resist the dreams that live inside you. The Dreamer with- in is the change maker, the fire starter, the one that will not settle for anything but a beautiful life. Align with this spirit that is you. It is time to adjust your belief systems to encompass the entire universe as your creative partner in life. What dream will you weave into reality?

SKU: 012 RETAIL: $37

From a grateful space within you, ask yourself, what else is possible? What dream is ready for me to pursue it? Listen. Then, write your intention of what you want, and wear it daily. Focus on what’s working and let your heart drive. With consistent, intuitive action and divine timing, you will witness your inspired dream take root and manifest. Trust yourself and trust your dream. Because you are the Dream Weaver.



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I AM THE Money Manifestor

I am worthy of success.

Photo by Katie Edwards

Money Manifestor Soul Intention Bracelet Citrine: A Self-Worth Teacher, a Money Magnet, and a Fulfillment Generator

This bracelet activates the Spiritual Money Manifestor within you. Money is an energy, it ebbs and flows, and has spiritual lessons to teach you. It is your opportunity to heal your relationship with money as part of waking up to the whole of who you are and your purpose. The Money Manifestor within invites you to take a quantum leap into another version of life waiting for you, one of true fullfillment and infinite possibilites. Are you willing to receive?

SKU: 011 RETAIL: $37



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Photo by Katie Edwards

From a grateful space within you, ask yourself, what else is possible for me financially, if I was born worthy? How can money be my partner in fulfilling my dreams? Listen. Then, write an aligned money intention and wear it daily. Release all resistance in attracting more success, and awaken to the unlimited opportunities surrounding you. Follow your heart and heal your relationship to money. Abundance will appear. Because you are the Money Manifestor.

© 2 0 2 1



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I AM THE Giver & Receiver

Giver & Receiver Soul Intention Bracelet Rose Quartz: A Heart Opener,

a Forgiveness Teacher & a Self-Trust Facilitator

This bracelet helps you heal relationship wounds, forgive, and attract new, exciting relationships that support you in a wildly caring way. The Giver & Receiver within knows how to fiercely love herself first. She knows no fear; only growth and grace exist in her world. She has access to ancient wis- dom and teaches you the art of both giving and receiving. She says it is safe to open your heart and let more love in and then invites you to give love freely.

From a grateful space within you, ask yourself, what else is possible in my relationship with myself and others? Listen. Then, write out an aligned love story and wear it daily. Release old stories of pain and loss and make room for something beautiful to blossom. Let grief be your teacher and pleasure be your guide. Give without expectations and receive with open arms. You will experience a sacred kind of love that has been waiting for you. Because you are the Giver and Receiver.

SKU: 010 RETAIL: $37



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I AM theHealer

I AM theHealer Healer Soul Intention Bracelet Labradorite : A Stone of Transformation, A Change Maker, and a Truth Teller This intention bracelet awakens your Healer within. The Healer has the medicine you’ve been searching for, offering a sanctuary for your heart, mind, and body. The healer has the power to alchemize pain into purpose and transform a wound into sacred inner wisdom. The Healer asks, are you ready to reclaim your wholeness?

SKU 007 RETAIL: $37



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From a grateful space within you, ask yourself, what I am looking for outside myself that is already within me? Listen. Then, write a loving intention for your mind, body and/or heart and wear it daily. Allow your soul to stir and let go of anything that does not align with it. Watch for signs, synchronicities, and messages to guide you to your soul’s truth. Anchor, heal and rise. Because you are the Healer.

© 2 0 2 1



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“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’”




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I AM THE Love Warrior

Love Warrior Soul Intention Bracelet Rose Tiger’s Eye: A Love Builder, an Intuition Driver, and a Fire Starter This bracelet sparks the Love Warrior within and helps balance your masculine and feminine energies. The Love Warrior is a trail blazer, paving a new, inspried way. She is strong and vulnerable, authentic and brave. She speaks her creations into existense, and instinctually and intuitively uses her power for good. The Love Warrior asks is it time to come out of hiding, and bring your creations to light?

SKU: 009 RETAIL: $37

From a grateful space within you, ask yourself, what else is possible for me and how high am I willing to rise? Then write your intention and wear it daily. You can push through any doubts or fears on your journey by activating your inner strength. Let your burning desire be a flashlight and remind yourself dai- ly; you were made for this. Make your mission a soul must, and joyfully go the distance. Witness the miracles unfold. Because you are the Love Warrior.



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Soul Intention Yoga Mats Step on the mat, and breathe in this Soul Truth question. Find your center, find your heart, find your truth.


• Non-slip suede face is durable, supersoft, and soulfully beautiful • 4mm elastic cushion is comfortable & • light-weight • Generous size for all body heights 172” (183cm) x 26.75” (68cm) • Eco-friendly material



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Soul Intention Yoga Mat WHAT IF IT WAS EASY? Remind yourself there is an easier way, one that is full of peace, grace, and guidance. You were born with the potential to transform your way of being. Your invitation is to open, ask and receive.

SKU:003 RETAIL: $67

Soul Intention Yoga Mat WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR OUTSIDE MYSELF THAT IS ALREADY WITHIN ME? You have the power to pull your answer from within. Your heart already knows the way to heal your life and unleash your potential. Your soul holds within it the blueprint for your rising. Go inward, and listen; your truth will reveal itself.

SKU:005 RETAIL: $67



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Soul Intention Yoga Mat AM I IN MY HEAD OR IN MY HEART?

Feel yourself drop into your heart and clear any doubt, stress, or need to control the outcome. Allow your heart to guide you to deeper healing and wider possibilities. When an aligned heart leads a willing mind, miracles will happen.

SKU:004 RETAIL: $67

Soul Intention Yoga Mat TRAVEL SIZE WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR OUTSIDE MYSELF THAT IS ALREADY WITHIN ME? Fold up Travel Mat with Suede Carrying Bag.

SKU:008 RETAIL: $59-$67




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Soul Soul Truth intention flags include soul-guided questions that will transform all areas of your life. When you answer intentional questions, you give your soul a voice and a chance to be heard. In exploring your truth, you will dis- cover what lies you have been telling yourself that keep you from growing. INTENTION FLAGS

With every lie released and every truth revealed, you become more aligned with your most authentic, free self. Plant each question in your heart and trust the answers will come. Watercolor photo paper, hand-stitched

SKU 013 RETAIL: $44



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Daily questions that will transform your life What am I grateful for? What dream am I ready to realize? What am I ready to release? How can I align more with my values? What does my soul most want? What if the path was easy? How can I show more courage today?



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Soul INSPIRED Prints

Soul Inspired Print I am the Love Warrior I am proud of my truth.

I will listen to my heart & courageous act. I am the defender of my dreams. I am the creator of my happiness. Ready to rise, I will unleash! I AM THE LOVE WARRIOR 16x24 Loose Canvas Print

SKU: 026 RETAIL: $45-$60

Soul Inspired Print I Accept Me

I will not apologize for being too sensitive. I will not apologize for saying no. I will not apologize for saying yes. I will not apologize for eating what I want. I will not apologize for crying. I will not apologize for being too loud, too quiet, too brave, too smart, too emotional, too strong, too messy, too vulnerable, too pretty, too fat, too much, or too little. I WILL NO LONGER APOLOGIZE FOR MY TRUTH, not for one more second! For I am deeply committed and unapologetically devoted to my soul’s truth. I have replaced “I’m sorry” with “This is me!” 16x24 Loose Canvas Print

SKU: 027 RETAIL: $45-$60



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Soul INSPIRED Prints

Soul Inspired Print La Luna i can see, my shadow within, staring back at me. the stuff I hide, the swollen shame, i run with no end, from grief 's sharp pain. in silence i hear you, calling my name, i sense and feel you, we are one in the same. you teach me to pause, you teach me to rest, you show me the truth, of my tangled mess.i start to believe, i stay awake, i begin to uncover, all sides that ache. i learn to accept, i resist no more, the whole of me, washed up to shore. the brilliant treasures, with grace as my guide, i restore what was lost, with each new tide. i can always return, to the truth I know, into the darkness within, i will bravely go. 16x24 Loose Canvas Print SKU: 028 RETAIL: $45-$60

Soul Inspired Print Standing in my Truth Mantra

Standing in my truth, I am unapologetic, bold, and unshakable. Dancing in the spotlight, I am messy, imperfect and sacred. My soul truth lives inside me, inviting me to come closer. I do not judge my truth nor does it affect me when others do. I am naked in my truth, raw, real, and unmovable. My courage is contagious. My truth is healing, and others are wait- ing. No longer will I hide. No longer will I filter. It is my soul and my truth that will bridge our worlds. As I feel the light, I realize I AM the light. I will lis- ten, trust, and act. Because my soul is calling me out of hiding. 16x24 Loose Canvas Poster SKU: 029 RETAIL: $45-$60



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BURN THAT SHIT Smudge Kit Use this powerful trio to energetically cleanse and protect yourself and your favorite space. White Sage Cleanses, Purifies & Protects. Clears inharmonious energies and restores positive energy. Great in combination with a forgiveness practice or burning ceremony. PaloSanto (aka“HolyWood”) Cleanses both the home and spirit from any negative energy. Use to spark creativity, or in combination with daily, soulful rituals. Selenite: Clears blocked energy and elevates the spirit. Selenite vibrates at a higher frequency, providing energetic protection. Also used to charge other crystals.

CRYSTAL CARD HOLDER Display your Soul Truth Card with a raw cut crystal card holder. Amplify your inten- tion and focus on the Soul Truth question as long as you need until your answer surfaces. Choose in Amethyst, Green Quartz, Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz and Lepidolite.

SKU: 019 RETAIL: $18-$24

Can use to display cards, photos, business cards, mirrors, shelf talkers and more.

SKU 015, 016, 017, 018, 036 RETAIL: $33




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SOUL TRUTH STICKERS A soulful sticker pack to create more reminders to go inward, because your soul knows the way. Apply to water bottles, computer cases, art creations and more. High quality dye cut stickers.

SKU: 014 RETAIL: $15- $25

Growing our self-love is medicine to this world’s broken heart. When you heal, I heal. When we give ourselves more grace we are able to give the world more grace.



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I am not here to fix myself or others, it is an illusion we are broken, because the truth is, we were born whole.

I stop judging others with ease when I let go of the judgment I have towards myself. I love myself and others unconditionally, replacing expectations with gratitude. I understand we are on separate paths, and I can trust yours, and you can trust mine. I do not absorb other’s truth; only discern what is mine. When I feel triggered, I am being offered an opportunity to heal a wound within me and/ or set a new boundary. There is enough room and space for your healing and mine, for your truth and mine. I know when to listen, and I listen when I need to trust. I act out of inspiration, and I surrender to what is. You can trust me to not take on your stuff. And I can show empathy and compas - sion without making your pain my own. I trust you will continue to rise in grace and truth, as will I. I remember I am not certain about everything, and I leave space for more truth. I believe in miracles for you and me. It is your strength and mine, my truth and yours that will bridge this gap and lead us back home.

We are separate, and we are one. We are safe, and we are guided. You got you, I got me, and God’s got us.



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The Professional Spa Guidebook for doTERRA Professionals The Professional Spa Guidebook is a beautifully designed manual made to support professionals in the effective uses of doTERRA Essential Oils.



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The Spa Manual Includes: • Description of doTERRA Essential Oils • Specific uses • Multiple protocols for 15+ modalities • Essential spa tips for the treatment room and retail

SKU: 030 RETAIL: $33




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ESSENTIAL OILS & CHAKRAS CROWN - I UNDERSTAND The highest chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. • Location: Top of Head • Crystal: Amethyst

• Essential oils that support opening of the Crown Chakra: Helichrysum, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Frankincense, Elevation THIRD EYE - I SEE Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. • Location: Brow • Crystal: Sodalite • Essential oils that support opening of the Third Eye Chakra: Marjoram, Sandalwood, Vetiver, ClaryCalm®, Serenity THROAT - I SPEAK Access to wisdom and communication. • Location: Throat • Crystal: Blue Lace Agate • Essential oils that support opening of the Throat Chakra: Melaleuca, Spearmint, Cypress, Peppermint, Whisper® HEART - I LOVE Our ability to love. • Location: Center of heart • Crystal: Rose Quartz • Essential oils that support opening of the Heart Chakra: Geranium, Rose, Melissa, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Breathe® SOLAR PLEXUS - I DO Our ability to be confident and in control of our lives. • Location: Solar Plexus • Crystal: Tiger’s Eye • Essential oils that support opening of the Solar Plexus Chakra: Black Pepper, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Lemon, DigestZen® SACRAL - I FEEL Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. • Location: Lower Abdomen • Crystal: Amber • Essential oils that support opening of the Sacral Chakra: Clary Calm®, Ylang Ylang, Wild Orange, Sandalwood, Citrus Bliss® ROOT - I AM Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. • Location: Coccyx, Legs, Feet • Crystal: Red Aventurine • Essential oils that support opening of the Root Chakra: Myrrh, Cedarwood, Vetiver, Balance®



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Qty Product



Soul Truth

Soul Truth Card Deck Soul Truth Journal Spa Essentials Guidebook

003 008 005 004 012 009 007 010 011 001 002 030 028 026 027 029 014 019 013 015 018 017 016 036

$33 $22 $22 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37

Soul Intention Bracelets Dream Weaver Money Manifestor Giver and Receiver Healer Love Warrior Soul Intention Yoga Mats What if it was easy?

$67 $67 $67 $59-$67 $45-$60 $45-$60 $45-$60 $45-$60

Am I in my head or my heart? Already within me? Already within me? TRAVEL MAT

La Luna Soul Inspired Prints

Standing In My Truth I Accept Me I Am The Love Warrior

Soul Inspired Prints

Soul Intention Flags Burn That Shit Smudge Kit Soul Truth Sticker Pack


$18-$24 $15-$25

Crystal Card Holder Amethyst

$33 $33 $33 $33 $33

Rose Quartz Clear Quartz Green Quartz





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T his Soul Trut h product launch is dedicated to my angel parents, Steve and Linda Smith. They have been my spiritual sidekicks and teachers in all things soul. I am clear that I got to this place of healing because of their courage to live and let go. Grief has been a master teacher for most of my life, so layer by layer I heal. And layer by layer I feel more of my mom and dad within me. I miss them, and I feel them daily. I want them, and I know I will always have them.

My soul's truth is, they never left.

They are my guides and my biggest cheerleaders and I wouldn't have this life any other way. This was the path our soul's chose and I trust the hell out of it.

A portion of the profit of each product sold goes to a mom or dad going through cancer. Along with an essential oil + soul truth sacred healing kit.

May we all remember the power and the truth of our Soul.

Wild Soul, Sacred Truth, Can't Lose.

Xo, Bri



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I am proud of my truth. I will listen to my heart and courageous act. I am the defender of my dreams. I am the creator of my happiness. Ready to rise, I will unleash! I AM THE LOVE WARRIOR



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1/21/22 4:18 PM