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South Toledo PT: Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck Pain ANALYSIS Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following: � Move without pain � B

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South Toledo: Relieving Neck Pain Naturally n° 127435 - Level Easy Play on yourmobile these puzzles and find t

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South Coast PT. Neck Pain & Stress

2 hours is really bad for your heart. 4. Slash saturated fats. To help your heart’s arteries, cut do

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Understanding Stress, Neck Pain & Headaches

Understanding Stress, Neck Pain & Headaches Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Ca

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Understanding Stress, Neck Pain & Headaches

Understanding Stress, Neck Pain & Headaches The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Bod

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South Toledo: Elbow, Wrist & Shoulder Pain n° 110504 - Level Easy 1 4 4 8 6 7 3 3 4 9 2 5 9 7 7 1 6 4

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South Toledo: Living Life Without Back Pain n° 110504 - Level Easy 5 9 7 4 8 6 7 3 7 1 6 4

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FyzicalCentralIllinois: Neck Pain & Headaches

central-illinois Exercise To Do At Home PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT I started here after having broke

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Global: Neck Pain & Headaches

red-snapper-arugula-salad Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to relieve neck pain... SCAPU

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BridleTrails: Neck Pain & Headaches

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South Toledo: Neck Pain, Headaches & Stress

Health & Fitness

The Newsletter About Your Health And Overall Wellness

“Here’s Why Your Methods Of Relieving Headaches Aren’t Working. ”

Understanding Stress, Neck Pain & Headaches

“ Common pain conditions (i.e., arthritis, back, headache, and other musculoskeletal issues) result in $61.2 billion in lower productivity for U.S. workers. ” - Journal of the American Medical Association, 2003

Do you suffer from frequent neck pain and headaches? Do you also have a lot of stress in your life? Most people equate stress with high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. But did you know headaches, dizziness, and neck and shoulder pain can often come from stress? Chronic headaches, which can also be accompanied by extreme fatigue, are very often signs of stress. People may take medication on a daily basis for years because of constant headaches and these medications (if overused)

may actually be a cause of the problem and not a solution. Frequent headaches can then lead to an increase in pain and tightness in the muscles of the neck, upper back and shoulders, and can eventually contribute to an individual developing improper posture. Here at South Toledo Physical Therapy, our physical therapists can treat your symptoms caused by stress, and can teach you stretching techniques that will help you relieve your stress and muscle tightness on a daily basis.

“ Can Physical Therapy Really Relieve My Headaches? ” The Cause Of Most Headaches Headaches can range from minor nagging pains to full-blown migraines that can knock you off your feet for extended periods of time. Any headache, whether it causes high pain or not, should be a warning sign that there are other underlying issues. Prolonged stress can result in muscle tension changes, making you feel stiff and achy in the neck, shoulders and the upper back. You may also feel pain in these areas, and can even experience radiating symptoms into the arms and hands. Many people who are under a great deal of stress often experience these types of symptoms, with the most intense pain usually located in the back and sides of the neck. A very common technique to relieve pain and stress in the neck, upper back and shoulders is through the use of massage. At South Toledo Physical Therapy we provide many forms of manual techniques, including massage, to help you regain mobility and decrease tension in the involved areas. Real Relief While massage may help relieve some of the symptoms of muscle pain and tightness, physical therapy goes far beyond to evaluate and treat the root cause of the issues. Our physical therapy experts are trained in specialized hands-on treatments to help you quickly reduce your pain and get you back to completing all of your favorite activities without impairment. Furthermore, through our treatments, patients will benefit from improved motion, improved posture and will be educated on how to prevent the problems from reoccurring. Our therapists will teach you gentle exercises and self-help techniques to prevent daily stress related muscle pain and tightness. Regularly relieving your daily tension can help you remain calm and clear in everything that you do, helping you live a happy, pain-free life.

• Sit up tall. • Sit close to your keyboard. • Use wrist rests. • Position your monitor properly. • Take small breaks during your workday and move around. • Keep your monitor at eye level. Tips to Avoid Pain While At The Computer

Exercise To Relieve Neck & Upper Back Tightness SCAPULAR RETRACTION Stand up tall with your shoulders relaxed. Pull your shoulder blades back and squeeze them together. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

I am walking better than I have in years! “Three months ago I thought I would never walk normally or play golf again. After completing therapy three days a week under the expert guidance of therapist, Aaron Nowakowski, I am walking better than I have in years and am looking forward to playing golf and being able to walk the course.” - J.B.


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