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Speakeasy Marketing September 2017

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Speakeasy Marketing July 2017

GoogleChecklists Real Secrets of Attorney Marketing Law School Dares Not Teach (2nd Edition) • 5 new

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Speakeasy Marketing November 2017

Speakeasy Marketing November 2017 GROW YOUR INJURY FIRM IN 2017 73-03 BELL BLVD. #10, OAKLAND GARDEN

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Speakeasy Marketing _August 2017

emailed upon request Available on Amazon Kindle, and by emailing [email protected]. WWW.S

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Speakeasy Marketing December 2017

comp-book. 2 | (888) 225-8594 I’d go with the 90 percent up front and “lose” the other 10 Percent. W

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Speakeasy Marketing June 2017

emailed provided upon request Available on Amazon Kindle, and by emailing [email protected]

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Speakeasy Marketing September 2018

episode-47-radio- advertising-for-attorneys- does-it-work ‘REAL SECRETS OF ATTORNEY MARKETING LAW SC

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Speakeasy Marketing July 2019

case. And that would be that. If a client wasn’t happy with the service your firm provided, you had

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Speakeasy Marketing April 2018


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Speakeasy Marketing January 2018

chasing-clients. Anyway, here’s something else to bear in mind. Business owners can find it hard to

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Speakeasy Marketing January 2019

photos awhile ago that explains the kind of pictures you Because people do business with people. The

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Speakeasy Marketing September 2017



In summary, when you’re on the McLawyer Dollar Menu, it’s because, more often than not, most of the clients you attract come from the bottom of the barrel. RICHARD JACOBS ATTORNEY MARKETING SPECIALIST

Here are signs you’re on the McLawyer Dollar Menu: • Potentials flake on you and fail to show up for scheduled consults. (And, no, they don’t have the courtesy to let you know ahead of time.) • If they do come in for the consult, a small part of you dreads the moment when you have to reveal your fees. (“Oh... that’s a lot. I’m not sure if I can afford that. Let me ‘think about it’ and get back to you.”) • After a potential leaves your office, you and they both know that they’re about to “ghost” you and they won’t respond to your professional follow-ups. • You know that, chances are, they’re going to talk to other attorneys and shop around until they find a “good deal.” • And if they do pick you, it’s because they couldn’t find another attorney who is able to provide the same level of service that you do for the same price.

It’s not a good place to be.

Thankfully, though, there’s a simple way to escape.


It’s what allows you to: (a) attract better-quality

potentials, (b) convert more of them into paying cases, and (c) command higher fees. That’s what my new The Attorney Authority Reboot book is about. It’s now on sale on for $14.95 (and it has solid five- star reviews). However, if you follow the link below, we can mail a complimentary copy to your office.

Attorney Authority Reboot book (my brand-new book):

– Richard Jacobs

Published by The Newsletter Pro .


it to not come to work. Take Lendio, a business funding corporation that was named by Forbes as the best place to work in Utah. They offer their employees unlimited PTO. No wonder they got the top slot. Another burgeoning trend in the benefits revolution is an increased focus on employees’ families. Google is famous for their sleep pods, gourmet cooking, and access to fitness clubs. However, you might not know that if an employee passes away, their stock vests immediately and their spouse gets half the Googler’s salary for the next 10 years, as well as an additional $1,000 per month for each child. One employee reported that when he told his wife this, she cried. Campbell Soup Company offers on- site daycare and a full kindergarten program. Walt Disney Company offers free admission for their employees’ families, and Facebook dishes out a $4,000 bonus to employees with newborns. The overall trend is this: If you want to attract the best employees, offer incentives that touch their hearts, not blow their minds. Invest in health care, family support, and personal development for your employees before you offer them break room snacks.

Startup companies are leading the benefits revolution in America. Netflix gives their employees a year of paid maternity leave. Google offers bottomless gourmet food and allows pets. And Airbnb gives employees $2,000 a year for travel. Those perks really jump off the page, don’t they? Well, they’re designed to. Major companies need to add a little sparkle to their benefits to attract the best talent. But which perks does the average employee desire most? When you study the most successful benefits packages, you notice some trends. In a 2016 study, employee review platform Glassdoor found the 2. Vacation/paid time off 3. Performance bonuses 4. Paid sick days 5. 401(k), retirement plans, and/ or pensions It comes as no surprise to see health care at the top. It’s a basic human need. After that, one of the biggest draws seems to be how easy the company makes most desired benefits are: 1. Health care insurance (including dental)


WHAT IF AVVO KNOWS SOMETHING YOU DON’T? ...Continued from back page

However, Avvo can still make you its gimp by controlling the process potentials follow when they’re looking for an attorney to hire.

those industry barriers and create value for customers.

When a new platform busts into your industry and disrupts the way clients choose to do business with you, there is always an important reason. And you ignore it at your peril.

Unless you can answer the million- dollar question:

And the result?

“What does Avvo know about making potential clients happy that we don’t know? And how can we use this knowledge to make ourselves immune to the single biggest problem facing small law firms in 2017?”

Taxi drivers are toast.

Take taxis, for example.

Attorneys won’t ever be toast for the simple reason that, while you can take any fellow with a driver’s license and call him an Uber driver, it takes a quarter of a lifetime to become a lawyer — and half a lifetime to become a good one!

They ripped people off for years and treated them like garbage. They got away with it for a long time simply because they work in a regulated industry. But then, Uber found a clever way to use technology to work around

This is what my brand-new book is about:

2 | (888) 225-8594

You can have a smoking hot track record and a career biography that’s so interesting Kevin Costner could play you in his next movie. But there are many potentials who will still sit on the fence and avoid calling you. And that’s where these tricks of the trade come in. We’ve experimented with dozens over the years and found that there are five small tweaks you can make to your website that will sway undecided prospects and make them call you (or send an email inquiry). Whenever we work with a new client, these five tweaks are usually the first changes we make, simply because doing so is one of the fastest ways to achieve a quick win and get the phones ringing again. If you want to discover these five simple tweaks, follow the link below and download our complimentary “5 Tweaks” report. (This PDF guide contains all the information you need to implement these tweaks yourself. You can even pass it over to your “web guy.”) COURTROOM TRICKS OF THE TRADE AND YOUR WEBSITE ...Continued from back page

An Exercise in Reaching New Heights of Productivity THE PRODUCTIVITY PROJECT

We all strive to be more productive. We are surrounded by advice, apps, and devices purported to boost our productivity, yet we don’t seem to be any better off. This challenge to achieve greater productivity is explored in “The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy” by Chris Bailey. The author has a passion for productivity that most of us only dream of; he spent a full year attempting to be more productive. During that year, Bailey’s goal was to get more out of life by being more productive and working smarter, not harder. “The Productivity Project” takes that idea to the extreme. Much of the book recounts Bailey’s productivity experiments and what he learned along the way. Plus, he gives the reader tools and insights so they, too, can apply what he learned. One by one, Bailey works his way through a number of tasks to understand productivity and ultimately master it. He prepared by reading about the successes and failures of others with similar goals. He experimented with meditation, a modified sleep schedule, an altered diet, and even strategized his coffee consumption, among many other modifications — all with the goal of living and working better. Through these productivity experiments, there is one thing Bailey didn’t want to do: waste your time. Every chapter begins with a takeaway. Bailey tells you what you’ll get out of the chapter and how long the chapter will take to read. But Bailey challenges the reader, as well. Most chapters include a challenge for you to try. It’s all about relevancy to your life, personal and professional. At its core, “The Productivity Project” is a trove of ideas. When you want to master your productivity and live and work better, this book serves as a worthwhile starting point.

Five tweaks you can make to get more leads:

Real Secrets of Attorney Marketing Law School Dares Not Teach (2nd Edition)

• Five new chapters, including live chat, what’s changing for personal injury attorneys marketing-wise in 2017, and more • Completely revised and updated for 2017 • Complimentary physical copy provided upon request Available on Amazon Kindle, and by emailing [email protected].




H ow to E scape the ‘M c L awyer D ollar M enu ’ W hich P erks D o E mployees D esire M ost ? B ook R eview : ‘T he P roductivity P roject ’ C ourtroom T ricks of the T rade and Y our W ebsite W hat if A vvo K nows S omething Y ou D on ’ t ?





Courtroom Tricks of the Trade and Your Website Last week, an attorney client of ours was explaining to me how, often, even the most solid cases are won and lost on the details. (It’s one of the reasons why only the sharpest minds can practice law, people who get nuance and are sensitive to subtle shifts in perception.) He was telling me how decades ago, when he was a junior, he quickly discovered there are certain tricks of the trade that can make a solid legal argument even more compelling and tip a difficult case in your favor. I found this rather interesting because, as a marketer, I’ve seen the same thing when it comes to converting website visitors into leads.

Most attorneys have mixed feelings about Avvo. On one hand, if you’ve put together a solid profile with a decent number of reviews, Avvo can provide you with a dependable stream of new cases. On the other hand, Avvo has trained potentials to [literally] compare attorneys side by side according to their “features.” Whether you love Avvo or hate it, there’s one thing you cannot deny: It has become, arguably, the most important platform after Google for firms that want to attract new cases through the internet.

Why? Because it provides value for potentials.

How? By giving them something very few law firms provide.

What do they provide?


THAT is the million-dollar question.


4 | (888) 225-8594