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PTII: Spinal Stenosis

PTII: Spinal Stenosis Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body “Sta

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Full Potential: Spinal Stenosis


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Centra Health: Spinal Stenosis

or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain in the back, buttocks

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PTII: Spinal Stenosis

PTII: Spinal Stenosis Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Why

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ReQuest: Relieve Spinal Stenosis Pains

HOWCAN SPINALMANIPULATION HELP? Your spine is a complicated structure of vertebrae, discs, joints, l

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KerrvillePT: Relieve Spinal Stenosis Pains

or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain in the back, buttocks

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iMotion PT_Helping With Spinal Stenosis

iMotion PT_Helping With Spinal Stenosis Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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OSRPT_Relieve Spinal Stenosis Pains with Spinal Manipulation

or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain in the back, buttocks

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Innovative PT Solutions: Spinal Stenosis

31 Practice News INNOVATIVE STAFF & FAMILIES SERVING OUR COMMUNITY! “I alone cannot change the world

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ElitePT: Relieve Spinal Stenosis Pains

or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain in the back, buttocks

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Spinal Stenosis

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“ Stand Tall With Confidence That You Will Gain Spinal Pain Relief! ” Don’t Let Spinal Stenosis Stop You

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, spinal stenosis is a silent epidemic. It is estimated that 2.4 million Americans will suffer from spinal stenosis by 2021. Spinal stenosis occurs mostly in people 50 and over, but can occur in younger adults with a history of arthritis. What is spinal stenosis? Spinal Stenosis refers to the narrowing of the canals in your spine that are formed by the vertebrae. This narrowing can impinge on the nerves exiting your spine or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain to the back, buttocks and even legs. Furthermore, weakness and poor balance in the legs can often occur, making it difficult to tolerate walking long distances and prolonged standing. (continued inside)

Inside: • Don’t Let Spinal Stenosis Stop You

• Top 4 Ways To Relieve Stenosis

• Patient Success Spotlights

• Practice News

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


“Spring Back To Action By Seeking Treatment For PainRelief!”

Don’t Let Spinal Stenosis Stop You

Foraminal stenosis This is the most common form of spinal stenosis. It refers to thenarrowingof the foramencanalsoneither side of the spine formed by the vertebrae above and below the segment. In each canal, spinal nerves exit the lower back to supply different parts of the pelvis and legs. With age and deterioration of the discs between the spine, the canals shrink in size and may also have bone spurs. This irritates the nerve roots, especiallywhen thespine isextended.Sitting typically feels better, but standing and backwards bending increase pain. Is surgery needed? There is a big push towards fusion surgery for spinal

stenosis and back pain. However, studies show that surgery should be a last resort, before conservative measures such as physical therapy are performed. In the vast majority of cases, surgery is not needed and people will have significant if not complete relief of their symptoms with physical therapy. Physical therapy targets the muscles and joints of the spine to build strength, improve stability of the spine and maintain the foramen as open as possible. If you believe you have spinal stenosis symptoms, then call us today to speak with one of our expert physical therapists. Our SPINE program has helped thousands of patients successfully relieve their back and stenosis pain.

I am able to do so much more with less difficulty! “Ienjoyedmy therapyhereatBack toActionverymuch. I love thestaff.They are very nice and professional. The physical therapist, Doreen, is great and veryknowledgeable.Therapy reallyhelpedmemanagemypainand Iamable todosomuchmorewith lessdifficulty.ThankyouBack toAction!” -DianaM. I feel very motivated every session! “The staff is very knowledgeable and very helpful in every way. I feel very motivated every session I have. Thank you for everything.” - Daniel B.


Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to that nagging back pain and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle!

“ Is Spinal Stenosis Slowing You Down?”


1. ICE Icing at the low back area on the affected side helps to decrease the inflammatory process. Use a flexible ice pack with a moist thin towel to make iteasiertotoleratethe ice.Usefor10minutesandofffor30minutes. Make sure to check your skin often and stop if it becomes painful. Apply 2-3 times a day, especially after repetitive bending or standing activities. 2. Improve Hip and Spine Flexibility Restoring natural movement to the spinal joints, hip joints and sacroiliac joints, helps to relieve abnormal pressures on the sciatic nerve. It allows your body to move freely when doing normal everyday tasks and prevents injury and strains. Care should be taken when stretching to be gentle and work with your breathing. Never push through pain and avoid exercises that aggressively extend the spine. 3. Strengthening Your Core Your core muscle groups are the spinal muscles, abdominal muscles, pelvic and hip muscles. By doing exercises that combine these muscle groups together you can develop an internal corset that supports your spinal column. Gentle Pilates and core strengthening exercises

are good, however, be sure to consult your physical therapist before starting exercises you are unsure of doing. 4. Manual Physical Therapy Hands on specialized manual physical therapy techniques restore the natural movements of the spinal, hip and sacroiliac joints. This helps to open the

foraminal canals in the spine. Physical therapists are the unique medical professionals who are trained extensively in these types of techniques. If you are suffering with back pain or spinal stenosis, don’t put off getting help as your condition weakens the spine further and can set you up for more extensive injury in the future. Call us today to speak with one of our physical therapists and see for yourself, what a difference our SPINE program can make for your back.

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body! Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

Relieve Back Pain In 60 Seconds Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Helps Back Pain

Exercises designed by Neil Trickett, Dec 16 2014 — Page 2 of 2

CHILD’S POSE Kneel on the floor, buttocks over heels. Stretch arms forward far as you can. Let head and trunk sag to the floor and hang heavy. Keep buttocks over heels. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Child's Pose Preparation:

CALL TODAY! Stretch arms forward far as you can. Let head and trunk sag to the floor and hang heavy. Keep buttocks over heels. Relax. Take Care Of Your Aches & Pains Before It’s Too Late. Kneel on the floor, buttocks over heels.



Buttocks over heels, stretch arms

Harlingen 956-428-8951

Del Rio 830-775-9118

Brownsville 956-621-0397

Eagle Pass 830-757-2497

PRACTICE NEWS: Keeping Our Patients Up To Date!

Brownsville. Back To Action Brownsville participated in the 7thAnnualShowTheTrailWho’sBossRunon the25thofMarch2017.Theproceedsfromthis eventbenefit theFriendshipOfWomen, Inc.-A Center for thePreventionofFamilyViolence& Sexual Assault. And we also celebrated two of our PT Technicians’ birthdays during the month of March and appreciate their hard work and dedication to helping our patients get back to action. Eagle Pass. Back to Action donated $75 and staff volunteered their time to help out The Buddy Foundation on their Buddy Wash and plate sale event. They are a non-profit organization trying to raise money to fund their no kill pet shelter. They have fostered, cared for, and rehabilitated hundreds of injured, abandoned, and abused animals in Eagle Pass. Several students from the local schools also came to helpwashdogs. Itwasaverysuccessfulevent! Harlingen. On March 4th, Back to Action in Harlingen donatedsomenewandused toys toShare ‘em ToysfortheireventatLopezRigginsElementary

School. Share ‘em Toys is a giving charity for needy children that do not have toys to play with. All toys collected will be distributed to local charities. We were glad that we could help in some small way. Wehadthreebirthdaycelebrationsthismonth. Steve celebrated his birthday on March 6th. Pam, our office administrator, celebrated her birthday on March 13th. Brett, the owner of thecompany,celebratedhisbirthdayonMarch 25th. Del Rio. Every year Del Rio Back to Action participates in the annual MDA Fest in March. The event includes the Cisco’s Soldiers 5k and BBQ Competition. Staff and their family members participated in the 5k and our own BBQ competition team “?Que Pedo?” competed for thesecondyear.Theevent istoraisefundsand awareness for muscular dystrophy, a disease that has impacted several of our own young patients. We also participated in the second annual Woman’s Seminar this year with a vendor booth. The event focused on women empowering women and keynote speakers sharedontopicsoffinances,beautytips,career mentoring, and cyber security. In addition, Sabrina (physical therapy tech) celebrated her birthday in March!