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Spotlight Branding - January 2021

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Spotlight Branding - January 2020

We specialize in taking firms like yours to the next level! We won’t go so far as to say growing you

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Spotlight Branding - January 2022

Spotlight Branding - January 2022 JAN 2022 (800) 406-7229 Your Time Is Valuabl

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Spotlight Branding - May 2021

rotm 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 9624 Bailey Rd., Suite 27

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Spotlight Branding - April 2021

NL to schedule a call! Don’t Write Off Clients Who Have Left THOSE RELATIONSHIPS ARE STILL VALUABLE!

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Spotlight Branding - December 2021

NL. STEP 2: EXAMINE YOUR TEAM. Does everyone on staff understand their job, want their job, and have

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Spotlight Branding - March 2021

rotm 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 9624 Bailey Rd., Suite 27

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Spotlight Branding - September 2021

B testing won’t work anymore. You won’t be able to use tracking pixels to gather >Page 1 Page 2 Page

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Spotlight Branding - August 2021

NL and click “Resources.” Most lawyers tend to think of their in-house tricks, processes, and proced

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Spotlight Branding - November 2021

NL . More Referrals. Better Clients . Higher ROI. 4

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Spotlight Branding - June 2021

NL.) To leverage its power, invite your new contacts to join your mailing list or social media pages

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Spotlight Branding - January 2021

JAN 2021 (800) 406-7229


It’s January, baby! We can finally wave the disaster of 2020 goodbye and start fresh. For me, that means making some business- focused New Year’s resolutions to put my company on track for greater success. If you’re chomping at the bit to get started in 2021, I’d suggest doing the same for your firm. These would be my top four resolutions for you based on my experience as an entrepreneur and marketer. 1. DECREASE YOUR WORKLOAD. As be! No one becomes an entrepreneur because they want to work themselves to death and have a terrible work-life balance. To lighten my load, along the way I was constantly looking for opportunities to delegate and build trust in others. This year, I have a challenge for you: Grow your firm in a way that makes your personal workload go down. There are a few ways to do this. First, you can look around at your team and see who might be able to take on your least favorite tasks. Then, if there aren’t any good candidates, either create a new system or process to make the task easy enough to pass off or hire someone who would be able to take it on. 2. LOSE THE (DEAD) WEIGHT. Almost everyone resolves to lose a few pounds on Jan. 1, but while we’re focused on our waistlines, we often forget to lean out our businesses. Think about the people in your office. Is there anyone on staff who wasn’t a team player last year? Have you found yourself making excuses in your Spotlight Branding has gotten busier and busier, I’ve found myself with less and less to do. And I think that’s how it should

head for why you shouldn’t

tries to make a working lightbulb, but he did it! To succeed, you need to be willing to take leaps and make mistakes. Start thinking of your decisions in terms of quantity rather than quality. If you try two solutions in a week and fail both times, but your third attempt in week two succeeds, you’ll still reach your goal faster than someone who thought for three weeks before choosing the successful path. Ultimately, when you stop talking about things and just try them, the results are net positive. 4. INCREASE YOUR MARKETING CONTENT. Three things trended up last year: Zoom stock, mask sales, and the demand for content. Content continues to be king (read more about that on Pg. 3), and social media platforms are growing around the world. Last year, people trapped at home because of the pandemic consumed ads, blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media posts at a record pace. TikTok burst onto the scene, and thousands of large businesses added content and editorial teams to their marketing divisions. Content is still trending upward, and it’s not too late to get on the bandwagon! This year, resolve to crank up your content creation (with our help or on your own) to reach more people and generate more leads, referrals, and revenue. If you do all four of these things, 2021 will not only kick last year’s butt, but it just might be your business’s best year ever.

fire Person A or Person B? Let’s get real. Very few business owners get an adrenaline rush out of firing someone. It’s almost always an awful experience. But as much as we hate to admit it, sometimes an employee becomes “dead weight” and needs to be let go for the good of the company. This year, resolve to lose that weight before it drags your business down. 3. MAKE MORE (AND FASTER!) DECISIONS. One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2020 was that while being diligent and thoughtful has its place, more often than not, the thing holding you back from progress is the speed at which you make decisions. The “THIS YEAR, I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU: GROW YOUR FIRM IN A WAY THAT MAKES YOUR PERSONAL WORKLOAD GO DOWN.”

longer you take to consider a course of action, the longer it takes to actually accomplish something. Think about Thomas Edison. It famously took him more than 1,000

–Marc Cerniglia




The Matus Law Group, led by attorney Christine Matus, is an estate planning law firm in Toms River, New Jersey. In addition to their estate planning work, the Matus Law Group has a unique focus on special needs children and helping families navigate the legal and educational challenges they face. Prior to coming to Spotlight Branding more than four years ago, the firm was handling all their marketing on their own and struggling to effectively get their name and message out there. After starting their blogging, e-newsletter, video, and social media service (and eventually having us redesign their

website!), Christine and the firm began receiving several compliments, especially about the e-newsletter, and the referrals started rolling in.

“I receive messages on a regular basis from prior clients who love our message, love our newsletter, and say they have a referral for us or have been thinking about the things we’ve been writing about, and they need to see us,” says Christine. “That’s so satisfying.” In the four years Christine and the Matus Law Group have been working with Spotlight Branding, they have grown by 67% to become the 77th fastest-growing law firm in the country, according to >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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