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Spring Collection 2021

Spring Collection 2021 Collection Premium Pole Banners and Decor PremiumBanners Create a stunning sp

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Spring Collection 2018

Spring Collection 2018 2018 alex echo Alex Echo Spring Collection 2018 Cathedral Of Sea And Sky I Ha

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MAK Spring Collection 2022

6 16-17-18-20 SAFARI 6 17-18-20 XENON 18-20 KBA APPROVED Homologation for the German market ECE APPR

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Spring Collection 2017

Spring Collection 2017 NEW RELEASES Spring 2017 andrew kinsman Andrew Kinsman Spring Collection 2017

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Spring Collection 2016

what are your artist influences? How did you start painting? I’ve always had an interest in art, eve

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Masson Spring & Summer Collection | 2022

Masson Spring & Summer Collection | 2022 MASSON SPRING & SUMMER COLLECT ION | 202 2 Introducing our

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Property Inspiration | Winter/Spring Collection 2022

when I do, Arden will be my first choice.” Shaun Sarah Dave It’s who youmove with

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Evolve Collection


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Winter Collection

Peaky Blinders' characters to iconic city locations throughout the UK and further afield, from the H

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Hoxton Collection


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Spring collection


17th January 2019 24th January 2019 7 th Feb 2019

Writing workshop for parents Maths workshop for parents Let’s do it day- Create a sock monster FOA Cake sale INSET Day

14th Feb 2019 15th Feb 2019


18th– 22nd Feb 2019

25th Feb 2019 27 th Feb 2019 1 st March 2019 7 th March 2019 7th– 14th March 2019

Nursery re-opens Achievement Day Hunt for Fairy doors in Warley woods World Book Day Book Fair Red Nose Day Nursery closed - Parent Consultations Easter Bonnet Parade

EYFS Spring 2019 Nursery

15th March 2019 25th March 2019 12 th April 2019

15th– 26th April



8.30- 8.40/ 12.20- 12.30– Door Opens/ Welcome children 8.40-8.45/12.30- 12.35—Register & Calendar 8.30-10.30/ 12.20- 2.20– CIL (Child Initiated Learning) 10.30-10.40/ 2.20- 2.30– Tidy up time 10.40-11.00/ 2.30- 2.50– Fruit & Milk 11.00- 11.20/ 2.50- 3.10– Group time/ Phonics 11.20-11.30/3.10- 3.20– Story/ Home time

Mrs S Gaxherri– Nursery Teacher Mrs A Gould– Teacher Mrs J Warhurst—LSP Mrs A Arif– LSP Miss R Lewis—LSA

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

EYFS In Nursery we follow the EYFS, a copy of which is on our website. There are 17 areas of learning made up of 3 specific areas: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication & Language and 4 prime areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The activities in Nursery are designed to enable children to develop across all of these areas of learning. Children will become independent learners and make choices about their activities, balanced with an appropriate range of adult-led learning. Children will have free access to both the inside, outdoor and all-weather areas. ICT In Nursery ICT includes a wide range of technology e.g. using moving toys, remote controls, walkie-talkies, telephones, CD players, using knobs and pulleys as well as computers, tablets and iPads. Nursery children will have an opportunity to use computers in the Nursery.

We would like to welcome the new children to our

Nursery!!! It is great fun meeting lots of new children

and their families, they are settling in really well. Well

Land of make believe Our over arching theme is Land of Make Believe, Spring 1 will be –Monsters! And Spring 2 will be -Fairytales and Forests. These topics will encourage the children to develop their imagination, creativity and individuality. They will be designing and making their own Monsters! Listening to lots of stories, which will enable them to develop a basic understanding of how stories are structured and talk about the main characters and settings. There will be lots of opportunities for role play, dressing up, going on a Monster hunt, re telling familiar stories, making up their own stories… We will be having a Movie day watching Monsters Inc and we will visit Warley Woods to look for fairy doors! In Spring 2, Nursery will be making their own fairy garden. Anybody who would like to get involved in this please let Mrs Gaxherri know!!!



We will continue to encourage the children to recognise and

have a go at writing their own name. We will be reading

lots of books about Monsters and a range of fairytales.

During story time we will be asking the children lots of

questions about the books. This will include ‘Who are the

main characters?’ and ‘Where is the story set?’.


We will continue to recognise 2D shapes, colours and

numbers. We will be comparing different monsters,

counting how many eyes they have, measuring footprints,

ordering by height. The children will be encouraged to

start recording numbers and will practice number

formation. We will use the language of passage of time such

as first, after, next and there will be plenty of

opportunities for counting and simple addition through


stories such as Goldilocks and the three bears.

Please ensure that all items of clothing and

Physical Development

footwear are clearly labelled with your child’s

Mrs Sanderson will continue to visit Nursery once a week

to do a Physical Development session with the children.


The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

They have been working on skills such as skipping, hopping,

Please return all library books on a Friday to

standing on one leg and slithering. The session is enjoyed

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

by all, as the actions are carried out through a story.

allow your child to choose a new one.


17th January 2019 24th January 2019 7 th Feb 2019

Writing workshop for parents Maths workshop for parents Let’s do it day- Create a sock monster FOA Cake sale INSET Day

14th Feb 2019 15th Feb 2019


18th– 22nd Feb 2019

25th Feb 2019 27 th Feb 2019 1 st March 2019 7 th March 2019 7th– 14th March 2019 15th March 2019 12 th April 2019 15th– 26th April

School re-opens Achievement Day Hunt for Fairy doors in Warley woods World Book Day Book Fair Red Nose Day Easter Bonnet Parade EASTER HOLIDAY

EYFS Spring 2019 Reception

Termly Targets: Mathematics I can recognise some 2D shapes. I can describe the properties of 2D shapes. I can use everyday language relating to capacity, weight and length. Reading I can hear and say the initial sounds in words I can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them I can begin to read words and simple sentences Writing I can hear and say the initial sounds in words

I can use clearly identifiable letters in my writing I can write short sentences in meaningful contexts

RB Mrs Bhatoe—Class Teacher Miss Gornal—LSP RS Miss Supple—Class Teacher Miss White—LSA RA Miss Saghir—Class Teacher Mrs Jones—LSP

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

EYFS In Reception we follow the EYFS, a copy of which is on our website. There are 17 areas of learning made up of 3 specific areas: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication & Language and 4 prime areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The activities in Reception are designed to enable children to develop across all of these areas of learning. Children will become independent learners and make choices about their activities, balanced with an appropriate range of adult-led learning. Children will have free access to both the inside, outdoor and all-weather areas. ICT In Reception ICT includes a wide range of technology e.g. using moving toys, remote controls, walkie-talkies, telephones, CD players, using knobs and pulleys as well as computers, tablets and iPads. Reception children will have an opportunity to use computers throughout the term.


Land of make believe Our over arching theme is Land of Make Believe, Spring 1 will be –Monsters! And Spring 2 will be -Fairytales and Forests. These topics will encourage the children to develop their imagination, creativity and individuality. They will be designing and making their own Monsters! Listening to lots of stories, which will enable them to develop a basic understanding of how stories are structured and talk about the main characters and settings. There will be lots of opportunities for role play, dressing up, going on a Monster hunt, re telling familiar stories, making up their own stories… We will be having a Movie day watching Monsters Inc and we will visit Warley Woods to look for fairy doors! In Spring 2, Reception will be making their own fairy garden. Anybody who would like to get involved in this please let Mrs Bhatoe know!!!

The children participate in daily phonics sessions (Letters

and Sounds Phase 3).

Children are given writing opportunities throughout the day

and are encouraged to mark make. Each term children learn

a T4W story, here children learn the actions and can retell

a story off by heart. Children engage in weekly Guided

Reading sessions where they read alongside the Class



Working with numbers to 20, children will be taught how to

count accurately, recognise numbers and develop their

mathematical language. Children will be looking at sub-

tracting numbers through varied maths activities. Looking

at 2D and 3D shapes. Children will also investigate capacity,

weight, height and shapes in practical, hands on


Physical Development

Forest School

Children develop their fine motor skills through threading,

During the year, your child will take part in For-

pencil control, tracing and manipulating materials such as

est School sessions in the designated Forest


School area within our school grounds. It is led

Children are encouraged to independently

by a qualified Forest School practitioner and

fasten coats, buttons, zips and shoes

themselves. Gross motor activities include weekly PE ses-

offers children the opportunity to learn outside

sions, outdoor play, scooters and balance bikes. In PE ses-

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

and become confident, independent and creative

sions children are encouraged to travel in a variety of ways

learner. Please see class page for more details.

such as walking, hopping, jumping, skipping and slithering.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

Thank You

For the latest up-to-date news and events please link the school calendar to your personal calendar at our website:

KEY DATES Monday 14th January

Science day

4th,6th,8th February

Visit to Thinktank 1 class each day

Monday 11th February

Wear Red Disco 3.30-4.30pm

Key Stage 1 Spring 2019 Year 1

Thursday 14th February

FOA Cake Sale

Friday 15th February

Break up for half term Inset day

Friday 25th February

Back to School

Wednesday 27th February

Achievement day

Friday 1st March ,Monday 4th March

Gurdwara trip

Thursday 7th March

World book day

7th, 8th,11th, 12th, 13th,14th March

Book fair in school

Wednesday 27th/ Thursday 28th March

Parents evening 3.30-6.00pm

Tuesday 9th April

Easter Disco

Tuesday 9th April

Year 1 production

Friday 12th April

Infants Easter Bonnet parade Break up.

Wellbeing Our Spring term wellbeing focus will be ‘Healthy Bodies’. We will look at what it means to keep ourselves healthy. We will look at essential life skills that we all need to apply to keep our minds and bodies healthy. This will include looking after our teeth, personal hygiene, basic first aid, exercise and healthy food choices.

1P Mrs Piper 1CP Mrs Phillips & Mrs Chance 1D Mrs Donnelly & Mrs Day Mr Knight Mrs Broadbent Mrs Bond

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

PE P.E this term is on the following days. 1P :Thursday 1D :Thursday 1CP :Alternate Mondays and Wednesdays


Throughout the term we will use Talk for Writing and learn, explore, adapt and write a variety of texts. We will be look- ing at non-fiction texts as well as traditional tales. We would appreciate it if you could send your child's book and reading diary in every day , but we would ask that they are definitely in school on the following days:

Famous People In Year 1 we will be learning about Famous People with a focus on famous scientists and artists. We begin with covering the work of Edward Jenner and Alexander Fleming and growing our own mould in the classroom! To kick start our famous scientists topic, the children will enjoy a visit from Sublime Science in which they will be taking part in some fun, exciting experiments. We will also visit the Thinktank to support this work. After half term, we will be studying the work of the film artist Walt Disney. A Disney show will provide a finale to our Spring term work. Art/DT During the first half term the children will be experimenting with colour mixing, using primary colours to create secondary colours and adding white to create tints. They will find out about the artist Kandinsky, and will make use of their colour mixing skills when replicating his style of work. In the second half of the term, there will be a design and technology focus in which the children will be designing a new carriage for Cinderella! Using a range of materials and mechanisms they will bring their design to life. individuals in the past who have contributed to national and International achievements. Many of these significant people will be linked to our learning in Science such as Edward Jenner and Alexander Fleming. The children will not only be finding out about their lives and work but also carrying out investigations linked to some of our chosen scientists. History In History, we will be exploring the lives of significant

Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school including pumps. This term we will be focusing on games and dance. The children will be developing their agility, balance and co-ordination through playing a range of games. In dance they will learn and per- form dances using a range of movement patterns and through this will be developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. Computing In the first half term the children will be given the opportunity to develop their videoing skills. Linking nicely with our PSHE and well-being focus of ‘Keeping Healthy’, they will work in groups to create and record a video of how to make a cheese sandwich. Following the half term break, the children will be developing their skills in saving and storing sounds using digital equipment. Their goal will be to produce a talking book! RE The focus for the Spring Term will be Sikhism. The children will learn Sikh stories and the messages behind them. They will find out about Sikh symbols and their meanings and about objects that are special to Sikh people.

1D– Wednesday 1CP– Thursday 1P—Friday

Maths During the first half term, children will be learning to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, They will solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations. Prac- tising number bonds at home will really help your child with these processes. Children will develop their understanding of numbers to 50 using objects and pictorial representations, including the number line. They will learn to recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) and compare and order numbers to 100 using the signs or =. In the second half term, children will be introduced to length, height, weight and volume, where they will compare measure- ments and use specific mathematical language such as heavy/ light and heavier than. Children will learn to count in multiples of twos, fives and tens. They will solve simple problems involving multiplication and division and will be introduced to the meth- od of representing answers using arrays. Science Science will be linked to our topic - learning about scientists and inventors and will start with a visit from Sub- lime Science. Children will work on their own investigations throughout the first half term. During the second half term, children will look at the struc- ture of a flower, create their own and label it. They will be able to label the structure of a tree, understand the differ- ence between deciduous and evergreen trees and name and identify common flowers and trees. They will also grow their own cress seeds and broad bean seeds and observe their growth. Children will make predications about what they think might happen and carry out simple experiments.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]


For the latest up-to-date news and events please link the school calendar to your personal calendar at our website:

January 2019 7th Spring Term starts February 2019 4th Launch of Fizz Free February 4th - 6th South Staff Water Assembly and Workshops 12th Year 2 Wear Red Disco 3.30 - 4.30pm 14th Friends of Abbey Cake Sale 15th INSET day - school closed for teacher training HALF TERM 18TH - 22ND FEBRUARY 2019 February 2019 27th Achievement Day Year 2 Nursery 11.00/2.45 Key Stage 1 9.00 - 9.30am and 2.30 - 3.00pm March 2019 7th March World Book Day - come dressed as your favourite book character 15th Red Nose - wear something red 27th and 28th Parents' Evening April 2019 4th April Friends Of Abbey Easter Egg-stravaganza TBC 11th Year 2 Easter Disco 3.30 - 4.30pm 12th Infant Easter Bonnet Parade

Key Stage 1 Spring 2019 Year 2

END OF SPRING TERM 15TH APRIL - 26th April Start of Summer Term Monday 29th April 2019

Throughout the Spring term we will continue to support the children in managing their emotions through relaxation and coping strategies. The children will then be continuing their use of the ‘STOP’ strategies to ensure a happy and safe environment. S.T.O.P– Several Times On Purpose. Start Telling Other People.

Mrs Johnson Miss Gill, Mr Hayat, Mrs Brighton, Mrs Goldie, Mrs Nichols, Miss Maull, Mrs De Szathmary and Miss Hinton.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

Geography In geography the children will be finding out where Australia is, what the landscape and climate is like as well as finding out about famous Australian land- marks. They will also be using maps to name and locate the continents and oceans in the world. PE During the first half term we will be focusing on multi skills and games. Following the half term break, dance will be the focus for our lessons in which we will be looking at Aboriginal dancing! Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school and that it is clearly named. Computing The children will be practising and improving their keyboard skills and will be looking at using technology to take good photographs related to Australia. They will learn how to use programs to store, retrieve and manipulate their photographs. Music The children will be taught the language of music through playing instruments and will be applying key musical elements such as pulse, rhythm and pitch. They will be working together as a group and will be encouraged to develop their creativity through improvising and composing.


The focus will be on explanation texts and traditional stories in the first half of the term, followed by poetry and instructions in the second half. The children will start by learning a text entitled ‘How Rocket Shoes Work‘ and they will spend time looking at the features that are needed to create a good explanation text. This should lead them nicely into creating their own explana- tion text! ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ will be the focus for our traditional story which will provide the children with the skills they need to write their own traditional tale. We look forward to reading these! Discrete lessons will also be taught covering spelling, use of punctuation and correct grammar (SPaG) as well as developing their comprehension skills. The children will be encouraged to apply these skills across the curricu- lum. There will be a focus on methods that can be used to solve division and apply this knowledge with the related multiplication facts. The children will be identifying and describing the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes. The children will also be taught to recognise, find, name and write fractions including '⁄з, ¼, ²/ 4 and ¾ of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. We will also be concentrating on Statistics where the children will be showing and interpreting information in different ways such as tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams. There will also be the opportunity to use units of meas- ure such as centimetres and metres when discussing and comparing length and height. Throughout the term, the children will have the opportunity to use practical re- sources to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts and encouraged to provide reasons for their thinking. The children will be finding out about living things and their habitats. Time will be spent looking at how we know whether something is living, non-living or was once alive. We shall be exploring desert, woodland, ocean and rain- forest habitats as well as finding out about the Australi- an plants and animals that live there. Maths Science

A Different place in the world -Australia. Living things & their habitats & Australian arts & culture. This topic is all about Australia and where it is in the world. We shall look at living things and their habitats, including both plants and animals and spend time learning about Australian arts and their culture.


We shall be learning how to sketch an Australian animal and how they can be brought to life using different techniques. Following the half term break, we will also spend time finding out about and replicating Aboriginal art.


We will discuss the significance of Australia Day in the past and present day. The significance of the different parts of the Australian and Aboriginal flags will also be covered. RE We will have the opportunity to find out about the holy books for Muslims, Christians and Sikhs: (the Qur’an, the Bible and the Guru Granth Sahib ). We will also be visiting the Mosque to provide the children with the opportunity to explore the features of a mosque and how it is used by Muslims.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]


The term starts Sensible Pencil

9th January 16th January

Dates to be confirmed: Guide Dog visit 22nd,23rd,24th January The Snowman at The Rep Theatre. (3V, 3K, 3B) 4th February Launch of Fizz Free February 4th - 6th February South Staff Water Assembly and Work- shops 12th February Junior Film Night 3.30 - 5.30pm 14th February Friends of Abbey Cake Sale 15th February INSET day HALF TERM 18TH - 22ND FEBRUARY 2019 26th February Stone Age Man Wo kshop 28th February Achievement day 8.45 - 9.15am & 2.45 - 3.15pm 7th March World Book Day 8th,11th,15th March Creswell Craggs 7th-14th March Book Fair at Junior Site 15th March Red Nose—wear something red 27th and 28th March Parents' Evening 4th April FOA Easter Egg-stravaganza TBC 11th April Easter Disco Y3 - Y6 5.00 - 6.30pm Additional dates will be added and confirmed soon. Please watch out for information via letters home or Parent Mail!

Key Stage 2 Spring 2019 Year 3

END OF SPRING TERM 15TH APRIL - 26th April Start of Summer Term Monday 29th April 2019

Miss Vance Miss Bevan Mrs S Kaur Mrs Seymour Mrs Smith

Miss Moss Mrs Norton Miss Hinton

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]

PE P.E. this term is on Monday and Thursday for 3B and Friday for 3V and 3K. Could you please ensure that children have the appropriate kit in school, particularly pumps that fit! Children in Year 3 will be taking part in a ‘Superheroes’ unit of work in dance. Games will also include invasion games such as dodge ball. Computing This term children will use coding to create simple programs, and they will communicate through emails and word processing. We will be focussing on touch typing and using the create fingers to type. RE This term children will find out more about how different religions view their God, how different religions show their faiths, and how Sikhism is practised.


This term we will be continuing to develop our writing through ‘Talk4Writing’, covering genres such as instructions, non-chronological reports, poetry and advertisements.

Superheroes This is a cross-curricular topic covering foundation subjects in the curriculum. In the Spring Term Year 3 will be exploring the roles of local ‘heroes’ in our com- munity, including the Guide Dogs for the Blind. Visits include Creswell Crags and a Stone Age work- shop. This will be an exciting opening for the children to explore the Stone Age and have a hands on experi- ence in the caves. History Linking to our science topic of ’Rock Detectives’ chil- dren will be learning about the Stone Age, and how early people lived. Children will investigate settle- ments, food and tools. Geography Children will be able to draw simple maps, plot places on a map and find symbols on a grid. They will learn how to use 4-figure grid references in geography to map loca- tions of local heroes. They will also understand the differences between physical and human geography of the U.K. Art Linking to our Superhero topic, children will learn about famous artists of the ‘Pop Art’ movement, including Lichtenstein. They will create colourful stylised ono- matopoeia words, such as ‘zoom’, ‘crash’, ‘pow’ etc. We will make stone age cave paintings and will explore ob- servational drawing.

We will be using our topic of ‘Superheroes’ to inspire both fiction and non-fiction writing.


We will be consolidating mental and written methods from the New Curriculum for number (the expanded and concise methods for written calculations), as well as ensuring that times tables are learnt by heart! 3, 4 and 8 X tables are being consolidated, and children will be practising all times tables in random order, and their related division facts. We will also be practising multiplication and division calculations, worded problems and Money. There will be op- portunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different con- texts, including cross-curricular activities.


This term the children will continue to learn French phases and sentences. They will be learning the days of the week, months and year. They will de- velop short phrase conversations.


The focus is ‘Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds’, the children will follow a series of ‘wellbeing’ class assemblies on how to look after teeth, personal hygiene, basic first aid, exercise and mental health. They will learn to recognise emotions, ways to manage their emotions to improve mental health.

Science .

We are working on magnetism, and investigating materials and their properties.

We will then be focussing on Rocks, and investigating properties of rocks and sorting and classifying them.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.


This term children will be learning about standard no- tation using the glockenspiels to play motifs, to impro- vise melodies and rhythms and to accompany songs. They will also be learning ‘Three Little Birds.’

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643


February 2019

Monday 4th — Launch of Fizz Free February

Monday 4th - 6th—South Staff Water Assembly and Workshops

Tuesday 12th—Junior Film Night 3.30 - 5.30pm

Thursday 14th—Friends of Abbey Cake Sale

Friday 15th— INSET day - school closed for teacher training


Key Stage 2 Spring 2019 Year 4

Monday 25th—29th—Residential visit to Edgmond Hall

Thursday 28th— Achievement Day for Juniors 8.45 - 9.15am and 2.45 -


March 2019

Thursday 7th March—World Book Day - come dressed as your favourite

book character.

Thursday 7th March—Book Fair at Junior Site for all children until 14th

March 2019 .

Friday 15th Red Nose - wear something red

Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th—Parents' Evening

April 2019

Thursday 4th April Friends Of Abbey Easter Egg-stravaganza TBC

Monday 8th (4A), Wednesday 10th (4P) and Friday 12th (4RP) —The Lunt

(Roman visit)

Thursday 11th—Junior Easter Disco Y3- Y6 5.00 - 6.30pm


Start of Summer Term Monday 29th April 2019

Mr. Postin Miss Rockett Mrs Abercrombie Mrs Pearshouse

Mrs Newey Ms Melvin

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road, Smethwick B67 5LT

Miss Bennett Mrs Blackburn

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]

PE This half term we will continue to swim on Tuesday mornings. All children are expected to participate in these sessions, since this is a national require- ment. 4A PE sessions will be on Thursday. This term we will be completing the Abbey Junior Apprentice. The children will have an opportunity to plan, design and create toys using Scratch. They will eventually pitch their ideas to the Apprentice Judge’s Panel and the winning teams will receive a prize. RE We shall continue to explore what we can learn from both the creation and Easter stories. Much of the learning will be done through speaking & listen- ing activities and creative thinking. Educational visits 40 children will be visiting Edgmond Hall on a resi- dential visit. The remaining children will be partici- pating in adventurous and creative activities throughout this week. We will also be visiting The Lunt Roman Fort to kick-start our Roman topic. PSHE During our Wellbeing Assemblies we will teach the children how to look after their mental and physical health and how to cope with everyday difficulties. Computing


Imaginary Worlds!

This term we will continue to use Talk4Writing to expand the children's knowledge of text and sentence types. The genres that we will be focusing on are narrative (quest), diary ac- count, persuasive brochure and letter writing. There will be an emphasis on using various sentence types and developing punctuation marks and vocabulary. We will continue to de- velop a cursive handwriting style This term we will continue to develop our top- ics through a mastery approach, this will in- clude multiplication and division, measure (area), fractions and decimals. The children will continue to use Times Table Rockstars to develop their fluency. There is daily opportuni- ty for fluency and catch up for children. The children will be developing their explanations and reasoning In the first half term we will be looking at electricity. The children will recognise various sources of electricity and will have opportuni- ties to create their own electrical circuits, testing them for faults. In the second half term we shall also be exploring sound and how it travels. We will be visited by a hearing im- paired community group, who will explain to the children what living without the ability to hear is like. Throughout lessons, we aim to give the children many opportunities to experiment with different ideas and test out their own thoughts. Science Maths

In this topic, we shall create magical lands and char- acters, as well as learning the art of Cartography.

History We will be exploring the history of map making and will be taking part in the Warley Woods history trail to explore local history. Design Technology The children will be using a craft knife to accurately cut out silhouettes of imaginary world’s characters. Art The art focus for this half term will be using charcoal to draw and shade. The children will be given opportu- nities to work with a range of media in order to create their own imaginary world posters in the style of Alvim Correa. Geography The children will be developing their understanding of maps by studying the art of Cartography. We will also be looking at OS Maps. Music The music this term will be listening to and appraising a variety of genres. The children will also recognise different rhythms. The themes will be ‘Stop Bullying’ and ‘Lean on me’. MFL Throughout the term the children will be engaging in conversations, appreciating songs and developing their understanding of the French language.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]

January 2019 7th - Spring Term starts

14th - 5H The National Space Centre 16th - 5W The National Space Centre 18th - 5M The National Space Centre 29th - Bristnall Hall Musical

Please help your child to complete the weekly homework that is set. This includes: a Maths task, an English task, plus spellings, along with a reading book. The English homework will be set on ‘Education City’ and the Maths homework will require the children to learn their timestables. They can ac- cess Education City or Times Table Rockstars to practise their times tables. Also, there will be an ongoing creative Science or Topic project to complete. Homework will be set on Friday to be completed by the following Fri- day. Spellings will be tested on Fridays. Please talk to your child about their homework and check that they have completed it to their best ability.

February 2019 4th - Launch of Fizz Free February 4th - 6th - South Staff Water Assembly and Work- shops 12th - Junior Film Night 3.30 - 5.30pm 14th - Friends of Abbey Cake Sale 15th INSET day - school closed for teacher train- ing

Key Stage 2 Spring 2019 Year 5


28th - Achievement Day for Juniors Y3 - Y6 9.00- 9.30am and 2.45 - 3.15pm

March 2019 7th - World Book Day - come dressed as your favourite book character 7th - Book Fair at Junior Site for all children until 14th March 2019 15th - Red Nose - wear something red 27th and 28th - Parents' Evening April 2019 11th - Junior Easter Disco Y3 - Y6 5.00 - 6.30pm 4th - Friends Of Abbey Easter Egg-stravaganza TBC

Miss. Westwood Mrs. Yale Miss. Humphries Miss. Jones Mrs Hunter Miss Rouse Mrs Webb Mr Pogson Mrs Carruthers


Start of Summer Term Monday 29th April 2019

Computing This term we will be studying a unit called ‘We are artists’. Within this unit, the children will be creating their own art work using tessellating patterns. They will be researching Escher and his famous art- work created by using tessellating patterns. R.E We will be looking into the topic of ‘What Jesus would do?’ and reflecting on betray- al, forgiveness, the foundations of life, prayer, friendships and enemies. The chil- dren will be looking at stories from the Bi- ble to help them understand what Jesus would do and the meaning of his teachings. P.E Please ensure that your child has the cor- rect kit in school. This term year 5 will be looking at net and wall games. They will be focusing on tennis. The children will con- tinue to take part in weekly swimming les- sons, so please provide the full kit. Modern Foreign Languages During our lessons we will teach French and speak in sentences using familiar vo- cabulary, phrases and basic language structures. PSHE We promote the good physical, mental health and emotional wellbeing of our chil- dren.

Space- ‘Out of this World’ We have decided to add in a new topic into our curriculum. It is called ‘Out of this World’ and it will be based around Space. The chil- dren will be looking into the solar system, government space agencies around the world and the technology within space. Art & Design Technology This term the children will be focussing on Architecture. They will be learning about fa- mous architects and their designs and llook- ing at the local area and its architecture. The children will be designing their own building based on a specification. They will be given the opportunity to look at our new infants building and watch the whole process, from design to building work evolve over time. The artist Jackson Pollock will be an inspira- tion to create a final piece of work based on the phases of the moon. History and Geography In Geography, the children will be looking at physical and human features. They will learn about latitude, longitude, Equator, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, and time zones (including day and night). They will be locat- ing continents and countries. In History, the children will be looking at how technology within space has evolve over time. They will be studying key events that have happened within Space. Music This term the children will be focussing on two songs ‘Make you feel my love’ and ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’. They will be listening and appraising a variety of songs as well as playing instruments.


In year 5 we will be studying how to write a

persuasive text, narrative and newspaper

report. We will also be doing poetry this half

term too. We will be basing our writing

around our new topic ‘Out of this World’.


This term we are learning to use numerical

strategies to calculate area and perimeter of

rectangles and squares as well as develop-

ing understanding of multiplication and divi-

sion, drawing on a variety of written meth-

ods and applying knowledge of multiples.

Throughout the term, we will continue to

move on to fractions, decimals and percent-



We will be learning about living things and

their habitats, animals including humans.

The children will be looking at life cycles and

describing the changes in a human to old

age. Our space topic will also incorporate

some Science objectives. The children will

The Federation of Abbey Infan and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road

look at how seasons are formed, day and

night, the solar system and the phases of the


Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 Email: [email protected]


Monday 7th January Wednesday 9th January Friday 11th January

Spring term starts World War 2 Inspire workshop (pm only) World War 2 Day & World War 2 Sleepover Launch of Fizz Free February South Staff Water assembly and work- shops KS2 Film Night Friends of Abbey cake sale INSET DAY HALF TERM Achievement Day (08:45-09:00, 14:45- 15:15) World Book Day (come dressed as your favourite book character) Book Fayre Week @ Abbey Junior Red Nose Day (wear something red) Parents’ Evenings (3:45pm—6:00pm) KS2 Easter Disco (5:00pm-6:30pm) Easter Egg-Stravaganza EASTER HOLIDAY MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY Junior class and year group photographs SATS WEEK Post SATS party Walk to School week KS2 Disco (5:00pm-6:30pm)

Monday 4th February Monday 4th–6th February

Tuesday 12th February Thursday 14th February Friday 15th February Monday 18th—22nd February Thursday 28th February

Key Stage 2 Spring Term 2019 Year 6

Thursday 7th March

Thursday 7th—14th March Friday 15th March Wednesday 27th & 28th March Thursday 11th April Thursday 4th April Monday 15th April—26th April Monday 6th May Thursday 9th May Monday 13th May-16th May Friday 17th May Wednesday 20th— 23rd May Tuesday 21st May Friday 24th May Monday 27th May—31st May


YEAR 6 STAFF: Mr. McGowan Mrs. Vickers Mr. Jones

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road, Smethwick B67 5LT

Mrs. Sherwood Mrs. Caruthers Mrs. Webb Mrs. Hunter Miss Coleman Miss Jones

Phone: 0121-429-2700 E-mail: [email protected]

This term, 6M and 6J will have P.E on Tuesdays and 6V will have P.E on Thursdays. All classes will take part in badminton and dance during this term. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school.

Computing This term we will be investigating networks, such as the internet, and how hyperlinks work. We will also be looking at different search engines and how to use them effec- tively.

English in Year 6 will be predominantly based around

This topic is all about ‘Water’. We shall look at The Water Cycle; water conservation; biomes (habitats); rivers and associated terminology; local history of canals; industrial settlements near rivers and looking at ‘Water Aid’”.

our topic, using the “Talk 4 Writing” approach. This

term’s genres include newspaper reports, biographies,

and persuasive and discursive writing. Additional writ-

ing will also be completed during Topic lessons. There

will also be an emphasis on reading comprehension,

This term we will be focussing on “Why Hindus want to be good” (Hinduism) and “What makes Sandwell a more respectable community” (many religions).

We will be completing the design process for a piece of craftwork in Art and Design this term, beginning in sketch books to generate ideas, before developing and refining their designs further. At the end of the process, children will have the opportunity to evaluate their work and make suggestions for improvements.

spelling and grammar.

We will be continue to improve our French conversational vocabulary, particularly related to school, and our speak- ing and listening skills.

We will be continuing to build upon the knowledge from Year 5 throughout the Spring Term, focusing in particular on fractions, decimals and percentages, along with shape, space and measure topics. We will also increase the children’s exposure to previous SATs questions to prepare them for SATs testing.

In Art, we will be concentrating on creating sculptures using the work of Eadweard Muybridge, Antony Gormley and Alberto Giocametti. We will be inviting parents in to come into school to attend “inspire workshops”, working alongside their children.

During the Spring term, we will be looking at what it means to keep ourselves healthy. We will look at essential life skills that we need to apply to keep our minds and bodies healthy.

Much of this topic will be geographical based around the Water Cycle , river, canals and human settlements.

The focus for this term will shift to ‘Light’ and ‘Electricity’, where the children will be exploring how electricity is generated and creating circuits practi- cally. Our topic on light will give opportunities for ex- perimenting with how light travels and how obstacles change this, as well as how shadows are formed.

Music will entail listening, appraising, composing and singing along with “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.