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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - May 2019

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - July 2019

month. Month to month prices are $179.00 with a $99.00 sign-up fee due upon sign- up. This program i

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - October 2019

2 frozen banana 2 tbsp hemp seeds 1 tbsp maple syrup 1 cup ice 1 cup ice Directions 1. 2. In a blend

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - August 2019

Airplane Hangar Geneva, Florida Airbnb super hosts Dan and Deborah have no shortage of quirky proper

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - February 2019

4 cup olive oil • Lemon wedges, for serving • 2 sprigs rosemary Our very own Kim Nartker will be spe

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - September 2019

19 Contact Strive at 513-571-2950 (call or text) for more info. 3 Phone: 513-874-8800 www.stretchphy

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - January 2019 3 Phone: 513-874-8800 PRST STD US PO

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - March 2019

4 cup ricotta cheese Mint leaves, poppy seeds, and olive oil, for garnish Directions 1. Heat oven to

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - April 2018

Stretch PT & Total Wellness - April 2018 513-874-8800 Painless News A

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 5 pounds sweet potatoes • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 cup canned coco

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Stretch PT & Wellness - May 2018

4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion,

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - May 2019

May 2019

513-874-8800 Painless News

2 Locations:

3143Western Row Rd Maineville, Ohio 45039

4851WunnenbergWay West Chester, Ohio 45069

Being Mom and Grandma

Growing up in a small town with little money, my family had to persevere and make do with what we could. So, when I became a single mother to two teenagers, it wasn’t unlike anything I had to do before. Thankfully, my ex-husband was very involved and we worked together to make sure our children had everything they needed, and I was driven for my kids, schooling, and career. Today, I’m proud of the people my children have become. Without my oldest child, Rich, there’s no way Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness would be where it is today. We couldn’t function without him. Rich does the IT work for our clinic and a local hospital, and I’m so proud of everything he has achieved in his career and personal life. Rich and his wife, Marissa, are raising three kids: Bradyn, Hollis, and our newest grandchild and first granddaughter, Lilah. It’s been wonderful watching them become parents, and being a grandma is fabulous. Because of our busy schedules, we don’t get to spend as much time together as we would like, but I can’t even begin to explain the love I have for these little grandkids. Your whole life revolves around their happiness as you watch them grow. HowMy Kids Continue to Make Me Proud

from three years ago when her spontaneous fainting caused grave concern. After a POTS diagnosis and the addition of her service dog, Nora, Megan has improved and grown. In fact, she recently went six weeks without passing out — her longest stretch since she began showing symptoms of POTS. Both of my children have always amazed me with their care for others. Rich will work late into the night to find a solution to someone’s technology concerns, while Megan always wanted to help people through the medical field. Their concern for others has always reminded me of another prominent figure in my life: my mom. Mom was a financial expert who would frequently help others with their monetary planning and concerns. Well-known for her baking, like wedding cakes and delectable apple pies, Mom was never short on projects for her friends. It wasn’t uncommon for us to come home to icing flowers in the freezer or to see her helping someone with their finances. My mom taught me the tremendous value in helping others, and her three-year struggle with spinal stenosis toward the end of her life motivated me to serve others through Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness. I always tell people that losing her motivated me to open this clinic, but the lessons she taught me every day were the foundation that inspiration was built on.

As for my youngest child, I’m proud to announce that Megan has qualified for her Ph.D. and will be studying

atherosclerosis (plaque build- up in the arteries), and she’s been asked to assist on a new study for Alzheimer’s. When she was a little girl, I would take Megan with me to work or to the aerobics

Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness, and I hope you take the time to thank the mothers in your life this month.

classes I taught, so I always joke that she was destined for health care. Megan has come a long way

–Kim Nartker



Published by The Newsletter Pro •

Black Gold for Your Garden Soil

National Learn About Composting Day!

Most people have heard of composting one way or another. Your mom might have kept a bin in the backyard for overripe Halloween pumpkins, yard clippings, and egg shells. You might even have a coworker who boasts about the giant compost pile they use to fertilize their garden and lawn. Whatever your level of composting knowledge may be, there is always more to learn about this popular and extremely beneficial method for handling organic food waste. Luckily, May 29 is National Learn About Composting Day! This day provides a great opportunity to introduce yourself to and begin the conversation about composting if you haven’t already. Below are a few answers to your basic composting questions to get you started. What Is Compost? Compost is decomposed organic matter, which is especially good for people who have gardens or aspire to live a sustainable lifestyle. People put coffee grounds; vegetable scraps; paper products, including receipts, paper towels, and tissues; and wood chips, leaves, and other types of waste that are not categorized as processed food, meats, or fish products in their compost bin. Compost can stabilize gardening soil, keep the soil from contracting diseases, and help the ground retain moisture. Why DoWe Compost? Besides giving gardens and lawns significant nutrients, composting also reduces landfills. According to the United States EPA, “Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up about 30 percent of what

we throw away.” Organic material often takes longer to decompose in a landfill due

to being wrapped in plastic. The more organic material that is composted, the quicker it can deteriorate.

Learn About Composting Day The best way to recognize this holiday is to learn as much as you can about composting. When you dive in, you’ll discover you can compost materials you never knew you could, including latex balloons and cardboard egg cartons. Once you do your research, you can start your very own compost by dedicating a part of your backyard to the disposing of organic matter or by purchasing a compost bin. This article covers the basics of composting, but there’s still plenty more to learn! Head to your local farmers market or botanical garden and talk to the experts about any questions you have — they’ll be sure to give you some great tips.


“I have had chronic issues (since I was a teenager) with numbness and tingling in my finger tips. Stretch (and LB in particular) has given me ways to exercise at home to improve my symptoms. The manual therapy she has done has improved my sleep, ability to drive in comfort, and do activities in comfort. I really had no hope that I would have any improvements, but my expectations have been exceeded.” Happy Stretch Graduate, ERIN KNOX 2

PHONING IT IN How Your Smartphone is Causing You Pain, and How To Fix It

Smartphones and social media have brought the world to your fingertips, but with every text alert or Facebook notification, your neck is wincing. “Text neck” is a common problem caused by frequent added pressure to smartphone users’ necks, and its origins involve simple physics. Your head weighs around 10–12 pounds, so whenever you look down, your neck feels the pressure of that weight being pulled by gravity. In fact, just tilting your head down 30 degrees can put 40 pounds of pressure on your neck. Double that motion to 60 degrees, and you can add 20 more pounds of pressure. Considering the average person looks at their phone for more than four hours every day, keeping your head tilted at 60 degrees would be like carrying a medium-sized dog around your neck for hours. The tricky part about text neck is that it affects everyone who looks down, even if they don’t feel pain. In a world of instant alerts, consistently looking down at our smartphones exacerbates this strain. Symptoms of text neck can include frequent neck, shoulder, or head pain. This can affect your ability to concentrate, and your sleep cycle may be interjected with pain, tossing, and turning, which then has a direct burden on your body.

Luckily, there is help for those reaping the tangible pain of text neck. Physical therapy can offer proactive

and effective exercises designed to stretch and strengthen your neck and shoulder muscles. Work your at-home exercises from physical therapy into your smartphone swiping routine. For every 20 minutes you stare at a screen, put the phone down and stretch. Additionally, simple modifications to how you interact with your phone can influence your pain and recovery. Get in the habit of holding your phone directly in front of your face , rather than below or at your chest. Furthermore, you can download apps that will alert you if your posture worsens, and setting recurring reminders on your phone can alert you mid-Instagram scroll to sit up straighter. There’s no avoiding the digital landscape set by smartphones, so don’t get stuck in the pain its side effects can cause. Learn how Stretch Physical Therapy can help you alleviate your text neck symptoms by calling 513-874-8800.


Shrimp Sausage Skewers

These shrimp skewers are a quick way to add some surf and turf to your cookout. Pair themwith a vinaigrette salad for a side dish that complements without overwhelming the main event.


• 1/2 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/2 pound cooked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces Creole Seasoning Ingredients •

• • •

2 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes

• • •

2 tablespoons paprika

• • •

1/2 tablespoon cayenne or chili powder

1/2 tablespoon garlic powder 1/2 tablespoon onion powder

1/4 tablespoon dried oregano 1/4 tablespoon dried thyme



Heat your grill to medium-high.

2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for creole seasoning. 3. In a large bowl, combine the shrimp, zucchini pieces, and sausage pieces, and cover them with the olive oil. 4. Add creole seasoning and mix well until all ingredients are covered. 5. Load up skewers with alternating pieces of shrimp, sausage, and zucchini until they’re full. 6. Grill skewers until shrimp are well-cooked (6–8 minutes). 513-874-8800 Inspired by


Phone: 513-874-8800


West Chester Hours: M,W, Th 7-6 pm Tues, Fri 7-12 pm

Mason Hours: Mon 2-6 pm Fri 7-12 pm

4851WunnenbergWay West Chester, Ohio 45069


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Being a Mom

Black Gold

Our Patients Say It Best!


The Effects of Text Neck

Shrimp Sausage Skewers


How to Travel Sustainably

Our goal is to help you avoid medications, injections, and surgeries, specializing in lower back pain and sciatica, rotator cuff and shoulder injuries, arthritis, athletic and sports injuries, knee, foot and ankle conditions, and overall well-being.

Go Green

Get Out ThereWith These Eco-TourismTips

Stay Green Where you stay impacts the environment as much as how you get there. Hotels use copious amounts of water for bathing and laundry, and they struggle to reduce energy because guests leave their lights and televisions on. However, many luxury resorts, woodsy cabins, and even entire countries have opted to make eco-tourism easier. If you’re looking for a region of the world committed to preserving nature, look no further than Iceland, Finland, and Sweden, which are ranked the three most environmentally friendly places in the world. Do Green Man-made attractions like the Egyptian pyramids and Machu Picchu are some of the world’s greatest wonders, but Earth itself is pretty breathtaking. Check out natural attractions while hiking or camping in preserved forests, or soak up all the Caribbean has to offer by snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding. When you’re mindful of your surroundings and remain unobtrusive, there are endless outdoor activities you can explore. Some locations even partner with environmentally conscious organizations you can donate to or volunteer with.

Vacations can come with great expense, and not

just for your bank account. According to a 2018 study published in Nature Climate Change, travel accounts for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cut through

the greenwashing and do your part to lessen these emissions by traveling sustainably. Travel Green When possible, trains, hybrid buses, and carpooling are great alternatives to larger,

more environmentally intrusive travel methods. Large cruise liners are detrimental to oceans, and airplanes emit large amounts of toxins into the air. However, you can cruise and fly with the earth in mind. Some cruise lines are working to reduce their impact by installing more eco-friendly lighting and materials, and flight experts recommend using “green” airports, choosing fuel-efficient airlines, staying longer, and traveling less. If anything, it’s an excuse to extend your European vacation!

Opt for a green vacation and know that while you relax, the earth is getting a little relief too.


Published by The Newsletter Pro •