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Stretch PT & Wellness - May 2018

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Stretch PT & Wellness - October 2018

2 teaspoon kosher salt • Nonstick vegetable oil spray Directions 1. Heat oven to 300 F. 2. Coat a ba

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme Directions 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ing

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - April 2018

Stretch PT & Total Wellness - April 2018 513-874-8800 Painless News A

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Stretch PT & Total Wellness - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 5 pounds sweet potatoes • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 cup canned coco

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Stretch PT & Wellness - July 2018

4 cup fresh lime juice • Salt to taste Directions 1. In a large mixing or salad bowl, toss watermelo

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Stretch PT & Wellness August 2018

Stretch PT & Wellness August 2018 August 2018 513-874-8800 Painless N

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Stretch PT & Wellness - March 2018

4 cups hot milk • • • 4 scallions, finely chopped 1 head cabbage, cored and shredded Parsley, for ga

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Stretch PT & Wellness - January 2018

3 cup goji berries • 3 tablespoons maple syrup Directions slowly until pistachios and coconut flakes

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Stretch PT & Wellness - June 2018

4 cup rosemary, finely chopped Directions 1. Blend balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon, rosemary, and

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Stretch PT & Wellness - February 2018

3 cup sliced green onions 1 diced avocado Directions 1. To make the salad, add all ingredients to a

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Stretch PT & Wellness - May 2018

513-874-8800 Painless News

May 2018

Celebrating My Mother


How She Inspired Me to Star t the Cl inic

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels — a plentiful harvest of new lives.” John 12:24

hormone replacement therapy, and a hundred different diet plans, but nothing brought her any kind of lasting relief.

At the time, I had only been a practicing physical therapist assistant for a couple of years and lacked the experience and wisdom to put all the disparate pieces of her condition together into a clear picture. A week before she passed away, we were talking on the phone. “You guys are in the medical field,” she told me. “You need to pull all this stuff together.” She was utterly confused after receiving so much conflicting information from so many people. “I resolved to open my own clinic, one that could pull the whole picture together, just like my mom said, and address pain and disease at their roots.” When she passed, I felt I had failed her. The medical system had left her in the dark, and she had no chance of recovery. So I resolved to open my own clinic, one that could pull the whole picture together, just like my mom said, and address pain and disease at their roots. I wanted to return hope to the hopeless and ensure those I served would never feel lost like my mother did in those final years. One day, after hearing my story, one of my patients brought me a piece of paper. On it was the Bible verse John 12:24. I still have it on my desk as a reminder of the purpose my work. Even though it’s been years, I still miss my mom every day. But when I look around at the clinic I’ve built with the support of many wonderful people, I feel hopeful. All I can say today is that I hope she would be proud of what I’ve accomplished with Stretch Physical Therapy, and of all the work I’ve done to help others overcome and prevent the same struggles she dealt with every day.

I’m happy to announce that this month marks the fifth anniversary of Stretch Physical Therapy! It feels incredible to say that, over the last half-

decade, we’ve transformed countless lives through natural treatment without medications or surgery. Of course, I could never have established the clinic without the

support of my amazing staff or our incredible patients who consistently refer their friends and family. But there’s one woman in particular I wish I could thank in person — the one who gave me a reason to start Stretch Physical Therapy in the first place: my mom.

My mother was one of the kindest, most wonderful people you could ever have the pleasure of meeting. She always had time for others, whether you needed her savvy financial advice or were looking for someone to confide in.

In the last three years of her life, she suffered from what I now know was spinal stenosis. The problem just got worse and worse. She began to pass out when she leaned forward and was plagued by radiating pain all the way down her legs. Whenever she went anywhere with us, she’d take note of every chair around her in case she needed a brief respite from the incredible,

persistent aches she experienced.

My mom tried everything to escape her pain. Over those three years, she shuffled constantly between personal trainers, physicians, cardiologists, and dietitians, spending massive chunks of her time in waiting rooms to learn that, no, this medical professional couldn’t help her either. They prescribed her painkillers,

–Kim Nartker



Published by The Newsletter Pro •


Your body plays host to thousands of types of bacteria. The gastrointestinal tract alone is a remarkable ecosystem, filled withmillions uponmillions of microscopic organisms. These organisms play a key role in your ability to digest and process nutrients. But they also play another important role that’s not so obvious: They influence your mood and the way you think. Researchers are studying the“how”behind the connection, but they suspect it has something to do with the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a major nerve that connects the brain and stomach. Bacterial activity in the gut may stimulate the nerve, causing it to produce chemicals in the brain that can change your state of mind.

sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha. When you eat these foods, the cultures they containmay be able to influence your mood. If you need a mood booster, yogurt might help. Studies in bothmice and humans show promising results. In one Caltech study, researchers observed a decrease in anxiety inmice given certain probiotics. In another study published inThe British Journal of Nutrition, researchers observed the effects of specific probiotics on humans. Over a 30-day period, they noted a decrease in the signs of depression and anxiety. Many more studies are currently underway. The future of probiotics for the brain is promising. As we learnmore about the connection between the gut and the brain, we may even be able to treat specific psychological conditions using probiotics.

For now, though, if you want to boost your mood, reach for the yogurt. Just be sure to skip the sugar-laden processed stuff. Go straight for a high-quality Greek yogurt or, if you can find it, an Icelandic-style yogurt called skyr. Both varieties are packed with helpful probiotics andmay help you change your state of mind.

Probiotics—a helpful type of bacteria—are abundant in Greek yogurt and other cultured foods, such as


“I have had back pain for years that just recently caused me to not be able to roll over in bed without pain. I had to stop doing my lap swimming because of the pain. I underwent PT with Stretch and can now say that all my pain is resolved and I am back to swimming again.” –Kim Pollock 2

This month, all of us at Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness are celebrating the clinic’s 5th anniversary. But instead of getting out the birthday cake and streamers, we thought we should give back to the people who have made our success possible: all of our wonderful patients!

See back for more ...


We started this clinic five years ago with a single goal: to help our patients live pain-free as they age without injections, medications, or surgery. Over the last half-decade, we’re proud to say that we’ve led hundreds of people to a life free of aches, pains, and bodily dysfunction, and given hope back to the hopeless countless times.

But there’s no way we could have done it without the support and trust from you, the patient!

That’s why this month, we’re offering a free exam to the first 10 people to call us at 513.874.8800 to schedule a consultation. If you know someone who’s ready to transform their life and get back to doing what they love, now is the perfect time. Don’t hesitate! Come to Stretch and take the first step toward a life without pain!

Meet Michael Ryan! Our NewPhysical Therapist

Over the past year, Stretch Physical Therapy has been experiencing a growth spurt. As more of our wonderful patients recommend our natural, medication- and surgery-free approach to total wellness to their friends and family, a flood of newcomers have arrived at the clinic, all looking to experience the benefits of a pain-free life. For months, we’ve been looking for the perfect fit to expand our team so that we can give our patients the one-on-one attention and care they deserve. It wasn’t easy to find an individual as passionate and committed as we are about helping others without injections or surgery — that is, until we found Michael Ryan, the newest physical therapist to join the Stretch family! Michael joins us from a four-year stint at a physician-run clinic in Cincinnati, where he helped hundreds of patients reclaim their lives from pain and injury. He enjoyed his time there, but it eventually began to weigh on him. “I was over the ‘getting people in and out as fast as possible’mentality,” he says. “The physician dictated the treatment, so surgery was often prematurely prescribed.”Michael was happy to see this isn’t the case at Stretch PT. “Here, I can control the patient’s plan of care to help patients avoid surgery,” he says. When asked what attracted him to our clinic, Michael says that first and foremost, it was the philosophy behind what we do. “Kim’s work is really inspiring,” he says. “She’s set up her clinic so that we can spend a lot more time with each patient, building a really personal experience. You get to know your patients and their struggles on a meaningful level.” Patients have already begun to appreciate Michael’s friendly and outgoing attitude. He always speaks with compassion,

honesty, and candor to the people he serves.

Outside of the clinic, Michael’s life revolves mostly around his and his wife’s new house. They’re huge foodies and fans of microbreweries, so when they get some free time, they love to grab a bite and relax with friends over a beer or two. He’s also a passionate recreational runner, hitting the pavement as often as possible. Ever since Michael joined in February, he’s impressed everyone with his knowledge, expertise, and easy-going nature. We’re thrilled to have him on the team and look forward to his contributions for years to come.


Sautéed Zucchini & Squash With Feta

Zucchini and summer squash are arriving on grocery store shelves. Here is a great way to take these humble, delicious vegetables to the next level. This easy dish is perfect for early summer.


• • • •

1 zucchini

• • •

2 teaspoons fresh thyme

1 summer squash

1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 medium red onion

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil


1. Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize. 4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta. 513-874-8800 Inspired by


Phone: 513-874-8800 Monday–Thursday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


4851WunnenbergWay West Chester, Ohio 45069


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An Irrecoverable Loss and an Endless Inspiration

Boost Your MoodWithYogurt

Patient Success Story

Meet Michael Ryan, Our New PT!

Sautéed Zucchini and SquashWith Feta

How to Handle a Common Injury

Have you ever injured your ankle by doing something simple, like stepping off a curb or kicking a soccer ball? Don’t be discouraged. Ankle sprains are among the most common injuries people face, and they can happen anytime and anywhere. Sprained Your Ankle? Physical Therapy Can Help

There’s a good reason ankle sprains are so common. You might not consciously think about something as simple as standing or walking — these motions are second nature to most of us. But when you really think about it, your ankle supports most of your weight, which is why injuring it is so commonplace. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, 23,000 people in the United States will suffer from a sprained ankle, and 45 percent of that number are sports-related injuries. What you might not realize is that once you’ve injured your ankle, there’s a good chance that you could injure yourself again. This is what physical

therapists strive to help you prevent. Their goal is not only to work with your ankle after the injury to get it back to normal, but also to strengthen the muscles around it to avoid future injuries. The rehabilitation process should be taken at a slow and careful pace, one that you’re comfortable with and that won’t push you beyond your physical capabilities. Your physical therapist will work with you to stretch and strengthen your ankle with a number of exercises, beginning with resistance exercises and eventually progressing to weight-bearing exercises.

Keeping an open line of communication with your doctor and physical therapist will help you toward a speedy recovery. Ankle injuries can be tough to get through, but if you work with the professionals and take things slow and steady, you’ll be back up on your feet in no time.


Published by The Newsletter Pro •