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Stumpf Dental May 2019

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Stumpf Dental August 2019

2 red onion, diced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste Directions 1. Heat a cast-iron skillet

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Stumpf Dental June 2019

2 lb.), peeled • Pinch of cayenne pepper, plus more to taste Directions 1. In a small saucepan, heat

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Stumpf Dental - December 2019

2 hours. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. • Kosher salt • Freshly g

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Stumpf Dental October 2019

4 cup organic pumpkin purée • 1 cup ice • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or substitute with cinnamon

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Stumpf Dental July 2019

4-inch- thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Lig

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Stumpf Dental - November 2019

3 cup shredded leftover turkey • 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce Directions 1. Coat inside of each b

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Stumpf Dental September 2019

11 3 Teach Your Kids Flu Prevention Cacio e Pepe 4 The Vibrant Colors of America’s National Parks TH

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Stumpf Dental April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Stumpf Dental - April 2020

2 tsp fresh chives, minced Directions 4. Mix mashed yolks with mayonnaise mixture. Spoon or pipe the

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Stumpf Dental - February 2020

4 cup parsley Solution on Page 4 6. • 3 WWW.BESTCAREINTHECHAIR.COM Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Stumpf Dental May 2019


For All the Hard Work They Do A TRIBUTE TO MOMS

Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching, and I want to dedicate this article to parents, particularly the moms I see daily in my practice. Mothers and fathers are intimately involved with their children’s well-being. But the workload is still not an even divide between mothers and fathers. Melinda Gates wrote an interesting op-ed for a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal in which she addressed the disparity between men and women in unpaid working hours. It is seen worldwide, and even in the Gates’ household, that women spend 2–4 hours a day in additional unpaid work compared to their male counterparts. The labor of parenting is a labor of love and worthy of recognition. Parenting is so much more than offering encouragement and fostering dreams. There are, for a start, soccer games in freezing rain; baseball games in sweltering heat; dance, piano, and baton lessons; and recitals and competitions. All of these activities involve transportation, and some of them require costumes, too. Don’t forget the moms whose kids have dietary restrictions and need special meals to be made. Many of these activities happen behind the scenes and go unrecognized. It’s this dedication, love, and support that I admire in the mothers I talk to daily. As a mother, I understand the lengths we go to for the benefit of our children, and it always warms my heart to see the joy parents express over even the smallest of their children’s successes. Mother’s Day is a moment to recognize everyday moms and acknowledge the time and effort you devote to your family. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to the patients who inquire about my own daughter. Pride in your children is universal.

Thank you, and I hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

-Dr. Janelle Ferber-Stumpf “Pride in your children is universal.”


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PROM SAFETY 4 Tips to Keep Your Child Safe

Seeing gorgeous dresses, fancy suits, corsages, and boutonnieres pop up in advertisements can only mean one thing: Prom season is here! This time of year, teens are busy choosing the perfect dress or suit to wear, finding a date, making dinner reservations, and preparing for an evening of fun and dance. During this exciting time, give your teens a little encouragement and guidance to ensure they have a safe and memorable evening.

Long before the invention of radios and cellphones, homing pigeons were used to send messages as early as the sixth century. DuringWorldWar I, war pigeons carried lifesaving messages past enemy lines for the American and French armies, often being wounded in the process. In 1918, Cher Ami, a black check hen used by the U.S. Signal Corps, became the most famous of them all. On Oct. 2, the United States 77th Infantry Division was trapped behind enemy lines in the Argonne Forest during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, a three-month push by the Allies during the final throes of WorldWar I to force the Germans to surrender. It became the bloodiest battle in U.S. history. For six days, the encircled division endured relentless attacks and suffered heavy casualties, but their orders were clear: Don’t retreat and don’t surrender. The division dispatched two homing pigeons with requests for help, but both birds were shot down. When friendly fire began raining down on the 77th, Major Charles White Whittlesey felt he had no choice but to send the last pigeon, Cher Ami. The pigeon’s desperate note read: BRAVE LITTLE CHER AMI The War Pigeon Who Saved the ‘Lost Battalion’ As Cher Ami rose from the brush, she was shot down, to the despair of the watching soldiers. However, after a few seconds, she fought her way back into the air, flew through a torrent of gunfire, and made it to division headquarters 25 miles away. She had been shot in the breast, the eye, and the leg. Because of Cher Ami’s brave flight, 194 of the original 554 men of the 77th Infantry Division survived the battle. One month later, World War I came to an end. Cher Ami survived the war as well, thanks to the surgeons who performed emergency surgery on her. One soldier even carved her a little wooden leg. She became a well-known hero to both soldiers and children in the States. For her service in Verdun, the French Army awarded her the Croix de Guerre, and she was inducted into the Racing Pigeon Hall of Fame. Cher Ami finally succumbed to her wounds in June of 1919 and is now on display in the Smithsonian alongside Sergeant Stubby, a terrier who served 18 months on the Western Front. “We are along the road parallel to 276.4. Our own artillery is dropping a barrage directly on us. For heaven’s sake, stop it.”


Create a plan for prom night, and make sure everyone knows what it is. Your teen should know and communicate with you what time the dance starts, what time it ends, if they’re going anywhere after, and when they’ll be coming home.


Make sure your teen’s phone is completely charged in case they need to reach out to you sometime during the night. Encourage your teen to check in once every few hours, and establish an emergency code to use if they find themselves in trouble.


You and your teen should also have a plan about the modes of transportation, who’s driving, and how many people your teen is going with. Trusting the driver is important. If you’re hesitant about letting your child be driven to prom, find another way. If your teen is driving the family car, confirm that they will be the only person driving the vehicle.


Make sure your teen is dressed comfortably and appropriately to ensure they have a fun night without any accidents.

Encourage them to wear comfortable shoes that

they can walk and dance in without pain. High heels are fashionable, but they shouldn’t

wear heels so high that they may fall and hurt themselves. Whatever your teen decides to wear should be comfortable and hemmed to the appropriate length based on their height.

By keeping these safety measures in mind, your teen will have a wonderful and safe evening!

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LEARNING TO BE GRATEFUL Some Ways to Help Children Appreciate Their Teachers


Teacher Appreciation Week runs from May 6–10 this year, and there are plenty of ways students of all ages can thank their educators for everything they do. Being a teacher isn’t an easy job, and the people who make it their profession are passionate about helping kids learn. Depending on how old your child is, they may need a parent’s help in showing their appreciation. Here are a few ways parents and children can appreciate teachers together.

Many teachers use their own money to buy school supplies for their classroom. This is just one of the ways teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis, and buying some extra school supplies can help ease that cost. Take your child shopping with you and help them pick out supplies that you know their teacher will appreciate.


This gesture is simple and sweet and can be very thoughtful. Telling a teacher what makes them outstanding can often be just as valuable as a gift. Help your child write an appreciative note and then write one yourself. Teachers often have to maintain the happiness of students, administrators, and parents. Your card could relieve some of the stress of that balancing act and let them know that you acknowledge their efforts.


Making a homemade meal (or dessert) shows teachers that you went the extra mile to appreciate their hard work. You could make a favorite dish of yours or try to find a new recipe online. Either way, encourage your child to help you with the process so that the meal is truly a gift from both of you.

Your children spend several hours a day with their teachers, so fostering relationships with them is vital. Use this day to help your children understand the importance of teachers, to teach them the power of gratitude, and to encourage them to show respect for everyone who helps them in life.



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3 large eggs

Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

1 tablespoon unsalted butter


1. In medium bowl, beat eggs with plastic fork until last traces of white are just mixed in. Season with salt and pepper. 2. In an 8-inch nonstick skillet, melt butter, swirling over medium heat until foamy but not browned. Add eggs, stirring rapidly with fork, while moving skillet to agitate eggs. Break up all curds by scraping bottom of skillet as they form. Stop stirring when eggs are softly scrambled and creamy (but loose enough to come together into a single mass), 1–2 minutes. 3. Using fork, gently spread egg in an even layer around skillet and scrape down any wispy bits around the edges. The top surface should be loose and creamy, but if still liquid, swirl skillet to bring raw egg to the edge where it will set faster. 4. Remove from heat. Tilt skillet up by handle. Using fork, gently roll omelet down over itself until nearly folded in half. Using fork, push omelet to edge of skillet so that the lower edge of egg just begins to overhang. Use fork to fold overhanging edge of egg back over, closing omelet. 5. Turn omelet out onto plate. It should have the seam on bottom.

Solution on Page 4


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INSIDE 1 Mother’s Day N28 W23000 ROUNDY DRIVE PEWAUKEE, WI 53072


The War Pigeon Who Saved the ‘Lost Battalion’

Prom Safety Tips


Teacher Appreciation Week Is Here!

Classic French Omelet


Black Gold


National Learn About Composting Day!

Most people have heard of composting one way or another. Your mom might have kept a bin in the backyard for overripe Halloween pumpkins, yard clippings, and egg shells. You might even have a coworker who boasts about the giant compost pile they use to fertilize their garden and lawn.

vegetable scraps; paper products, including receipts, paper towels, and tissues; and wood chips, leaves, and other types of waste that are not categorized as processed food, meats, or fish products in their compost bin. Compost can stabilize gardening soil, keep the soil from contracting diseases, and help the ground retain moisture. WHY DOWE COMPOST? Besides giving gardens and lawns significant nutrients, composting also reduces landfills. According to the United States EPA, “Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up about 30 percent of what we throw away.”Organic material often takes longer to decompose in a landfill due to being wrapped in plastic. The more organic material that is composted, the quicker it can deteriorate. LEARN ABOUT COMPOSTING DAY The best way to recognize this holiday is to learn as much as you can about composting. When you dive in, you’ll discover you can compost materials you never knew you could, including latex balloons and cardboard egg cartons. Once you do your research, you can start your very own compost by dedicating a part of your backyard to disposing of organic matter or by purchasing a compost bin. This article covers the basics of composting, but there’s still plenty more to learn! Head to your local farmers market or botanical garden and talk to the experts about any questions you have — they’ll be sure to give you some great tips.

Whatever your level of composting knowledge may be, there is always more to learn about this popular and extremely beneficial method for handling organic food waste. Luckily, May 29 is National Learn About Composting Day! This day provides a great opportunity to introduce yourself to and begin the conversation about composting if you haven’t already. Below are a few answers to your basic composting questions to get you started. WHAT IS COMPOST? Compost is decomposed organic matter, which is especially good for people who have gardens or aspire to live a sustainable lifestyle. People put coffee grounds;

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