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Suffering From Tendonitis?

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Signs You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis

Signs You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For

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You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis

You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis “Stop Allowing Pain To Be A Part Of Your Daily Routine! ” You M

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ElitePT: Suffering From Sciatica?

ElitePT: Suffering From Sciatica? The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body ENJOY RE

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Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

o age range. In addition, women who are pregnant, often suffer with CTS. If you type, write, do repe

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Wellbridge PT: Are You Suffering From Sciatica

7619.php SCIATICA: HOW PHYSICAL THERAPY CAN HELP If you’re experiencing sciatica, contact a physicia

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Why Am I Suffering From Neck Pain?

Fall Prevention Program • Back and Spine Issues WWW.MARKETPLACEWELLNESSCENTER.COM

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Suffering With Aches & Pains?

Suffering With Aches & Pains? Heal th & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your

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Suffering in Silence and Solitude

one-child circumstances. Child abuse reports should be made to the state’s child protective services

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Centra: Tendonitis & Sports

Relieve Aches & Pain In Minutes Without Pain Medication! Try these movements if you are experiencing

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FYZICAL. Tendonitis & Sports


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Suffering From Tendonitis?

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Shoulder & Knee PainWas DistractingMe FromMyWorkouts Until I FoundAResolution. ” Signs You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis

Do you experience pain with normal everyday tasks like takingmilk out of the fridge, lifting something overhead, bending, or simply walking a distance? Having pain with movement, especially if it goes on for more than a few days, may be indicative of tendinitis. The tendons are what connect your muscles to the bones. Under normal circumstances, your tendons can handle a lot of work and force, but when they are over-worked, they become inflamed, causing you pain. Tendinitis can occur practically anywhere in the body, but is most common in the hips, knees, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The reason for this is quite simple: poor posture over a period of time. If you are at a computer or sitting for a good part of the day, your shoulders tend to slouch forward and your back muscles weaken. (continued inside)

INSIDE: • Signs You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis

• Staff Spotlight

• Exercise Essentials

• Patient Spotlights

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Everyone Else Is Finding Knee Pain Relief, Why Can’t I? ” Signs You May Be Suffering From Tendonitis (continued from outside cover)

How’s Your Posture? Poorpostureweakensyourbackmuscles,affectingyourability to do normal everyday tasks. The weakened muscles and poor posture place abnormal strain on the shoulders, elbows, knees, and hip tendons. Therefore, depending on where the greatest strain is placed, you will most likely experience tendinitis. Tendinitis can be short-lived, but can also become chronic in nature and last for a long time. Chronic tendinitis actually disintegrates the quality of your tendons over time and can lead to tearing. Most people experience tendinitis on a gradual basis. At first it may be soreness, but if the irritation continues, it can become excruciating pain, affecting your ability to do many simple activities. Tendinitis can also come from injuries thatstrainthetendons.Thiscanbefromadirectblow likeafall or an overstretching injury in a sports activity. Treatment Tendinitis isverytreatablewiththerightkindofphysicaltherapy. Our specialists helped thousands of people with tendinitis get back to doing the things they love. Whether your problem is new or old, having a good understanding of the mechanics of your body and identifying the source of the problem leads to a quick recovery. Calltodayto learnmorehowourspecialityprogramscanquickly relieve your pain and get you back to the activities you love!

Have an injury and need to see a specialist? Franklin Rehabilitation has relationships with every physician specialty group in the area. Contact us at [email protected] if you need advice or if you would like us to help get you in to see the doctor quickly.

Exercise Essentials Try this exercise to keep you help with pain...

Sharon Cole PT Staff Spotlight

BUTTERFLY STRETCH While in a sitting position, bend your knees and place the bottom of your feet together. Next, slowly let your knees lower towards the floor until a stretch is felt at your inner thighs.

Helps With Leg Pain & Stiffness

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Marquette University with a degree in Physical Therapy many moons ago. In the years since I became a therapist, I have seen many changes in the medical field. I feel the most important aspect of any therapy is


to determine why the body is not functioning optimally and then get into a treatment program to improve the body’s ability to function. My goal is to treat each person individually, allowing them to return to the things that are important to them - no matter how small - like being able to roll over in bed, or how big - like being able to run a marathon. As a Physical Therapist, I strive to improve the quality of life for each patient I work with and help keep them active for the rest of their life.

- Sharon Cole, PT

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

To read more about Sharon, visit us online at

“ Don’t Let Tendonitis Pain Sideline You! ”

Don’t let pain sideline you! There is nothing more exciting than taking on anewchallenge,sport,oractivity.Formostof us,thethrillofaccomplishingaphysicalgoal is whatwe livefor.However,areyoupreparedfor it?Theterm“weekendwarrior”meansaperson whodoesn’treallytrainforwhattheyaredoing; they just go out and do it on the weekend. How do most injuries occur? Most sports injuries occur from ill-prepared individuals who just jump into the activity without first increasing their strength, endurance, and flexibility. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues need to be warmed up to work properly. They take enormous strain during running and sports activities. Therefore, if they are not in top condition, they are more prone to injury. Injuries increase as you age… Ifyouthinkbacktowhenyouwere inyour late teens,youcouldgo intoafullsprintnoproblem, take a flying leap, and do a whole lot without theslightestthoughtabout it.Asyougetolder,

your tissues become less elastic and in fact a little “drier.” When your muscle, tendon, and ligament tissues have enough water, they are suppleandstretchy,allowingyoutodoa lotof activities. Keep yourself hydrated and stretch often to maintain elasticity in your muscles. Preparing your body… It is important to do sports activities, fitness and a host of other physical activities to keep you healthy and happy. With a little bit of preparation,youcaneasilydotheseactivities and decrease your risk for injury. Before and after: Knowing the right exercises to prepare for fitness activities is key. Our physical therapy expertshaveyearsofexperiencerehabilitating people after injuries and returning them pain-free to the activities they enjoy. What some people might not know is that physical therapistsputspecificexerciseplanstogether based on your needs to prevent injury. Call todayto learnhowourprogramscanhelpyou feel great!

Patient Spotlight “This will forever be my choice for services!”

Why You Need To Come Back In For A Check-Up: � Move without pain � Walk for long distances � Live an active & healthy lifestyle TAKE CARE OF YOUR ACHES & PAINS. BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. hopes to speed up my recovery. Sharon continues to aggressively treat my condition while working on improving my strength, flexibility and mobility. Without her expertise, knowledge and guidance the progress I made in the last seven months would not have been possible. Sharon has a unique way of knowing what my body can handle, pushing its limits and effectively treating my condition. I look forward to the rest of my healing process and am grateful to have her as a part of this very complicated journey. Sharon also played an integral role in my daughter’s hip injury recovery. As a young 12 year old athlete (swimmer) my daughter struggled for six months (having to take an entire swim season off) with pain and lack of mobility in her hip. Sharon’s “miracle-working hands” got her back in the water and racing at a competitive and elite level while preserving her strength and positive attitude. For that, I am also grateful. Franklin Rehabilitation, its staff, convenience of hours and location has been a blessing to me and my family. This will forever be my choice for services if any physical therapy is needed in the future.” - Nicole G. � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Does back & neck pain put a frown on your face? ATTENTION Pain Sufferers

“I have been a member of Innovative Health & Fitness for more than 10 years and am now a group fitness instructor. I knewSharon throughgroupfitnessclasses and through other members who referred to her as “the miracle worker.” It was not until I tore my labrum during prep for a bodybuilding competition that I had the opportunity to benefit from her physical

therapy services. I have been working with Sharon since April of 2016. Little did I know Franklin Rehabilitation would become a second home for me. In May, I had surgery to repair my torn labrum. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder). I worked with Sharon and her staff three days a week for very intensive therapy. In December, I underwent a second procedure to surgically manipulate the scar tissue in

Think PT First


Learn 5 Simple Ways To Stop Your Back & Neck Pain Naturally With This FREE eBook IfYou’reNoddingYesTak1EasyBabyStep inThe RightDirectionToTakingChargeofHowYouFeel, DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY!

MARCH 8TH 6PM - 7PM Presentation and Q & A 7PM- 7:40PM Screenings*

Answers For Your Nagging Foot Pain And What You Can Do About It

Location: Franklin Rehabilitation at Innovative Health & Fitness 8800 S 102nd Street, Franklin, WI Presenter: Dr. Brian Fischer from Aspen Orthopedics *Each screening takes approximately 10 minutes. There are limited time slots, so please register at:

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