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Summer MADD Messenger

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NM Spring 2021 MADD Messenger

NM Spring 2021 MADD Messenger MADD MESSENGER MADD New Mexico's Quarterly Newsletter SPR I NG 2 2 1 V

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NM Fall/Winter MADD Messenger 2020

WI NTER 2 2 VOL . 3

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2021 May Messenger

520155837 On a far less positive note, these past weeks also saw us in a race against time with the

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February 2022 Messenger

670771492 March 8 - April 12 at 7 pm . Weekly series of Tuesday evening Music and Medication are sch

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MADD Cannabis Report

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Theevidence ismounting that driversare increasingly impaired by drugso

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Ohio Baptist Messenger

theological training. For more information, please contact Chroma Church at Jihye.barrowman@chromaco

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June Messenger 2022

mackay.united Summer Hours The office will be closed August 1 through 15. Peter is away the last two

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MADD TIMES July 2022


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MADD Times April 2022


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Summer MADD Messenger

MADD MESSENGER MADD New Mexico's Quarterly Newsletter

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VOL . 0 2

COVID-19 Impact on MADD: National and Local Perspective



We hope that everyone has stayed as safe as possible during these tumultuous and uncertain times. Our hearts go out to all of those affected by COVID-19. Not only has COVID-19 changed the way MADD delivers critical services to communities across the country, but it has drastically impacted our ability to raise crucial funds that support our programs and services. Since March, we have been unable to host our Victim Impact Panels and fundraising events. Revenue from these panels and special events are the primary source of unrestricted funding that allow MADD to provide programs and services at no cost. The organization had to make the very difficult decision in the middle of June to furlough a portion of MADD staff across the country. At this time, MADD New Mexico has not been affected by this furlough decision. MADD New Mexico continues providing all of its program and services remotely. We have focused on community needs during this unique time and outreach efforts throughout the state to establish and retain invaluable relationships with community partners across the state.





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We offer our Power of Parents and Power of Youth programs virtually! We host regular Facebook Live sessions and can schedule a ZOOM, Google Meet, or other virtual format presentation. For more information contact Roberto at 505-255-2955 or [email protected]

Victim Services are still being provided remotely to anyone affected by drunk or drugged driving. We've served 137 victims during the pandemic. COVID-19 has greatly impacted the Courts and their proceedings. We are here to help navigate the new regulations, schedules, and methods of appearing during hearings or trials.

In-person Victim Impact Panels have not been able to occur since March 13th due to restrictions on public gatherings. We have an online VIP which still delivers powerful education and utilizes several safeguards that ensure compliance. 431 people have taken the Online VIP since March. Online VIP information can be found at

Court Monitors are still monitoring misdemeanor DWI cases in six counties. Monitoring has shifted to telephonic appearances and is dependent on each court's procedures as they adapt to COVID-19 regulations and restrictions.The team has monitored 1,150 cases during the pandemic.

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Quarter Highlights

Sponsor Spotlight!

Longtime Sponsor, Parnall Law, continues its support of MADD NM during a critical time, as the 2020 Statewide Sponsor!

MADD NM is on Facebook!

Facebook has allowed us to connect with our community in a new way! Like us on Facebook and follow the most up to date information!

Statewide Outreach Project

Facebook Chatterbox Series

The MADD Team launched a statewide outreach project to each county to engage with their DWI tasks force groups and DWI planning Council meetings to share MADD's programs and services and build relationships.

MADD NM Chatterbox Series includes interviews with community partners, law enforcement, sponsors, volunteers, and others who all work in concert to ENDWI.

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Saturation Saturday

August 29, 2020

On August 29, 2020, MADD will launch the second nationwide “Saturation Saturday,” an opportunity to support law enforcement departments and publicize NHTSA’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” summer activation.

In 2019, 150 MADD staff and volunteers from across the nation teamed up with 262 law enforcement agencies at roll call events, checkpoints and press conferences to launch the first nationwide Saturation Saturday, held the weekend before Labor Day weekend. The goal is to highlight and show MADD’s support for increased traffic enforcement during one of the most heavily traveled and dangerous times of the year. One of the cornerstones of MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving® is increased, high-visibility law enforcement to both catch drunk drivers and — equally important — to deter others by sending a strong message that if you drive drunk, you will get caught. This stepped up enforcement can be accomplished with sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols. Now, more than ever, our heroes in law enforcement need MADD’s support and encouragement to continue the fight against drunk and drugged driving. Drunk and drugged driving has not stopped during the pandemic, and we need to intensify the battle to end this violent crime.

Stay tuned to the MADD NM Facebook page for activation around the Saturation Saturday Campaign!

Diane Abrahams-Gollub

We are happy to recognize Diane for the dedication and time she gives to volunteer with MADD NM. She continues to be invaluable to our staff and community. She volunteers at our Victim Impact Panels, law enforcement checkpoints, Walk Like MADD, is a certified Volunteer Victim Advocate, and much more. Whether it be, mailing out thank you cards to our community partners, sending birthday cards to victim and survivors or providing refreshments for local Law Enforcement - Diane is always there to help. Her passion and heart for MADD always shines through. Thank you, Diane for all you do!

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Helpful Resources for Victims/Survivors During COVID-19

O f f e r e d Na t i o nw i d e : • Co n n e c t i n g o n t h e MADD V i c t i m Se r v i c e s F a c e b o o k p a g e • He l p l i n e w i l l s t i l l b e a v a i l a b l e : 1 - 8 7 7 - MADD - HELP / 2 4 - Ho u r V i c t i m He l p L i n e • On l i n e b r o c h u r e s : h t t p s : / /www . ma d d . o r g / g e t - h e l p / v i c t i m- a s s i s t a n c e / #s e r v i c e s • C r e a t i n g a n On l i n e T r i b u t e : h t t p s : / /ma d d . d o n o r d r i v e . c om/ i n d e x . c fm? f u s e a c t i o n = d o n o r D r i v e . e v e n t &e v e n t I D = 5 0 1

Lo c a l Qu i c k Sh e e t : • Ca l l 3 1 1 : NM s e r v i c e s a n d mo r e • Na t i o n a l Dome s t i c V i o l e n c e Ho t l i n e : 1 . 8 00 . 7 9 9 . 7 2 3 3 • UNM Me n t a l He a l t h : 5 0 5 . 2 7 2 . 2 8 00

• A l c o h o l i c s An o n ymo u s : 5 0 5 . 2 6 6 . 1 9 00 • AGORA NM C r i s i s Ce n t e r : 5 0 5 . 2 7 7 . 3 0 1 3 • Ch i l d Ab u s e Ho t l i n e : 5 0 5 . 8 4 1 . 6 1 00 • Ad u l t P r o t e c t i v e Se r v i c e s 5 0 5 . 4 7 6 . 4 9 1 2 • Se n i o r I n f o rma t i o n l i n e 5 0 5 . 7 6 4 . 6 400 • NM C r i s i s a n d Ac c e s s L i n e 1 . 8 5 5 . 6 6 2 . 7 4 7 4 • S t a t e o f NM 5 0 5 . 4 7 6 . 2 2 00

• Ch i l d c a r e , f o o d , l o s s o f i n c ome 8 3 3 . 5 5 1 . 0 5 1 8 • C i t y He a l t h a n d So c i a l Se r v i c e s 5 0 5 . 8 3 6 . 8 000 • Ro a d Ru n n e r f o o d b a n k a n d s t o r e h o u s e 5 0 5 . 2 4 7 . 2 0 5 2

• S t . Jo s e p h Commu n i t y He a l t h 5 0 5 . 9 2 4 . 8 000 • C i t y o f A l b u q u e r q u e h t t p s : / /www . c a b q . g o v / • C r i me V i c t i m Re p a r a t i o n Comm i s s i o n h t t p s : / /www . c v r c . s t a t e . nm . u s / Na v a j o Na t i o n a n d T r i b a l Commu n i t y Re s o u r c e s : F o r mo r e i n f o rma t i o n i n c l u d i n g r e p o r t s , h e l p f u l p r e v e n t i o n t i p s , a n d mo r e r e s o u r c e s , p l e a s e v i s i t t h e Na v a j o De p a r tme n t o f He a l t h ’ s COV I D - 1 9 we b s i t e a t n d o h . n a v a j o - n s n . g o v / COV I D - 1 9 . To c o n t a c t t h e ma i n Na v a j o He a l t h Comma n d Op e r a t i o n s Ce n t e r , p l e a s e c a l l ( 9 2 8 ) 8 7 1 - 7 0 1 4 .