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Superior Health Center - November 2019

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Superior Health Center - December 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Superior Health Center - October 2019

2 fresh avocado • 1 cup ice DIRECTIONS 1. In a blender, combine all ingredients. 2. Blend on high un

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Superior Health Center - January 2020

2020 CALL TODAY: 888.530.9340 YOUR DIET’S HIGH-TECH HELPER Unique Food Tracking Apps to Check Out in

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Superior Health Center - March 2020

2-inch thick • 1 red bell pepper, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, sliced • 2 pints cherry tomatoes “IT IS

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Superior Health Center- February 2020

3 cup apple cider • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar “OUR CHARACTER IS NOT DEFINED IN THE GOOD TIMES, BUT I

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Superior Health Center -April 2020

Superior Health Center -April 2020 888-530-6465 APRIL 2020 About Overu

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Superior Health Centers - September 2019

4 cup fresh lemon juice DIRECTIONS 1. In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar with 1 cup of wate

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November 2019 Health Matters

Occupational Health: 624-4630 Community Blood Center: 624-4120 Dr. John N. Briggs Wellness Center: 6

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Auburn Dental Center November 2019

4 cup vegetable oil • 8 cloves garlic, crushed • 2 sprigs rosemary Inspired by Bon Appétit 402-274-5

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Arizona Hearing Center November 2019

Arizona Hearing Center November 2019 2627 North Third Street, Ste. 100, Phoenix, AZ 85004 | 14418 We

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Superior Health Center - November 2019




Giving People the Courage to Put Out Their Cigarettes

alone, over 34 million people smoke cigarettes, and, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), “Smoking remains the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in the world.”While this might be a little overwhelming to think about, these facts are important to know in order to push forward. The team at Superior Health Centers wants to encourage anyone who is thinking about taking part in this event to go for it. Quitting can be significantly beneficial for someone’s health, and it also has positive influences on patients who are seeking treatments. “You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with one day.” A person who is suffering from peripheral neuropathy or diabetes, for example, will often experience more discomfort or pain while smoking.As described in a previous newsletter,

peripheral neuropathy is a condition in which a person experiences pain, numbness, or tingling in the legs, feet, arms, and hands due to a disconnection between the brain and the nerves. Smoking will cause these symptoms to worsen and can prevent or reduce the benefits of healing treatments.This is due to what smoking does to the body; it damages a person’s blood vessels, restricting the proper flow of blood cells to the brain and to the rest of the body.When this happens, it prevents oxygen from properly flowing throughout your body, causing further damage and disrupting the communication that takes place between nerve cells. Patients who smoke after they have healed risk causing a reversal of their treatment due to the continued deterioration and restriction of the blood vessels. Quitting smoking is an extremely challenging thing to do, but no one must follow this path alone.The ACS has a number of resources, tools, and community support that can help people succeed in this endeavor. If you are considering participating in the Great American Smokeout this year or want to learn more about this event and what ACS can offer you, visit today.

A ccording to PsychologyToday, cigarettes are among the top seven hardest addictions to quit.Taking the first steps toward breaking this habit won’t only be challenging but also terrifying for many people. However, it isn’t impossible to quit. The Great American Smokeout is an event that takes place every year on Nov. 21 and encourages smokers across the country to find their courage to quit. It’s very rare that people can cut themselves off all at once; the best way to break away from an unhealthy habit is to build a plan, and this event gives people a chance to do just that. The idea behind this event is to give people a way to turn their thoughts of quitting into action.The Great American Smokeout challenges smokers to put down their cigarettes for a full 24 hours.When a person makes this decision, even for one day, it gives them the confidence and determination they need to continue this journey they’ve chosen.As their slogan states, “You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with one day.” Not only does this event provide support, encouragement, and resources for people actively looking to break their habit, but it also spreads awareness of the importance of quitting. In America



PATIENT STORY OF THE MONTH! Regaining the Ability to Walk After receiving treatment for his neuropathy, our wonderful patient, Donald, can once again walk for longer than 15 minutes. When Donald first began noticing neuropathy symptoms, he thought they had something to do with the open-heart surgery he had around the same time.The first symptom was a sharp pain in his foot, which he assumed was related. However, when the pain persisted after his recovery from the surgery, he started realizing that it might be something more. Over the next 5–7 years, Donald struggled with his neuropathy, trying to relieve his pain while slowly losing his inability to walk. “I was not very active,” he admits, thinking about his life before his neuropathy started. “But I did a lot more walking and a lot more outside activities than I do now.”As his neuropathy began to grow worse, he couldn’t do as much as he once was able to. “It got to the point that I could hardly walk more than a half-mile or so.” Donald was attempting to enjoy a fun family outing when he realized enough was enough. “I went on an outing with some of my family, and I got to a point where I couldn’t walk more than 15 minutes or so without definite pain and unbalance in my walking.”With the risk of losing his ability to walk altogether, he reached out to Superior Health Centers to find a solution. As he progressed through his neuropathy treatment, the pain in his feet became less and less pronounced. “The treatment has really helped. I have really been able to do a lot more, and I can understand now why I needed to make more changes to my lifestyle in order to keep mobility because it’s very important to me.”Today, Donald can enjoy his walks and outdoor activities with no pain at all. Every day, Superior Health Centers aims to help people just like Donald who are unable to go about their daily lives due to pain. If you are unable to enjoy the activities you once did, contact Superior Health Centers today at 888-530-6465. Our team is ready to help.

Tea has been consumed for thousands of years and is the second- most popular drink in the world, with water being the first. It is the national drink of several nations, including China and India, and is an integral component of religious ceremonies the world over. Drinking tea has been known to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep. In addition to these instant benefits, tea can also help improve a person’s long-term health through regular consumption. Your Heart According to Harvard Health Institute, several studies show that those who regularly drink black and green tea are at a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.These types of tea contain antioxidants and flavonoids, which are plant chemicals that help dilate arteries and reduce bad cholesterol. Studies also link tea consumption with improved vascular reactivity — how well your blood vessels respond to stress. Your Brain Flavonoids don’t only fight heart disease; these chemicals can also reduce any vascular damage to the brain.The National University of Singapore has conducted studies that link reduced risks of dementia in the elderly with regular tea consumption.The results speak for themselves: “The longitudinal study involving 957 Chinese seniors aged 55 years or older has found that regular consumption of tea lowers the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly by 50%, while APOE e4 gene carriers who are genetically at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease may experience a reduction in cognitive impairment risk by as much as 86%.” Your Mood Tea leaves contain the amino acid L-theanine, which stimulates several feel-good neurotransmitters, like serotonin and gamma- Aminobutyric acid (GABA).These neurotransmitters help boost your mood and alertness.According to a study by the Huazhong University of Science andTechnology in China, tea even has the ability to ward off depression.The study took 22,817 participants with 4,743 cases of depression over 11 studies, and 13 reports found that individuals who drank three cups of tea a day decreased their depression risk by 37%. So, the next time you want a warm beverage that will do your mind and body good, reach for some tea and bask in all the health benefits as you sip. TEA TIME What’s Swirling Around in Your Cup?



Healthy Habits for Your Feet On a daily basis, we might not think about our feet too much, but they do a lot for us.Without them, people couldn’t enjoy daily activities like walking, jumping, jogging, or even standing.The truth is that our feet do a lot for us, which is why Trim your nails. To properly trim your toenails, cut the nail straight across, then round the edges with an emery board. Don’t cut the nail too short, as it might lead to painful ingrown nails. it’s vital to take care of them. Here are a few healthy habits that are beneficial to everyone.

If you do have an ingrown nail, do not try removing it yourself; contact a medical professional.

Inspect your feet regularly. It’s important to take a few minutes and examine your feet at least once a day. Look for any small cuts, blisters, cracks, or discoloration of the skin or nails, and check between your toes for any scaling or peeling areas. It can be useful to use a handheld mirror to ensure you check everywhere.Also, look inside your shoes before you put them on. Look for old socks or other items that may have fallen in. Wash and dry them thoroughly. The perfect way to keep your feet healthy is to ensure proper hygiene. It’s vital to scrub your feet with soap and water while you bathe and to dry them completely afterward. Leaving your feet to drip- dry increases the risk of health issues, such as athlete’s foot.

Protect your feet. If you’re headed to a public pool, gym, or locker room, it’s important to wear appropriate footwear at all times. It’s also essential to wear breathable footwear, avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes regularly, and always shop for shoes that fit your feet properly. Don’t cover up with nail polish. Toenails that are discolored, cracked, or crumbling are symptoms of nail fungus and shouldn’t be

hidden underneath a layer of polish, which can exacerbate the problem.

Increase circulation. Sitting all day can decrease the circulation in your feet, especially if you sit with your legs crossed for an extended amount of time. Sit with your legs relaxed and your feet apart. It can also help to stand up and stretch or walk around every so often.




Inspired by Food &Wine Magazine


• 2 lbs whole green beans, ends trimmed • 6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

• 1/2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • Kosher salt, to taste


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.To the side of the stove, prepare a large bucket of ice water. 2. Cook beans in boiling water for 4 minutes. Immediately transfer to ice water. Drain and pat dry. 3. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 30 seconds. Stir in ground ginger and crushed pepper. Add green beans. 4. Cook together for 2–3 minutes. 5. Transfer to plate and serve. 3 888-530-6465

Published byThe Newsletter Pro |

17748 Skypark Cir. #240 Irvine, CA 92614 888-530-6465



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Don’t Give Up on Quitting

Spilling the Tea on Tea

Monthly Success Stories


These Feet Were Made for Walking

Green Beans With Ginger and Garlic


Fun Facts About Mickey Mouse

How Much Do You Know About This Famous Mouse? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICKEY! it’s a bad election.” But he’s not the only Disney character who gets unwavering support.According to a California election worker, “Donald Duck is a close second.” So, if you’re one of the many who believe Mickey Mouse would be an excellent U.S. president, you’re not alone. First Cartoon Character to Speak Mickey Mouse was the first animated character to be given a voice. His first words, spoken by none other thanWalt Disney himself, were “hot dog,” which soon became his catchphrase. Here’s an even more fun fact:The third person to ever voice Mickey Mouse,Wayne Allwine, eventually married the voice actor of Minnie Mouse, Russi Taylor, after they met on the set of a Disney special. A Disco-Dancing Fiend Mickey’s 1979 disco album, “Mickey Mouse Disco,” went double platinum in 1984, the first children’s album to do so.The album included disco versions of Disney songs as well as “Disney-fied” versions of popular disco hits. If you ever want to hear what all the hype was about, you can still find this album on iTunes. These are just some of many fun Mickey Mouse facts to develop over his legendary 91-year legacy.To celebrate Mickey’s birthday on Nov. 18, find your favorite Mickey Mouse movie and watch it with the whole family!

It’s true what they say: Everything gets better with age. For 91 years, Mickey has brought laughter and joy to both children and adults all over the world. November is Mickey Mouse’s birthday month, so let’s celebrate with these fun facts about our favorite cartoon mouse. A Mouse by Any Other Name ... Walt Disney originally named the mouse “Mortimer,” but his wife suggested “Mickey.” Disney later introduced a character named Mortimer, who had little in common with Mickey besides a shared last name and romantic interest in Minnie Mouse. The Most PopularWrite-In Candidate It’s true; Mickey is the most popular write-in candidate during election season.As one Georgia election supervisor noted in 2012, “Mickey always gets votes. If he doesn’t get votes in our election,