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Surf City Lawyers - August 2018

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Surf City Lawyers - June 2018

watch?v=r4IDLvwgDbU. You’ll be inspired in no time! Not so fast! There was a time when it seemed tha

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Surf City Lawyers - November 2018

4 teaspoon fennel seeds (optional) DIRECTIONS 1. In a large stock pot, bring salt, sugar, and 4 cups

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Surf City Lawyers October 2018

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Surf City Lawyers - August 2018

714-533-9210 AUGUST 2018


I’ll never forget the first time I dropped Jay off at school. It was utterly heart-wrenching. I was scared to death of just about every conceivable harm coming his way. I remember I walked him to his classroom on his first day, and the teachers let me sit next to him. My eyes danced around the classroom for a short while, but my primary focus was on Jay. I was a total wreck, fighting back tears and scared to death. Meanwhile, Jay took to it like a fish in water. I’m sure if there were a video of it, you’d think he was the calm, cool, collected adult and I was the terrified child. SURF CITY LAWYERS GO BACK TO SCHOOL Our New Initiative for Teachers

Jay’s teachers have had a significant impact on him, and that’s why Christine and I wanted to start an initiative to give back. Teachers have an essential role in our society, but they’re often required to fund their classroom with the necessary supplies to teach our kids. So last year, I went out and bought Jay’s teacher the supplies she needed for the year.

When I told Christine, having the great mind she does, she told me we should do more.

This August, Christine and I are going to fill up reusable bags with everything the teachers at Jay’s school need for the year. We’re going to sprinkle in things like Starbucks gift cards

(because what teacher can survive without coffee?) and other fun items so they can have more than just the bare bones. Before school starts, we’re going to head over to the classrooms and deliver them to the

25-plus teachers. We’re doing it on our own, but as we got to thinking, we wanted to use this newsletter to offer up the opportunity

“Teachers have an essential role in our society, but they’re often required to fund their classroomwith the necessary supplies to teach our kids.”

for anyone else wanting to help with our initiative. If you’re interested in how you can help — or ways you can start something similar at your child’s school — reach out to us. The more we look at the heart and dedication of these wonderful people who serve our kids, the more Christine and I want to do the best we can to match it. I went to Jay’s class to help out a few times, and I have no idea how teachers have the patience and dedication they do. So if there’s something we can do to help, I say let’s do it.

The same situation transpired just this last year as Mark and I put Jay in a new school. I tried to put on a brave face, but I couldn’t hold back tears for long. “Mom, why are you so scared?” he asked me. And after he came running out of school the first day, wearing a smile ear to ear, I knew there was no way he’d ever understand my anxiety. He’s a wonderful, socially adept young man. I wish I could take the credit for it, but he has this innate character about him that is truly unique.

–Anna Serrambana

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This struggle often comes from pride, the idea that if you admit you can’t do it all, then you can’t do anything. But this mindset often leads to ruin. In a survey by 99 Design, most entrepreneurs claimed the worst mistake they ever made wasn’t a poor financial decision or bad planning — it was simply not asking for help early in their careers. Having to ask for help isn’t a sign that you’re unable to achieve what you set out to do. In fact, when you ask for help in business, you may find you’re able to achieve more . This is because asking for help is a form of networking. You’re actively reaching out to experts, learning how other people solve problems, and broadening the awareness of your name and brand at the same time. If you struggle to ask others for help when you need it, start by changing your mindset. You don’t have to do it all; you’re just one person,

and sometimes one person needs to delegate tasks to others to get more done. Asking for help is also easier when you know what you want to ask for. If you are overwhelmed by a big project, take a moment to write down your goals for that project, along with a list of action steps and resources needed to get there. Then think about who you can reach out to in order to tackle these steps. If you’re still uncomfortable with asking for help, make a point of helping others when you can. Being helpful changes the way you perceive receiving help and builds a positive reputation with others. When you are viewed as being helpful, other people want to help you in return. Asking for help means admitting you can’t do it all alone. But why should you have to? Doing it all alone can be pretty lonely, and asking for help means you have a team to support you wherever you go.

“Can you give me a hand?”

Asking for help is a simple request. Most people do it every day, whether they’re getting a second opinion on a paint color or asking a stranger to hold the elevator. Asking for help is important; the ability to work as a team is one of mankind’s greatest strengths. But if the act of asking for help is so essential in our lives, why do entrepreneurs have such a hard time with it?

It’s back-to-school time for college students, which means life is one part stress, one part social melting pot, and all parts broke. For most students, trying to scrounge up enough cash to go on a beer run becomes a more considerable investment than learning. While drinking isn’t part of everyone’s life, these three concepts will help you get through college with a better financial future. Well, at least two of them will. LOANS ARE NOT FINANCIAL AID Taking out a loan is not the same as a grant from the government or a scholarship. It may sound like a rudimentary concept, but unfortunately, thousands of students don’t understand the fundamentals of how financial aid works. Take time to sit down with your school counselor, financial aid representative, or even your friendly neighborhood Surf City Lawyer and ask them questions about how to use financial aid responsibly. FREELANCE WORK Ask any college student, and they’ll tell you how difficult it is to work and go to school. The one trend that can change all that is freelance work. The Freelancers Union reported that 36 percent of the American workforce is in Be Conscious of Your Student Loans WANT MORE BEER MONEY?

what is known as “the gig economy.” By working as a contractor, you can create your schedule and pay rate. That means more money, more time, and more freedom. DRINK CHEAP BEER Listen, we get it. There’s nothing better than a great craft beer, but let’s be honest for a second. If you’re in college, half of that beer is going to end up on the floor of some person’s garage, and the other half might be ingested. An occasional craft beer at a Huntington Beach bonfire is excellent, but if you want to enjoy quality brews for the rest of your life, consider making some sacrifices and saving your dough until after your student loans are paid off. The decisions you make now will alter the course of your financial future. If you want to drink PBR the rest of your life, then taking out massive amounts of student loans is right for you. But if you want to experience the great breweries of southern California and beyond, take time to research how student loans will affect the big picture of your finances. 2


Even though they are fictional depictions, these three lawyers can serve as inspiration for many young women who aspire to become attorneys.

She won’t be bullied or put in a corner, and that bite to her personality helps her lead in a world where she’s a minority in every aspect. When push comes to shove, we want her on our team because she’s result-driven and a natural leader. MIRANDA HOBBES, ‘SEX AND THE CITY’ Sometimes you need to use your skills to help your friends. Miranda, despite all her quirks as an individual, is a lawyer who will work a variety of cases to help those closest to her. What separates her from an average lawyer is her commitment to what she believes is right. Misogyny and ignorance are an unfortunate reality of working as a female attorney. Miranda stands up for herself, and that is one characteristic that translates to a confident lawyer in the courtroom.

ELLE WOODS, ‘LEGALLY BLONDE’ A tireless work ethic, a little dog named Bruiser, and a whole lot of pink put Elle Woods from “Legally Blonde” at the top of the list of female lawyers we’d want representing us. Practicing law requires incessant preparation, and no one prepares like Elle Woods. She might be a slow starter when it comes to delivering an argument, but few are better at finishing it. What makes Elle Woods the complete package is her ability to stay true to her character and never settle for anything less than the best. She is passionate, hard-working, and all-around amazing. JESSICA PEARSON, ‘SUITS’ The only thing better than Jessica Pearson’s clothing is her willingness to put up a fight. Strong women in the law are often feared and stereotyped, but Jessica commands respect — and she takes care of business.

We’re not fictional. We’re real, passionate, dedicated female lawyers who will fight for you. Reach out to our offices today and let us show you.


Par Birdie Driver Green Stroke HoleInOne PGA Caddie

Swing Putter GolfCart DrivingRange

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How We Do Back to School

Why Is It Hard to Ask for Help?

If You Want More Beer Money, Don’t Take Out Student Loans

The 3 Best Female Lawyers in Cinematic History

Word Search

The Strangest Holidays in August



those digits throughout the day. Just don’t expect to see any Hallmark cards devoted to National Wiggle Your Toes Day anytime soon. AUGUST 13: LEFT-HANDERS DAY About 10 percent of the population is left- handed. Lefties may be stuck in a right-hand- dominant world, but on August 13, they rule the roost. Originally founded in England, Left-Handers Day has taken off in the U.S. Righties are encouraged to try out a left-handed approach for the day. Lefties, for their part, are free to be themselves. AUGUST 17: NATIONAL THRIFT SHOP DAY Thrift shops are a staple of American commerce, so it makes sense that there is a day devoted to

them. Take the day to hunt for lost treasures and screaming deals. Many thrift shops also benefit nonprofit organizations, giving you even more reason to frequent them. AUGUST 27: NATIONAL ‘JUST BECAUSE’ DAY This celebration is really scratching the bottom of the holiday barrel. Joseph J. Goodwin created National “Just Because” Day in the 1950s. It’s a day to do something “just because.” Be spontaneous and have a little fun. There’s no one way to celebrate, which is fitting, given that the existence of the holiday seems to defy logic altogether.

February has Valentine’s Day; September has Labor Day; December, of course, has Christmas; and August has, um, National Raspberry Cream Pie Day. August may not host any major holidays, but it doesn’t lack for some of the goofiest on the calendar.


While the origin of this holiday is uncertain, it’s held every year on August 6. To celebrate, people are encouraged to wear sandals, flip flops, or other toe-exposing footwear. You can also frolic barefoot in the grass or simply stretch