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Swerdloff Law Firm June 2018

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Swerdloff Law Firm April 2018

4 pound pasta (shells or orecchiette) • 2 cups broccoli florets • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 pound

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Swerdloff Law Firm August 2018

Swerdloff Law Firm August 2018 SWERDLOFF In The Know • 310-577-9104 AUGUST 201

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Swerdloff Law Firm October 2018

4 cup organic pumpkin purée • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or substitute with cinnamon and ginger)

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Swerdloff Law Firm May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus Instructions depending on desire

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Swerdloff Law Firm July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon olive oil • Celery salt and fresh

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Swerdloff Law Firm September 2018

2 teaspoon cumin Instructions 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together cocon

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Swerdloff Law December 2018

4 teaspoon Aleppo pepper or smoked paprika • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste preferably Mar

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Swerdloff Law March 2018

C junction, and other similar large appliances. Homeowners often forget about these appliances becau

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Swerdloff Law February 2018

2-inch balls and press into tart molds. Use 2 fingers to fold down edges of dough. 2. Heat oven to 4

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Swerdloff Law Firm January 2018

SWERDLOFF In The Know • 310-577-9104



2017 was a crazy year. In addition to everything going on in the White House, there was flooding in Houston, fires in California, and hurricanes in Puerto Rico, not to mention the other natural disasters people battled all over the country. But you know what? We are hopeful. 2018 is a year of hope. It will have its own dramas, sure, but there are also new, wonderful things happening. I shared with you my love for deep sea fishing, and in November, my son, Andrew, and I went on a three-day fishing trip. On the second day, we caught a whole lot of fish, resulting in a very fun barbecue with family and friends following a baby shower for my son Eric's wfie. My younger son, Andrew barbecued all day so we could enjoy the tasty, fresh fish. With our excitement bubbling over from that trip, Andrew and I made plans to go fishing in Mexico later this year. We’ll be in the midst of the fish with marlin and sailfish jumping all around us. If you haven’t seen a sailfish before, look it up. They’re magnificent fish, with a long nose similar to a swordfish, and a tall dorsal fin that gives them their name. They’re also the fastest fish in the ocean and have been clocked at 68 miles per hour! We won’t be eating these fish, though. We’ll catch and release, so the thrill is all in hoisting a fish out of the water, taking a picture of your catch, and returning it to its home. I can’t wait for this adventure!

lovely — crisp at night and warm during the day. The expanse of blue, sunny sky there is incredible. Looking out my window every morning, I was treated to a desert panorama with blue skies as far as the eye could see. Eric and his wife Persiilla hosted us and several of their friends, some from right up the street while others came from several hours away to spend the holiday with us. At the end of the night, a neighbor stopped in to join the gathering. One of my son’s friends from school was only planning to stop by for a few days, and ended up staying for Thanksgiving dinner. She brought the party — the puppy party, that is. Her three dachshunds joined her for the trip and were happy to settle in one place for a few days joined by Eric's two Chihuahuas. When it comes to special-needs law, there’s also a reason for you to feel hopeful. In 2016, President Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act, and it went into effect in 2017. This act allows individuals with special needs to self-settle their own trusts, giving them back authority over their own lives.

Last year, one of my clients, a young college student, was able to create his own trust with the money he had inherited. He can now establish his own financial future, and it was empowering for him. In the past, if someone inherited money, got a settlement, or otherwise had the capacity to establish a trust, it had to be set up by third parties, even if the person knew exactly what was going on. Now, if the person is an adult, they can create their own trust. This gives self-respect back to people and helps them feel like a participant in their own life, rather than a bystander. I’m looking forward to seeing more positive cases stem from this change. I also wanted to share with you the news that 2017 was one of the best years yet for our firm. I’m letting you know because it’s thanks to you! I’m incredibly grateful to all the clients and friends of our firm who’ve made that possible. You make me love what I do!

May you start 2018 with feelings of hope.

Happy New Year!

Our trip to New Mexico during Thanksgiving also stirred my travel bug. The weather was

–Arthur J. Swerdloff

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The cruel winds of winter swirl just outside your window, leaving traces of frost on each pane. You stoke the fire and curl up in the velvet armchair nearby, eager to finally start that Agatha Christie novel. But as you stir your tea and pull on a pair of wool socks, you feel a slight tickle in the back of your throat. Frantic, you reach for your trusty onion necklace and blare Pandora’s jazz station. Yes, it’s as strange as it sounds. Among the countless cold remedies in the world, there are some that involve an extra-large helping of lizard soup and others that require a supply of powdered frog skin. But most of the time, these superstitions do little or nothing to combat your infections. Take these two sock remedies, for instance. A Dirty Lard Scarf Some home-remedy enthusiasts encourage their infected friends to grease their necks with chicken fat or lard. After their skin is

sufficiently coated, the afflicted then wrap their necks with dirty socks. Warm and a little sticky, the sick were supposed to sweat out their germs.

Wring them out, then pull them over your warm feet. Immediately add another layer of dry socks and hop into bed!

But Does It Work?

But Does It Work?

Maybe! This approach is a standard practice in hydrotherapy. Your body is surprised by the sudden change in temperature and increases its circulation rate. This could help clear your nasal passages and jump-start your immune system. Licensed acupuncturist Anne Carruth described her experience with this method on For her, the treatment “nips a sore throat in the bud” and has helped her “get over lingering cold and flu symptoms.” In the end, whether you’re experimenting with socks or just taking another dose of Nyquil, it’s important to fight your cold when it arrives. Get adequate sleep, drink plenty of fluids, and warm up a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Your body will thank you!

Probably not. This remedy supposedly surfaced in England before drugs and vaccines helped eliminate contagious illnesses like strep throat and diphtheria. While sweating does help rid the body of unwanted bacteria and germs, the dirty sock adornment served more as a reminder for the healthy to steer clear of their feverish neighbors. But hey, at least the scarf will keep you warm during a bout of the shivers! You’re Hot Then You’re Cold This holistic approach supposedly clears nasal congestion for a restful night’s sleep. Simply soak your feet in warm water until they’re hot and pink. While you’re sitting, let a pair of socks rest in a bowl of ice water.

CYCLING THROUGH SANTA MONICA Last month, Nikki introduced you to the best places to hike in our area. Now, she’s back with her other favorite activity: cycling! it enables her to continue riding with as much or as little assistance as she desires. She can build up her strength while enjoying the outdoors. It’s incredible. You can ride as far and as long as you want. Right now, I’m riding

my cruiser, and it’s ideal for flat rides. However, if you want to do more of an uphill, mountainous ride, you’ll want something with more speed and more gears, like a road bike. Whether you want a beach cruise, mountain ride, speed race, or slow roll, Santa Monica has a gorgeous route waiting for you!

Riding my bike is one of my favorite activities because it’s so easy to find beautiful places to go. You can just roll out of your driveway and put all your worries behind you! When I get on my bike, I feel calm. I put all my thoughts on the back burner and just let my mind flow. It’s freedom. You can go with a friend or group, or you can go alone, which is just as enjoyable. One advantage of riding with a group is that they will inspire you to go faster and further than you would by yourself. If you want to move your body and stay in shape without a lot of impact, biking is for you. There are options for every speed and level. One gal at our office who suffered a knee injury has an electric bike, and

For those who don’t have time to go to the gym, biking can be a part of your commute. One of my resolutions is to ride to work at least a few times each week. My favorite place to bike is along the beach, where you can enjoy the ocean breeze and birdsong in the background.

Nikki Harjo

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As you approach retirement, it’s important to make sure your lifestyle is tailored to fit the end of your working life. This concept, known as “rightsizing,” can make your savings last longer, which provides you with the freedom to enjoy your later years. Kathy Gottberg, author of “Rightsizing: A Smart Living 365 Guide to Reinventing Retirement,” defines the concept as “conscious choices for a better lifestyle that more closely fits your new needs in retirement.” The earlier you can begin rightsizing, the more prepared you’ll be for the days when you no longer have an income from work. For most of us, what really matters when we retire is spending time with loved ones and having memorable experiences. Nobody’s greatest regret is not having enough stuff. With that in mind, here are a

few tips that will prepare you for a fruitful and fulfilling retirement.

will generate some extra cash and help you to live more efficiently. As an added bonus, you’ll often find that a cozier home increases happiness. The less time you have to spend on home maintenance, the more you can devote to the activities you love. Change Your Mindset Too often, we suffer from the urge to “keep up with the Joneses.” If our neighbor buys something, we want it too. But to really rightsize, you should resist the urge to meet other people’s standards. Retirement should help you make the most of your life, not anyone else’s. Before you make a purchase, especially a large one, ask yourself what’s motivating your decision. If it’s not going to make your life better, leave it on the shelf.

Clear Out Unneeded Goods If you’ve been in the same home for years or decades, you probably have more stuff than you need. Start by discarding anything that’s broken, damaged, or simply not getting any use. You should also make sure you’re not acting as a storage unit for friends or family members. If they don’t have the space for something, it shouldn’t be your job to hang on to it. Eliminating clutter will free up your space and allow you to treasure what you have. Move Into a House You Can Fill Once all of your children have left the nest, you’ll often find that you don’t need as many rooms. Selling your home and moving into one that isn’t half-empty

Recipe inspired by



There’s nothing like curling up under a blanket with a warm mug and a novel that finally came out in paperback. Break out the slow cooker and let the sweet aroma waft through your living room as your start Chapter 1.


Instructions • 1 cup white chocolate chips • 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk • 2 cups heavy cream, divided • 3 cups milk (any variety will do) 1. In a slow cooker, combine white chocolate chips, condensed milk, 1 cup cream, and milk. Cover and heat on low about 2 hours. 2. In a large bowl, mix remaining 1 cup cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla.

• 2 tablespoons powdered sugar • 1 teaspoon vanilla • 4 tablespoons raspberry liqueur or syrup

3. Using a hand or stand mixer, whip until stiff peaks form. 4. Serve mugs of hot chocolate with about 1 tablespoon of raspberry liqueur or syrup to taste and a dollop of whipped cream.

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Focus on the Positive


Can Chicken Fat Cure Your Cold? Nikki’s Picks


Are You Ready for Retirement? Warm Up With Some Hot Cocoa


Can a Bird Save the Day?

THESE FEATHERED HEROES Aren’t Exactly Birdbrains

Willie Sounds the Alarm In 2009, Megan Howard and her pet parrot, Willie, were babysitting 2-year- old Hannah Kuusk. When Megan went to the bathroom, she suddenly heard a loud scream and a high-pitched voice shouting, “Mama baby!” She dashed out of the bathroom and found Willie next to Hannah, whose face was turning blue. Howard quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver to save the choking girl, but she

We hear stories about dogs, cats, and even dolphins stepping up to save the day, but mammals aren’t the only animal heroes worth celebrating. Check out these feathered friends who prove every bird has its day. Charlie the Watch Bird When two men knocked on his door early one September morning in 2011, kindhearted Jack Dukes welcomed the strangers into his home, hoping to offer assistance. The men turned on him. They beat Jack up and demanded pills, but this didn’t fly with Jack’s pet macaw,

Argonne Offensive. Unfortunately, they were completely alone. Enemy and friendly fire rained down on them, and the commander sent a plea to headquarters with his last carrier pigeon, Cher Ami. The moment Cher Ami took off, Germans opened fire on the pigeon. However, despite being shot through the breast and losing a leg and an eye, Cher Ami kept flying. He made it 25 miles to headquarters, delivering the message that saved 194 men. Cher Ami was awarded the French Croix de Guerre, a medal celebrating wartime heroics, and his body is enshrined at the Smithsonian's Price of Freedom exhibit in Washington, D.C. They say birds of a feather flock together, and these brave birds flock with the humans they love. Maybe being birdbrained isn’t such a bad thing after all.

considers Willie the real hero. The local chapter of the Red Cross later awarded Willie their Animal Lifesaver Award.

Charlie. The colorful bird leapt to his master’s defense, scratching and biting one of the invaders. After Charlie took a chunk out of the intruder’s arm, the man and his accomplice fled, and Jack called the authorities.

Cher Ami and the Lost Battalion During World War I, a division

of U.S. forces managed to cross German lines in what would be called the Meuse-

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