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Swerdloff Law November 2018

Swerdloff Law November 2018 SWERDLOFF In The Know • 310-577-9104 NOVEMBER 2018

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Swerdloff Law September 2017

Swerdloff Law September 2017 SWERDLOFF In The Know • 310-577-9104 SEPTEMBER 20

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Swerdloff Law Firm October 2017

7 job. Even when you’re not on the clock, the people you care for are on your mind. That’s part of

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Swerdloff Law Firm December 2017

Swerdloff Law Firm December 2017 SWERDLOFF In The Know • 310-577-9104 DECEMBER

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Swerdloff Law December 2018

4 teaspoon Aleppo pepper or smoked paprika • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste preferably Mar

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Swerdloff Law March 2018

C junction, and other similar large appliances. Homeowners often forget about these appliances becau

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Swerdloff Law February 2018

2-inch balls and press into tart molds. Use 2 fingers to fold down edges of dough. 2. Heat oven to 4

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Gillette Law - November 2017

Gillette Law - November 2017 Call Now! 757-220-4529 ILLETTE GAZETTE NOVEMBER 20

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Button Law - November 2017

january-soup- swap-gatherings-from-the-kitchn-214906. NOVEMBER CASE STUDY Parking Lot Trap WHAT HAPP

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Brauns Law November 2017

Brauns Law November 2017 404-418-8244 November 2017 WWW.BRAUNSLAW.COM 3175 SATELLITE BOULEVARD, SUIT

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Swerdloff Law November 2017

SWERDLOFF In The Know • 310-577-9104



In the last newsletter, I mentioned that I enjoy taking deep-sea fishing trips with my kids. It’s always been a family affair. My father started taking me fishing when I was a teenager. He was a skilled fishermen and participated in a charter with a local group in our town. They would charter a boat for a couple days, go out on the water, and bring home whatever they caught. Centered around the

sports store in town, the group included several very accomplished fishers. I remember my dad returning home from each trip with a bounty of fish, and Mom was always ready to bring on the sauce. Tuna is especially good in a baked sauce.

"Our wish to them, and to everyone affected by the hurricanes, is that they’re able to rebuild their lives and return to some level of normalcy."

are just what we’ve come to appreciate about the holiday.

last minute. Thank goodness they are all safe and rebuilding now. It’s brought the town together and everyone is working to put things back in order. With so much of my family residing in other parts of the U.S., I’m thankful to have my younger son and his wife nearby, so we can see each other often. In fact, we have a deep sea fishing trip scheduled for early November. We communicate almost every week, which I realize is a luxury not every parent has. Our talks are one of the highlights of my week. To you, my clients, we are grateful for your loyalty and support. I’ve worked with some of you for over 20 years, and it has been an honor to see you through each life event. Thank you for allowing me to be part of that.

Often, we don’t understand how

Around the holidays, I think about my dad and feel gratitude for the time I get to spend with my own kids. Because they’re adults and busy with their lives, the moments I get with them are priceless. We spent our last two Thanksgiving holidays with our children in Albuquerque, and we’ll most likely be joining them there again this month. New Mexico is particularly nice this time of year, with fresh, clear air and expansive skies. Our last couple visits were filled with fabulous food thanks to my daughter-in-law, who is a great host and especially talented with food presentation. We have a traditional meal, which I’m glad for, because Turkey is my favorite part. I guess I’m a traditionalist. A juicy turkey, a nice bottle of wine, and all the trimmings

much we have until we see others living without it. This fall, we watched in horror as natural disasters tore through our country. Storms and other forces of nature brought widespread loss. My daughter-in-law in Mexico is from Puerto Rico, and her direct family still lives there, so they were faced with the destruction of Hurricane Maria. Weeks after it struck, parts of Puerto Rico were still without power, and as we saw on the news, the damage was everywhere. We are grateful that her family survived. Our wish to them, and to everyone affected by the hurricanes, is that they’re able to rebuild their lives and return to some level of normalcy. In Houston, my eldest nephew was faced with trials of his own as they experienced the recent flooding and had to evacuate at the

Enjoy your time with the people you love and have a happy Thanksgiving.

–Arthur J. Swerdloff

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WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO COMMUNICATE? Remember that dementia affects each person differently, and one person's ability to communicate will differ from another's. Talk about how your loved one prefers to communicate. Is it face-to-face conversations, emails, or phone calls? Be willing to listen and adapt to what makes them feel comfortable. DON’T ASSUME ISOLATION IS THE BEST BET. Alzheimer’s and dementia can make a person very lonely. In social situations, empathy goes a long way. Would you want to spend all your time away from everyone you love? A person suffering from one of these diseases may even benefit from social activities. And if they feel at ease, it will help you both to be more comfortable. IT’S OKAY TO LAUGH. Laughter is still the best medicine, and accepting that situations may be and cardiovascular health. Traditional saunas use heat to get your blood flowing and promote circulation, and the sweating that goes on during a sauna experience is said to release toxins from your body. It’s a rejuvenating ritual that releases stress along with endorphins. Now, the health journal Age and Ageing has found evidence linking sauna use to a lowered risk for Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Men aged 42–60 who participated in frequent sauna bathing sessions were found to have lowered rates of dementia and Alzheimer’s. If feeling good and warming you up weren’t enough, a healthy mind is a great reason to sauna. And while the simplicity of the traditional sauna is part of what makes it great, some facilities have added a modern twist: infrared rays. Infrared saunas, already hot in New York City and Los Angeles, are starting

to pop up everywhere. If you have trouble dealing with the heat of a typical sauna (average sauna temperatures are kept around 212 degrees F), this latest trend is for you. The average temperature of an infrared sauna is 150 degrees F, making it a more tolerable experience. One New York studio touts infrared’s ability to stimulate collagen production, an added anti-aging benefit. Need another bonus? Infrared saunas are said to release up to 20 percent more toxins from the body than traditional saunas Whichever type of sauna you decide to visit, the potential health benefits speak for themselves. If you don’t get to escape to Miami or Cancun this winter (and even if you do), it’s a relaxing way to warm up and ease winter ailments. Treat your body and yourself to a sauna experience!

Colder weather is hard on our bodies for many reasons. The air dries and cracks our skin, freezing temperatures cause old injuries to flare up and joints to ache, and the conditions make it just plain hard to exercise. What’s a fair-weather bird to do? Head to the sauna! Sauna use has been popular in Finland for thousands of years, and there are compelling reasons why. Not only are there many bodily benefits, but science is telling us it may also protect the mind.

We’ve known for a long time that saunas can help with blood circulation, stress relief,


“What are we going to do about Dad?” This is an example of an important question to discuss with you family after a dementia diagnosis. There’s a lot to take in. Know this: Caregivers of people who need constant care have an increased risk of health problems and depression compared to other caregivers. This means that if you commit to caring for your loved one after their dementia diagnosis, you need to make a commitment to yourself. Self-care is something we could all be better at, but caretakers are more prone than others to forget about their own needs. With a disease like dementia, care for the other person can be all consuming. Caring for someone with dementia is exhausting and frustrating. Communicating with your loved one and making plans in the early stages of Alzheimer’s or dementia helps to alleviate stress and frustration for both patient and caregiver.

humorous to both of you can be a relief. Dementia is serious, but your lives don’t have to be. Above all, don’t be afraid to have these discussions. Start the conversation about how to make yourself and your loved one feel as comfortable as possible with dementia and take a step toward caring for both of you.

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Financial scams often go unreported and can be difficult to prosecute, so they’re considered a “low-risk” crime. However, they can still be devastating, leaving you in a vulnerable position with little time to recoup your losses. Here are some common scams and what you can do to avoid them. MEDICARE AND HEALTH INSURANCE SCAMS In these types of scams, perpetrators may pose as Medicare representatives in order to obtain personal information. Sometimes they will go so far as to provide bogus services at makeshift mobile clinics, then use your personal information to bill Medicare and pocket the money. To avoid this scam, know that a legitimate Medicare employee would never ask for your personal information over the phone or via email, since they already have it on file. If you suspect that Medicare is being charged for a service you didn’t request, call the federal

government’s official Medicare hotline at 1-800-MEDICARE.

of money and are willing to split it if the person makes a “good faith” payment.

COUNTERFEIT PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Most commonly, counterfeit drug scams operate on the internet. Those who fall victim to this scam find themselves paying money for a drug that does not help their medical condition, and some run the risk of unknowingly purchasing unsafe substances. This scam can be hard on the wallet and the body. TELEMARKETING AND PHONE SCAMS Fake telemarketing calls are one of the most common types of scams. With no face-to-face interaction and no paper trail, they are incredibly hard to trace and identify. Also, once a deal has been made, the buyer’s name is then shared with similar scammers looking for targets. Examples of telemarketing fraud include ...

Fake identity ploy: T he con artist gets the victim to wire or send money on the pretext that the victim’s relative is in the hospital and needs money. Charity scams: The con artist solicits the victim for money for fake charities. This often occurs after natural disasters. If you have fallen victim to a scam, notify the police, the Better Business Bureau (, and the Federal Trade Commission (1-877- 438-4338). Further, obtain the contact information for the Adult Protective Services organization in your area by calling the Eldercare Locator national hotline at 1-800-677-1116 or visiting and filing a complaint. You are not alone; there are people who can help.

The pigeon drop: A con artist tells the victim that they have found a large sum



Looking for an easy, delicious Thanksgiving side dish? This gem requires only a few ingredients.


• 2 tablespoons olive oil • 3.3 ounces fresh, hot Italian sausage

• 1½ pounds Brussels sprouts • ½ cup water • Salt and pepper


1. Trim sprouts and cut in half. 2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add sausage and cook, stirring occasionally, 3–5 minutes. 3. Add sprouts to skillet. Add ½ cup water. Add salt and pepper. Cover and cook 10 minutes or until just tender. Check them periodically and add a bit more water, if necessary.

4. When sprouts are just about done, remove cover and raise heat to medium-high. Cook, stirring just once or twice, for a couple more minutes. The liquid should evaporate, and the sprouts should start to brown. 5. Add more salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot or warm. Serves 4.

Recipe courtesy of

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4640 AdmiraltyWay, Suite 800 Marina del Rey, CA 90292



A Thank-You Letter


How Saunas Will Change Your Winter Health Communicating With Dementia Don’t Fall Victim to These Financial Scams Brussels Sprouts With Sausage



A Very Good Boy

In late August, the nation was put to the test after Hurricane Harvey struck Texas. Journalists, professional and otherwise, brought back stories and images of the destruction of Harvey's aftermath. Among those stories was one about a dog named Otis. Otis, a German shepherd mix, belongs to a 5-year-old boy in Sinton, Texas. “He’s a special dog,” said Salvador Segovia, the grandfather of Otis’ owner. “He’s been instrumental in helping my grandson following numerous hospital visits for seizures and asthma.” OTIS Unlikely Hurricane Hero Apparently, Otis is a local celebrity due to his affable nature. He can saunter down to the Dairy Queen and score a free hamburger. Salvador says he’s also the only dog allowed to lie down in front of the county court house.

When Harvey struck, dogs, cats, and people sprang into survival mode. For Otis, that meant gathering resources. The morning after the storm, a woman snapped a picture of a damp Otis trotting down the street. In his mouth, he toted an entire bag of dog food, and not a small one. The woman posted the picture to Facebook. “This dog is walking around Sinton, Texas, carrying a [sic] entire bag of dog food with him. LOL #refugee,” the caption read.

50,000 times. The people of the Lone Star State have long prided themselves on their pluck and resilience. “Must be a Texas dog cause [sic] he can survive without help,” one commenter wrote online. Another site called him “the hero Texas needed.” Otis’ canine resilience was both humorous and inspirational. The most powerful images in a crisis aren’t of Air Force One or of celebrities donating millions. They’re of ordinary people — and pets — striving, surviving, and making their way back home, just like Otis.

The image resonated with people and quickly went viral, being shared over

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