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Synergy Therapeutic Group - December/January/February 2022

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - November 2018

2 cup safflower or canola oil, for frying DIRECTIONS 1. In a large mixing bowl, mash together chickp

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - January 2018


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Synergy Therapeutic Group - August 2018

2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTI

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - July 2018

is money well-spent.” –Lindy P. occupational therapy to regain my strength. Since I broke my hand up

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - March 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - October 2018

8 teaspoon cayenne pepper • Nonstick vegetable oil spray DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 300 F. 2. Coat a

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - June/July/August 2022

4 cup drained and rinsed capers, chopped • 1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper • 6 large egg yolks, b

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted • 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste • Pinch of freshly ground

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - January 2019

2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • 20 basil leaves, chopped • Salt, to ta

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - December/January/February 2022

PHONE: (618) 529-4360 FAX: (618) 529-4560

PHONE: (618) 542-8950 FAX: (618) 542-8746








Why We Must Fight This Virus With Facts

I remember feeling a lot of hope at this time last year. We read about the first reports of health care and frontline workers receiving their vaccinations after emergency approval, and Chandana and I anxiously awaited our own vaccination in January 2021. It felt like this whole pandemic thing was ending; we were finally reaching a point where we could control it and go on with our normal lives.

At Synergy Therapeutic Group, we advocate for natural healing; we encourage our patients to consider the ways in which movement, natural medicines, and mindfulness can impact their healing and treatment. (I personally don’t take a lot of medicine, either.) However, we also understand there are times when Western and modern medicine can provide greater treatment and protection. Vaccines are one of those moments.

So much has changed since then, and I’ve learned a lot since that moment, too. Notably, I believe all that we’ve endured and fought against in 2021 can boil down to one word: misinformation. Today, I’m entering the new year with a fresh perspective and greater understanding of how this pandemic and virus will continue to live in our society. It’s not an obstacle that we will ever “get over,” but it is a phenomenon we are having to and will continue to have to learn about, prevent, and treat.

In 2021, as I gladly took my booster shot and pondered all that we have learned in the past 365 days, I realized there has been a dramatic shift for patients at our clinic, too. We have seen many patients in recent months who have come to us complaining of back pain, fatigue, and general weakness. The cause appears to be mysterious, but as we discuss their medical history, we learn these patients once had COVID-19.

This is becoming more and more frequent. We are learning that this virus, especially when it’s severe, has a heavy tax on the body. Many people who have

I know many of us are tired of the arguments over masks and vaccinations, but this major divide can be

repaired with education. In the past, we have had patients and others approach us asking if they should get the COVID-19 vaccine. People have been skeptical due to false information that spread so quickly. Our advice is simple: Talk to your physician. If a doctor you trust gives you the go-ahead, it’s advantageous to get vaccinated. If not, discuss your options for prevention and treatment. Regardless, get your information from medical professionals. It’s our responsibility as a society to protect our individual rights and the freedoms we have to make decisions about our well-being, but our right to these decisions stops at the line at which we cross over into impeding other people’s rights and safety. Our freedom cannot outweigh another person’s freedom and well-being. Just the other day, I was speaking with a patient who was incredibly frustrated because she has a sister who is immunocompromised and unable to get the vaccine. She’s hurt by those who can and refuse to do so, which continues to put her sister’s life at risk.

had a diagnosis suffer in silence, not realizing the chronic toll of the disease. It’s sad, really, to think these patients are trying to push through without the proper care and information they need to heal. In 2022, I hope we can do a better job of seeking correct information. I hope we can learn how valuable this can be to prevent and fight this disease, and I encourage those who wish to know more or who are curious to have a discussion with their physician or our team. Listen to the facts and understand that this period of time is morphing into reality. It’s up to us to make it safe, healthy, and happy.

Happy New Year!


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(618) 529-4360


Then, opt for pieces that won’t decay. When choosing new decor for your home or when updating your knickknacks for the seasons, look for wooden or natural items that don’t have a life cycle. Fake plants, wooden statues and picture frames, and piles of stones or vases with rocks can bring the richness of the great outdoors into your home with little effort and can be reused each season. Now, look to your backyard! If you have a big pine tree that produces pine cones each year, don’t let those go to waste! Baskets or vases filled with pine cones can be great fall and winter decor pieces, while lots of clever crafters have made wreaths, scent diffusers, and other fun items with pine cones found in their yard. Just be mindful of what you take from nature. Don’t take anything of value to the ecosystem, and don’t grab items from state or national parks. Finally, utilize windows. Part of embracing natural design elements is letting nature do the talking! Focus your design in each room around windows. For instance, fix plant displays near windows or hang bird feeders in trees you can see through your windows. If you really want to get cozy with the outdoors, consider installing a skylight! To find more inspiration, take a walk and discover how Mother Nature has designed her space. Bring those ideas into your home and enjoy the comfort of the great outdoors within your own great indoors.

Thanks to the chaos we’ve experienced since 2020, many design experts are looking to create spaces that are calm, welcoming, and grounded. Enter one of the biggest design trends of the 2020s : neutral, natural elements.

Here are some easy ways to bring nature inside and boost your home’s look without overspending.

The obvious option is to add more houseplants. And plants don’t have to be difficult! Consider your home space, first. How much light do you get? Is it a dry or humid home? How likely is it that you will remember to water a plant? Bring these concerns to your local nursery, and they will help you find the perfect leafy friend(s) to fill your space.


We’ve all been advised to stretch before working out or performing physical activities. However, some recent studies have cautioned against this practice, claiming it may lead to an increased chance of getting injured. Regardless, this does not mean you should cut stretching out of your life completely. Stretching is not just for athletes. Everyone can benefit from this practice, and there are many advantages that come with improving your flexibility. Getting in the habit of stretching after you wake up and before you go to bed can benefit many aspects of your overall health.

morning or at night (or both!), your muscles will stay looser, helping prevent muscle strains and tears.

Improved Balance and Posture Strong posture and balance are essential for both everyday activities and athletic performance. Good posture is necessary for spine health, and you need good balance to do everything from walking down the street to standing and sitting. The flexibility gained through stretching improves the muscles that are needed for correct posture, and you will also increase your range of motion. Relaxation and Reduced Pain There are also certain stretches that help lengthen and open your muscles. When your muscles are looser and relaxed, you’re less likely to feel pain or experience muscle cramps. Stretching can work wonders for people suffering from lower back pain. This pain is often caused by tight muscles, and stretching will loosen them and relieve that pain. Stretching can also help your mind loosen up and unwind, which will relieve stress and improve your mood.

Here are our top three benefits!

Reduced Risk of Injury If your muscles are tight and you start working out, your chance of injury increases. Stretching helps to loosen your muscles and allows them to move easier. This still does not mean you should stretch right before working out, but by creating a routine where you stretch in the


(618) 529-4360


3 Ways to Avoid Slips and Falls on the Ice and Snow


Plan your next move. When we rush, we fail, so give yourself an extra boost by planning ahead for your journey into snowy, icy conditions. Start by checking the weather to determine if you need extra time to arrive at your destination. Once you’re walking, examine your surroundings. Choose routes that are clear and heavily used, as these are more likely to have less snow or ice accumulation. Opt to use handrails, too, and don’t use your phone when walking. Take breaks as needed. Improve your balance. You can waddle, watch the sidewalk, and check the weather, but if your balance is out of sync, you are still setting yourself up for failure. If you are 65 years or older, your

‘Tis the season to stay indoors with a warm beverage and your favorite movie or book, but we can’t stay cooped up in our homes all winter. And when you venture outside, the ice and snow can lead to slips, falls, and injuries. This can be incredibly dangerous for older adults or those with balance concerns. (Although, everyone is vulnerable on the ice!)

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths in the

world, and more than 37 million falls are severe enough that medical intervention is necessary. Luckily, you can prevent becoming part of these statistics with a few techniques. Do the penguin waddle. Penguins have evolved to become masters of walking across the ice — and we can mimic their movements to stay upright, too. As our friends at MyHealth. explain, instead of walking normally, shuffle your feet with small

balance control is likely weakened due to years of regular joint usage. A physical therapist can help you strengthen your muscles and joints, giving you a greater foundation and better reflexes. With balance in your corner, you can shuffle your way to warmth with ease.

ROOT VEGETABLE BUDDHA BOWLS Let’s get through winter without any ice- or snow-related falls! To improve your balance — or for more details about how to prevent falls — please contact Synergy Therapeutic at (618) 529-4360.

steps and turn your feet outward slightly to neutralize your center of gravity. This will give you better control in slippery conditions.


Inspired by

Root vegetables are the cream of the crop during winter, and this recipe makes the most out of them by pairing them with other protein-packed ingredients. To level it up, add grilled chicken or fish!


• 8 cups root vegetables of your choice, chopped • 2 tsp olive oil • 1/2 tsp salt • 1/4 tsp black pepper • 2 cups quinoa, cooked • 1/2 cup hummus

• 4 handfuls baby kale • 2 small avocados, sliced • Balsamic glaze • Optional: Garnishes of your choice (lemon juice, fresh herbs, etc.)


1. Preheat oven to 400 F. 2. On a large sheet pan, toss root vegetables in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread them evenly and roast until fork tender, about 40 minutes, stirring and flipping halfway through. 3. In a serving bowl, layer 1/2 cup warm quinoa with 2 cups root vegetables, 2 tbsp hummus, 1 handful of baby kale, and ½ an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired toppings, then serve and enjoy! (If you don’t want individual bowls, you can mix everything together into a salad!)



(618) 529-4360




1110 N. CEDAR CT. • CARBONDALE, IL 62901

(618) 529-4360


INSIDE Information Is Our Greatest Weapon Against Disease 1 Add More Nature to Your Home in 4 Simple Ways! Get Stretching! 2 Master Icy Walkways in 3 Steps Root Vegetable Buddha Bowls 3 Why Do Your Ears Pop on Flights? 4


When it comes to flying on an airplane, you can avoid cramped legs by upgrading to first class or catch a view by picking the window seat. However, there’s no getting around your ears popping during takeoff and landing. Believe it or not, there is a scientific explanation behind this common annoyance. As you read this, you’re likely not on an airplane, and the air pressure on either side of your eardrums is equal. Air is currently passing right on through your eustachian tube, a narrow passage that leads from your middle ear cavity to your pharynx and allows for pressure to be equalized on each

side of your eardrums. When you’re in flight on an airplane, air pressure is not equal. During both ascent and descent, your eardrums stretch to try to adapt to the changes. In order to equalize the pressure, your eustachian tube needs to open and close. When it does, your ears pop! Usually, the ear popping is irritating but nothing more. However, in rare cases, the pressure can lead to ear pain and even loss in hearing, especially if your ears don’t pop. In this case, you may need to make an effort to get your eustachian tube to open by yawning, talking, or swallowing. Sucking

on a piece of candy, swallowing some water, or chewing gum may also help! One of the best things you can do is make sure you are not sleeping as the airplane takes off or lands because your eustachian tube isn’t able to open and close normally. If you commonly struggle with congestion or sore ears on flights, taking a nasal decongestant before you board may ensure that your eustachian tube is not blocked. If your hearing and ears do not return to normal shortly after the flight, be sure to schedule an appointment to see your health care professional as soon as possible.


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