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Team Matters December 2021

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Team Matters October 2021

fatigue C O M M U N I T Y C H A L L E N G E matters O

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Team Matters November 2021

Rewards to find out how you can earn points, check your balance, and redeem your rewards. T m 100,00

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Team Matters Spring 2022

pretrip 25 YEARS Jerry Butts Mark Driggers Calvin McClain Eric Nazworth 20 YEARS Robert Carrillo Jos

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Team Matters March 2022

BenefitsCheckIn . OV E R 2 T E AM We’re proud to add members to our Over 20 Team! The following asso

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Team Matters June 2022

backing COMMUNITY CHALLENGE matters J UN E 2 2 2 12

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Team Matters Winter 2022

AverittCares. Already a member? We would love to hear about what this charity means to you at Averit

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Team Matters May 2022

InjuryPrevention 25 YEARS Fred Aldridge Don Adkins George Carter Michael Demarmels Jeff Landrom Jame

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Pendleton Law Team - December 2021

4 tsp vanilla extract • Cinnamon and whipped cream, for garnish Directions 1. In a medium bowl, whis

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D.L. Jones Home Team - November/December 2021

or inspirational quotes in view, you can always reinforce your feelings of gratitude. At DL Jones Ho

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January 2021 Health Matters

January 2021 Health Matters Health Matters The latest news on the health and wellness issues that ma

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Team Matters December 2021

C O M M U N I T Y C H A L L E N G E matters I N F O R M I N G O U R A S S O C I A T E S A B O U T A L L T H I N G S A V E R I T T • D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1

Since 1971, we’ve been delivering Christmas magic.

And we’re just getting warmed up.


Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

See the video at

LOOKING TOWARD A BRIGHT FUTURE The holidays are one of my favorite times of the year, because they remind me of family and what draws us closer. As we wrap up 2021, I want to thank you, my Averitt

Profit Sharing totals and performed at all-time high levels, which has helped us continue to expand our services during a time when many other companies have cut back. Through teamwork, we’re in prime position to P2

family, for making this year such a special one. Because of the family atmosphere we enjoy, we’ve continued to pull together for a common cause, and the results have been outstanding. We’ve contributed record

TEAM NOTES From Gary Sasser


Thank You For Helping Make It Happen Your commitment to doing things the right way is making our 50th year one to remember! That’s because in the third quarter, we were able to contribute an amount equal to 7.023% of your pay to your Profit Sharing 401(k) account – that’s our best third quarter on record, and it’s our second-best quarterly performance! In fact, the first three quarters of Profit Sharing in 2021 are our top three on record! Additionally, our operating ratio was 87.0, which is another third-quarter record. Your efforts make successes like these possible, so thank you for making it happen! As we wrap up 2021 and head into 2022, let’s continue to focus on the fundamentals and professionalism, and continue to refer People Like You. Because when we do those things, the sky’s the limit for what we can accomplish! T m RECORD PROFIT SHARING IN THIRD QUARTER!

7.221% 7.023%


of pay

of pay

of pay




* 2021’s first three quarters are our best on record

MERCEDES LEADERSHIP UPDATE Joseph Randolph Promoted To Site Manager


Our Mercedes team in Vance, Ala., is our largest Supply Chain Solutions account, and it plays an important role in our efforts to show The Power of One provider.

As we look to continue the strong momentum we’ve had in Vance for a number of years, we’re excited to announce that JOSEPH RANDOLPH has been promoted to site manager. Joseph most recently served as our Mercedes operations JOSEPH RAND0LPH

extra time with loved ones. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays , and I look forward to continuing our momentum in 2022! learning with Scott Harris, we’re confident that even greater things are in store in Vance!” T m service center director (see the full story on Page 7). Joseph – who has 18 years of transportation experience – came to Averitt in 2016 as site manager for our Petco Braselton team. He served there for four years before transferring to Mercedes. “In the last five years, our Mercedes team has more than doubled to 375 drivers while increasing revenue with this important customer,” says DAN SINGER , our vice president of Supply Chain Solutions Operations. “With Joseph’s leadership background, as well as his experience

manager, a role he held for 14 months. He is filling the role formerly held by SCOTT HARRIS , who moved to Houston to become that facility’s

Dallas frontline leader BRENDA STOKER started her Averitt career as a part-time dock associate, and as our team has grown, she’s also grown in her career. Watch Brenda's story at


FROM GARY SASSER PG. 1 move forward and continue to grow. Our 50th year has been one to remember, and it’s also been a reminder of what we can accomplish as we work together. The sky truly is the limit, and I’m more excited than ever about our future.

Because when we add People Like You , we build on our family culture and ensure it lasts for many years to come. Thank you again for making Averitt a great family to be a part of. I wish you a safe and happy holiday season, and I wish you the best as you spend

I want you to know that whatever your role is with the Averitt family, you make a difference. Whether you’ve been with our team for a few decades or a few weeks, your efforts are essential to our success. That’s one reason finding more like- minded associates is so important.

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Little Rock city driver Takes Advantage Of Driving Opportunities ‘AVERITT IS A CAREER, NOT A JOB’ RANDY NEWBURY began his Averitt career in Truckload, and as he’s found out through the years, there are plenty of career opportunities for those who want to switch gears. A recent Over 20 Team addition, Randy has also served as a Supply Chain Solutions driver, a combo dock and city associate and a shuttle driver before moving into his current role. “Most companies, you’re either a truck driver, you work in the office or you work on the dock,” Randy says. “Averitt is a career, not a job. It’s up to you. If you want to stay on the dock for 20 years, or if you want to split it up, or if you want to move into leadership, you can do that. All you have to do is look at all the people we have in leadership who started on the dock.” Randy says there are many reasons he’s made Averitt his home. “The benefits are great, the pay is competitive, and Averitt has been good to me for 20 years,” he explains. “I’ve just enjoyed working with Averitt. And the equipment is great. I worked for other companies prior to Averitt, and when I get in my truck here, I don’t have to worry about it one bit.” Randy is also thankful for our culture of valuing people. He saw that firsthand several years back when a family situation meant that he needed to stop driving over the road. He talked with his leadership, and he was able to transfer to a city position that opened up. “I really appreciated that,” Randy recalls. “Averitt could have just said,

‘Well, you can go somewhere else.’” It all boils down to a motto that has fueled our success for 50 years – Our Driving Force Is People. Randy says, “Averitt treats you like you’re somebody, like you’re family.” Little Rock city driver RANDY NEWBURY is a recent Over 20 Team addition, and he’s been able to take advantage of several roles during his Averitt career.


Tifton frontline leader GARRETT PEARCE is another associate who has grown in his career. Garrett started in 2014 as a part-time dock associate, went full time and was recently promoted to his new role. Garrett says that growth is the result of a team effort. “It’s really the people I work with. They hold me accountable, and I’ve grown a lot since I started,” he says. “Everyone I work with has good attitudes, and I’ve fed off of them. That made me really eager to become a


frontline leader.” Garrett offers some simple advice for associates who want to grow in their careers. “Set a goal, stay determined, be patient, and do a good job with whatever your role is,” Garrett explains. “That doesn’t go unnoticed.” RE ADY TO TAKE YOUR NE X T STEP ? If you’re ready to grow in your career, call our Job Hotline at 800-991-1971 , talk to your leadership or visit to find out about local driving, leadership and other opportunities that are available. T m

Know the procedures in case of a collision. Don ’ t learn it by accident.

Learn more at

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Orlando City Driver Shares His Experience, Refers People Like You

Victor saw his opportunity to come aboard as a city driver in 2019, and he hasn’t looked back. Now he’s helping other people come aboard Averitt, including fellow city driver YASMANI FONSECA and Orlando dock associate BENJAMIN ACEVEDO . One reason Victor actively refers potential teammates to Averitt is because he is grateful for the opportunity to be part of a great team, and he enjoys paying it forward. “I was referred by a friend of mine who was a former coworker. And today, I receive calls all the time from people I used to work with who want to be part of Averitt,” says Victor. “As much as I’ve been helped by others to better my career by coming to Averitt, I feel like I owe the same to those who want to make the switch.” Victor takes great pride in his work, aiming high each day for excellence in service, safety and efficiency. Victor’s sense of pride and ownership makes him a great fit for our culture, as well as a great recruiter for our team. Before coming to the transportation industry, VICTOR DE LA CRUZ was in management in retail and banking. Truck driving was something that had always interested Victor, and Averitt stood out to him because of our outstanding reputation in the transportation industry. Dallas associate RIGO MARTINEZ referred his brother JOSE and son JESSE to Averitt, and they’re all glad they made Averitt their career choice. ALL IN THE FAMILY Dallas Shuttle Driver Refers Brother, Son To Averitt One reason they’re proud to

Our outstanding reputation in the industry is one reason Orlando city driver VICTOR DE LA CRUZ joined the Averitt team, and it ’s also one of the reasons he actively refers People Like You.

“When I became a driver and joined Averitt, I felt like I was the owner of my own company. I feel like I own my route, and that empowers me,” says Victor. “I love working for Averitt, and I love to put in my part to make a difference.” Victor, thanks for showing your Averitt pride and for helping our team find more People Like You. Your efforts are going a long way to grow our team and secure our bright future! OPPORTUN I TES ABOUND ON AVER I T TCAREERS . COM Do you know someone who would look great in Averitt Red? Check out for open positions that you would like to fill with People Like You. • view all open positions with our team • learn about pay, benefits, charitable giving and unique culture • listen to podcasts for drivers about opportunities at Averitt • live chat with a recruiter • check out Averitt on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube • frequently asked questions about our recruiting process T m

Rigo and Jesse recently shared more reasons why they’re glad to call Averitt home, and our team created a video that is a great tool to share with People Like You !n T m

wear the Averitt red is because of the career opportunities that are available. Rigo and Jose took advantage of our dock-to-driver training program – Rigo is now a shuttle driver, while Jose is a city driver. Jesse also started as a dock associate, and he’s getting into the driving mix making deliveries with our sprinter vans. He too is hoping to move into the driver’s seat like his dad.

Visit to see more about Rigo (left) and Jesse (right), and share the video with People Like You!

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Tifton safety coordinator Andy Sparling has seen Averitt’s family atmosphere for about 30 years. And earlier this year, he got to take that family connection even further, as his son Allan was hired as a mechanic.

“When I interviewed for the safety coordinator position, I told people it was important for me to stay in Tifton because my family is here,” says Andy, who served 26 years as a city driver and four more in shuttle before moving to his new role in September. Allan jumped at the opportunity to join his father. “My dad told me that Averitt had a position open,” he says, “so it was a no-brainer to apply for it and try to get

Above top, Tifton preventive maintenance associate ALLAN SPARLING is pictured in 2006 in the cab when his father, Andy, won the truck driving championship in Cookeville. Above, bottom, Allan has followed in Andy’s footsteps by joining the Averitt team.


• Frontline leader SHANNON KNIGHT and dock associate TYLER KNIGHT • City driver STEVE PEARCE and frontline leader GARRETT PEARCE “The others who are now here with their fathers, I watched them grow up just like my son,” Andy says. “So it really is a family atmosphere, and it’s been awesome.” SECUR I T Y WI TH THE B I G RED Our track record of success was very appealing to Allan. “It definitely makes you feel a lot safer with your choice,” he says, “knowing that you can stick with Averitt for the long haul and make it a career.” Andy adds, “Averitt is a great company. It’s the way Averitt treats its people and is focused on the future. I’ve always known where I stand. It’s been a great place to work. It was my second truck driving job, so I had something to compare it to. Once I got a taste of the Averitt culture, I stuck with it.” T m


here and start my own Averitt career.” Before Andy moved into his new role, Allan was able to share another father/son connection. “They told me, ‘Whenever your dad’s truck comes in to get serviced, that’s the one you’re working on,’” Allan recalls with a laugh. “It was pretty cool to be able to work on something that he drove in every day.” SEVERAL FATHER/SON CONNECT I ONS Andy and Allan are one of several fathers and sons who work together at Averitt. The others include: • City driver RICKY ELROD and dock associate ZACK ELROD • CDL-A qualified dock associate CHARLES GARREN and city driver


These associates earned referral rewards after their referrals were hired by Averitt. Thank you for helping us grow and secure our future by finding People Like You!

Dallas city driver PRINCESS BATES

Jackson MS preventive maintenance associate DUSTIN CARTER

Richmond city driver JOE NESSBIT

Greensboro city driver ANTHONY SHARP

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Mobile tablets making their way to our LTL operations

Cookeville city driver RANDY HALL has been on the front end of testing with the tablets, and he wishes the technology was available when he joined our team about 36 years ago. We’re in the process of rolling out tablets that allow us to provide paperless delivery receipts, improving efficiency and saving time for our driving force.

“I really love the tablets,” Randy says. “On the Qualcomm and Omnitracs units, I was spending more time hunting and pecking, trying to fill out a customer 4x4 than I am now. With the tablet, I just use the camera to make sure I take a good picture of the bill of lading. It’s saving me a lot of time, and I think it’s really improved productivity.” So far, we’ve rolled out tablets at our Tennessee and Atlanta facilities, as well as in Birmingham, Charlotte, AMOS ROGAN of our operations leadership says the tablets are a win-win for our associates and our team. “For drivers, they provide ease of use, there’s less administrative time in the truck and you don’t have to remember the different macros. All of that is gone,” Amos explains. “Additionally, it will reduce the number of phone calls and messages to drivers. Dispatch won’t have to find out what stop the driver is going to next.” Amos adds, “We’re able to get new shipments into


Chicago, Dallas and Houston. By the end of 2021, we anticipate all our major relay hubs will be on tablets, and we anticipate fully completing the process by the end of 2022.

Nashville drivers BRANDI SCOTT (left) and LEO COMER (right) test our new tablets that we're in the process of introducing throughout our system.

bill of lading and it goes into our imaging system. So the billing team can get those shipments entered faster and before the driver even arrives back at the service center.” All of that adds up to more efficiency, less paper, and ultimately more Profit Sharing for our entire team! “I wish I could go and tell everybody how much easier it is,” Randy says. “Sometimes when there’s change, you can be hesitant about it. I’d just like to tell everyone to give it a chance, because you’ll love it.” T m


the system faster, because instead of waiting until the driver arrives back at the service center to enter the bills of lading, they’re taking a picture of the

15 YEARS John Christian Jose Guerra Ioan Ozarchevici

Danny Howell David Samples Timothy Schultz Tracy Sipes Parrish Turner 25 YEARS Anthony Copeland Jerry Hester

Bowling Green

Hal Squibb



Knoxville Nashville Lexington Jackson TN

Tupelo Laredo

20 YEARS Luis Acosta Warren Bilger Robert Fuller Chris Lembeck Ronald Pressley Ryan Story

El Paso Asheville


For a complete list of Safety Award winners, including five- and 10-year recipients, visit 30 YEARS Randy Emmitt Nashville

Atlanta West St. Louis Asheville Owensboro

Jonesboro Tupelo

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New Charlotte, Corpus Christi Service Center Directors Examples Of That UNIQUE CULTURE

BRANDON WILLIAMS has been promoted to service center director in Charlotte, while LOUIS MORENO was promoted to the same position in Corpus Christi. Brandon is filling the role formerly held by TRAVIS WEBSTER , who was recently promoted to Region 5 vice president of operations. Louis has been filling many leadership roles for some time at Corpus Christi, which Our new service center directors are prime examples of our commitment to promote from within. operations leader – started his Averitt career in 2006 as a member of our customer service team. He also served in Truckload dispatch, and in 2008 he moved to Charlotte to become a frontline leader. Brandon also managed our Charlotte warehouse for five years before becoming an operations leader in 2018. Louis came to Averitt in 2011 as a part-time dock associate in Houston. In 2011, he was promoted to freight clerk, and in late 2012, he was promoted to frontline leader in Corpus Christi. In 2015, Louis added sales responsibilities to his leadership role. If that weren’t enough, Louis also earned his CDL and has served as a driver-trainer since 2014! BRANDON WI LL I AMS has not had a dedicated service center director until now. Due to continued growth and potential new business, the time was right to move Louis into that role. Brandon – who most recently served as an

New Corpus Christi service center director LOUIS MORENO has seen outstanding growth in his Averitt career after starting as a part-time dock associate.

HOUSTON LE ADERSH I P UPDATE Our Houston team plays an important role as we move more freight In And Out Of The South and grow both our PortSide and Distribution & Fulfillment services. And we’re excited to welcome SCOTT HARRIS as our newest service center director there. Scott will fill the role formerly held by JASON WHITAKER , who was promoted to Region 4 vice president of operations in October.

Scott has served as site manager for our Mercedes Supply Chain Solutions team in Vance, Ala., for the last five years. Under his leadership, our Mercedes team has more than doubled to 375 drivers, and we strengthened our partnership with this important customer. Scott came to our team as service center


director in Oklahoma City, where he served for three years. “Brandon, Louis and Jason bring a wealth of experience to our team, and we’re excited to welcome them to their new roles,” says vice president of operations LARRY MASON . “Their strong track record of success makes them all a great fit, and we’re confident that great things are in store for our Charlotte, Corpus Christi and Houston teams, as well as our entire team!” T m

Leonard Scinto

Frontline Leader ATLANTA EAST Frontline Leader DALLAS

Timothy Hooker Allen Mayles Tony Presley Ronald Rayle Selina Ross Ronald Shane Becky Simmons Phillip Spence Sharon Wallace Jimmy Wanamaker

Asheville Mercedes

N EW L E AD E R S Jeremy Crawford Service Center Director CHARLESTON Danielle Davis Frontline Leader VIJON Joseph Elder Frontline Leader ESSEX Christy Feibel Frontline Leader PETCO DALLAS Louis Moreno Service Center Director CORPUS CHRISTI Mark Pappas Frontline Leader SAVANNAH Steven Robertson Operations Leader GREENSBORO

R E T I R E E S Thank you for your service to our team! Michael Adams Chattanooga Donna Alexander Mercedes David Byrd Dothan Glen Goad Nashville Charles Goad Knoxville Kenneth Herndon Tifton

Atlanta West Greensboro Corporate Nashville Corporate Cincinnati Fayetteville

Timothy Sehon

Augustus Sharpe Frontline Leader BOISE CASCADE Brandon Williams Service Center Director CHARLOTTE


One way our retirees can stay connected to Averitt is by becoming a member of the Ambassador Team, a special group of retired associates who stay connected to our unique culture of giving back. Ambassadors are annual contributors to Averitt Cares for Kids and are welcome to participate in the Team Up Community Challenge, People Like You Referral Rewards, and more! Email Dusty Barrow in Marketing and Communications at [email protected] to learn how to join. STAY CONNECTED THROUGH THE AMBASSADOR TEAM

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TIS THE SEASON TO TEAM UP As we wind down the year and celebrate the holiday season, we want to recognize everyone who represented our teamwith pride and demonstrated The Power of One in our communities through the Team Up Community Challenge. There’s still opportunity for a last-minute project before the Dec. 31 deadline. Remember, each toy or coat in the donation bin and every hour serving your local charity results in a matching contribution to Averitt Cares for Kids!

A YE AR I N THE RE ARV I EW Here are some of our favorite Team Up moments you shared this year. You can also check out to view the photo gallery of all our great teams in action. Thanks for showing the Averitt spirit of generosity in 2021!. T m

We look forward to sharing our team’s accomplishments at the beginning of 2022 and to announce the resulting donation to Averitt Cares for Kids. Be sure to email your Team Up hours and photos to Kiley Baldwin on our Marketing and Communications team at [email protected]

Jackson MS teammates showed up to help move The Little Light House school to a new facility.

Greensboro and Laredo each took time to beautify their communities through their Adopt-A-Highway programs.

Atlanta West recently joined hands with local ministry Community Fellowship Church to hand out BBQ lunches to the homeless.

Multimodal and friends from Corporate gave helpful baby supplies to the Cookeville Pregnancy Center.

Nissan teammates delivered boxes full of craft supplies and socks for Woodbury Health and Rehabilitation Center

Tupelo teamed up for a trash cleanup, and they collected over 200 gallons of litter! Way to go, team!

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Earlier this year, Koosman redeemed a big-ticket item with his Red Thinkin’ Rewards points: a MacBook laptop. As a longtime city driver who’s dedicated to doing things the right way, Koosman was able to earn his points through years of service, meeting KPI goals, referral rewards, and – you guessed it – his commitment to safe driving. In fact, Koosman earns nearly half of his overall Red Thinkin’ Rewards points through his achievements in safety. Koosman believes the “secret” to his success is not a secret at all. He keeps safety first with a simple principle. “The main thing is to drive defensively and be patient with other motorists,” says Koosman. “I always try to give other drivers the right of way. Patience is key.” Koosman lives by this wisdom each day in his truck, and that’s what brought him to his 20-year safety milestone. Because of that, he’s protecting himself and others, representing Averitt with pride on the road, and he’s KOOSMAN MATTHEWS, Birmingham city driver and Over 20 Teammember, recently celebrated 20 years of safe driving. His dedication to safety is securing our next 50 years as well as helping him earn Red Thinkin’ Rewards. And The Red Thinkin’ Rewards To Prove It!

Birmingham city driver KOOSMAN MATTHEWS recently earned his 20-year safe driving award. Because of his commitment to safety, he’s been able to rack up Red Thinkin’ Rewards points and cash in on a MacBook!

earning points that help him redeem exciting Red Thinkin’ Rewards. “Red Thinkin’ Rewards is an extremely valuable program,” says Koosman. “I was blown away when I began to look at all the rewards in the catalog, and I was especially glad to see the MacBook I wanted. That shows me that Averitt really tries to go the extra yard to make their teammates feel appreciated.” Congratulations to Koosman for demonstrating excellence in safety and for earning sweet Red Thinkin’ Rewards! When it comes to safety, years of service and meeting KPI goals, you can earn Red Thinkin’ Rewards points for every milestone, too. Red Thinkin’ Rewards are our way of saying thanks for all you do to secure our team’s bright future. Log on to your account via to find out how you can earn points, check your balance, and redeem your rewards. T m


We’re thrilled to honor Jackson TN shuttle driver DAVID BENNETT (above, left, pictured with service center director David Harlan) and Montgomery shuttle driver ALLEN CLARK (above, right) for 30 years of safe driving! Thank you for your commitment to doing things the right way, and for showing Our Driving Concern Is Safety.

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Our 50-Year Milestone Means Success And Stability To Our Customers

This year marks Averitt’s 50th anniversary, a milestone made possible by our customers who’ve allowed our team to grow and earn their business year after year. That’s why we’re proud to highlight our customers at Shoe Corp for contributing to Averitt’s five decades of success.

Based in Birmingham, AL, Shoe Corp is a leading footwear wholesaler and a longtime customer of ours. In fact, we’ve been their carrier of choice for over 20 years, and there’s a reason for that. According to Stan Adams with Shoe Corp, the professionalism of our associates is what sets Averitt apart from other transportation providers. “What makes Averitt stand out above all other

ease of doing business with each other,” says Tom. “Trust and understanding are the bedrock of our relationship, and we have a solid connection with Shoe Corp because we understand their team operationally.” It goes to show that one of the biggest benefits of our longevity is our

experience. Stan trusts our team to help Shoe Corp grow into the future because of our customer-focused service and our mile-long track record of growth and stability.

companies is your people. Your team goes above and beyond to assist us,” says Stan. “From shipping and delivery, to the drivers and the customer service team – your whole team is a pleasure to work with and very professional at all times.” We handle Shoe Corp’s LTL shipments going In And

“To continue helping Shoe Corp grow, all you have to do is keep doing what you’re doing, Averitt,” says Stan. “Your formula has worked for the last 50 years, and it will keep serving you well in the years to come. Team, your professionalism, talent and experience are the key ingredients of Averitt’s 50-year


Out Of The South, as well as freight destined for areas of the U.S. and Canada outside our footprint via our partner carriers. Shoe Corp also depends on Averitt when it needs local customization and intermodal services. Birmingham transportation specialist TOM GEORGE credits our 20+ year partnership to a mutual sense of trust, understanding and value. “I believe the reason our companies flourish together is because of the

achievement. We’re celebrating this impressive anniversary because of the great job you do each day for Our Customers, Our Associates, and Our Future. Keep up the great work, and thanks for driving us to many more milestone years! T m


One of our team’s core beliefs for 50 years has been our commitment to helping others. Averitt Cares For Kids An Important Part Of Our Culture One way we do that is through Averitt Cares for Kids and our special partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Several St. Jude team members recently put together a thank you video to recognize our 50-year anniversary, and to show how much they appreciate us using The Power of One Dollar each week in the fight against childhood cancers! T m

See St. Jude’s recognition of our 50th anniversary at

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Below are the five-year milestones of associates WHO HAVE SERVED 20 YEARS OR MORE with our team. To view all available photos of our latest service awards, visit

Cookeville associate BRUCE WHITTAKER (right, 40 years) with service center director Sammy Talent (left)

Memphis associate SHUFORD BISHOP (right, 35 years) with service center director Mike Maynard (left)

Region 6 vice president CALVIN RACKLEY (second from right, 35 years) with (from left) president and chief operating officer Wayne Spain, vice president of operations Barry Blakely, and executive vice president of sales & marketing Phil Pierce

Birmingham associate ED SMITH (25 years) Shreveport service center director CARLIN CALDWELL (left, 25 years) with Region 3 vice president David McGonagill (right)

Shreveport associate KENNETH CULBERTSON (right, 25 years) with service center director Carlin Caldwell (left)

Corporate associate PAM RAMSEY (35 years)

Knoxville associate WILLIAM GOFORTH (30 years)

For more Over 20 Team photos, log on to and check out our photo galleries!

Knoxville associate CARL KING (25 years)

Shreveport associate TRAVIS WHITEHEAD (right, 25 years) with service center director Carlin Caldwell (left)

Birmingham associate ED SMITH (25 years)

CHECK YOUR PAYSTUB DEDUCTIONS After January, It’s Too Late to Make Changes To confirm the benefits selections you chose in October are correct, it’s important to log on to and check your first paystub in January. If the deductions are incorrect, contact our corporate Benefits team as soon as possible. After January, it’s too late to make corrections, so please make any necessary changes during January.

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When we go above and beyond to provide excellent service, that demonstrates The Power of One to our teammates, our customers, and our industry. These associates went the extra mile to represent our team with pride, and our customers said it showed! THAT’S THE POWER OF ONE

JERRY AMRINE – Nashville “I wanted to recognize Jerry for going above and beyond. We ran into challenges with our equipment, which could have prevented our delivery. Instead of giving up, Jerry was extremely resourceful. He went to another one of our nearby

RYAN LEWIS– National Call Center “Ryan went the extra mile to make sure my courier would have no problem picking up a shipment that was for a medical emergency. In these uncertain times, it’s nice to know that someone cares to help, understands, and follows through. Your team is fortunate to have him. Thank you again, Ryan.” Pamela, Trane – Orlando, FL NICOLAS TEAL – Orlando “Nicolas is such a great person and an outstanding representative of Averitt. It is always a pleasure to deal with him. He is such a true hero in attitude and professional service. Thank you for always making our day easier, Nicolas!” Rick, Airgas – Leesburg, FL

locations to make a delivery, and he used that store’s equipment to access our location’s freight before returning to deliver our shipment. This is a great reflection on himself and the Averitt Team. He is a very professional driver that we here at Bargain Hunt greatly appreciate. Great job, Jerry!” Duane, Bargain Hunt – Antioch, TN HAILI EVANS - Federal Mogul

“My wife and I were traveling home to Roanoke, Virginia. Traffic was heavy and moving fast. We followed behind your driver, who was driving the speed limit and very safely. As we neared Roanoke, we exited the highway and were very thankful for your driver helping us to get home safely.” David, motorist – Atlanta, GA

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