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Texan ENT - June 2018

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Texan ENT - December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 small head cauliflower (about 2 pounds), cored and sliced 1 tablespoon unsalte

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Texan ENT Specialists - November 2018

4 cup sunflower seeds 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon garlic granules Directions Pat into

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Texan ENT MARCH 2018

Texan ENT MARCH 2018 512.550.0321 MAR 2018 ‘EAR, NEWS, AND THROAT’ Welcoming My Daughte

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Texan ENT - August 2018

C on full blast. When it gets too hot to even play a game of fetch, there’s only one thing to

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Texan ENT - June 2019

2 tsp lemon zest, grated 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Salt and pepper, to

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Texan ENT - October 2017

symptoms. At the moment, there are no scientifically proven cures for tinnitus. However, there are t

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Texan ENT - May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes • 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Dire

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Texan ENT - May 2018

frozen-yogurt- Hello, everybody! Izzy and Emma here, excited that summer has arrived. The humans in

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Texan ENT - April 2018

4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish Directions 1. Place pot on stove over medium heat. Add olive

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Texan ENT - September 2018

good-pictures-phone-tips . As two well-trained Westies, Emma and I don’t have to go to doggy school.

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Texan ENT - June 2018


JUNE 2018



The Most Important Lesson I Learned FromMy Father

H ave you ever met someone who is literally a breath of fresh air? A fun, light-hearted soul that you just can’t help but want to hang out with? My dad is this kind of person. Growing up, whenever our family flew on a plane that only sat three to a row, my mom, my sister, and I would sit together and my dad would be a few rows ahead of us. He never seemed to mind. By the end of the flight, Dad would be best friends with the person next to him. I don’t know how he does it! He’s just the kind of person everyone wants to be friends with. On his last trip down to visit us after Audrey was born, my dad even became friends with the guy who works at the corner store. Dad likes to walk down to the store and buy four different newspapers every morning. Before Dad returned home, the corner store guy had started texting him each day to let my dad know his papers were set for him. Dad’s warm, friendly personality is the reason a lot of people are surprised to learn he’s a lawyer. He breaks the stereotype that lawyers are egotistical, lying jerks. He’s honest, trustworthy, and shows his clients how much he genuinely cares about them. I think a major reason my dad never turned into one of those jerk lawyers is because he has always put his family and relationships ahead of making a paycheck. When I was born, Dad worked in a firm for some other big-shot attorneys. I think my dad liked that job, and it paid well, but eventually Dad realized that he left for work every day before I woke up and “I know how much I appreciated having my dad around as a kid, and that’s something I want to give my own daughter.”

didn’t get home until long after I was in bed. He never got to see me or my mom at all. When I was 4 years old, Dad left that firm and started his own practice. I know he sacrificed a bigger paycheck, and running your own practice is much more challenging than working at a firm, but those sacrifices allowed my dad to spend time with his family and be there as my sister and I were growing up.

My dad with little Audrey

I know how much I appreciated having my dad around as a kid, and that’s something I want to give my own daughter. No one has been on their deathbed and said, “I wish I worked more late nights at the office.” That’s an important lesson I learned from my dad. As a doctor, I work hard to help my patients feel healthy so they can spend time with their family, but in order to maintain that sense of empathy, I need to make time for my own family too.

I always appreciated how Dad was there for us, but now that I’m a father myself, I recognize how much effort my dad put into making that happen. Audrey is getting bigger every day, and I want to be there and help her grow up into an amazing, self-sufficient person. It’s a big challenge, but if I can be half the dad my father was, I think I can manage it.

–Dr. Seth Evans



This Father’s Day, thousands of dads will receive a “No. 1 Dad” mug to sip coffee out of at the office. But the following dads took that “No. 1” to a new level. BRIAN MUNN GAVE HIS SON A LIVER TRANSPLANT. When doctors discovered that baby Caleb Munn had a rare disease called biliary atresia, they told his parents that he was unlikely to survive past age 2 without a liver transplant. Luckily, his father was a perfect match, and he eagerly donated part of his liver in March of 2015 to save his son’s life. GREG ALEXANDER BATTLED A BEAR FOR HIS SON’S LIFE. While camping in the backcountry of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Greg Alexander was startled awake at dawn by the screams of his 16-year-old son, Gabriel. He rushed out of his hammock to see a black bear dragging his son away by the head. Without hesitation, he kicked the beast in the side, and when that didn’t work, he leapt onto its back and started punching it in the face. When the bear finally released Gabriel, Greg threw rocks until it fled. His son was hurt but made a full recovery in the hospital over the coming weeks. ARTUR MAGOMEDOV SAVED HIS DAUGHTERS FROM ISIS. Artur Magomedov was devastated to discover that his wife had taken his 3- and 10-year-old daughters from their home in Dagestan under the cover of night, flown to Turkey, and crossed into Syria to join ISIS. But he resolved to get his kids back. After a long, hazardous journey,



oney is a wonderful all-natural sweetener. Despite being sweet, it comes with actual health benefits

— something you can’t say about other types of sugar. But some honeys are better than others, so it’s important to buy the right kind.

Raw honey may help your body heal itself more effectively. One study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine pointed to raw manuka honey as an effective way to speed up the time it takes wounds to heal while also reducing risk of infection. Simply apply manuka honey to a wound and let it do the rest. One of the best types of honey you can buy is raw, unfiltered, local honey. While it isn’t known to decrease the healing time of wounds, it can reduce symptoms related to allergies. Raw honey contains trace amounts of pollen, as well as other allergens from grasses and weeds. Local honey contains many of the pollens and allergens you would normally breathe in on an average day. The pollens in local honey are just enough to kick your immune system into gear. As a form of immunotherapy, raw, local honey helps your body become acclimated to those allergens. But these three points — raw, unfiltered, and local — are crucial. When honey is processed and filtered, it loses practically all of its allergy-fighting power and becomes an ordinary sweetener.

he arrived in Tabqa to embrace his two daughters. To leave the caliphate —

under penalty of death — they hitched a ride to the border one night and crawled along a railway line until they were

within 70 meters of the border. Then they ran under fire from Turkish border guards until they could scramble into tall grasses. After some help from the Russian consulate in Istanbul, they made it back home, together again and safe.

Most experts advise finding honey that was produced as close to your home as possible, preferably within 20 miles. The closer, the better. Keep in mind that it can take several weeks before you feel results. Of course, you won’t find a more delicious

way to combat allergies.



Warning: This article might not be for the squeamish. Today we’re talking about tonsil stones — something a lot of people deal with but most are too embarrassed to talk about. Tonsil stones, proper name “tonsilloliths,” are exactly what they sound like: small, white stones that grow on your tonsils. Many people who suffer from tonsil stones have been told by their doctor that the white lumps are just food particles that have gotten stuck. While food can get stuck on tonsils, this is not the full story. Old skin cells, mucus, and bacteria can also attach themselves to the crevices of your tonsils, building up and hardening over time. Basically, tonsil stones are the world’s most disgusting pearl. A PEARL IN YOUR THROAT? The Disgusting Truth About Tonsil Stones

Today, tonsil stones are more common because doctors aren’t surgically removing tonsils as often as they used to. The medical community has recognized the important role tonsils play in your immune system, and they are no longer recommending unnecessary tonsillectomies. Most people who have tonsil stones don’t notice them. The tiny particles fall off the tonsils before they can become a problem. But for some, these white lumps are a massive hinderance to their quality of life. Tonsil stones start out as a pressure in your throat that doesn’t go away when you swallow and continues to grow from there. Swollen tonsils, sore throat, ear pain, trouble swallowing, and a chronic cough are common symptoms of tonsil stones. People with tonsil stones also tend to suffer from bad breath, due to the odorous bacteria that make themselves at home within the stones. Some people manually remove the stones with a toothbrush or cotton swab, but this is not recommended. Your tonsil tissue is very delicate, and cuts or scrapes against it can result in more bleeding and pain. If tonsil stones are causing you pain, try gargling with warm salt water, avoid eating 30 minutes before going to bed, and practice good oral hygiene. While mostly harmless, in extreme cases, large tonsil stones can damage the tonsil tissue and lead to infection. Tonsil stones are not an indicator that a person is unhealthy or unhygienic. They are a natural part of having tonsils, but that doesn’t mean you just have to “deal with it.” If you are suffering from chronic pain due to tonsil stones, call Dr. Seth Evans at 512.550.0321 and schedule an appointment to talk about your treatment options. Relief is possible, and remember, you’re not alone.


Spicy Chimichurri Grilled Cheese Add a nutritional punch and plenty of flavor to this classic American dish by swapping out white bread and processed cheese for something a little more creative.

Inspired by

For chimichurri: • 2 jalapeños Ingredients

• 2–4 ounces fresh mozzarella • 4 slices whole- wheat bread

• Juice of 1 lime • 2 teaspoons honey For sandwiches: • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 ripe avocado, cut into slices

• 4 green onions • 1/2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil


1. Pulse chimichurri ingredients in a food processor or blender until combined but not puréed. Add extra olive oil as needed. 2. Heat grill or skillet to medium-low. Brush outsides of bread with olive oil. Smear 1 tablespoon chimichurri on each slice of bread. Place a layer of avocado and cheese between slices. 3. Cook gently until bread is crisp and cheese is melted. 4. Slice and serve.




Satellite Offices: 601A Leah Avenue San Marcos, TX 78666 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 1009 W San Antonio Street Lockhart, TX 78644 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month



Page 1 Happy Father’s Day!

Page 2 3 FathersWho Risked It All for Their Kids

Page 2 A Natural SweetenerWith Real Health Benefits

Page 3 You Probably Suffer FromTonsil Stones

Page 3 Spicy Chimichurri Grilled Cheese

Page 4 Word From theWesties

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

FIREWORKS AREN’T FOR EVERYBODY Keep Your Pets Safe This Fourth of July

closed to block out any visual stimulation, turn up the TV or radio to drown out the outside noise, or let your dog play with their favorite,

Hello, everyone!

We know it’s a little early to be talking about the Fourth of July, but Izzy and I wanted to get this information in your paws as soon as possible. Independence Day is certainly a lot of fun. Who doesn’t love a good parade and backyard barbecue? But this holiday is also pretty dangerous for dogs and cats. This is because, while humans love their fireworks, we animals aren’t big fans. Why do you want to watch something so loud and bright? It’s terrifying! In fact, the only thing scarier than fireworks is realizing you’ve accidentally lost your family because you were trying to run away from the loud noise. The American Kennel Club reports that the Fourth of July is the busiest time for lost pets. The best way to keep your pets safe during the celebrations is to keep them indoors. If you have time, you could even take your dog for a long walk or play a rousing game of fetch to tire them out so they sleep through the fireworks. You can also do a few things to help make your dog feel as relaxed as possible. Keep the blinds

peanut butter-

filled toy. Some dogs and cats even have their own ThunderShirt, a sort of jacket that uses light pressure to create a calming sensation. You can learn more about those at No matter how careful you are, accidents can always happen. Be sure your cat or dog has updated ID tags and is microchipped, so if they do run away, you have a better chance of getting them back. Remember, fireworks aren’t fun for everyone, and no one wants to start the summer by losing their best friend.

Izzy & Emma