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Texan ENT - June 2019

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Texan ENT - June 2018

2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil Directions 1. Pulse chimichurri ingredient

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Texan ENT - March 2019

k9-veterans-day.html. Smoky was found by an American soldier in a foxhole in the jungles of New Guin

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Texan ENT - January 2019

4 small red onion, thinly sliced Directions 1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. In a rimmed baking sheet, toss

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Texan ENT - September 2019

play-dead and your dog will have an Oscar-worthy trick in no time. Izzy & Emma

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Texan ENT July 2019

4-inch rounds • 1 block feta cheese, cubed • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves • Salt, to taste Equipment •

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Texan ENT - October 2019

2-inch candy eyes Izzy & Emma

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TEXAN ENT February 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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Texan ENT - August 2019

C. Where else would we during the hottest weeks of the year? guarded by two great wolves. If you gav

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Texan ENT - October 2017

symptoms. At the moment, there are no scientifically proven cures for tinnitus. However, there are t

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Texan ENT - May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes • 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Dire

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Texan ENT - June 2019


JUNE 2019

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601A Leah Avenue San Marcos, TX 78666 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 1009 W San Antonio Street Lockhart, TX 78644 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month ‘EAR, NEWS, AND THROAT’

MyTop Summer Recommendations WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SHOW?

BOOKS Not to be one of those fans, but I read “A Song of Ice and Fire” — AKA the “Game of Thrones” books — long before the TV series came out. When they first announced the show, I was really excited. These books will suck you right in. Even if you’ve watched the TV show, “A Song of Ice and Fire” is still worth reading. I don’t read too much fiction these days, but I love good self-help books. If you want a read that will help you improve yourself, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is a classic. There’s a reason this book as sold over 25 million copies since it was first published in 1989. The strategies in this book are geared to help anyone become a more effective, well-rounded person. PODCASTS I really like “The Tim Ferriss Show,” a podcast from best-selling author Tim Ferriss. His whole thing is cutting the fat out of learning and teaching people how to pick up new skills quickly. He often covers business and marketing, but in many episodes, he gets into health and biohacking. Ferriss is a jack-of-all-trades. Each episode features guests who range from international celebrities to people you’ve never heard of before, but they’re all top experts in their field. Another podcast I enjoy is called “Hardcore History.” It’s awesome. The host, Dan Carlin, only puts out an episode once every nine months, but each episode is five hours long. They’re really more like audiobooks, and they cover the most intense parts of human history, both ancient and modern. Carlin did a great series on the clash between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany during World War II that’s unbelievable. If you like history, you’ll love this show.

We’re just getting into the summer, and my plans this year mostly involve staying inside. Let’s be honest: Texas summers are brutal. This month, I want to share a few of my favorite movies, books, and other media you can enjoy inside until the weather cools down in the fall. MOVIES “Rushmore” is a Wes Anderson movie, so it’s very artsy and quirky, which is his style. It’s about a high school kid who’s both an overachiever and an underachiever. Like any Wes Anderson movie, “Rushmore” is strange, funny, and a little hard to explain. Another quirky sort-of comedy is “Lost in Translation.” Set in Tokyo, the movie stars Bill Murray (who also plays a main character in “Rushmore”) as an aging film star who’s in Japan to film commercials. He meets a young woman, played by Scarlett Johansson in one of her first major roles. They’re both unhappy people, but in their short time together, they develop an interesting relationship. It’s not necessarily a romance, but it tugs at the heart. The funny thing about this movie is that even though the characters don’t want to be in Japan, watching it always makes me want to visit Tokyo. I’ve never been, and it looks like a truly one-of-a-kind place. TELEVISION SHOWS At this point, “Game of Thrones” is an obvious recommendation, but it’s too good not to include. The first seasons are near perfect, and though it got weird once the show passed the books it’s based on, I still highly recommend it. There are some stretches of episodes that are mostly talking and getting characters where they need to be for the plot, but once things start to go down, it gets wild. If you somehow never watched the show, I have good news: You can now binge-watch the entire series. The last episode aired in May, and I’m still not over it. To be honest, I don’t watch a lot of TV shows, but I’m always excited to tune into college basketball, especially my alma mater, the University of Virginia (the 2019 national champs!). Sorry to the Texas Tech fans out there, but I will say that y’all have a great team and Virginia had to play their best game of the tournament to (barely) beat you for the championship.

As a doctor, I’m a big supporter of being active and spending time outside in the sunshine. But when the temperature is reaching 100 degrees outside, you have my permission to hang out inside and listen to a new podcast. –Dr. Seth Evans



TIPS FOR CAPTURING THE BEST OUTDOOR PHOTO! Nature Photography Day is June 15, and it continues to garner enthusiasm with each passing year. It’s been designated by the North America Nature Photography Association as a day to promote the enjoyment of outdoor photography and to explain how nature photography can advance conservation efforts locally and worldwide. Almost everyone has access to a sufficient camera with smartphones, but not everyone knows how to best capture a beautiful nature scene. Here are some tips to help! Find the Angles Landscape photography isn’t about appealing to someone else’s sense of style; it’s about shooting what makes you happy. Take some time to study the work of other nature photographers you enjoy. What angles do they use? What colors do they coordinate within the frame? How close do they get to their subject? Try something different. Go against the grain, use a different angle, shoot a close-up where others would shoot wide angle. Find a good starting place and experiment a little. Harness the Light Nature photos often look great in the morning or evening light, but the type of lighting you use is often dictated by the scene you are trying to capture. It’s generally accepted that side-lighting, where the sun is coming from either side of the camera, is the most desirable for landscapes because the contrasts between light and shadow can add depth to your photos. However, front- and back-lighting — where you shoot away from or into the sun — can also produce nice photos. Similar to angles, try experimenting until you find something that looks good to you. Crop for Texture Sometimes the difference between an amazing shot and a mediocre one is distance. When photographing nature, try zooming in or moving geographically closer and cropping close on your subject. This could be tree bark, a leaf, the forest floor, or a lizard’s skin. The fine details of your subject can often create stunning images. In your quest to snap the most Instagram-worthy shots, the most important thing to remember is to respect the animals and the environment. Be sure to bring bags with you to take any garbage or other waste with you, and stay on designated trails while exploring. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be taking incredible nature photos in no time. Celebrate Nature Photography Day

If you’re feeling stiff and tired during the day or constantly waking up at night, it could be because of your pillow. Many people don’t think about their pillows when it comes to health, but your pillow plays a significant role in your overall well-being. Rest Everyone knows that getting eight hours of sleep per night is ideal for a healthy body and mind, and your pillow can make all the difference in how you sleep. A lousy pillow causes discomfort and makes it difficult to relax, which can prevent you from getting the quality of sleep that is best for your health. Stiffness The way you sleep is connected to the type of pillow you use at night. For instance, a side sleeper needs a thicker pillow to support their neck, while a back sleeper needs a thinner one. Your pillow should allow your neck to rest comfortably without straining your muscles. If you’re sleeping with the wrong kind, it can cause stiffness and pain in the neck, which can lead to dizziness, anxiety, nausea, and headaches. Acne Breakouts are no fun, and they happen to everyone. Pillowcases tend to collect oil and dirt through constant contact with your skin, hair, and the environment. This buildup can irritate your skin and result in acne. By washing your pillowcase once a week, you can significantly reduce unpleasant breakouts. Allergies Along with collecting dirt and oil, pillows can accumulate dust mites and dead skin cells, which are key triggers for allergies. If you suffer from severe allergies, it’s a good idea to invest in a dustproof, zipper-locked pillowcase to keep irritants away. There’s one excellent way to see if you need a new pillow or not: Try bending it in half. If it returns to its original shape, your pillow is fine, but if it doesn’t, it’s time to invest in a new one.



to use antibiotic ear drops after swimming, and the last group was of nonswimmers. Researchers found no difference in the cases of ear infections or draining ears in any of the groups. Earplugs were deemed completely unnecessary. We’re now telling our patients with ear tubes that they don’t need to wear earplugs while showering or swimming in most circumstances. While a little bit of water isn’t going to hurt, if you plan on diving deep beneath the water, more than 5 feet, then you’ll want to wear earplugs. This applies to scuba diving while on vacation, diving off a diving board, or if your child likes to swim down and touch the bottom of the pool on the deep end. However, if you’re just going to swim some laps or splash around in the shallows, feel free to leave the earplugs at home next time you go to the pool — just don’t leave the sunscreen, too! “When should I wear ear plugs?”

No summer vacation is complete without a trip to the pool. Swimming is a great way to beat the heat, get some exercise, and have fun at the same time. However, if you have ear tubes, you’re probably familiar with the strange sensation of swimming while wearing earplugs. Ear tubes are tiny, hollow cylinders surgically inserted into the ear to deal with persistent drainage or chronic infection. Traditionally, patients with ear tubes or parents of children with ear tubes have been warned of the dangers of water getting into their ears. The fear was that, because the ear tube creates a small passage past the eardrum, water would reach the inner ear through the tube and cause infections. Recently studies have found this may not be the case. A study published in the Archives of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery divided 399 children with ear tubes into four groups. The first group was instructed to wear earplugs while swimming, the second group was told to swim without earplugs, the third group was told to swim without earplugs but


Debunking an Old Myth

Ready to debunk more medical myths? Check out Dr. Evan’s new series of video blogs at .

Zucchini Salad With Toasted Hazelnuts

Inspired by Food & Wine magazine

With raw zucchini, toasted hazelnuts, and a robust Parmigiano-Reggiano, this early summer salad is a delight of different textures and flavors that will make a great side at your next cookout.


1/4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

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3 small zucchini (3/4 lb.) 1/2 tsp lemon zest, grated 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste

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Mint leaves, for garnish

Parmesan cheese, preferably Parmigiano- Reggiano, for garnish


3. Drizzle oil over zucchini, season with salt and pepper, and toss. 4. Scatter hazelnuts over the top, garnish with mint and cheese, and serve.

1. Using a mandolin or very sharp knife, slice zucchini lengthwise into extremely thin, wide ribbons. 2. Arrange zucchini ribbons on a plate, sprinkle with lemon zest, and drizzle with juice.






Page 1 A Few of My Favorite Things

Page 2 Pillow Talk

Page 2 Tips for Capturing the Best Outdoor Photo!

Page 3 Do I Have to Wear Earplugs While Swimming?

Page 3 Zucchini SaladWith Toasted Hazelnuts

Page 4 AWord From the Westies

Hours: Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


What DoWesties Love Most?

Snuggles and Belly Rubs

This month, Dr. Evans is sharing some of his favorite things, so we want to share a couple of our most favorite things too!

This one is just me, Emma. Izzy isn’t a big cuddler, but there’s nothing I love more than snuggling with my humans. And who can say no to belly rubs? After a long day of walks and playing fetch, there’s nothing like a good belly rub before bed.

Walks to the Park

Walks are always awesome, but we happen to have this amazing park near our house that we love to visit. It’s full of soft grass to run in and trees to smell. On the subject of walks, with the summer heating up, keep in mind that really hot pavement and sidewalks can hurt a dog’s paws. If it’s too hot for you to walk barefoot, it’s too hot for your dog.


We both love treats — and not just any type. The best kind of treats are OraVet Dental Hygiene Chews for Dogs. They’re so good, and they help get rid of the plaque on our teeth. Dogs can’t use a toothbrush like humans can, so special treats really help keep our teeth healthy. Plus, they’re really tasty. There are a lot of awesome things in the world. We hope you’re able to enjoy some of your favorites today!

Barking at TV Animals

Izzy here, and I’m a great guard dog. I always keep our house safe, even from animals who try to sneak in from the TV screen. When they appear, I’m always ready to bark up a storm. The rest of the family is less enthusiastic about this hobby, but I’m sure they appreciate me keeping them safe.

Izzy & Emma