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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - January 2022

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - March 2022

5 of the normal bite force. That’s reduced by well over 50%! This kind of bite force can greatly aff

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped • 1 leek, thickly sliced DIRECTIONS 1. In a large frying pan, he

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2022

4 cups coffee, canola oil, and eggs. Beat on low for 30 seconds, then on high for 2 minutes. 2. Preh

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - April 2022

Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - April 2022 APRIL 2022 *NEW ADDRESS! TYLER LONGVIEW 444 Fore

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - May 2022

Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - May 2022 MAY 2022 *NEW ADDRESS! TYLER LONGVIEW 444 Forest S

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - June 2022

3 cup sugar. Pulse to combine crumb mixture. 6. In a bowl, whip the cream with powdered sugar until

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2021

4 cup strawberry fruit spread, divided (we recommend Bonne Maman INTENSE) • • DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - September 2021

11 What is Bruxism and How Do I Treat it? 3 Why Is Gum Care So Important? One-Pan Apple Cider Chicke

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. In a

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - February 2020

2 tsp oregano DIRECTIONS 1. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp of butter with 2 tbsp of oliv

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Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center - January 2022




444 Forest Square Suite E Longview, TX 75605

1520 Rice Road Suite 100 Tyler, TX 75703




Setting Goals and Resolutions in the NewYear

When New Year’s Eve rolls around, it’s time to celebrate, pop champagne, watch fireworks, and celebrate the year that just passed. After all, despite a difficult year, we all have something positive to be grateful for. And then, New Year’s Day is the traditional day to hit the proverbial reset button, so to speak. Some resolve to develop healthier habits. Others set out to practice more controlled spending or to improve upon their relationships. Whatever your resolution may be, why is it important to set some goals for 2022 and what can you do to make sure you keep up with them all year long?

But, how do we make sure we don’t give up? The second Friday in January is notoriously known as Quitters Day, the day when many give up on their New Year’s resolutions. The first step to not falling into this group is to make your goals measurable. Goals like “I want to be healthier” are too loose. Setting specific and measurable goals are much easier to follow. You are much more likely to follow a resolution to go to the gym three nights a week and to only allow one cheat day a week. By limiting your resolutions to one or two goals, you are making sure not to overwhelm yourself, which will net better results in the long run. There is always next year to add more! Lastly, find an accountability partner. It can be someone with the same goal or a friend or spouse to routinely check in with to report your progress. With another person keeping up with you along the way, there is no room for shortcuts or giving up! In 2022, I hope that you — and I — will find value in resolutions and can develop a plan to hang on to them as we turn a new page. 2022 is a fresh start and a new opportunity to reveal our best selves! Happy New Year!

Setting some resolutions and goals for yourself provides a sense of stability in your otherwise busy and hectic life. You may not know what your plans are for dinner or what you’re doing over the weekend, but you can aspire to accomplish certain things to set you on


the right path for many years to come. Resolutions also help you to become who you want to be — by this, I mean the best version of yourself. Maybe you want to be the type of person who signs up for a marathon, trains for many months, and completes it. Maybe you’d like to build upon your faith or be a person of many languages. New Year’s resolutions can help you to get there. How many times have you told yourself that you’ll eat healthy Monday–Friday, but then Wednesday rolls around and ordering pizza is just so much easier than cooking? If it’s a New Year’s resolution, you have a little bit more of a reason to stick to it.

-Dr. Travis Kendall

LONGVIEW - 903-758-5551 | TYLER - 903-597-2201



January is National Hobby Month, and since it falls at the beginning of the year, it’s the perfect time to try something new! Hobbies add variety to your life and ensure you aren’t just living to work, so to speak. The best way to find a hobby you enjoy is to be open to new things. Whether it’s gardening, reading, drawing, running, fishing, crafting, or even beekeeping, finding an activity you enjoy is important. Here’s why! Hobbies are stress relievers. Hobbies offer a healthy escape from your busy lifestyle by keeping you engaged in something you find pleasure in. Instead of just relaxing on the couch and turning off your mind for a bit (which is totally acceptable sometimes), hobbies allow you to remain mentally productive while winding down at the same time. Hobbies also provide eustress . Believe it or not, one type of stress is deemed beneficial: eustress. If you

aren’t overly stressed and are feeling a little under-stimulated, a hobby can provide activity for both your mind and body to keep you feeling excited about life and ready to take on new challenges and adventures. Hobbies offer a social outlet. Some hobbies involve group activities, such as bowling, sports teams, book clubs, and even wine tasting. Connecting with others offers the social support humans depend on to lead a healthy and fruitful life. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find some great friends who share the same passions as you! Hobbies develop patience. When you take on a new hobby, you are tasked with learning something new. Whether you’re practicing a new instrument, learning a different language, or figuring out how to make jewelry, a learning curve is involved. Building new skills takes patience, a very important attribute for success.

Finding a hobby that suits you may take some exploration and trial and error, but it is all in good fun! Make it your goal to try something new or learn a new skill each month until you find something that sticks. Once you do, you’re sure to find that hobbies are both enjoyable and enriching!

Do You Need a Nightguard?


during the day when you’d be able to catch it, it most often occurs at night. Have you been experiencing unexplained jaw pain and/or headaches? Are you grinding your teeth and how do you know whether or not you need a nightguard to protect your teeth? Some of the common signs associated with teeth grinding and gnashing include unexplained damage to your

(ringing or buzzing in one or both ears), and chipped or cracked teeth can also be symptoms of bruxism. The damage to your teeth caused by bruxism can be an expensive fix and greatly impacts your sleep and lifestyle. While there is no known cure for bruxism, the use of a nightguard, a plastic, retainer-like piece that can be hard or soft and covers the biting surfaces of your teeth, can help get rid of bruxism’s negative effects. If you are regularly experiencing some of the symptoms of teeth grinding and gnashing, it may be time to consider the benefits of a nightguard. It’s a small investment to protect your teeth and oral health. To learn more about how a nightguard can benefit you, give us a call today.

A study conducted in Israel and Poland revealed that since the onset of the pandemic, bruxism, or the gnashing or grinding of teeth, increased from 10% to 25% of people and jaw clenching rose from 17% to 36%. While teeth grinding and jaw clenching can take place

teeth, sleep disruption, tension headaches (especially upon waking in the morning), a popping or clicking sound when you open your mouth, signs of chewing on the inside of your cheek, tooth pain or jaw soreness, and difficulty chewing. Earaches, tinnitus


LONGVIEW - 903-758-5551


Inspired by

Is Whiter Really Better?

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be bland with this citrusy chicken!

• 1/3 cup and 2 tbsp olive oil, divided • 4 boneless chicken breasts • 1 clove of garlic, minced • 1/4 tsp salt INGREDIENTS

• 1/2 cup parsley, chopped • 1/3 cup mint, chopped • 1 1/2 tsp pepper • 1 lemon, for juice and zest

The Dangers of Bleachorexia

White teeth: We all want them and many will do pretty much anything to achieve a bright and white smile, even if it means compromising the health of their teeth. But having radiant pearly whites doesn’t necessarily mean that they are healthy. To achieve whiter teeth, many people opt for over-the-counter whitening kits and countless procedures. Bleachorexia, or the obsession with teeth whitening, is common but very harmful for the teeth. Over time, excessive whitening can have a lasting negative effect on your teeth. Excessively whitening your teeth with peroxide and bleach agents can potentially lead to tooth erosion. When your teeth are continuously exposed to whitening agents, the enamel protecting your teeth may be destroyed, resulting in long-lasting oral health problems including tooth decay, fractured teeth, and a lot of pain. Your gums and throat may also become sensitive. When you’ve over-whitened your teeth, some of the signs include red, sensitive, and swollen gums, translucent-looking teeth instead of white, discoloration around the edges of your teeth, increasingly sensitive teeth (especially to cold foods), and enamel erosion. Your teeth may also even begin to appear darker over time once the enamel erodes and the naturally darker part of the tooth is exposed. Instead of taking whitening into your own hands and potentially ruining the health of your pearly whites, your dentist will have options for whitening with no side effects or damage. Remember to avoid smoking, drink wine or coffee through a straw, and stay away from stain-prone foods to maintain your teeth. Avoid the urge to whiten them on your own. If you do whiten them, consult with your dentist every six months to make sure you are not over bleaching.


1. Preheat oven to 450 F. 2. In a large ovenproof skillet, heat 2 tbsp olive oil. 3. Season chicken with salt and pepper if desired and sear it in the skillet for 3 minutes on each side. Bake chicken until its internal temperature is 165 F. 4. In a blender, add 1/3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients until coarsely mixed. 5. Top chicken with sauce and serve!


Blanket Carnation Cold

Emmys Football Garnet Janus

Mittens Parade Resolution Snow Workout


TYLER - 903-597-2201





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NewYear’s Goals and Resolutions

Why Hobbies Are Important

The Scoop on Nightguards


IsWhiter Really Better?

ChickenWith Lemon Herb Sauce


IncludeThese inYour Post- Workout Meal

There’s plenty of emphasis lately on what you should eat before a workout, but not so much about after a workout. What you eat after exercising is just as essential for maximizing your workout’s effectiveness. After intensive exercise, many of us will feel hungry and turn to just about anything to satiate our hunger, but the wrong food could negate the effects of our workouts. During your workout, you will use up your body’s carbohydrates and the glucose stored in your muscles. A proper post-workout meal, including the right fluids, is necessary to replenish these nutrients. When preparing the perfect post-workout meal, there are three areas you should focus on. PROTEIN Including protein in your post-workout meal is important to repair and build muscle. Muscle tissues get broken down during exercise, and protein helps put them back together stronger than before. Eggs, tuna, chicken, and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein and should be implemented into your post-workout meal. 3 THINGS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR POST- WORKOUT MEAL

CARBS Carbs are essential

for replenishing your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is the fuel that helps keep us moving and active. If you feel exhausted and hungry after a workout, it’s

usually your body telling you that your glycogen levels are low. Including carbs such as sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta, and chocolate milk in your post-workout meal will help you feel energized and ready to continue with your day. FLUIDS You should always drink water while working out and continue to do so after your exercise is complete. Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, and transports nutrients throughout your body. In one hour of exercise, your body can lose more than a quarter of its water. Continue to drink water or other hydrating drinks after your workout to replenish your missing fluids. Lastly, avoid having a giant fast-food meal after exercising. There are plenty of options for preparing a truly beneficial post-workout meal, so find what makes you feel your best and what you enjoy most and run with it.


LONGVIEW - 903-758-5551 | TYLER - 903-597-2201