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The Atlas Action: October 2018

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Atlas PT. October Newsletter

LIVE concert. Bush was October 2019 INSIDE : Name That Year Build Your Lower Body Strength Patient S

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The Studios Atlas Gardens / The Intelligent Relocation

m 2 GROSS RATE 7% ANNUAL ESCALATION To view the Vacancies CLICK HERE or Call Angela 072 274 4228 THE

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The Livewell Collective - October 2018

The Livewell Collective - October 2018 THE OCTOBER 2018 IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS BIRTHDAYS AND G

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In The Bag October 2018

spirits-meath-halloween-festival-2018. Today, Meath celebrates Oct. 31 with a blend of spooky thrill

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The Newsletter Pro October 2018

scaleup.) We don’t live in the same marketing world anymore, and we have to stop acting like we do.

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The Wedge Group - October 2018

Call Now! (214) 446-3209 | 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 92 Cornerstone Drive, Sui

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The Livewell Clinic - October 2018

spirits-meath-halloween- festival-2018 . 4 Published by The Newsletter Pro

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The Stano Law Firm October 2018

spirits-meath-halloween-festival-2018. 4 • Would you like to opt out of receiving our m

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October 2018

3 cup panko breadcrumbs • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 6 scallions, minced • 5 ounces mascarpone cheese

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The College Money Guys - October 2018

4 teaspoon kosher salt • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract • Powdered sugar, to coat Call us! 713.42

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The Atlas Action: October 2018




older brother. I love working at Atlas PT, not only because I learn from the physical therapists and get to help people, but the overall atmosphere is great and everyone is treated like family! In other exciting news, Dr. Sam hosted his first Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Pain Workshop on a Tuesday night in September. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word. The response was amazing! We’ll continue to mix it up between our Lower Back and Shoulder Workshops with new topics potentially next year. (continued inside)

Welcome Jazmyn Scott, our newest Full Time Physical Therapist Technician! From Jazmyn’s Bio on our website: I plan on entering a Doctor of Physical Therapy program in 2019 to achieve my dreams of helping those with special needs. Spending time with my family, painting, going to concerts with friends and doing makeup is what I love to do in my spare time. I currently live in Middle River, Maryland, and grew up in Prince George’s County with my parents and

INSIDE : • Name That Year • Patient Success Spotlight • Relieve Back Pain In Minutes • Healthy Recipe • Fun & Games


(continued from outside) Football season is here! Sydney cheered for the home-team at the Raven’s first pre-season game vs. the Bears. Jersey Friday has been updated to Atlas T-shirt Thursday. While you may miss Lauren’s Eagles jersey, she’s still very up-to-date on their news. Growing up 30 minutes outside of D.C., Jo is another NFC fan—he’s our resident Redskin’s guy who’s loved his team since his birth! Sam visited his alma mater over the long Labor Day weekend when his Penn State squeaked out their overtime win vs. Appalachian State! In addition to football, obviously, the school year is in full swing too! Samantha is mostly loving the 1st grade! It’s the first year she gets her own desk, and they also get to pick their own seats at lunch. Pre-K is 2.5 full days for Kathryn. She plays really hard, and naps really hard! Megan’s last two kids are hitting their stride too. Catherine is very happy with her class choices and with joining the diving team at Mount Saint Mary’s. Chris loves being the only Davis at Spalding and now has two succesful cross-country meets under his belt!


Happy Birthday to Becky! Your 20th Birthday is a special time to the Ukrainian side of her family, and she had a great celebration! Bekah’s 2 brothers visited from Seattle. She got to meet her 5-month-old nephew and catch up on snuggles, as well as enjoyed Hamilton at the Kennedy Center! Mallory finally had her first crab feast of the season with her grandparents! Happy 1-year Atlas anniversary to Sydney! She does an incredible job up front and has grown into her role of Office Manager since May. To celebrate, she adopted a young dog named Scooby, who was discovered by our tech Jo on his way to work one day! Sydney met the pup and it was love at first sight! After the shelter checked for owners and no one came for him, Sydney went back for him and brought him home to her brand new apartment she just signed for with her girlfriend, Morgan! Their new house is already filled with lots of toys and treats for Scooby. ~ Dr. Laura Sanner, Owner Atlas PT

Name That Year

Atlas News

Dr. Sam Essy is hosting a Rotator Cuff and Shoulder pain workshop at Atlas on November 13th @ 6pm Dr. Laura Sanner is hosting a Back Pain and Sciatica workshop at Atlas on October 30th @ 6pm Call 410.762.2124 to register ask for Mallory or Sydney.

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes

SUPPORTED BRIDGE Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by your fingertips. Inhale and lift the hips, place a block under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times. Strengthens Core

1. Dr. Lauren visits husband Brent in Seoul, South Korea for Christmas while on a break from Phyiscal Therapy school.

2. A gallon of gas costs $2.40

3. NASA’s New Horizon spacecraft completes its first-ever flyby of Pluto, giving researchers an up-close look at the planet.

4. Jurassic World was the top grossing movie.

5. Cuba and the United States officially re-establish diplomatic relations after 54 years.

Call Today! (410) 762-2124

Patient Success Spotlight

Healthy Recipe

No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Balls

INGREDIENTS • 2 cups of old-fashioned rolled oats • ½ cup of ground flax seed • 1 tablespoon of black chia seeds • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon • ½ cup of raw honey • ½ cup of peanut butter • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder • ½ cup of dark chocolate chips

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Add rolled oats, ground flax seed, chia seeds, cinnamon, honey, peanut butter, vanilla extract, and vanilla protein powder to food processor. 2. Pulse until ingredients are blended (about 7-9 times). 3. Add mixture to a large bowl, add in chocolate chips. Stir to combine. 4. Form energy bite mixture into 1” balls and place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. 5. Cover and place in refrigerator for 2 hours. 6. Serve!

“Now I have returned to work with no restrictions.” “Megan and Bekah were great, always patient. Before physical therapy I had almost no motion in my ankle and was not able to complete simple everyday tasks. Now I have returned to work with no restrictions. Still healing but Bekah and Megan have made it easy for me to make a full recovery.” - Daniel M.

Fun & Games




ACROSS 1. Megan’s daughter, Catherine is on the ________________ team. 4. Dr. Laura is hosting her next Back Pain and Sciatica workshop on _________________________ 30 th . 6. Our newest PT tech is ______________________________. 8. The proper spelling of the misspelled word located somewhere in this newsletter. DOWN 2. Dr. Lauren’s favorite football team is the Philadelphia ______________________. 3. PT Tech Jo’s favorite football team is the Washington ______________________. 5. Dr. Sam is hosting a Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Pain workshop at Atlas on November ___________________. 7. Sydney’s rescue puppy is named ___________________.

The first 3 people to call Sydney or Mallory at the front desk with the misspelled word, get a FREE $10 gift card to someplace fun! Hurry, read, and call 410.762.2124!







Created with Crossw Down

Across 1. Megan's daughter, Catherine is on the _______________ team. 4. Dr. Laura is hosting her next Back Pain and Sciatica workshop on _________________ 30th.

2. Dr. Lauren's favorite football tea ______________. 3. PT Tech Jo's favorite football te _______________.


Do you have shoulder pain when you reach up high overhead?

Does it bother you to lift something heavy?

Having trouble reaching behind your back?

Problems sleeping at night?

Has reaching into the backseat become impossible?

Have you changed the way you do yard work, housework or get dressed because of shoulder problems? If you answered YES to any of the above questions (or have a stubborn spouse who is in denial) the Rotator Cuff Workshop maybe a life-changing event for you…

If you’re confused about what to do and looking for answers, here’s some of what you’ll learn: • The Single Biggest #1 Mistake shoulder pain suffers make which actually stops them from healing AND can surprisingly lead to surgery… • The 3 most common causes of rotator cuff problems… • A sure-fire way to pick the right treatment for the cause of your pain (and save you a ton of time and money)... • The single WORST position to sleep in that causes BIG problems in the rotator cuff… • What successful treatment and permanent relief looks like without the side effects of medications, injections or surgery. When is the workshop? November 13th @ 6pm at Atlas Physical Therapy How Do I Register for the workshop? Call our office, Atlas Physical Therapy, to register (410) 762-2124 Ask for Sydney or Mallory


Rotator cuff and shoulder pain can completely ruin your life… we’ve seen it many times.

It can stop you from feeling like a normal person…

It can make you change the way you move doing everyday activities…

It can make sleeping at night nearly impossible leaving you feeling tired all day long… And less movement and enjoying of life can lead to depression, increased stress and a sedentary lifestyle (mostly sitting… not moving much) which leads to bigger health problems… and life problems. Here at Atlas PT, our rotator cuff experts have helped 100’s of people from right here in Anne Arundel County… who have suffered needlessly with rotator cuff pain… it’s our specialty.

So by request, we’re hosting a rotator cuff workshop.

1406 Crain Highway S. – Suite 110 Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Call Today! (410) 762-2124

SEE WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ATLAS PT “This has changed my life. I 100% recommend.” “My experience here was incredible. When I showed up I could barely turn my head to the left. My neck hurt 24/7, and it was starting to destroy what little sleep I could get. My right shoulder was permanently hiked up around my ear and I could no longer raise or relax the arm correctly. All of this made driving, sleeping, sitting, even existing, really horrible. Working on the exercises here and learning what would help (instead of hinder) was life changing. At one time, I didn’t remember life without moderate, unending neck/shoulder pain. Now, I’m rock climbing (badly, but improving!) once a week. I can run again, and my commute no longer ends with me wishing to commit hideous acts of violence. This has changed my life. I 100% recommend.” - Natalie B.

“I can have my normal life back, holding my son, playing with him as much as he wants...” “Before I started PT here at Atlas, I was extremely limited in the everyday activities I could do for myself and my family because of my shoulder pain. These activities were as small as grabbing a plate from the cabinet, to washing my hair. The hardest part was not being able to even pick up my 2-year-old son or swing him around like he loves. But after the wonderful care of everyone at Atlas, and the home exercises they taught me to embed into my daily life, I can have my normal life back, holding my son, playing with him as much as he wants, and taking care of myself and my whole family. Thank you Atlas Physical Therapy.” - Alison B.

“I sleep better, function better, and for the first time in my life, I stand up straight.” “I came to Atlas after being told by an OD that the vertebrae in my neck were pressing on each other and pinching a nerve, causing shocks of pain down my arm. I also had near constant burning pain in my neck and shoulders. After treatment at Atlas, I’ve had no shocks of pain and the burning pain, as well as most of the tension, has gone. I sleep better, function better, and for the first time in my life, I stand up straight. I feel better physically, and I feel better about myself. ” - Scott B.

Call Today! (410) 762-2124