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The Cure Is Within You

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The Cure Is Within You

The Cure IsWithin You Your Stem Cells may be the cure to back pain

Orthopedics • Sports Medicine • Pain Management • Physical Therapy • Acupuncture Chiropractic • Stem Cell Therapy • Cosmetics • Pilates

300 E. 56th Street • New York, NY 10022 • 212-935-1700


Stem Cells for Back Pain Regenerative Medicine may be the key to curing back pain.

Q & A session with Dr. Drew DeMann

Q. Dr. Drew DeMann, what are “stem cells”?

cells that freely circulate throughout our bodieswaiting tobe calledupon. The problem is that as we get older many of these cells are no longer freely available to jump in and repair thedamage that simple life throws at us. Aswe age these adult stemcells, for one thing, begin to “hide” in our bone marrow and our fat deposits (like our tummy fat) waiting for the really big problems but not the day to day stuff that winds up nagging at us. While this works for the big systemic illnesses that can kill us, it doesn’t help our typical knee, shoulder, and back pain issues that really impair the quality of our lives. This is made worse by the fact that many of these conditions occur in areas with lesser blood supply. This further limits normal access to these regenerative cells. Q. Why and how are stem cells used to treat problems like shoulder pain, knee pain, back pain and sports injuries? Dr. Drew DeMann: Stem cells can be used to treat many of these conditions because of new breakthroughs in both gathering cells from the body and placing them with pinpoint accuracy in the areas where they are needed. New breakthroughs in cell therapies that were once reserved for professional athletes, are now available in the doctor’s office to harvest stem

Dr. DrewDeMann: There are several different types of stem cells. Many peoplehaveheardofembryonicstem cells which have been controversial but another unrelated type of stem cell, “adult stem cells,” are turning out to be even more interesting for those with pain or injuries. Adult stemcells are the unique cells in our bodies that are capable of repairing and regenerating any damaged tissue as we age. They have the remarkablepotential tobothoversee the repair of injuries by producing thenecessarymolecules to stimulate healing, at the same time they can actually turn into any cell type that is needed for that repair. They can become cells of the blood, heart, bones, muscles, brain, etc. These are the body’s master repair / regenerative cells that can make any tissue or structure in the body like new again. Q. Why are stem cells important for the treatment of pain or injuries as we get older? Dr. Drew DeMann: As we age our physical bodies experience natural wear and tear. When we are young the small day to day breakdown that occurs on a microscopic level from just life, is repaired without us knowing it from these plentiful stem

cells from either fat deposits (like the tummy) or bone marrow (like the hip). These cells can then be placed in the areaswhere theymight not naturally concentrate in large quantities. The result is that we now have the opportunity for the first time in medical history to repair the aging of our joints and bodies in a way that was only dreamt of a few years ago. These stem cells can be inserted (via a simple injection) into a damaged disc, an arthritic knee, a swollen Achilles tendon or even

Q & A Are you a candidate for StemCell Treatments? Contact ManhattanMedicine at 212.935.1700 or [email protected]

a torn rotator cuff to help promote healing, avoiding the need for amore invasive surgery.

is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Another source for adult stem cells is the fat around our abdomen. Using a simple needle these areas can be sampled to obtain large quantities of stem cells. Pain is controlled by administration of a local anesthetic. Sedation (e.g., twilight sleep) is also an option for some. Obtaining stem cells is a sterileprocedureperformed by the doctor in the office and does not require a special trip to the hospital. Once the stem cells

are obtained and they are ready for placement at the site of treatment, theyare often re-administeredunder real-time imaging such as high- resolution ultrasound (see insert “The Advantage of Ultrasound Guided Treatments”). These are new ultrasound imaging devices that have in some cases a higher resolution than anMRI machine and have the advantage of being able to help the doctor to steer the stem cells with pinpoint accuracy right in the office.

Q. How are stem cells obtained?

Dr. Drew DeMann: Scientists are discovering that many tissues and organs contain a small number of adult stem cells. The process of obtaining stem cells is called harvesting. The harvesting of stem cells from the hip bone of adults

Why Are Ultrasound Guided Injections Better? Many experienced physicians feel that they are “excellent” at injections and never miss their target. However, studies show that as much as 30% of injections by even accomplished clinicians can actually miss the structure that they are aiming for. “Realtime High-Resolution Ultrasound” is the latest advancement for in- office treatment since it can often visualize smaller anatomy better than an MRI, and in real-time. The first result is that patients are able to obtain an immediate diagnosis rather than having towait days for outside results. The second breakthrough is that doctors can actually guide needle treatments more precisely and clearly at the time of care, assuring pinpoint accuracy for injections. Thismeans patients experience less pain (since it ismore efficient for the doctor) and better outcomes. Simply put, ultrasound guidance is safer than blindly injecting, requires no X-ray or harm to the patient, and improves results. (Naredo et al. 2004) The Advantage of Ultrasound Guided Treatments

Staff Spotlight

Dr. DeMann is a healthcare specialist with a diverse background. Hebeganhis career as a Doctor of Chiropractic, and then went on topractice as FamilyHealth and currently Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine. His current clinical focus includes cutting edge treatments such as StemCell and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections for physical injuries and pain. Dr. DeMann is agraduateofHarvard Medical School’s prestigiousGlobal Clinical Scholar Research Training

Dr. DeMann’s past & present clinical affiliations are as diverse as his educational background.They includePostgraduateProfessor at NYCC, Post Graduate Professor of Neurophysiology at Touro College,Member Boardof AdvisorsOxfordHealthPlans, Director of the Post Graduate ElectrophysiologyProgramat NYCC. He is amember of numerous professional and academic associations participating in international research training for physicians and clinicians. Experienced as both an accomplished lecturer & author, he received the recent distinction of being named for outstanding achievement in the “Who’sWho of American Professionals”. His publications have appeared in both magazines & professional journals including theprestigious internationalmedical publication “PainManagement”. Dr. DeMann has appearedonboth television & radiowith his own syndicatedweekly health talk show“Doctor on Call” and is listed as one of Fox Network’s “health authorities” having appeared on the nightly news several times.

program (GCSRT). He is Board Certified in Pain Management, holds two bachelor’s degrees, a master’s degree in Family Practice, amaster’s degree inOrthopedic Biomechanics, a doctor of Chiropractic, & a post-graduate certification in both Sports Medicine and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.

Proud to say our office has a 5 star rating Patient Success

Fred M. My name is Fred and I’ve been coming to Dr. DeMann for a little over 4 years give or take 6 months and I have found that being treated by Dr. DeMann and his staff has changed my life in a very positive way. I no longer have to seek third parties for aninjection or a different procedure. Because he has such a capable staff I have all things I need for my body in one place, which makes my life a lot easier and doesn’t put a strain on my lifestyle. Part of the positives, are being able to have everything done under one roof. I couldn’t be happier with my care on all levels. So both froma point of physical therapy and the need for certain injections from time to time, I’ve found the place that satisfies every one of my needs. It has allowed me to keep up a very mobile pace and interact with people the way I prefer. So about 3 years ago a friend of mine asked me to look into stem cell therapy and fortunately Dr. DeMann was open to looking into this and it has really changed my life. I get 2-3 stem cell injections each year and it has allowed me to keep upmy workout routines andmy athletic endeavors. I love golf and now I’m able to play as much golf as I want without any back pain or routine aches. I couldn’t be happier with my stem cell injection results. I feel they have been incredibly beneficial to me and my family. Nina I. Huge thanks to Dr. DeMann and the team at Manhattan Medicine. They are the best doctors I have ever had. Dr. DeMann performed stem cell replacement and PRP for torn cartilage in my knee and I have been able to avoid surgery and return to activity pain free. Following this treatment I had great Physical Therapy with both Sanjay Joseph and Dr. Reisner. Yanina also provides excellent acupuncture.

Vered B. I came to Dr. DeMann in the spring of 2014 looking for a way to treat any of my numerous joint issues. I had suffered 10 years of debilitating hip pain for which a difficult surgery had been recommended, but despite the daily, disabling pain, I resisted the surgery, hearing repeatedly that it often proved unsuccessful. In addition, my numerous other joint problems, stemming frommultiple torn ligaments, arthritic joints, and spinal arthritis, all severely affected my gait. I was 46, with two young children, and was beginning to lose hope that I could regain my former mobility. I wondered, not unreasonably, whether I was on a downward spiral toward decrepitude. Dr. DeMann listened with compassion and keen interest, honing in on the most painful and pressing problem, my hip. His sonogram examination confirmed earlier findings of a cam bump, an irregular bone spur of the top of the femur, but also revealed a torn labrumand inflammation within and around the joint. Following a series of anti inflammatory injections we together determined that stem cell therapy was the best course. Within several months my labrum regenerated andmy hip pain was finally gone. No surgery. No weeks or months on crutches. It has been two years and the pain has not returned. Buoyed by the success of this treatment I was determined to attend to the other aches and pains. Over the course of the last year and a half I have had both PRP and stem cell treatments to my foot and ankle, knee, ribs, and mid and lower spine, including both joints and discs. My case is unusual in that I’ve had so many areas treated. However, the realization that my body has an innate, intelligent ability to heal and regenerate has encouraged me to continue this process. I have not looked back. These treatments have won me back my health. I believe that Dr. DeMann’s deep knowledge of anatomy, arsenal of regenerative techniques, and skillful use of sonogram to locate a tear, arthritic joint, or inflammation with precision and accuracy are certainly a large part of what makes him an excellent doctor. But I ammost thankful for his compassion, enthusiasm, and ability to treat each patient as an individual; these are truly qualities of a healer of the highest order.