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The Experience Magazine: Spring 2022

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The Experience Magazine - Spring 2018

audio). Her goal is for language school in mid-2018 and to be on the field in Africa sometime in 201

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The Experience Magazine: Spring 2022

1947-2022 75 Years of Life Change at Word of Life Island

Introducing Brian Baker Vice President of the New York Bible Institute and Camps

Issue 15


02 04

A Note From Don Lough, Jr. Brian Baker on Youth Ministry, Family, and His Word of Life Journey Word of Life Island: Celebrating 75 Years of Life Change

A Note from Don Lough, Jr. As we witness conflict and chaos in our world today, remember the powerful command and promise contained in Galatians 6:9. This verse says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” In other words, keep moving forward in serving Christ, do not stop sharing the gospel, and the harvest will come. God is at work in the lives of students and alumni across the globe, and it is amazing to see the fruitful harvest He is giving as they faithfully serve. We may be navigating through uncertain days, but we can see His hand in an incredible way! I hope this edition of The Experience is a great encour- agement to you, and an apt reminder of His power and provision in even the most challenging of times.


14 17 19

Alumni Updates Alumni Weddings Connect With Us


Editor-in-Chief & Copywriter – Bree Hayden '13 & '14 Designer – Teresa Stursberg '14 Alumni Engagement Manager – Rebecca Berga '15 & '16 Alumni Relations – Ken Hayden '86

The Experience is a publication of Word of Life. We want to build a community where you can find longtime friends, share testimonies of what God has been doing, encourage others with stories of life change, and learn how you, too, can be involved with the mission of Word of Life. ©Copyright 2022 — Word of Life Fellowship. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission. The perspectives of the author(s) in this magazine do not necessarily represent the perspectives of Word of Life Bible Institute and/or Word of Life Fellowship.

Trusting Him,

Don Lough, Jr. ’84 Chancellor, Bible Institute President and CEO, Word of Life Fellowship, Inc.


You’re invited to join the Word of Life family for an Alumni Event this summer at Hersheypark! Food, fellowship with the Alumni fam, updates on the Bible Institute, tons of rides, and, of course, plenty of choco- late... you’ll have an amazing time with us at Hersheypark this July! Scan the QR code below or visit to register or learn more. We can’t wait to see you there!

July 16, 2022


The Experience


Brian Baker

Walking into Brian Baker’s office, the first thing I notice is the large window overlooking the most frequented path on campus.

It's the one that leads from The Wyrtzen Center, where class is held, directly to (of course) the dining hall.

on Youth Ministry, Family, and His Word of Life Journey

Even though the afternoon is a brisk and playfully windy one, I can still see a few students bundled up and hurrying along to ministry, friends, or maybe even the Page Center for Student Success, which is exactly where Brian’s office is located. It’s the perfect spot to welcome whoever might happen to pass by. Welcoming others in is something Brian excels at. Though he was born and raised in Illinois, his nearly 17 years spent in North Carolina as a Local Church Missionary, and then as a Regional Coordinator have lent themselves to a slight southern twang and an easygoing air about him. It’s clear to me why he seems to be able to laugh with any group, whether it’s staff, students, or even parents.

As we sit down to chat, I ask Brian about how he came to know Jesus, and his face lights up.

“You know, I grew up in a great home, and I actually came to know the Lord at VBS when I was about eight years old. As I got older, I was a typical teen... I strug- gled to live for the Lord, and sports became my main focus in high school. But, during my junior year, I was introduced to Word of Life and came to The Island.” His tone becomes more earnest before he continues, “It was my first time seeing what the Christian life could be... I saw the joy of the Lord in a real way. I dedicated my life to the Lord that summer, when I was 17 years old.”

By Bree Hayden


The Experience

Brian has been serving with Word of Life for a long time. When I ask about his journey to where we sit today, he shares, “Lynn and I began serving with Word of Life Local Church Ministries (now Youth Ministries) in 1997, one year after we got married, and in 1998, we were assigned to North Carolina. We packed up—not that we had much to pack—and moved to a place where we knew absolutely no one.”

He cracks up at that and tells me Don Lough called him into his office and shared that Roger felt the Lord was leading him and his family in a different direction. He then asked Brian if he would be willing to pray about moving into the Vice President position. “I was totally shocked. We did not see it coming at ALL,” he puts a heavy emphasis on the last word, “and to be honest, it was a very overwhelming thought. I really thought I’d say no.” My interest is piqued. His tone is frank, his face serious, when he says he really wasn’t going to consider it. So, I ask— what made him change his mind? “Well,” he begins, “I told Don we would pray about it for a week. Lynn and I were actually apart for the first three days or so,” he laughs again, “and our alumni might appreciate this—it was right in the middle of Reverb season. Don asked on Tuesday; I left on Wednesday.”

Lynn and Brian while dating in high school

His voice grows nostalgic as he continues, “When we started serving in North Carolina, we worked with just three churches—but over time,

A pause, and then, “I had just one more year to make my faith count in high school; I did my best to really live it out.” A smile crosses his face, “I also began dating Lynn that same summer. Her parents were actually the ones who introduced me to Word of Life. They were from Indiana but came to Illinois and served in my church as the Local Church Missionaries.” With a big smile, he shares that everyone thinks he and Lynn began dating at the Bible Institute. “No way! We were dating for over a year by the time we got here!” A chuckle, and he continues, “Now, we’ve been married for 26 years and have three kids. Courtney is 20, in her second year at WOLBI, and will be getting married this June, which is crazy to think about. Corbin and Allison are twins—although nobody seems to think so, because of how different they are—they’re juniors in high school. We love to spend time together watching movies, traveling, or playing sports.”

God abundantly blessed, and our ministry grew substantially. I was coor- dinator of the Piedmont Region in 2014 when I got a call asking if Lynn and I would consider moving to New York, where I would serve as coordinator of the

“I’m really looking forward to strengthening and cultivating a culture of spiritual growth and strong relationships with students, faculty, and staff."

Northeast Region. After much prayer, we accepted. When we moved, we were partners with 31 churches and had 56 Bible Clubs running. It was absolutely incredible.” “For the last seven years,” he continues, “that’s where I have been serving— in Youth Ministries, as the Northeast Regional Coordinator. I loved it.” He finishes his thought, and I look up— so, how did he get to where he is now, as Vice President of the New York Bible Institute and Camps? It seems to be, well, a bit different than his previous ministry.

Baker family, 2022


After a short pause, he continues on, “We consulted with friends outside of Word of Life and asked them to pray. Lynn and I also intensively sought the Lord, and by maybe the fourth or fifth day of prayer, it became clear that God was leading in that direction. After the week was over, I met with Don, and I agreed to take the position.” “It’s kind of cool,” he muses, “a key part of all this happened years before it was a thought in anyone’s head.”

“I’m really looking forward to strengthening and culti- vating a culture of spiritual growth and strong relation- ships with students, faculty, and staff. If we can keep our focus on God, pray inten- tionally, and depend on Him, the sky really is the limit.” I can hear laughter in his voice when he says, “I still think we’re the best kept secret out there.” As the conversation tapers off, he muses, “You know, being a youth ministry, one of the big things we aim to do is connect with the next generation. As we seek to connect, however, we must be very careful to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word. We’re dedicated to that.” He pauses, before saying, “Maybe some alumni can relate, but as a 46-year-old

Interesting. So, what was that key piece?

He shakes his head and says, “About seven years ago, a close friend encour- aged me to go back to school to get my Master of Divinity degree, and after a bit of deliberation, I decided to do so. I wasn’t even sure why—I never wanted to go back to school, that’s for sure.” I smiled, and he went on, “But God was preparing me for this—right here, right now.” When he finishes, I ask him what he’s most excited about in this new position. His response is instantaneous.

Brian speaking at a youth group retreat in 2012

"As we seek to connect... we must be very careful to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word."

Before I leave, I steal a glance out the window and see a few more students braving the icy wind, and it all clicks into place—whether they’re students, staff, alumni, or members of a local church, it’s clear to see that Brian is passionate about people. And, you know, I don’t think it’s North Carolina’s southern charm that’s made him this way. There's only one reason people care about others like that—it's due to the transformative power of Jesus Christ in their own lives. So, I smile and wave goodbye, and head out into the cold. Somehow, though, the campus seems a little warmer, despite the frosty air.

man, not everything we do is my pref- erence.” As he speaks, my mind drifts to the wild games and flashing lights at camp rallies, the antics of the program team at mealtimes, and the late, late camp nights. His voice is a bit wry but becomes more serious before he says, “But, I have to remind myself that the goal of every- thing we do is to reach the next gener- ation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It doesn’t really matter if it’s not my cup of tea. It works.” As I stand and gather my things, I mention a few thoughts about The Experience magazine, and Brian shares that he’s really looking forward to meeting more WOLBI alumni, whether that’s here at the Bible Institute, at an alumni event, or even at their home church.


The Experience


Word of Life Island: Celebrating 75 Years of Life Change Jesus walks on this island. Will you meet Him here? When you walk into Pine Pavilion on Word of Life Island, you’re greeted by a large sign bearing this phrase. It’s displayed prom- inently on the wall, up near the stage—and through countless rallies, Bible hours, worship nights, comedy shows, and staff orien- tations, this simple piece of routered wood has silently remained as a physical embodiment of the core tenet of The Island. As you sit in the pews that sign overlooks, the presence of God feels so thick in the air, it’s as if Jesus Himself could be seated beside you, hand on your shoulder, imploring you to trust Him with your worries, your future, your very life. In the past 75 years, hundreds of thousands of campers have stepped onto The Island and found it to be a holy place—a place set apart from the world outside, consecrated to the Lord, and alight with gospel power. It’s not impossible to leave unchanged, but after a week spent immersed in the Word and covered in the prayers of counselors, Camp Crew, and staff, it certainly isn’t easy. A simple mantra, shared both from the pulpit and in casual conver- sation between friends, captures that transformative impact in just four words: Life change happens here.


The Experience

"The goal, as it has always been, is to inspire and equip young people to become lights in their communities."

This goal is what Word of Life Island’s director, Tommy Sewall, wants to cele- brate and reinforce during the Grand Reopening and 75th Anniversary of Word of Life Island this summer. The landscape of youth ministry is changing. Generation Z, which is currently composed of students in their middle school, high school, and young adult years, is the first entirely post-Christian generation. There is no “pseudo-Christian” moral code amongst their peer group... and, in many ways, that’s a good thing. In the Northeast, the most post-Chris- tian region of the United States, Word of Life Island serves as a haven for young Christians to come to know Jesus and be refreshed in His Word. The goal, however, is not to give students an awesome week- long experience and send them home. The goal, as it has always been, is to inspire and equip young people to become lights in their communities. Furthermore, thanks to that growing post-Christian mindset in today’s youth and culture, the impact is even more noticeable. As the world descends further into darkness, the light of the gospel shines brighter in its midst, and as they notice that difference in their peers, Gen Z is not afraid to ask, “What makes you so different?” If the drive is to reach today’s youth, however, things can’t simply stay the same, and over the past few years of COVID closure and property hopping—








during Summer 2021, all youth camps were held on The Ranch campus—The Island has undergone quite the trans- formation. As soon as you step into the boat queue on the mainland, you’ll begin to see it: All new docks will greet you, improving the safety and overall first impression of the camp. After crossing the lake and stepping onto The Island itself, your attention will most likely be drawn to the zipline canopy tour descending from the top of Cardiac Hill—it carries riders all the way to South Point and includes six separate ziplines along its route. As you reach the top of Cardiac, your breath—if it hasn’t already been snatched by the brutal trek up the hill— will be taken away by the all-new White House. Even better news: If you’re a youth leader, you could even stay there! During the fall and winter, the building was torn down to the studs and under-

went a complete renovation in order to provide youth leaders and speakers

that the dining hall will remain safe and usable for years to come.

with better accommoda- tions while they stay and minister with us. As you continue your tour, you might notice the new girls’ cabin and two new

"We use fun to break down the walls in their hearts—all so we can share Christ with them."

guys’ cabins, but your mind will really be blown when you reach the dining hall— the kitchen, servery, and red section of the dining hall have been totally redone, and our projects team is currently in the process of adding a restroom just outside, so students won’t have to travel as far if they need to use it during mealtimes. The kitchen, which was completely gutted and updated with modern appli- ances, will make serving campers a much easier process. The new servery will better facilitate food service, and the renovation to the red section ensures

When you walk down the hill from the dining hall toward the turf court, you’ll catch a glimpse through the trees of another work in progress—we’re building a pavilion over the basketball court above the beach to keep the court shady on sunny days and dry on wet ones. Here and there along your tour, you’ll also see small changes and improvements we’ve made to the prop- erty. Overall, the goal is to improve our facilities so we can better minister to campers as we use fun to break down the walls in their hearts—all so we can share Christ with them in a more impactful way.

11 The Experience

We know many of you are excited to see the changes, and we know you miss the incredible ministry you got to take part in when you served at youth camp. So, this summer, as a special part of the 75th Anniversary and Grand Reopening of The Island, we’re inviting you back to join us! Surge is a special initiative that will be taking place during Weeks 3 and 4 of camp. Our goal is to share the gospel with as many campers as possible, so we want to completely fill The Ranch, The Ridge, AND The Island! That’s where Surge comes in—and you do, too. We want you to come and counsel (or help out in a Camp Crew work area) during one—or both—of those weeks so we can reach more students who will get to hear the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. The more alumni who join us, the more campers we can accommodate!

Scan the QR code to apply for Surge or visit WOL.IS/SURGEWEEK .


Speaking of the 75th Anniversary and Grand Reopening, we’ve got some awesome things planned to celebrate these land- marks in the history of Word of Life Island! Each Thursday, we will host a special event with a variety of guests, including musicians, professional athletes, an illusionist, and more. We hope you join us, because it’s going to be a wonderful celebration of all God has done and continues to do on Word of Life Island! As you return to The Island for Surge or send your own students as campers, you will certainly be wowed by the extensive changes you’ll see on the property. You can rest assured, however, that one thing has not changed: Life change happens here. The focus of each and every counselor and staff member at Word of Life Island is to share the gospel with every person who steps foot on its shores. That has not changed and never will—along with the presence of that simple routered sign, which has watched generations of young people stream in and out of Pine Pavilion and asks the same ques- tion it has been asking since 1947:

Bummed that you can’t take a tour of The Island right now? Well, you can! Scan the QR code below to watch a video of Island Director, Tommy Sewall, as he goes over all the incredible work being done on property.

JESUS walks on this island. Will you meet Him here?

13 The Experience

Grant ‘18 and Rachel Knaus

Alumni Updates 1970’s

Matt Hundley ‘86 and his wife, Robin, live in Minnesota. They have four adult children and four grandchildren. Matt has been pastoring the Albert Lea Vineyard Church since the summer of 2000. Prior to that, he taught elementary school for seven years. Thomas “Tom” Illsley ‘87 currently lives in Kentucky. He is a retired electrical, mechanical, and architectural engineer. He also taught high school math, chemistry, biology, general science, and earth science. He has been a Sunday School teacher and a Gideon for over 20 years, making him a lifetime member.

as a Preschool Teacher for some 13 years. At church, she is involved in the worship ministry through choir and occasionally the praise team. 1990’s Jeanette (Chute ‘90) Posecznick lives in Syracuse, New York, where she works as the Front Desk Coordinator at the Reagan Companies, a Risk Management and Financial Planning Services company. She has three children ranging in age from 15 to 20. John ‘91 and Kristen (Bowman ‘96) Cartwright live in Virginia and have four children ranging in age from 10 to 18. John and Kristen both work for Liberty University. John works in the School of Divinity as Online Chair of Curriculum, and Kristen is an Online Adjunct Professor in the School of Divinity. Kristen recently completed her MA in Christian Apologetics. Lois (Strout ‘92) Rodriguez and her husband, Eddy, live in Florida. They have four boys ranging in age from 7 to 11 and they are all adopted from foster care.

Donald “Dave” Logan ‘72 and his wife, Lois, live in Florida. Dave retired as Vice President of Marketing for Accelerated Christian Education. He is a former business manager for The Ranch, The Ridge (formerly the Ranger Camp), and the Bible Institute. His most memorable accomplishment from working for Word of Life was getting the Bible Institute approved for Pell Grants and Student Loans. John Dale ‘78 and his wife, Kathy, live in Massachusetts, where John is the Senior Pastor of First Parish Congregational Church in Wakefield. 1980’s Cheryl Cook ‘84 lives in Michigan, where she is an attorney.

My wife passed away in 1981, so I am a widower. I went to Word of Life Bible Institute when I got saved

after her passing. I was 48 years old when I received Jesus as my Savior! I already had two bachelor's degrees, so I didn’t need more college credits. I just wanted to learn.” – Tom Illsley ‘87

Karina Quinn ‘85 lives in New York and has three adult children, all in their twenties.

John Baird ‘86 and his wife, Rebekah, have three adult children and two grandchildren. They live in Oklahoma, where John is the Pastor at First Baptist of Wyandotte.

Darla (Mateyka ‘88) Neubert lives in Western New York, where she has worked


Bryan ‘05 and Kara (Baker ‘09) Nelson (left)

Charlotte Fohner '11

Joseph ‘00 and Amy (Peters ‘00) Velarde

John ‘91 and Kristen (Bowman ‘96) Cartwright

Edward ‘93 and Tammy Carns

Laurie (Parke ‘93) Schein and her husband live in Pennsylvania, where she runs a small group mental health counseling practice specializing in trauma and play therapy. Edward Carns ‘93 and his wife, Tammy, live in Delaware, where Edward works as an assistant manager in sales. Shannon (Hudson ‘97) Deese attended the campus in Sherbrooke, Quebec. She and her husband, Adam, live in North Carolina, where Shannon is a Registered Nurse. 2000’s Joseph ‘00 and Amy (Peters ‘00) Velarde live in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania, where Joe is the lead pastor of the church they planted in 2009. Amy is an office manager for a construction management company. They have a 5-year-old son. Kevin '01 and Sally (Bosaw ‘01) Lager live in Indiana. Sally is an online course editor for Lancaster Bible College.

Aaron ‘01 and Renée (Simjian ‘01) Vielleux live in New York. They have five children ranging in age from 4 to 14, including twin 14-year-old boys. Renée is a stay-at-home homeschooling mom and a preschool teacher at church on Sunday mornings.

Bryan ‘05 and Kara (Baker ‘09) Nelson are living in Florida and have a one-year- old daughter. Kara is a part-time hairstylist and homemaker. They are serving with Apartment Life to bring the gospel to apartment communities through events and relationship building. Krista (Spradling ‘08) Million and her husband, Daniel, live in Florida. Krista is a homemaker and mom to their three children.

It was the best year studying God’s Word. I grew so much in my rela- tionship with the Lord,

My year on the Florida campus was one of the most memorable years of my life, especially

met my husband, and made so many lifelong friends. I loved being involved in ministry doing CEF, Snowcamp, and supervising the preschool program at The Pines (formerly the Family Camp- ground).” – Renée Vielleux ‘01 Jeremy Berrus ‘04 and his wife, Erica, live in Pennsylvania. Jeremy is an insurance adjuster, and they have four children. They are very involved at church working in the nursery and kid’s ministry, and Jeremy serves as an Elder and Coordinator for Financial Peace University classes.

because of the growth I experienced in my relationship with God. I also loved coming down from Ohio and being in the Florida sun every day! I have such funny memories of getting in the canoe on the pond behind the campus, and I treasure my memories with the small number of girls in the dorm... it really felt like a big family.” – Krista Million ‘08

15 The Experience

2010’s Charlotte Fohner '11 lives in Wisconsin, where she works at an apologetics ministry that she co-founded called Evidence 4 Faith. She currently serves as their Creative & Technical Director.

Honestly, it (WOLBI) was the only place where, for the first time in my life, when I stepped out of the

I am incredibly thankful for the friendships I gained at WOLBI. They have lasted me for life. I am also

car to register, I knew in my heart and my head this is where I'm meant to

thankful for Joshua Paulhamus, who, at the time, ran the video department. He, along with Justin Maldonado and Jonah Paulhamus, gave me the basic skills and inspiration to pursue a career in filmmaking.” – Grant Knauss ‘18 2020’s Joe Villatoro ‘20 lives in Pennsylvania, where he is an EVS technician at a medical center. He serves as a youth group volunteer and Sunday School teacher at church. Jackson ‘21 and Alyssa (LaMarche ‘20) Springthorpe live in Amsterdam, New York where Jackson is serving as the Interim Youth Director at Perth Bible Church as part of Word of Life’s Youth Ministry Internship program. Sierra Bachmann ‘21 lives in New Jersey and is attending Appalachian Bible College, where she will graduate in May 2023 with a degree in Missions. all felt so right!” – Dejanira Seymour ‘13

As silly as it sounds, my time on the Tech Team really opened my eyes to how God can use highly

Abby Reamsnyder ‘15 lives in Tennessee, where she works in the front office at a children’s home ministry, Wears Valley Ranch. Noelle Ferris ‘15 is a Registered Nurse and missionary with Christ for the City International in Costa Rica. She is a nurse in a clinic that serves a population that has no health care access, youth ministry, discipleship or evangelism. Grant Knaus ‘18 and his wife, Rachel, live in Virginia. Grant is self-employed; he started a video production business. At church, he helps with the live production during services and creating testimonial videos. Grant got the inspiration and basic skills to pursue his career from the video department staff at WOLBI.

creative and technical people for His work. However, I do not miss the all-night video editing marathons over winter and summer camps!” – Charlotte Fohner ‘11 Shona (Van’t Land ‘10) Sperlonga and her husband, Adam, live in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where Shona recently started work at the local middle/high school as a one-on-one instructor in the special education department. Dejanira (Aguirre ‘13) Seymour and her husband, Denaj, have a 2-year-old daughter and a 4-month-old daughter. Dejanira and her husband are Youth Directors at New Providence Community Church in Nassau, Bahamas.

Krista (Spradling ‘08) and Daniel Million (left)

Noelle Ferris ‘15

Donald “Dave” ‘72 (in blue shirt) and Lois Logan

Dejanira (Aguirre ‘13) and Denaj Seymour Jeanette (Chute ‘90) Posecznick


Alumni Weddings

2021 June 5 – Ambrose and Heather (Elliott '16 & '17) Hill June 19 – Lane and Tamara (Johnson '15 & '16) Willis August 5 – Andy and Charity (Smith '12) Chu

August 7 – Jacob '19 and Grace (Hansen '20) Chace August 8 – Keith '13 {BR-Atibaia} and Meredith Anderson August 14 – Brandon '18 & '19 and Brianna (Clarke '18 & '19) Hawkins Chris '13 & '16 and Beth Graham Chris '15 & '16 and Bethany (Frazeur '14 & '15) Seeboth August 21 – Francisco "Paco" '20 & '21 and Katelynn (Britts '20 & '21) Trujillo Oliver and Paige (Carver '20) King Josh '18 & '19 and Paige (Phillips '19) Uhl August 26 – Jonathan '20 & '21 and Mayson (Cambron '20 & '21) Foreman September 4 – Max '16 & '17 and Mariana (Wesner '17) Davis Grant '18 and Rachel Knaus Matthew and Rebecca (Smith '19) Kelly September 5 – Gavin '16 and Kamryn (Stirsman '19) Houts Adam and Makaila (Upchurch '16 & '17) Westerbur Keanu '15 & '16 and Grace Ana (Cruz '15 & '16) Callirgos September 11 – Johnny '20 & '21 and Abby (Peck '20 & '21) Bordea Nathan and Morgan (Yarosh '17) Mumme September 19 – Ernie and Rachel (Bolstridge '14 & '15) {Hungary Campus} Jorgensen September 18 – Timmy and MacKenzie (Carl '18) Crago Devin and Casey (Locke '15 & '16) Springer September 20 – Tyler '16 and Megan Stimson Sam '17 & '18 and Jesse Kille September 24 – Nathan '18 and Kelsey (Craige '18) Hutchins September 25 – Zachary '20 & '21 and Alexa (Clark '20 & '21) Ziemer

Adrian and Evelyn (Labarr '13 & '14) Magoon Nathan and Christa (Jordan '12) Harrison

September 26 – Josh '19 and Emily Taylor October 9 – Thomas '16 & '17 and Rebekah Hamblen October 10 – Ryder '14 and Amanda (Luckner '15 & '16) Lucas October 16 – Gene and Cathy (Parker '89 & '90) Kaiser October 17 – Paul '86 and Kathy Wulf October 22 – Chris '18 & '19 and Sarah (Klugh '14 & '19) Hale November 6 – Sam '16 & '17 and Lindsey (Eaton '17) Fanus November 13 – Benjamin and Amy (Stursberg '18) VanGuilder November 20 – Braydon '18 & '19 and Brianna (Carbary '18) Rasberry November 28 – Tyler '21 and Justice (Kowal '21) Dick December 4 – Phil '11 & '12 and Kristy (Miller '10 & '11) Miranda December 17 – Gavyn '18 and Cassidy Andrews December 19 – Antone '19 and Kolby (Holden '19) Williamson December 21 – John and Amanda (Davoll '16) Goodman 2022 January 9 – Shane '19 & '20 and Hope Novak January 22 – Jackson '20 & '21 and Alyssa (La Marche '19 & '20) Springthorpe

February 13 – Edrick '19 & '20 and Shelby (Osborne '17) Gill February 22 – John Michael '16 & '17 and Rachel Sellers

Jackson ‘21 and Alyssa (LaMarche ‘20) Springthorpe

17 The Experience

The Ranch Elementary Schoolers

At The Ranch, elementary students will begin their adventure and launch their faith during fun-filled days of activity and biblical discovery. The Ranch is a safe and exciting place packed with activities, worship, and age-appropriate teaching that instills core biblical truth in students. Give your children the experience of a lifetime!

The Ridge Middle Schoolers

Mountain biking, paintball, ziplining, trail riding, a ropes course and climbing tower… The Ridge has all these activities, and plenty more! Not to mention, the fantastic and applicable Bible Hour lessons that will help your students navigate the rocky terrain between elementary and high school with solid footing.

The Island High Schoolers

Located on a 49-acre island smack dab in the middle of Schroon Lake, The Island is a teen camp like no other. With nonstop, high-energy activities, engaging speakers, dynamic worship, brand-new friends, and a connec- tion with God like students have never experienced before all make for the adventure of a lifetime!

The Coast Varies by Week

Campers at The Coast will experience high energy action, form lifelong friendships and make defining decisions about their faith as they spend their days worshiping, studying biblical truths and having a ton of fun in the Florida sun! Whether it’s at the pool, during camp activities, or in the cabin, campers will be encouraged in their faith at The Coast!

Scan the QR Code to learn more about Word of Life’s Youth Camps or visit for more info!


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If you'd like to learn more, please scan the QR code and fill out the contact form.

How long has it been since you have had your estate documents reviewed? We often find that people’s documents don’t agree with how they thought they had planned their estate. Sometimes, this results from not checking beneficiaries on insurance policies and retirement accounts. Other times, it is theway assets are titled. Word of Life Foundation offers to review your documents with complete confidentiality and at absolutely no cost to you. Perhaps you do not have estate documents in place. According to many surveys, more than 60% of people do

not have a current will or estate plan. Experience shows that only 1 in 40 have included any charitable giving in their estate plans. Hundreds of Word of Life friends have taken advantage of this service, and they tell us what a blessing it was to them and their families. (see testimony, right) Contact Bob Brown, Director of the Word of Life Foundation, at the number or email below, and he will set in motion a process that will give you peace of mind that your estate documents are in order.

“ We are very thankful for our planning documents and how well this process went for us. We had good discussions, adequate information, and time to think and pray between phone appointments. It is a very good feeling to know we are finished. Our planning docu- ments include our wishes, which will help our loved ones. We are grateful that our planning will remember charities we believe in and support, as well. – Ronald and Beverly Schubert

[email protected] / 518.494.6205

19 The Experience

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