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The Livewell Clinic - February 2019

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The Livewell Clinic - September 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - April 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - June 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - October 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - July 2018

4 part glycerin. The process of making the solution will teach ratios, and finding creative ways to

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The Livewell Clinic- January 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - November 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - December 2018

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Livewell Clinic - August 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - February 2018

FEBRUARY 2018 LEDGER WHEN A CHANCE MEETING LEADS TO A LIFELONG PARTNER THE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100, Clive, IA 50325||515.279.9900

W hen I first arrived at Northwestern Health Sciences leading the student orientation, would be my future wife. I will say, however, that I found her personality magnetic right away, just this incredibly sweet and lovely person eager to help us newcomers out in any way she could. Still, it would take a while before we actually connected. In my search for a place to live near campus, I took over the lease of some guy that was moving in with his girlfriend. Turns out, the guy was one of Tammy’s close friends, and while he was moving out and I was moving my junk in, she and her roommate stopped by to help him. We got to chatting, just you know, “How’s it going?” and all that, and became fast friends. She was the quintessential good student — loved by everyone, valedictorian, A’s across the board. Meanwhile, I was the guy trying to squeak by. Somehow, I sweet talked her into giving me her notes from our shared classes, which I swear, is how I got through school at all. Over many study sessions, we got to know each other better and better, and I realized that we shared similar values, including spiritual and religious beliefs. Really, it was just easy and comforting to be around her, everything was better when she was there. And, of course, she was beautiful — and couldn’t resist my charm and good looks. It didn’t take long for us to become an inseparable couple. I always told myself that if I found the woman I wanted to marry, we’d date for two years, be engaged for one, and avoid having kids until after I turned 30. In the end, all of it came true. When Tammy moved back to Des Moines for work, she moved back in briefly with her mom to save some money and gain a little footing. One evening when I was visiting from Minnesota where I was working, we were discussing our futures. University to start my graduate studies, I had no idea that Tammy, the cheerful, friendly student body president

“Well, I’m 25,” she said, “I don’t want to live with my mom anymore. I need to get out and find a house or an apartment …”

It was a hint. Sitting there in front of the fireplace, her in these god-awful pajamas she sometimes wore, I told her, “Well, I think it makes sense if we both do this together,” and pulled out the ring I’d been carrying around for weeks. She said yes, to my great relief, and we sat there together by the fire for a bit. She went off to call and tell her 500-plus friends the news. We got married on Sept. 2, 2006. I know I joke about us sometimes, but honestly, I can’t imagine my life without Tammy by my side. Throughout the years, she’s been the most incredible partner I could ever imagine, not to mention the greatest mother on the planet for our kids. Though Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, she and I are always trying to be nonconformists, bucking holiday trends. Instead, you’ll find us out at dinner on Feb. 13, the day of our first date, enjoying each other’s company and talking about our futures, just like we’ve always done.

317-776-9942 515.2 9. 00 –Dr. Z a c Watki ns


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Spices and herbs add much more than flavor and aroma to your favorite beverages and treats. They also offer many health benefits. When properly utilized, these spice rack staples can ease a variety of symptoms. Ready to find your new holistic health kick? Read on. NUTMEG This spice, known for its earthy, nutty flavor, has anti- inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Want to calm nagging pain? This spice has been used to treat joint pain and arthritis. It can even be used to remedy bad breath. Nutmeg is most potent when it’s freshly grated, so it’s recommended you purchase whole nutmeg seed, found in most specialty food stores. You can incorporate nutmeg into your diet by taking it as a supplement in capsule form or simply sprinkling it into your next chai tea. Your achy joints will thank you. GINGER This root is an essential natural anti-inflammatory. It can help ease an upset stomach and finally tame your nausea. You can safely eat it raw, candied, as a supplement, in tea, or in baked goods. Ginger is most effective when it’s ingested raw or in capsule form. If you have morning sickness, raw ginger might do the trick. Just ask the people of ancient China. Like many spices, ginger’s use as a supplement goes back centuries. Southeast Asian countries used it to ease their own common ailments. Call it tried and true. PEPPERMINT You can use peppermint as an essential oil, steep the leaves for tea, or take a supplement capsule. Each form comes with its own benefits. As an essential oil, peppermint is great for treating colds. It’s a mild decongestant, and it helps with coughs and stuffed-up noses. It also soothes sore throats and headaches. Rub one or two drops under your nose, on your temples, or over your sinuses and feel the relief wash over you. Even further, a study published by The BMJ found that when administered as a capsule, peppermint helped reduce the symptoms of IBS in a majority of patients.

Most people take their two feet for granted, assuming they’ll remain resilient and pain-free forever — that is, until an injury strikes. That’s when we realize just how much we depend on our feet to navigate our everyday lives. Plantar fasciitis is among the most common of these injuries, affecting upward of 2 million Americans every year and accounting for more than 11 percent of all foot injuries that send patients to a specialist. If you’re suffering from persistent foot pain, it’s important to understand the basics of the syndrome. Armed with this knowledge, you can determine whether the symptoms of plantar fasciitis match your own and figure out the best way to heal your injury. The heel of the foot is a complicated network of muscles and ligaments, all supported by a thick band of tendons called the plantar fascia. This structure holds up the arch of the foot and undergoes tension as the foot bears weight. As you walk, the plantar fascia elongates and tightens repeatedly, acting like a spring that conserves energy and facilitates a proper gait. However, with repetitive stress and/or overuse, the plantar fascia may begin to suffer degenerative decay, particularly at the point at which it connects to the heel. This can result in severe pain across the heel, forcing you to avoid putting your full weight on the bottom of the affected foot. Typically, this pain is worse when you first get up in the morning or after you take your first steps following a long sedentary period. Plantar fasciitis is especially common among people 40–60 years of age, but it can affect individuals at any stage of their life, particularly runners, military personnel, teachers, restaurant workers, and other professionals who spend most of their day on their feet. Luckily, the syndrome is often treatable through noninvasive methods like physical therapy. Depending on your particular case, an experienced physical therapist can guide you through a set of exercises that will reduce your pain, increase your range of motion, and steadily heal your damaged fascia. If you believe you may suffer from plantar fasciitis, it’s vital to seek treatment soon. It most likely will only get worse until it’s addressed. The Skinny on Plantar Fasciitis




Thyroid Disorders Leaky gut is one factor that can contribute to thyroid dysfunction. It’s one of the most common reasons why so many people are told by their doctors that their lab results are normal, even though they exhibit textbook signs of thyroid problems. Joint Pain If the immune system falls too far behind battling the foreign bodies entering your bloodstream from your gut, it may produce an all-out assault to try and keep things in check, mistaking ordinary parts of your body as threats. Joint tissue is one of the most commonly targeted. Infertility More people each year are struggling with infertility. And though leaky gut can contribute to it, most infertility specialists overlook the disorder as a potential cause. As a leaking gut floods a woman’s body with stress hormones, progesterone production decreases, a hormone necessary for a healthy pregnancy. If you have one or more of these symptoms on a daily basis, you may be suffering from a leaky gut. Tired of doctors telling you you’re fine even though you know something is wrong? Come on in to The Livewell Clinic and let us figure out what’s going on.

When you have “leaky gut,” otherwise known as intestinal permeability, it’s as if the gates between your intestines and your bloodstreamhave been kicked open, allowing many particles to escape into a part of your body they simply shouldn’t be. This causes inflammation throughout the body, leading to a variety of chronic diseases and health concerns that often seem totally unrelated. Here are just a few common symptoms that may indicate you’re suffering from a leaky gut. Gas & Bloating As we age or pile on stress, our ability to digest food decreases. This can cause food particles to not be processed fully, allowing bacteria to ferment and inflammation-related gas to form. What’s worse, this inflammation stresses the walls of the gut, making it even leakier. Fatigue & Brain Fog As the body inflames from leaky gut, it calls your stress hormones into action to fix the problem. This is natural, but the process can wear you out, regardless of how much sleep you may be getting. Weight Gain As undigested foods, bacteria, and environmental toxins sneak through the gut barrier, the body may sense a threat. In response, it may start to store more water, leading to increased water and even fat weight gain. HAVE A LAUGH!

Recipe inspired by

Hoping to shave off those extra holiday pounds or keep upwith your NewYear’s resolution? Look no further than this easy winter detox salad! Ingredients SWEET AND ZESTY DETOX SALAD

For the Dressing: • 1 large carrot, roughly chopped • ¼ cup rice wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger • 1 tablespoon honey • 1 tablespoon white miso • ½ teaspoon sesame oil • Salt and pepper, to taste

For the Dressing: • 3 cups chopped kale leaves • 2 cups chopped broccoli florets • 2 cups chopped red cabbage • 1 cup matchstick carrots • 1 cup chopped cilantro • ½ cup toasted slivered almonds • ⅓ cup sliced green onions • 1 diced avocado


1. To make the salad, add all ingredients to a large bowl; toss to combine. 2. To make the dressing, add all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper or add extra honey for a sweeter taste. 3. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately.

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INSIDE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100 Clive, IA 50325

How I Met My Wife

3 Holistic Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen Why Does My Heel Hurt Every Morning?

CanYour Symptoms Be Tied to a Leaky Gut? Whip Up This Winter Salad in a Flash!

The Most Romantic Destinations on Earth

Valentine’s Day is for fancy dinners, heart-shaped boxes packed with subpar chocolates, and fantasizing about the magical places you and your beau would have escaped to— if only you had the PTO. So, grab a glass of bottom-shelf cab sauv, cuddle up next to your special someone, and try to make them feel bad for taking you to Chili’s instead of whisking you away to one of these picturesque fantasy lands. Udaipur, India These days, meandering through the cobblestone streets of Paris with your loved one is très passé. All the real high-rolling romantics are migrating southeast to the famous Oberoi Udaivilas hotel in western India. Set in a traditional Mewari palace, visitors will feel like royalty as they stroll around the labyrinthine gardens that surround the elaborate cream-colored structure. Travelers can relax beside one of the many glassy pools sprinkled throughout the estate, all of which are enthusiastically attended by an unparalleled service staff. Positano, Italy More than perhaps anywhere in the world, this place looks like it was lifted straight from a sappy romance novelist’s imagination. You and your partner can kick back on a balcony overlooking the entirety of this seaside town, taking in the century-old multicolored Italian TO FANTASIZE ABOUT The Best Valentine’s Getaways

architecture perched precariously on the verdant mountainside. Too small to accommodate swarms of tourists, it’s the perfect place to while away the hours ambling from shop to shop, sampling the delicious local cuisine, and maybe taking a dip along the 300-meter beach. The Maldives From a water villa smack dab in the midst of the glassy, ultra-blue Indian Ocean, you and your main squeeze can enjoy utter seclusion. Sip champagne in the shade of a palm overlooking an otherworldly sunset or get a little more adventurous, strap on a mask, and check out the abundant aquatic wildlife. Many hotels in the area even include access to an array of boats, perfect for your own private excursion along the mild waves. Of course, you could also always just stare, dumbfounded, into the horizon, wondering how such a place could actually exist on Earth.


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