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The Livewell Clinic - September 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - April 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - June 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - October 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - July 2018

4 part glycerin. The process of making the solution will teach ratios, and finding creative ways to

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The Livewell Clinic - February 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - November 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - December 2018

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Livewell Clinic - January 2019

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Livewell Clinic - August 2018

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The Livewell Clinic- January 2018

JANUARY 2018 LEDGER CONVINCING EVEN THE GRUMPIEST SKEPTICS THE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100, Clive, IA 50325||515.279.9900

A healthy human body isn’t born with a nutrient deficiency. Over millions of years, we have evolved to start with optimal natural function, giving us every chance to survive. It’s only as we “rust” and age that dysfunction sets in, whether from trauma, unhealthy habits, or natural deterioration. Traditional medicine fails to address this dysfunction properly. Instead of trying to reverse the cycle and uproot the problem at the deepest level, most doctors coddle the disorder, doing nothing more than temporarily containing it. I can’t count the number of patients who show up in our office after bouncing between traditional medical systems. Even the most ardent skeptics of functional medicine can get fed up with the ordinary medical track when they're shunted from one specialist to the next without any relief. When four different “experts” assure you there’s nothing wrong with you, despite an illness that you feel, viscerally, each and every day of your life, eventually you’re going to go seek another treatment plan. One of my patients started out as one of these functional medicine skeptics. One day, a couple came into the clinic with a problem that had been afflicting both of them for years. The husband struggled with severe joint pain and chronic fatigue, to the point where it was affecting his day- to-day happiness and their relationship. Other physicians had put him on a battery of medications that affected his mood and bodily functions. After the issue had come to a head, the husband agreed to see us, despite brushing off our work as nothing more than expensive vitamin treatments — all to support his wife. Knowing he’d be loath to accept anything else, I put him on a simple treatment plan and had him tweak a few aspects of his diet, along with a few extra nutrients to get him back to baseline. He protested, “I don’t want to do this. This is all basic stuff, but it’s so expensive. I don’t even know if it’s gonna work!” But at his wife’s behest, he agreed to continue with the treatment.

Two weeks later, my patient’s wife called. She told me that in just a short time, her husband had lost several pounds (indicative of improving health, in his case) and was already starting to feel remarkably better. Soon after, he returned to his other medical providers and showed them the results of our treatment. They took him off all the medicine he’d been taking for so long. “I haven’t been off medicine in years; and now, in three weeks, I’m done!” he told me. After that, they both jumped fully into our ongoing treatment plans. After months, they’ve told me they’re both much happier and healthier, their marriage is stronger, and they have a cohesive feeling of working toward the same goal. She told me she hadn’t seen him so upbeat and engaged for years. It was a massive deal. It’s a shame there are so many myths out there in the medical community about the work we do, but I’m more than confident in our functional medicine practices. After seeing what that couple went through, it would be impossible not to. It’s why I come into the clinic each day. We don’t just put a bandage on a massive dysfunction in the body. Instead, we restore healthy function to the greatest degree possible. It gives us the power to not only help our patients relieve their problems, but to fundamentally transform their lives in the process.

317-776-9942 515.2 9. 00 –Dr. Z a c Watki ns


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This January, The Livewell Clinic is dedicated to giving you the tools you need to start your new year right. You’ll enjoy improved energy, weight loss, and a sense of purpose and renewal. As we move into 2018, we’re offering the benefits of detox within a group setting. That way, you can work toward improved health alongside a tight-knit community while guidance from our medical experts helps you achieve maximum results. START 2018 WITH A DETOX! Best of all, we’re offering the program at our lowest price ever: only $299! Registration for the class includes an array of educational and nutritional resources: • Intro to Detox class, with a discussion of the benefits of nutritional detoxification led by our team members, stressing the benefits of routine and healthy habits. This class also comes with an initial symptom and body composition assessment tailored for you. After all, you don’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been! • All the nutritional supplements you’ll need for optimal support, right from your first session. • A closing celebration potluck on the evening of Monday, Jan. 29, complete with repeat assessments, time to share your struggles and successes, and a lot of high-fiving. Bring your favorite healthy food to share! • Educational and emotional support and accountability for a full month through email, our private Facebook group page, and our powerful health-based app. All of these are geared toward helping you achieve success throughout the two-week course and beyond! • A few special surprise bonuses! Right now, we’re inviting both current patients and nonpatients alike to join in on this meaningful opportunity. Be sure to bring a family member or friend for that added support and encouragement. If a current patient brings a nonpatient, both will get $15 off ! To find out more or reserve your space, call Melissa Reisinger at 515- 279-9900 or email [email protected]. Applicants will be accepted NO LATER THAN Tuesday, Jan. 9, so contact us soon!

Many people experience fatigue, but when it’s chronic, it can be particularly bothersome. If you suffer from chronic exhaustion, it’s time to uncover the underlying cause. Here are five overlooked causes of debilitating fatigue. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) An overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine leads to all kinds of health problems, including chronic fatigue. Approaching SIBO from a functional medicine perspective involves identifying the reasons for overgrowth, eliminating the imbalanced bacteria, and modifying one’s diet to restore digestive health. Adrenal Fatigue Adrenals regulate our body’s response to stress. Stress is not only mental and emotional, but also stems from an unhealthy diet, poor sleep, and childbirth. When we’re stressed for extended periods of time, the glands begin to function poorly. One of the most prominent symptoms of adrenal fatigue is extreme exhaustion, which can be so debilitating that you can barely make it through the day. Adrenal fatigue is a syndrome not often recognized by modern doctors, but functional medicine recognizes this as a common cause of chronic fatigue. Thyroid Disorders Since the thyroid plays an important role in regulating energy levels, chronic fatigue ensues when thyroid hormones are not being adequately produced. Chronic fatigue is commonly known as a symptom of hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid). Other symptoms include brain fog, weight gain, and dry skin. Toxins If you suffer from chronic fatigue and have a history of spending time in old buildings or buildings with water damage, mycotoxins might be to blame. Another toxic culprit may be heavy metal. This happens after an exposure to dangerous amounts of heavy metals, including eating mercury-laden fish, mercury fillings in teeth, or occupational hazards. If testing shows the presence of mycotoxins or heavy metals, treatment is geared toward removing toxins from your body and treating issues related to exposure. Food Sensitivities Unlike allergies, which have sudden and potentially fatal reactions, food sensitivities lead to inflammation throughout the body over the course of hours or days. Common culprits include gluten, dairy, soy, and corn. Functional medicine reveals these sensitivities through blood tests or elimination diets to determine which foods to remove from your diet. Once the food sensitivity is eliminated, your body will enjoy improved energy production.



When it comes to a proper diet, it's often hard to stick to healthy choices throughout the holidays. If you don't plan ahead, you will increase your chances of giving in to those delicious holiday temptations. Although a treat or two won't kill you, here are some tips that are helpful year-round, but especially handy during the holiday season. 1. Make It Yourself. Going to Grandma’s for those holiday dinners is probably one of the most stressful activities on your list because it means potentially offending those who think you should be having two helpings of their famous candied yams. By abstaining, you’re never going to fully please everyone, but bring along an item to share that’s absolutely paleo-friendly and you'll not only have something to munch on, but you could also help quiet the objections being voiced around you. 2. Play Host. If celebrations tend to float around, consider volunteering to put on this year’s feast. Not only can you provide a table full of paleo-friendly foods, but you can show your family and friends how easy it is (with a few alterations) to make a meal that’s delicious as well as healthy. LIVEWELL CHATS (TLC —The Livewell Chat) Come and learn applicable information for you and your family’s health! Call our office to register for free.

And when your favorite Aunt Sue asks for the recipe for your famous paleo potatoes, well … chances are, next time dinner’s at her place, those babies might just show up on the menu. 3. Take It in Stride. We all know at least one food pusher in the family, whether it’s your mother-in-law, your sister, or that one crazy uncle. But the truth about food pushers is that it’s not usually about you— it’s about them. Maybe they want to feel better about themselves. They see you looking and feeling good and they want a piece of the pie. Perhaps they're worried about you. Without knowing how a balanced paleo diet actually works, they may fret about your limited diet. Or maybe they're trying to make sure you appreciate them—part of your mom’s feelings of value may come from seeing others enjoy her cooking (namely, those non-paleo- friendly strudel bites). The major point to remember in these situations is that it’s okay to say “No thank you.” You don’t have to explain your diet or your reasons. But if you can determine why a person is being a food pusher, you might be able to get to the heart of the matter and reassure them in a way that addresses the problem beneath the dumplings.


Ingredients • 10 large eggs • 5 bacon slices, cut into small chunks • 1 large red onion, thinly sliced • 4 ounces baby spinach leaves • 2 small ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced

• 3 teaspoons whole grain or homemade mustard • Fresh basil leaves to taste (for garnish) • 1 tablespoon paleo cooking fat or clarified butter • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Next Livewell Chats Tues., Jan. 9 at 5 p.m. – IVTherapy Tues., Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. – Alzheimer's New Patient Info Sessions


1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. Whisk eggs and mustard in a bowl and season to taste. 3. Heat the cooking fat in an ovenproof skillet over mediumheat. Cook the bacon and onion until the onion is golden (about 5 to 6 minutes). 4. Add the spinach to the skillet and cook for another minute or two or until the spinach wilts. 5. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Cook until it hardens just a little and place the tomatoes on top. 6. Once the frittata is set around the edges but still runny in the center, transfer the skillet to the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until the frittata turns a nice golden color. 7. Sprinkle some basil leaves on top and serve.

Tues., Dec. 12 at 5 p.m. Tues., Dec. 19 at 5 p.m. Mon., Jan. 8 at 11 a.m. Sat., Jan. 13 at 9 a.m. Tues., Jan. 23 at 5 p.m. Mon., Jan. 29 at 11 a.m.

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24/7 Emergency Services 515.279.9900


The Results of Functional Medicine Speak for Themselves INSIDE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100 Clive, IA 50325

Check Out Our Group Detox Class Finding the Cause of Your Chronic Fatigue

Everyday Paleo Hacks Tomato Basil Frittata

Can Chicken Fat Cure Your Cold?


You’re Hot Then You’re Cold This holistic approach supposedly clears nasal congestion for a restful night’s sleep. Simply soak your feet in warm water until they’re hot and pink. While you’re sitting, let a pair of socks rest in a bowl of ice water. Wring them out, then pull them over your warm feet. Immediately add another layer of dry socks and hop into bed!

The cruel winds of winter swirl just outside your window as you stoke the fire and curl up in the armchair nearby, eager to finally start that Agatha Christie novel. But as you stir your tea and pull on a pair of socks, you feel a slight tickle in your throat. Frantic, you reach for your trusty onion necklace … Yes, it’s as strange as it sounds. Among the countless cold remedies in the world, there are some that involve onion necklaces and others that require powdered frog skin. But most of the time, these superstitions do little or nothing to combat your infections. Take these two sock remedies, for instance. A Dirty Lard Scarf Some home-remedy enthusiasts encourage infected friends to grease their necks with chicken fat. After their skin is sufficiently coated, the afflicted wrap their necks with dirty socks, and warm and a little sticky, sweat out their germs. But Does It Work? Probably not. This remedy surfaced in England before drugs and vaccines eliminated contagious illnesses like diphtheria. While sweating does help rid the body of unwanted bacteria and germs, the dirty sock adornment served more as a reminder for the healthy to steer clear of their feverish neighbors.

But Does It Work? Maybe! This approach is a standard practice in hydrotherapy. Your body is surprised by the sudden change in temperature and increases its circulation rate. This could help clear your nasal passages and jump- start your immune system. In the end, whether you’re experimenting with socks or just taking another dose of Nyquil, it’s important to fight your cold when it arrives. Get adequate sleep, drink plenty of fluids, and enjoy some chicken noodle soup. Your body will thank you!


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