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The Livewell Clinic - September 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - April 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - June 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - October 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - July 2018

4 part glycerin. The process of making the solution will teach ratios, and finding creative ways to

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The Livewell Clinic- January 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - February 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - November 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - December 2018

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Livewell Clinic - August 2018

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Livewell Clinic - May 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - September 2018

SEPTEMBER 2018 LEDGER THE KEY TO FAMILY HEALTH THE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100, Clive, IA 50325||515.279.9900


If you have kids, you know how difficult it can be to keep them healthy in the age of fast food, aggressive advertising targeted at children, and the typical American diet. People always talk about how health habits can transfer from parents to children, but I actually frequently see the reverse process. We see tons of parents who come into our clinic as a last resort. After they’ve been bounced from doctor to doctor, without anybody offering any kind of lasting solution to their child’s serious issue, they come to us. As challenging as our functional medicine approach can be, once parents realize the incredible things it can do for their kid, adopting it for themselves is often a no-brainer. Many times, a parent will sit back and realize that, if they’re cooking healthy food for their kids, encouraging enough sleep, and reducing stress, they too could benefit from the same approach. When a family is truly committed to improving their health, the positive changes affect everyone’s lives. Of course, I do my best to practice what I preach with my own kids as well. The key, I’ve found, is not to yell at them until they eat their peas or ritualistically dole out medicines that will keep them healthy without telling them how, but to drill down to the “why?” behind our family’s health practices. I want my kids to thrive and grow, to develop in their early years with all the advantages that functional medicine can give them. At every juncture, I try to sit them down and explain to them why we eat the way we do, what their medicine actually does, and what’s going on in their bodies. I joke sometimes that my family talks about bowel movements all the time, but honestly, it’s not that far from the truth — the more normal we can make “health talk,” the better off the kids will be as they get older.

Every once in a while, our functional medicine approach gets us in trouble. For instance, it was pretty embarrassing when one time, in a group of people, somebody brought up Coca-Cola, and my young son tugged on my shirt and asked, “Dad, what’s ‘cocola’?” And I have to be pretty careful what I say when he comes home and asks me if I’ve heard of McDonald’s. I tell my patients that if they’re going to make a change, there’s going to be some resistance, but it’s important to take the right approach. Refrain from saying that it’s difficult or that the food tastes bad. Tell them instead that the food you’re giving them will help them be strong and healthy — or, like I tell many of my young patients, that it’s going to turn them into Superman. But whatever you do, make sure the whole family is on board. A holistic commitment from all of you prevents fights and conflict, gets everyone on the same team, and makes the process to better health totally seamless. It doesn’t have to be a crazy uphill battle.

317-776-9942 515.279.9 00 –Dr. Z a c Watki ns


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MEET BOBBY KING OUR NEW DIRECTOR OF PATIENT SERVICES As the Livewell Clinic has grown over the past year, we’ve been implementing all kinds of new, behind-the-scenes processes to provide an even higher standard of care for the patients we serve. With fresh strategies, new hires, and shifting roles, we’ve been revamping our clinic from the ground up, while still striving to maintain the same attentive, compassionate, and thorough treatment that you’ve come to expect from us. With that in mind, we’re excited to introduce Bobby King, our new director of patient services! Bobby has been with us since November, but he moved into his new role last month. Just as his title would suggest, he takes the lead on anything patient-related. From the moment you come in until the moment you leave, it’s Bobby’s job to ensure you receive everything you need to achieve your health goals. “I love everything about my job,” Bobby says. “Getting the chance to sit and talk with our patients on a daily basis, to listen to their stories and help them find the right solutions to whatever ails them — it’s an incredible opportunity.” Over weeks of treatment, as patients come in for regular appointments, Bobby gets to watch their condition steadily improve from start to finish. Over that time, he takes a genuine interest in every person who comes through our doors and does everything he can to give them the tools to succeed in their quest for better health. And since he started at the clinic nearly a year ago, he’s experienced some dramatic health transformations as well. “It’s been really positive for me,” he says. “I’m more aware of what I’m eating and what’s going on. Even over the last eight months, I’ve felt all kinds of benefits.” And, just as Dr. Zac talks about in this month’s cover, he’s starting to see those changes spread to his family too. “I make little suggestions here and there and tell them how certain things work,” he says. “It’s an interesting way of looking at things, and I can see it starting to catch on.” We’re thrilled to have Bobby in his brand-new position. There’s no one better to guide our clinic toward the best practices for patients. We can’t wait to see all that he accomplishes in the years to come!

WE'RE HIRING! OPERATIONS MANAGER The Livewell Clinic is seeking a skilled person who has experience with office or practice management to join our growing team. The operations manager is responsible for leading the team through our growth, coordinating and managing the team in order to offer an exceptional patient experience.

Send your resume to [email protected] .

Last fall, my daughter Haley was seen by Dr. Lori after enduring complications from a hospital stay for migraines. We were desperate for help. Haley was in her senior year at Dowling High School and missed an extraordinary amount of class time. Even though Haley had to withdraw from school, Dr. Lori and the nursing staff provided the help we needed to get her back to class in time for the spring semester in January. Ultimately, this allowed her to graduate, which seemed like an impossible feat at the time! Last winter, I did everything possible to maintain Haley's health. Unfortunately, she contracted influenza B. She was distraught, fearing she would miss too many days of school, which meant she wouldn't be able to graduate. However, after only three days of illness, Haley was able to return to school! That was unprecedented! It was then that I realized Haley was in the best health she had ever been in! EVER! All due to the expert care she had received at the Livewell Clinic last fall. I often tell people about our experience with the Livewell Clinic; many are fascinated by our story. I am now a great advocate of functional medicine and the hope it offers to those who have no one else to turn to for help. –Rene Groene WHAT OUR PATIENTS ARE SAYING



Robust health is never more important than when a child is developing. Those early years form the foundation for the rest of their lives, so it’s vital that you give your kids everything they need to flourish and grow into happy, healthy adults. This month’s offers focus on supplements to foster excellent health in developing children and infants. The following are each 15 percent off for the entire month of September! Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Gummies contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two fatty acids critical for brain development and function. Studies show that these compounds are abundant in brain tissues and can help improve memory, learning, and cognition. And these come in tasty, fruit-flavored gummies that your kids will love! There’s also Nordic Naturals DHA Junior Chewable Soft Gels , another great tool for delivering these precious fatty acids to kids 3 and up. 9/13 – 5 p.m. 9/25 – 5 p.m. Kids Food Tasting Event - "I Tried It!" 9/12 – 5 p.m. Save Time and Money With Meal Planning 9/20 – 5 p.m. The Next Step Challenge 9/10 - 10/19 – Go to for more info! Livewell Chat Tips to Keep Your Family Well With Dr. Lori School will soon be back in session, and with that comes exposure to a new set of germs and seasonal illnesses. How can we keep our families' health and immune systems in tip-top shape? 9/11 – 5 p.m. Events Intro to Living Well 9/4 – 5 p.m.

Nordic Naturals Nordic Berries are tasty gummy multivitamins that contain all kinds of essential nutrients, including zinc and vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Winner of Whole Foods Magazine’s Natural Choice Award, it’s the perfect tool to close the gaps in your child’s nutrition and keep them growing strong. It’s easy to neglect gut health in kids, but with Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic Children’s Chewables , your kid can get all the probiotics they need in a single daily tablet. If you have an infant, try their Ther-Biotic for Infants. Xymogen D3 Liquid combines sunflower oil and vitamin D to support bone, cell, and musculoskeletal health, staving off vitamin D deficiency in kids and adults alike. Last but not least, there’s the Livewell Clinic’s own dietary supplement for kids , which fosters healthy development and contains almost everything your child’s body needs to prevent disease.



• 1 head cauliflower, cut into florets • 2 tablespoons coconut oil

• 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

• 1 clove garlic, minced • 2 tablespoons water • Chopped fresh basil, to garnish

• 1 teaspoon turmeric • 1/2 teaspoon cumin


1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together coconut oil, spices, garlic, and water. 3. Lay cauliflower across a large baking sheet, season with

salt and pepper, and top with mixture. 4. Roast for 30 minutes, garnish with basil, and serve.

3 515.279.9900 Inspired by PaleoHacks

24/7 Emergency Services 515.279.9900


Dr. Zac Watkins’ Approach to Family Health INSIDE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100 Clive, IA 50325

What Our Patients Are Saying Meet Bobby King 15% Off Kid-Friendly Supplements This Month! Livewell Events Roasted Turmeric Cauliflower

Get a Head Start on Next Spring’s Garden



With fall just ahead, it's a good time to think about your spring garden. For a beautiful garden next year, begin preparing this fall. Here are a few ways to get a head start! Planting Bulbs If you want beautiful flowers in April, you should start planting bulbs now. Many flower bulbs need to be in the ground before winter settles in; this helps activate the bulbs’ biochemical process that allows them to bloom. Getting the bulbs into the ground before it freezes allows their roots to grow deep enough to protect them from the biting winter weather. Among the flower bulbs you should plant soon are tulips, daffodils, irises, and hyacinths. Chicken Wire After you’ve planted your bulbs, there’s a risk that uninvited guests will dig them up. There are a few ways you can ensure that your bulbs remain undisturbed throughout the fall. One way is to place chicken wire over your bulbs after they’ve been planted. This keeps rodents

from digging them up and allows the plants to grow through the gaps in the wire. Keep Your Garden Tidy Once you’ve harvested your best fruits and vegetables, go back through and harvest the rest, even if you don’t plan to eat them. Make sure your garden is clear of old vegetables, fallen leaves, and weeds. Leaving decaying plants in or on top of the ground can spread diseases into the soil and attract unwanted pests to your garden. Healthy Soil Pulling up weeds and all of your vegetables can help keep the earth free from rotting plants, but there are other steps you can take to ensure that your soil stays full of nutrients. Pick up a kit to test the pH levels of your soil. Most gardens thrive in soil with a pH of 6.5. Add compost to your soil supply now to give it time to break down during the winter months.


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