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The Livewell Collective - December 2018

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The Livewell Collective - December 2019

2 tsp pepper. Drizzle sauce over salmon, corn, and beans, and serve. NUTRITIONAL INFO Yield: Serves

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The Livewell Collective - November 2018

how-to-write-a-killer- thank-you-note. GIVE THE GIFT OF FOOD We all need to eat, so what better way

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The Livewell Collective April 2018

beverage combo would run a customer upward of $6, depending on your pricing. Just taking a dollar of

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The Livewell Collective - September 2018

2 teaspoon cumin • Chopped fresh basil, to garnish DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. In a large m

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The Livewell Collective May 2018

The Livewell Collective May 2018 THE MAY 2018 GRATITUDE AND COMMUNITY For us CrossFitters, Memorial

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The Livewell Collective - October 2018

The Livewell Collective - October 2018 THE OCTOBER 2018 IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS BIRTHDAYS AND G

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The Livewell Collective - August 2018

The Livewell Collective - August 2018 THE AUGUST 2018 WELCOME THE NEW FLAVORS That’s right ladies an

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The Livewell Collective - July 2018

service over the first couple years, and then worry about growth, next steps, and finding a better w

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The Livewell Collective March

The Livewell Collective March THE MARCH 2018 THE ORIGIN STORY O2 has come a long way, both as a beve

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The Livewell Collective - May 2019

4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper DIRECTIONS 1. Cook pasta according to package directions, omi

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The Livewell Collective - December 2018



OUTSIDE THE BOX It’s no secret that CrossFit and the holidays don’t exactly go together like chocolate and peppermint. December is the slowest month for most gyms nationwide, and January isn’t much better. People get into the holiday mood; they want to see friends and family and ring in the joy of the new year. I’m guilty of letting my own fitness slip this time of year. The pull of the holidays is strong.

This was more than just throwing a big party. Not only was it well- attended, the event gave the gym owner a chance to make important announcements about the new year. He promoted his own programs, as well as their annual charity, to really drive home the communal mindset. Rather than trying to get people to drop the holiday mentality and come to CrossFit, he and his staff brought the holiday mentality to the box. Now, you don’t have to do something quite on this scale. But leaning into the sense of unity that both CrossFit and the holidays share can be a powerful gesture — one that gels with the seasonal state of mind. Some of the strongest bonds I’ve made with CrossFitters have been at events outside the gym. Throwing a party or doing philanthropy work this time of year is a great way to keep even the most spirited holiday lovers engaged. The charity route, in particular, seems perfect for our community. Everyone I employ full-time at O2 is an L1 CrossFit instructor. That’s not a marketing ploy, either. I’ve learned from experience just how dedicated and driven these folks can be. As an affiliate owner, you have an army of these incredibly passionate, hardworking individuals. Imagine what they could accomplish in one day, let alone in a whole month of working for a cause! There are plenty of ways CrossFit boxes can make an impact this time of year: from going out in funny Santa hats and shoveling snow for the elderly to having a drive for a local food bank where coaches organize donation teams, or anything else you can dream up. As long as it’s festive and exciting, your members will appreciate it. Whether you want to throw a party to thank your members or organize some charitable action, my challenge to you is to show some love outside of the box this season.

“Forget WODs. Forget PRs. This month, buy your members pizza.”

But is this seasonal dip necessarily a bad thing? I’m reminded of a conversation we had with Ashley Thompson of CrossFit 313 a few months back. She told us one of the main challenges she has as an affiliate owner is reminding herself that not everyone lives and breaths CrossFit. That rang so true for me. As people in the fitness business, it’s so easy to lose sight of the fact that members often have more on their plate than the workout of the day, especially over the holidays. I do it all the time with my business. (“You mean to tell me you don’t think about O2 all the time?”) So am I saying you should simply shrug and accept the lower numbers this month? No, of course not. What I’m going to suggest is taking a radically different approach to any other time of year. Forget WODs. Forget PRs. This month, I want you to buy your members pizza. Hear me out. One of the greatest things my old gym in Columbus did was throw an amazing holiday party every year. One night each December, the owner rented out the top floor of a two-story bar and offered free pizza (and booze) for members and coaches alike. It was his way of saying thank you and happy holidays to those who called his gym home. I have half a mind to sneak back there to partake in the celebrations since I just missed my Cincinnati gym’s potluck.

Happy Holidays,

–Dave Colina Founder, O2



We believe that small businesses can have a positive impact on local communities and the wider world. A successful charity campaign can make a world of difference for people in need, especially over the holidays. But not all charitable organizations are created equal, and supporting the wrong organization can do more harm than good. Here are some tips on finding the best fit for your business. ALIGN MISSIONS When narrowing down the thousands of local and national charities you have to choose from, comparing the mission statements of these organizations to your own is a great place to start. Charities that align with or complement your own goals as a business are natural partners. Still, while matching big-picture goals is a great start, you also need to make sure your chosen organization aligns with the heart and soul of your business: your employees and customers. FIND HUMAN CONNECTIONS The most powerful charity work your business can support is a cause that stems from the needs and passions of people connected to your work. Maybe a member of your team lives with a disability or a significant number of your customers face social, cultural, or economic challenges. Putting time, money, and effort into supporting a reputable


Nothing will hurt your retail operation more during the holidays than bare shelves. Running out of stock at any time of the year is bad for business, but December and January can pack double the punch — the holidays are a time of loose wallets and slow shipping. Not only does running out of a product mean you’re missing out on the seasonal spending euphoria, but it also means restocking is going to take far, far longer. BARE SHELVES ARE BAD BUSINESS This compounds with the everyday dangers of running out of stock. Members in the habit of getting a post-workout O2 will be disappointed if their favorite flavor isn’t in the fridge and quite possibly livid if there are no cans at all. Remember: The high markups that make gym retail so successful are made possible because members are willing to pay for the convenience of having items they trust at their gym. The slightest inconvenience can quickly tilt the scales in the minds of your members. STAYING DECKED YEAR-ROUND Unless you’re running one of the biggest boxes in the country, chances are you don’t employ a full-time inventory specialist. That’s why O2 and many other trusted CrossFit retailers offer an auto-ship feature; we know your business is a gym first, not a supermarket. We strongly recommend giving this option a shot.

It frees up time and energy you’d otherwise spend fretting over inventory spreadsheets and shipping forms, and it can boost your margins.


At O2, we see auto-ship as a win-win. Because we’re able to plan your next shipment ahead of time, we can tighten our own inventory. Naturally, we pass on the savings to you, offering a 5 percent discount on all purchases though auto-ship. This way, you keep your box from running out of cans and make more for every can you sell. We’ll even analyze your sales >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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