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The Lyman Firm - April 2022

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The Lyman Firm - April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch squar

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The Lyman Firm - April 2020

The Lyman Firm - April 2020 Henry Ford & Referrals We Want Your Help The Truth About Lyman Beginning

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The Lyman Firm - July 2022

4 cup drained and rinsed capers, chopped • 1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper • 6 large egg yolks, b

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The Lyman Firm - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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the Lyman Firm - March 2022

the Lyman Firm - March 2022 Influential Role Models It’s Not Always Who You Think lymanf The

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The Lyman Firm - August 2022

Find-A-Mower to search for kids who are mowing lawns in your area. BOTTLED WATER IS SAFER THAN TAP W

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The Lyman Firm - September 2022

or bonding with a newborn child • The placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the empl

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The Lyman Firm - May 2022

4 cup broccoli, chopped • 8 eggs Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skillet wi

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The Lyman Firm - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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The Lyman Firm - March 2021

online store called The Meatball Shop late last year. Obviously germs and bacteria don’t really wait

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The Lyman Firm - April 2022

It’s All in Fun! Celebrating April Fools’ Day The Truth About Lyman Beginning a Journey Starts with Dedication to Transparency 2860 Piedmont Road, Suite 275, Atlanta, GA 30305 lymanf The Lyman Firm Newsletter TELEGRAPH Amicus Curiae 404-267-1986 February 2019 The Lyman Firm Newsletter T: 404 267 1986 F: 470 745 0699

APRIL 2022

For hundreds of years, people have brought in the month of April by playing pranks and jokes on friends, family, and unsuspecting people. April Fools’ Day has become a favorite holiday for many Americans who look forward to a day filled with fun, laughter, and of course, pranks. While April Fools’ Day is incredibly popular in America, it didn’t originate in our country. Historians are torn about the origin of April Fools’ Day. Many believe the holiday got its start during the 1500s in France. The French had been following a Julian calendar, which actually had April 1 as New Year’s Day since it coincided with the spring equinox. When France switched over to the Gregorian calendar, New Year’s Day shifted to January, but not everyone agreed or got the message. Those who celebrated the new year during the last week of March and the first week of April were often called “April fools” for their mistake. They became the butt of the joke and were often the targets of many pranks during that time. I’ve always been a huge fan of comedy and practical jokes (I actually used to get The Onion back when they released a print version), so April Fools’ Day is a fun holiday for me. My son has recently gotten into the practical joke spirit and is constantly trying to pull a fast one on any unsuspecting victims who cross his path. His favorite prank right now involves one of those hand buzzers that shocks the other person when they shake your hand. He always gets a big kick out of shocking someone who has no idea it’s coming. He certainly inherited his joy of practical jokes from me, as I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well. I got him the other day by asking if he had heard of “updog.” I also got him and my daughter with a pretty good one a while back. I told them I had a kink in my shoulder and asked them to check it out. I said, “I think it’s dogjaw, but I need you to check and make sure.” As soon as they touched me, I started barking, which caught them both off guard but left us all laughing shortly after. movement, and these are the everyday people — the “We need fun and laughter to brighten our days and make life feel a little lighter.” heroes — I work for s I drive our cases forward to the fullest extent within our legal syst m, fighting for what’s right.” G eorgia is a blue-collar state — a grassroots mix of farmland, mountains, and urban development representing ever-expanding opportunities. Being a native of North Atlanta, I have spent most of my life in this fair state, cultivating both my character and my profession as I grew up. Now, I have a distinct opportunity to help those around me in ways I hadn’t anticipated in my younger days. I lead The Lyman Firm as a proud curator of justice for the everyday person, somebody who might not have gotten a fair shake before they met me. I believe one person can be the face of a greater movement, and these are the everyday people — the heroes — I work for as I drive our cases forward to the fullest extent wit in our legal system, fighting for what’s right. My passions weren’t always for courtroom thrills, though. Growing up in Smyrna, I sought to cha e a different kind f rush: the roar of the racetrack. I was ’t half bad eit r, eventua ly taking my hobby f r auto racing from amat ur status in 2004 all the way to semi-pro in 2007. Unfortuna ely, like so many other t i gs that went down along with the economy the following year, my racing car er cras ed in 2008. Shatt red by the abrupt end to my racing journey due to a lack of financing, “I believe one person can be the face of a greater

James and three-year-old daughter Cleo — I am fully immersed in the fun-loving, homely, and exciting life of my family. They are my foundation, and without them n thing would be possible. But I also hav a second family f sorts in my clients, whom I treat with the respect attention a person is owed whenever they find they’re backed in a corner and need help. The pleasure I get from r presenting good, honest p ople in the courtr om is unrivaled when compared to the other fields of profession I’ve engaged in life. Oftentim s, I ask a client to sh re th names f the attorneys they’ve worked with on other cases. Almost none of them are abl to muster

I began to look for a new avenue to pour my passions into.

With social media, we have seen an influx of practical jokes. Some are funny, while others aren’t in great taste. There’s one TikTok account I greatly enjoy that shows a guy as he’s walking around his house. His son-in-law jumps out at him and says, “I’m a ninja” to scare him. It’s a harmless prank that always makes me laugh. One of the greatest pranks I’ve ever heard about happened to my friend back in high school. He was working at a sporting goods store and was deep in a prank war with a fellow associate. Somehow, my friend got into the vending machine at their work and got the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups out of the machine. He was able to put laxatives into the Reese’s and put them back into the machine. They did their job but left his buddy wanting revenge. So, my friend woke up one morning to the sound of his mom screaming at the top of her lungs. In their driveway was a port-a- potty that had been concreted into the pavement. They actually had to dig out the port-a-potty to get it removed from their property. Now that’s an intense practical joke. April Fool’s Day is a great opportunity to let loose and have fun for a little while. We need fun and laughter to brighten our days and make life feel a little lighter. If you’re a prankster this April Fools’ Day, enjoy yourself, but don’t go too far. If you get pranked, try and laugh about the situation. If there’s no ill will involved, they were just trying to provide some laughter to your day. -Thomas Lyman | 1 -Thomas J. Lyman an answer — the names of their lawyers completely los in the tides of life’ trials. T at’s when I tell them that there are a million diff rent lawyers out ther doing a million different things, but when I take on your case for a serious injury or a wrongful death suit, you’ll remember me as a man who gave you the best possible chance while shooting you straight every step of the way.

As we grow older and further away from our te ns and 20s, we b gin to realize that life isn’t alw ys about going fast, b th literally and metaphorically. It was during my post racing downtim that I re lized I want d to go back to school at Georgia State. After spending ye rs as a writer and editor, I disc ver d and followed my newf und calling and began practicing law after graduating from law school. After years of unparalleled grit, drive, and success in the field of law, I w s fortunat enough to be able to open my own practice in January of 2018. This new venture has even allowed me to work alongside my brother, a paralegal and case manager, in what has been one of the most exciting perio s f my life. For now, our plans for the future include an imminent expansion of the firm and growing the company in ways that still allow us to keep our fundamental values and operations in check.

At home with my wife Lindsay beside me, and our two children — our five-year-old son

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Get Sprung 4 Ways to Harvest Positive Vibes in Spring

Enjoy more hours of daylight. Spring brings more hours of sunlight and warming temperatures that can give you more time to enjoy your morning cup of coffee outside. You can take an early stroll around the block, get in a workout outdoors, or just enjoy the fresh air. Also, many areas observe daylight saving time, which extends sunlight into the evening, so no matter how you choose to spend your extra daylight, make it an adventure. Welcome spring-cleaning. It isn’t called spring-cleaning for nothing! Decluttering, dusting, reorganizing, and tidying up feels great! It’s empowering and refreshing. There is something special about creating more space in your living space that gets the positivity flowing. Eat fresh, colorful foods. During spring, many delicious fruits and vegetables come into season. Berries, oranges, apples, carrots, avocados, cherries, spinach, and kale are all at their peak. Your local farmers market is a great place to get the freshest produce to fuel your body!

Have you ever noticed that springtime just feels lighter and brighter? That’s because, believe it or not, the seasons affect us. When spring rolls around, the energy shifts, and it’s up to us to maximize those positive vibes. Let’s examine how we can make the most of spring and inject some color and vibrancy into our lives again after a long winter. Rely on color. Colors have the ability to elicit certain emotions and feelings. Tropical tones and pastels are everywhere in spring — the clear sky, grass, and flowers — so allow them to fill your space and take them with you as constant reminders to smile. If you’re up for it, wear some new colors to brighten up your wardrobe, and don’t forget to take in a sunset when you’re able!

Spring is a time for new beginnings and positivity. Make the most of this spring season by welcoming a fresh abundance of love and life.

Raise a Glass — Or Several 6 Ways to Drink More Water Without Thinking About It

Drink a full glass with medicines. Many of us get in the habit of only taking a large sip of water with pills. However, whether you take a supplement, medication, or vitamin, wash it down with a full glass of water. Carry around a large water bottle. Taking your water with you in a large bottle reminds you to keep sipping wherever you go. Every chance you get, fill it up.

Staying hydrated is one of the pillars of healthy living. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, women should drink 11.5 cups (92 ounces) of water a day, and men should drink 15.5 cups (124 ounces) a day. But, if we’re being honest, water can be pretty boring to drink — there are things we’d rather be drinking, and busy schedules make it difficult. Here are some ways to work more water into your daily routine to promote optimal health. Begin and end your day with water. Make it a routine to drink a large glass of water upon waking up and before going to bed. “Bookending” your day like this ensures that your body is hydrated for both the day and night ahead. Drink a cup of water with each cup of coffee. Many of us are used to drinking more than one cup of coffee throughout the day. If you drink a glass of water with each cup of coffee, you’re sure to stay hydrated. Keep in mind that while coffee is a liquid and contains water, it’s not very thirst-quenching. Ice is your friend. Each time you pour a drink or make a smoothie, use lots of ice! Your taste buds will hardly notice the difference, and you’ll still have lots of flavor while boosting your hydration.

The bottomless water bottle is a perfect way to work more water into your day. As a bonus, you can use a measured bottle to see how much you’ve actually drank throughout the day! Infuse your water. Try giving your H2O an extra kick. Add berries, lemon, lime, or mint to your water to give it some flavor and help make it more enticing to drink!

Water is important for a healthy body and mind, so follow these tips and stay hydrated!



The Difference Between Robbery, Theft, and Burglary WERE YOU REALLY ‘ROBBED’?

Robberies, thefts, and burglaries are all crimes, and the terms are often used interchangeably when people talk about

them. However, the actual definitions of each word are different in the legal and law enforcement world. There are a few things that you should know when it comes to using the

correct terminology.

Theft Theft is the criminal act of taking another individual’s property (both tangible and intangible) without their permission. To fulfill the requirements of the crime, the person committing the act must have the intent to permanently deprive another person of that property. Shoplifting, taking a motor vehicle without the owner’s permission, stealing money from another person, and taking by deception are all examples of theft. Robbery Robbery differs from theft in that while they both involve taking something from someone, robbery includes force or the threat of force. It is a violent crime, and the victim must’ve been in fear for the crime to be classified as robbery. It should be noted that the property that is taken during the crime does not need to be taken directly off of the victim’s person. It can be property that someone is in control of, such as bills in a cash register. Burglary Unlike theft and robbery, burglary is not always a theft crime. A burglary occurs when one unlawfully enters a structure they do not own or have permission to enter — and they have the intent to commit a crime once they are inside. Some examples of burglary include breaking into a vehicle or opening up an unlocked door to commit a crime after they enter. Thefts, robberies, and burglaries can be confusing, but they all share one thing: If you’re convicted of one of these crimes, you will face serious consequences. If you ever need legal advice or assistance, get in touch with a lawyer you trust. They’ve got your back!


This creamy pecan pie tastes like a dream and is simple enough for even a novice baker.


• 1/2 cup light brown sugar • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup • 1 1/2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided

• 1 9-inch uncooked pie crust • 1 cup heavy whipping cream • 1/4 cup powdered sugar • 2 8-oz bars of cream cheese, softened


1. Cook pie crust according to package instructions. 2. In a small bowl, combine heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar. Beat for several minutes with a hand mixer until stiff peaks form. 3. In a separate larger bowl, combine the softened cream cheese, brown sugar, and maple syrup. Beat together until combined and creamy. 4. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture and stir together until combined. Stir in 1 cup of chopped pecans. 5. With a spatula, spread mixture into the baked and cooled pie crust.

Sprinkle the remaining pecans on top of the pie. 6. Cover and refrigerate overnight before serving.

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404-267-1986 2860 Piedmont Rd Atlanta, GA 30335



2860 Piedmont Rd., Suite 275 Atlanta, GA 30305


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My Life in the Courtroom, the Home, and the Racetrack The Joys of Celebrating April Fools’ Day

3 Wild Divorce Settlements Ways to Invest in Yourself After Retirement Bistecca Alla Fiorentina The Most Iconic Super Bowl in NFL History Welcom Spring With Open A s How to Drink More Water Pecan Cream Pie How to Tell if You Were Robbed or Burglarized Let’s Retire These Health Myths





Major April Fools’ Day Fails

The 5-Second Rule Will Make You Sick 3 Health Myths You Probably Believe April Fools’ Day Gone Wrong 3 Pranks That Severely Backfired


The official stance from the John Hopkins Arthritis Center states, “There is no evidence that cracking knuckles causes any damage such as arthritis in the joints.” Still, chronic knuckle- cracking can lead to reduced grip strength, so you might want to break the habit anyway. You’ve probably heard these myths for years, but just because something is common knowledge doesn’t mean it is true. With information so easily available, always take the time to research the facts, especially when it comes to your health. Practical Joke at Work Creates a Law Glenn Howlett was a services manager at London City Hall in London, Ontario, Canada. In 2004, he decided to take a vacation to relax and not think about work. His colleagues decided to tell him that a major project he was working on was due earlier than Howlett expected. So, he made his vacation short and decided to return to work to finish his project. He became so stressed out that he began having heart her brand-new car, the DJ came out with a remote control toy car. They then went on air and laughed about how they fooled everyone. Castillo hired an attorney and sued the radio station for $60,000 — the cost of a new Hummer. palpitations and collapsed. Afterward, he sued his now former employer for damages. As a result, the city passed a law prohibiting practical jokes within workplaces. As you plan your pranks for April Fools’ Day, remember not to go too far with your jokes. Make them lighthearted and fun so everyone can laugh about them in the future.

We live in the golden age of information. The answers tomany of life’s questions are just an internet search away. Despite this readily available wisdom, we still have a bad habit of believing health-relatedmyths. Here are three popular health“facts” that are total works of fiction. Navistar Plant Shutdown In April 2021, Pamela Sisco texted her sister about an active shooter at Navistar Plant in Clark County. THE 5-SECOND RULE KEEPS FOOD SAFE Obviously germs and bacteria don’t really wait five seconds to pounce, but snatching your chip off the floor fast keeps most of the germs away, right? Not according to a 2006 study published by Dr. Paul Dawson. He found conclusive evidence that when food comes into contact with a contaminated surface, bacteria are transferred immediately. Even one second spent

April 1, aka April Fools’ Day, is when people love to pull pranks on one another. But if they’re not careful, pranks can end with a court case or jail time. Let’s take a look at a few April Fools’ pranks that have brutally backfired.

Seeking out safer water alternatives increases the sales of bottled “spring water” each year. However, bottled water is more expensive, bad for the environment, and, as Dr. Morton Tavel of the Indiana University School of Medicine pointed out, over 50 percent of bottled water is just filtered tap water. The same effect can be achieved with a home filtration system. Of course, if the tap water in your area has been contaminated, bottled water is a safer alternative. However, in most circumstances, bottled water is no healthier than tap water.

Her sister was frightened, and she called the authorities to let them know about the situation. The plant shut down after hearing about the incident

on tile, wood, or carpet is enough to infest your food with salmonella or another serious contaminant. Radio Contest Gone Wrong KBDS (103.9 FM) is a radio station in California that held a contest in 2005. They told their listeners they could win a new Hummer if they tracked the number of miles of two Hummers as they drove around town. Shannan Castillo won the contest, and when she went to pick up because they thought it was a real threat. When officers were at the scene, they charged Sisco with inducing panic and disrupting public services. This is a fifth- degree felony in Ohio, and she was sentenced to a year in prison.


The connection between knuckle-cracking and arthritis came from studies where participants self-reported their habits. Modern medical research has shown these results to be false.


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