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The Lyman Firm - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Directions 1. First, make toasted rice powder: In a frying pan over low heat, dry-

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The Lyman Firm - July 2022

4 cup drained and rinsed capers, chopped • 1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper • 6 large egg yolks, b

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The Lyman Firm - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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The Lyman Firm - April 2022

4 cup powdered sugar • 2 8-oz bars of cream cheese, softened Directions 1. Cook pie crust according

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the Lyman Firm - March 2022

the Lyman Firm - March 2022 Influential Role Models It’s Not Always Who You Think lymanf The

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The Lyman Firm - August 2022

Find-A-Mower to search for kids who are mowing lawns in your area. BOTTLED WATER IS SAFER THAN TAP W

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The Lyman Firm - September 2022

or bonding with a newborn child • The placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the empl

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The Lyman Firm - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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The Lyman Firm - March 2021

online store called The Meatball Shop late last year. Obviously germs and bacteria don’t really wait

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The Lyman Firm - April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch squar

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The Lyman Firm - May 2022

Appreciating Teachers on Teachers’ Day An Inspiration for Children Everywhere lymanf The Lyman Firm Newsletter TELEGRAPH Amicus Curiae 404-267-1986 February 2019 2860 Piedmont Road, Suite 275, Atlanta, GA 30305 The Truth About Lyman Beginning a Journey Starts with Dedication to Tran parenc T: 404 267 1986 F: 470 745 0699 The Lyman Firm Newsletter

MAY 2022

Throughout our childhoods, there’s arguably no group of people who influence us more than teachers. While they teach us about important topics in math, science, English, and history, they also play an integral role in our personal development. A great interaction with a teacher can turn a child’s perspective on school completely around and lead them on a path toward success. May 3 is National Teacher Day, and it’s incredibly important that we share our appreciation for the teachers in our country. They do a great service for our children and are often poorly compensated for the work that they do. in my younger days. I lead The Lyman Firm as a proud curator of justice for the everyday person, somebody who might not have gotten a fair shake before they met me. I believe one person can be the face of a greater movement, I’m fairly active with my kids’ school and see the effort that most teachers put in. Most will go out of their way to help their students, and they all have to pull money from their own pockets to decorate their classrooms. It’s almost criminal how woefully underpaid the teachers in our country are. Something has to change, or we could scare all of the good teachers away. During the pandemic, I actually thought about becoming a teacher. I thought I could become a substitute teacher at the very least, but the transition from being a lawyer to a teacher is not easy. There are so many hoops you have to jump through to become a teacher. I couldn’t commit myself to that level of work, but I have always enjoyed the idea of teaching. And I’m not the only attorney I know who feels this way. There’s an attorney who was getting ready to be made partner at a huge firm and make oodles of money only to turn it all down so that he could become a teacher. During my own time in school, I can vividly remember one history teacher who left an impact on me. This guy was from Mississippi and had an extremely noticeable Southern drawl. He always carried around a coffee mug that I suspect hid a little bit of bourbon. He was a super nice guy who was always fun to be around and made his subject material incredibly interesting. This teacher was always encouraging his students to think for “Our children can often look to their teachers to see how upstanding members of our society act and behave.” “I believe one person can be the face of a greater movement, and these are the everyday people — the heroes — I work for as I drive our cases forward to the fullest extent within our legal system, fighting for what’s right.” G eorgia is a blue-collar state — a grassroots mix of farmland, mountains, and urban development representing ever-expanding opportunities. Being a native of North Atlanta, I have spent most of my life in this fair state, cultivating both my character and my profession as I grew up. Now, I have a distinct opportunity to help those around me in ways I hadn’t anticipated and these are the everyday people — the heroes — I work for as I drive our cases forwar to the fullest extent within our legal system, fighting for what’s right. My passions weren’t always for courtroom thrills, though. Growing up in Smyrna, I sought to chase different kind of rush: the roar of the racetrack. I wasn’t h lf bad either, eventually tak ng my hobby for uto racing from amateur status in 2004 all the way to semi-pro i 2007. Unfortunately, like so many oth r things at went down along with the economy the follo ing yea , my racing career crashe in 2008. Shattered by the abrupt end to my racing journey du t a lack of financing,

James and three-year-old daughter Cleo — I am fully immersed in the fun-loving, homely, and exciting life of my family. They are my foundation, and without them nothing would be possible. But I also have a second family of sorts in my clients, whom I treat with the respect and attention a person is owed whenever they find they’re backed in a corner and need help. The pleasure I get fr m representing good, hon st peo le in the courtroom is unrivaled when compared to the other fields of profession I’ve engaged in life. Oftentimes, I ask a client to share the nam s of the at orneys they’v worked with on o her cases. Almost none of them are abl to uster an answer — the names of th ir lawyers complet ly lost in the ides of life’s trials.

I began to look for a new avenue to pour my passions into.

As we gro older and further away from our teens a d 20 , we begin to realize that life isn’t always about going fast, both literally and metaphorically. It was during my post racing downtime that I realized I wanted to go back to school at Georgia State. Aft r spending years as a writ r and editor, I discovered and f llowed my n wfound calling a began practicing la after graduating from law school. A ter years of unparalleled gri , drive, and success in the field of law, I s fortunate enough to be able to open my own practice in January of 2018. This new venture has ven allowed me t work alongside my brother, a paralegal and case manager, in what has been one of the most exciting periods of my life. For now, our plans for the future include an imminent expansion of the firm and growing the company in ways that still allow us to keep our fundamental values and operations in check.

themselves and never treated a history book as fact. That lesson truly taught me how to look at things from multiple perspectives to understand the whole story. As I grew older, I started to incorporate that lesson more and more into my life. I tried to empathize with people and put myself in their shoes. People aren’t just jerks because they’re born that way. They’re often dealing with stressful situations and are simply working through them. It doesn’t necessarily excuse their behavior, but it does help us to empathize with their situation. The majority of teachers who I know genuinely care about other people, especially their students. Our children can often look to their teachers to see how upstanding members of our society act and behave. Even when I wasn’t a great student myself, my teachers never gave up on me. To this day, I still have former teachers reach out to me to say how wonderful it is to see how I’ve grown. Our teachers can and should serve as role models for our children. Though they don’t get paid what they deserve, the majority of us truly appreciate everything our teachers do. Thank you to all of the teachers in our community! That’s when I tell them that there are a million different lawyers out there doing a million different things, but when I take on y ur case for a serious injury or a wrongful death suit, you’ll remember me as a man who gave you the best possible chance while shooting you straight every step of the way. -Thomas Lyman | 1 -Thomas J. Lyman

At home with my wife Lindsay beside me, and our two children — our five-year-old son

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A Timeless and Influential Book It’s Time to Read or Reread This Classic

years ago, its life lessons and thought-provoking suggestions still apply today because, while technology, education, and infrastructure have all advanced, our basic human tendencies and the way we interact remain the same. “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you,” Dale Carnegie states. In “How to Win Friends & Influence People,” he explores the importance of putting the needs, interests, and values of others before your own and how to handle situations for the best possible outcome. It takes a deep dive into getting to know yourself before learning how to bond with others on a personal and/or professional level. This book, a brilliant study on human nature, will have you wondering why you didn’t read it sooner while reflecting on situations and interactions you could have handled differently. But most importantly, Carnegie’s pointers are sure to provide amazing insights while you learn to get along with just about anyone.

“How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie has stood the test of time. Published in 1936, this book has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. Relating to the key relationships of humans, the book embodies self-improvement, communication, relationship building, and compassion. Every working professional or individual rubbing elbows in their social group needs it in their toolbox! If you haven’t already experienced the influential and game-changing words of Dale Carnegie, it’s time to pick up a copy. If you’ve already read it, it’s time to give it another read to review and remember because there is still much value to unfold. Embedded within each page of this easy- to-read book are recommendations for creating, building upon, and improving successful and positive relationships within your life,

whether it be with friends, family members, coworkers, network professionals, or supervisors. Written and published more than 85

Back in 2005, a woman became imaginative and filed a claim against the owner of a Wendy’s franchise in San Jose, California, stating that she was served a bowl of chili with a human finger in it. Her allegation cost the fast-food chain millions in damages, and as it turns out, the woman’s claim was false. She was eventually arrested and convicted of attempting to extort Wendy’s. On March 25, 2005, Wendy’s was put in the spotlight under false allegations. A woman, Anna Ayala, visited a Wendy’s with her family and ordered a bowl of chili. She then made a large scene, claiming that she bit into something crunchy and discovered that it was the fingernail of a human finger inside her chili! All of the employees in that particular Wendy’s were astonished because they each had all 10 fingers still attached. Even more, all Wendy’s employees at other locations who handled raw materials still had all of their fingers. When a forensic investigation was done on the finger, it was found that the finger was not cooked at 170 degrees F for three hours, like the rest of the chili was. Eventually, it was discovered that Ayala had 13 different lawsuits open against different companies, and when her story began to waver, she dropped the lawsuit on April 12, 2005, claiming it was putting too much pressure on her. But Wendy’s, having already lost millions of dollars, was hard-pressed to prove this was not negligence on their part. They set up a tip line and offered $50,000 to anyone who had information on the owner of the finger. Eventually, after genetic testing, authorities discovered that the finger belonged to a Nevada man who was a coworker of Ayala’s husband; the man had recently lost a finger in an industrial accident and had given it to Ayala to settle a $50 debt. Both Ayala and her husband were charged and ordered to pay restitution. It was quite the finger feud!

For an Alleged Finger in Her Chili Woman Attempts to Sue Wendy’s




All day long, thoughts run through your mind, and by the end of the day, your head is probably ready to explode. After all, it’s estimated that in 24 hours you can have between 60,000–80,000 thoughts. At some point, your brain needs a break, and that’s especially true before you try to go to bed. Here are some ways to quiet your mind, so you can get a full night’s sleep!

Keep your bed for sleeping.

If you aren’t sleeping, get out of bed! Getting in the habit of scrolling through your phone, watching

TV, reading, working, or even eating in bed teaches your brain that your bed is for

things other than sleeping! If you find yourself tossing and turning, get out of bed and try a relaxing activity such as reading, journaling, listening

to music, or meditating. When you get tired, try getting back in bed.


Breathe deeply. Breathing exercises can not only help calm your mind and spirit, but they can lower your heart rate, which is especially beneficial in relieving stress or anxiety when things are upsetting you. Write it down. Instead of letting thoughts fill your mind right before bed (such as the next day’s tasks or any worries you have), set aside time before bed to write it out. Whether you are a fan of journaling, writing letters, or simply just listing out your problems, goals, and thoughts, grab a pen and paper and make it a nightly routine. This way, your thoughts will be freed before your head hits the pillow. Try a light snack. When you can’t sleep, the last thing that you want to do is eat something heavy. In fact, when you eat a large meal right before bed, your digestive system can become overwhelmed. But, studies have shown that eating a light carbohydrate snack such as crackers or popcorn when you can’t sleep may be helpful. Turn your room into a sleep haven. Keeping your bedroom neat, relaxing, and calm can help improve your sleep! Keep all televisions, computers, and screens out of the bedroom and furnish it with soft colors and textures that are tranquil and soothing to you. Pumping the brakes on worrisome thoughts racing through your mind can be tough, but trying these tips and tricks may earn you some relief and much needed sleep.

Impress Mom with this delicious breakfast recipe!


• Basil, thyme, salt, and pepper, to taste • 1/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced • Cherry tomatoes, halved • Sriracha hot sauce (optional)

• Nonstick cooking spray • 1/4 cup sweet potato, diced • 1/4 cup yellow pepper, diced • 1/4 cup broccoli, chopped • 8 eggs


1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skillet with nonstick cooking spray. 2. In the skillet over medium heat, cook sweet potatoes, yellow pepper, and broccoli until soft. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, basil, thyme, salt, and pepper. 4. Pour egg mixture into skillet with vegetables. Don’t stir but instead use a spatula to lift the edges of the egg mixture until it is evenly distributed. 5. Transfer mixture to oven. Bake for 5 minutes or until the dish sets. 6. Top with avocado and tomatoes. Drizzle Sriracha on top (if desired).

Inspired by



404-267-1986 2860 Piedmont Rd Atlanta, GA 30335



2860 Piedmont Rd., Suite 275 Atlanta, GA 30305


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My Life in the Courtroom, the Home, and the Racetrack The Amazing Service Teachers Provide

3 Wild Divorce Settlements Ways to Invest in Yourself After Retirement Bistecca Alla Fiorentina The Most Iconic Super Bowl in NFL History This Book Has Stood the Tes of Time Liar, Liar, ngers on Fire Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata 5 Solutions for Quality Sleep Let’s Retire These Health Myths




A Blessing for Foster Families


The 5-Second Rule Will Make You Sick 3 Health Myths You Probably Believe Aiming to Keep Them Together Nonprofit Builds Free Homes for Licensed Foster Families


The official stance from the John Hopkins Arthritis Center states, “There is no evidence that cracking knuckles causes any damage such as arthritis in the joints.” Still, chronic knuckle- cracking can lead to reduced grip strength, so you might want to break the habit anyway. You’ve probably heard these myths for years, but just because something is common knowledge doesn’t mean it is true. With information so easily available, always take the time to research the facts, especially when it comes to your health. typically find themselves without it,” Alex Williams told Fox News. “We hope to keep siblings together, to keep children in their home communities, and to provide dedicated families or parents for children who need them the most.” There is no better feeling than helping children grow, thrive, and flourish. The efforts of Fostering Hopes and H3 Collective are inspiring, heartfelt, and are bound to make a difference in the lives of many children and families.

We live in the golden age of information. The answers tomany of life’s questions are just an internet search away. Despite this readily available wisdom, we still have a bad habit of believing health-relatedmyths. Here are three popular health“facts” that are total works of fiction. Studies show that over half of the children in foster care also have a sibling in the foster system. Of those children, more than 75% are separated. In North Carolina, Fostering Hopes joined forces with another nonprofit, H3 Collective, to build foster homes so they can keep large sibling groups together. Some of these homes are big enough to house five children, which is usually the maximum number of children the foster system allows under one roof. THE 5-SECOND RULE KEEPS FOOD SAFE Alex Williams, the founder of Fostering Hopes, explained that the need for foster homes and foster parents is so high that, many times, children are sent out of their home county. He estimates that roughly 50% of the 20,000 children in North Carolina’s foster program will be placed outside of their home county. Adam Ponder of H3 Collective was proud to announce that Fostering Hopes and H3 are currently working Obviously germs and bacteria don’t really wait five seconds to pounce, but snatching your chip off the floor fast keeps most of the germs away, right? Not according to a 2006 study published by Dr. Paul Dawson. He found conclusive evidence that when food comes into contact with a contaminated surface, bacteria are transferred immediately. Even one second spent on tile, wood, or carpet is enough to infest your food with salmonella or another serious contaminant. together on a 3,600-square-foot, five-bedroom home for a licensed foster family, and the group hopes to have it ready for occupancy this summer. As if living in the foster program isn’t hard enough on a child, being packed up and moved across the state — sometimes

counties away from their brothers and sisters — is traumatizing. The goal is to provide children a home where they feel comfortable and safe with enough room for all siblings. Once this initial build is complete, Fostering Hopes and H3 plan to build many more large foster homes in Western North Carolina. They’ve even made the goal of expanding into 10–15 counties in the western part of the state!

Seeking out safer water alternatives increases the sales of bottled “spring water” each year. However, bottled water is more expensive, bad for the environment, and, as Dr. Morton Tavel of the Indiana University School of Medicine pointed out, over 50 percent of bottled water is just filtered tap water. The same effect can be achieved with a home filtration system. Of course, if the tap water in your area has been contaminated, bottled water is a safer alternative. However, in most circumstances, bottled water is no healthier than tap water.

“The intention is to provide hope to children who


The connection between knuckle-cracking and arthritis came from studies where participants self-reported their habits. Modern medical research has shown these results to be false.


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