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The Momentum Spring 2021

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The Momentum Summer 2021

timeshare-scams Recognize, Refuse, Report! Call us Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. 800-222-4444 Opt

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The Momentum Jan.March 2021

online & SO MUCH MORE! Pitkin County Senior Services has cultivated FAR MORE virtual fun & experienc

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The Momentum Winter 2021

recordings. How do I put it together? This is where I really put my foot in it. I tried to pull all

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The Momentum July-Sept 2020

CRF Alzheimer’s Association & AARP Community Resource Finder is a >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page

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The Momentum April-June 2020

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The Momentum 1st Quarter 2022

The Momentum 1st Quarter 2022 Hunt for Happiness 4 >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

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The Momentum 4th Quarter 2020

CS HCVG-15-FLU-105 Last Updated October 23, 2018 32 National Family Caregiver Month Tips for Caregiv

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The Momentum Summer 2022

get_help or call the Consumer Voice at (202) 332-‐2275 or toll free at (866) 992-‐3668. • Review sur

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The Momentum Jan-March 2020

QFKƂECVKQP9JCVoU0GZV! Modifying homes to meet the changing needs of older adults is not necessari

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Beyond the Line Spring 2021

SWEPCO 250 City of Texarkana, Arkansas 236 Smith-Blair, Inc. 200 LifeNet Emergency Medical Services

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The Momentum Spring 2021

4 Things That Matter 6

Our Aging Providers ROCK! 11 PTSD 101 15 Tips for Kitchen Klutzes 19

In This Edition

April Fools..................................................5 How to Make Amends.................................6 Month of Hope............................................8 Health Decisions Day..................................9 Take a Chance Day....................................10 Older Americans Month............................12 Vintage Providers Rock.............................12 LGBT Elders..............................................13 Older Adults & Fraud.................................17 PTSD Month..............................................16 Kitchen Klutzes Unite!...............................20 New Vintage Certification..........................21 Handshake Day.........................................22 Caregiver Services....................................23 Sleep Hygiene...........................................24 Home Modifications..................................26 Healthy Living Tips....................................29 Eagle County Re-opening Strategy............34 Medicare v.s. Medicaid.............................36 Communicating w/ Health Professionals...40 Medicare Special Enrollment.....................42 Energy Services........................................43 LGBT Dementia Support............................45 LTC Ombudsman......................................46 Be Your Own First Responder....................48 Virtual Senior Law Series..........................49 Hero's Caregiver Journey..........................50 Caregiving Stats........................................51 Virtual Legal Clinics..................................52 Pitkin Virtual Programming.......................56 Vintage Vouchers......................................60 Grand Home Rehab...................................63 Smiles for Seniors.....................................64 Eagle Volunteers Needed...........................65 Summit Aging Services.............................66 Regional Resources..................................72

April-June 2021 Original content in this edition provided by Leah Rybak, LMR Consulting LLC Content Curated by Ceci Peterson, Vintage Magazine edited by Amanda Rens-Moon, Vintage


We are The Alpine Region’s Aging Expert

Vintage is the Alpine region’s aging expert—ensuring that all of us have access to the supports, services, and resources we need as we age. We also provide deep content expertise to ensure our communities and providers meet those needs as well. Our services include financial assistance for in-home services, transportation, and dental & vision needs, information & referral, nutrition programs, caregiver supports, Medicare counseling, long term care ombudsman, volunteer opportunities, legal assistance, and educational programs.



SERVICES FOR AGING WELL IN COLORADO Your Connection to Information, Resources, and Advocacy in Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, and Summit.

Volunteer Opportunities We have a variety of volunteer opportunities, such as Respite

Dental & Vision Assistance Programs



We have funding for adults 60 and older for dental and vision needs that will keep you healthy and receiving the care you need. Transportation We have trusted transportation options to get you where you need to go when you need to go there. Options include transportation vouchers and other transportation services depending on the area. Health: Nutrition & Balance Vintage offers the following nutrition- related programs such as Home Delivered Meals, Community Based Meals, and Nutrition Education and Counseling. We also provide Evidence-Based Health and Wellness Programs and fall prevention classes. Legal Assistance

Companions, Medicare Counselors, Regional Advisory Council Board members, Long Term Care Ombudsmen, and our RSVP program. Caregiver Support At Vintage, we support you in whatever stage of the aging journey you are on! For caregivers, we offer training and education, financial assistance, and have a volunteer respite program in Summit County to assist where you need it most. Medicare & State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) We are here to answer your questions or concerns about Medicare, Medicare benefits, or to see if you’re eligible for the Medicare Savings Program. LTC Ombudsman The Long Term Care Ombudsman protects and promotes the Resident Rights of the residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities in our region.







We contract with partners who provide legal services to older adults 60+ free of charge to those with the most significant economic or social needs.

Aging Services Focused on YOU Call our Resource Center at (970) 468-0295 if you have any questions or are interested in learning more.




Laughter is the best medicine — and it’s a great antidote when times feel heavy or downright hard. Let's have some lighthearted fun with some easy and safe pranks!

HAUNTING Silhouettes

Show up to the office, your friend's house, or wherever you are going to meet up with someone with a box of seemingly Krispy Kreme donuts! Instead, fill the box with veggies! THE OLD DONUT Trick

This has to do with fake insects! Stick them to the inside of a lampshade with tape, and when your target flips the switch — they’ll be shocked by the haunting silhouettes they see on the walls.

Measure out just enough bubble wrap to hide under the rug of a frequently-visited stretch of hallway. Once somebody steps down on it, it'll make such a bang that they'll dive for cover. BUBBLE Wrap and the Rug

Slip a sign that says “honk and smile” inside the window of your prank target's car. Make sure it’s hidden and out of their view. They will get friendly honks and smiles all day, hopefully nonstop, by drivers who seem more flirty than upset. HONK and Smile

Fill every available square inch of a room with balloons, so it's impossible to enter without popping them one by one. The exact amount of balloons depends on the size of the room, but go big and have fun with it! BALLOON Room

Add a thin layer of clear nail polish to a bar of soap to make it useless. So they will scrub and scrub with it all they want but it'll never lather up. Jump in and say "April Fools" before it goes on too long! FAKE Soap



The day after a holiday based on playing pranks on your friends and loved ones lends the natural day following for National Reconciliation Day on April 2nd. Although your April Fools Day pranks may not have cause for making amends (hopefully they are joyous and funny in nature), this day is important in life in general. Each year Reconciliation Day urges us to repair relationships that have been damaged through words or actions. Misunderstandings happen and when not repaired correctly, can erode relationships of all kinds. Over time, feelings of resentment, bitterness, and anger cause more than the loss of companionship. These feelings add to health problems and also infect other relationships in our lives. There is an art to the act of reconciliation. In reconciliation, there is a gift and take in order to achieve a peaceful balance. The first step is for one party to reach out to start to break down the barriers that have been built. And while forgiveness may be a part of the conversation, it isn’t necessarily a requirement.

Dr. Ira Byock, a hospice specialist, along with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiin Therapist, both have come to a heartfelt system that can help with closure and making amends. Byock calls them the four things that matter most at the end of life while Hew Len refers to them as Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH). Regardless of what it is called, working through the following can help with closure, help you make amends, and overall support well-being in your life. They are: The 4 Things That Matter NATIONAL RECONCILIATION DAY

Please forgive me/I forgive you. I'm sorry. Thank you. I love you.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

It never hurts to say the words out loud and

Showing gratitude is good for mental health,

mean them wholeheartedly. Whether you say

positive views on the world and ultimately

"I'm sorry" to yourself or to others, studies

helps repair when said to our loved ones.

show that giving specific examples of why

Even in an argument, showing appreciation

you're sorry is most effective.

for the positive in our partner can help repair

and bridge connection moving forward.

I love you.

Please forgive me. I forgive you.

Both of these statements have true power

Love is a powerful force and when you tell

when said out loud. "Please forgive me"

your loved ones how much they mean to

following a heartfelt apology endears

you, while trying to repair or any time at all,

your loved one to see your earnest

is a great way of expressing yourself and

apology. "I forgive you" can be said to

showing you care. Specifics are also

yourself or to others and is powerfully

helpful to growth and connection. "I love


your smile" always brightens a day!

National Month of Hope

April is the

"Hope springs eternal," but after a year of isolation, upheaval, and change, the possibilities of spring feel far more compelling than ever before.

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops - at all. And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard And sore must be the storm That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm. I’ve heard it in the chillest land And on the strangest Sea Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me. -Emily Dickinson-

National Health Decisions Day (NHDD) Friday, April 16 th , 2021 *Please note that All Orange Underlined text links to website resources

National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning. The Conversation Project report on ABC: What? Advance Care Planning is planning for future medical wishes if you should ever be unable to make those decisions for yourself. The process of Advance Care Planning is important for anyone 18 years or older.  Watch a webinar to learn more and download FAQs. Why? Life can change in an instant, for anyone. By having conversations about the care and treatment you would want, empowers your family/friends/confidants to advocate for your wishes.  “This can be a gift to your family.”  “Without the conversation, there can be confusion, conflict, and guilt in a situation that’s already very stressful. With a plan in place, you can focus on the things that matter.”

When? Start today, there is no time like the present!

How? You do not need a lawyer or an elder law specialist. You can find free, Colorado resources, like a Medical Power of Attorney and a Living Will. Go to  Start a conversation with family, friends and your doctor about your values and wishes.  Choose a medical decision maker to act on your behalf if you are ever unable to make decisions for yourself  Write down your wishes that list how you would like to be cared for if you could not speak for yourself.  In the cases of serious illness, a healthcare provider (MD/PA/NP) can help you complete a MOST form for care related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR, nutrition and medical interventions. The MOST Form should only be used for those with serious and life limiting illness.  Share your wishes and documents with family, friends and providers. Get free assistance at The Colorado Gerentological Society o Call 303-333-3482 or email Maria Madrid at [email protected].  Look for more resources in your area at The Conversation Project of Boulder County  Join one of Tomorrow’s Choices Workshops  Resources in Northern Colorado: Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) is an objective, not-for-profit organization. Through services, health >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74

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