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The Newsletter Pro - August 2017

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The Newsletter Pro - February 2017

cross sell 3. Retention To make my plan, I start with a high but realistic goal for growth. At this

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The Newsletter Pro - November 2017

The Newsletter Pro - November 2017 #343 in the 2016 INC. 500 | #120 in the 2015 INC. 500 | 2014 Mark

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The Newsletter Pro - September 2017

topgun to register, then refer a friend to our services and join us for the ultimate Top Gun experie

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The Newsletter Pro - April 2017

no follow-up, bad lead-to-appointment conversion rates, bounce back issues, and referral shortages.

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The Newsletter Pro - December 2017

Thomas Edison of Silicon Valley,” took Steve Jobs under his wing, Jobs was still a fresh face on the

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The Newsletter Pro - June 2017

The Newsletter Pro - June 2017 #343 in the 2016 INC. 500 | #120 in the 2015 INC. 500 |

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The Newsletter Pro - July 2017

topgun. Once they’ve opted Last year, we introduced an amazing referral campaign for my company, The

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The Newsletter Pro - May 2017

11 to get Slurpees. Then he’d hit the comic store across the street. “The ‘Death of Superman’ story

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The Newsletter Pro August 2018

CEO is super strong are typically the areas where the company is weak. In my case, I’ve always been

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The Newsletter Pro - August 2019

The Newsletter Pro - August 2019 208.297.5700 AUG 2019 THERE ARE ONLY 4 WAY

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The Newsletter Pro - August 2017

#343 in the 2016 INC. 500 | #120 in the 2015 INC. 500 | 2014 Marketer of the Year | 24K Club Winner

08.17 208.297.5700

As Seen On:



Send Us Just 1 Referral and Get in on the Ultimate Top Gun Experience! How to Get Unstuck and Start Growing Audible: For Busy Book Worms Spotlight on John McReynolds The 1 Goal Every Business Should Have, but Almost None Do The Ultimate Secret to Startup Success Learn to Negotiate Like You Mean It





MARKETING, SALES, AND BUSINESS GROWTH MYTHS AND URBAN LEGENDS A few years ago, I was taking care of one of my sons,

follow for eating and working out. I train with him one day a week. I eat six meals a day, all of which are the exact same each day except one meal of my choosing on the seventh day. Most people think I’m crazy, as I’ve been doing this for 11 months now. I’ve had to get creative on how to cook chicken, steak, rice, and vegetables, but I have a very simple formula that only requires minor adjustments every few weeks to the meals or exercises I do. Eleven months into the training, I am in better shape than before I broke my ankle. I’ve lost inches around my waist and hips and gained inches in my legs, chest, and arms, all of which was the goal. As I mentioned above, the plan isn’t rocket science. Eat these meals and work out four days a week, plus two to three days of cardio.

this could be payback for all the jokes I made about people who buy the emergency buttons for when they’ve fallen and can’t get up. A short bit later, my son Brandon came down and helped me to my room and ultimately to the car so my wife, Mariah, could drive me to the hospital, which was an adventure in and of itself. But that will have to be a story for another time. Once I got to the hospital, they confirmed that my ankle was broken. It took me two surgeries and about three years to recover from that accident, and to this day, I still can’t run long distances without my ankle getting out of alignment. Before I got injured, I was doing CrossFit four or five days a week and was in great shape. Three years after the accident, I was in terrible shape, but glad I could finally work out again. To get back in shape, I found a trainer who could give me a simple plan to

Kellen, in the middle of the night. I gave him a bottle, and he drank the whole thing and was still crying. I did the normal dad things, like check his diaper and burp him, but nothing worked. It was about 4 a.m., and I just wanted to go back to sleep, so I picked him up and started heading down the stairs to get him another bottle. As I walked down the stairs, I slipped, and in a split- second, I was able to wake myself enough to make sure I protected Kellen as I fell. After I hit the ground, I made sure he was okay. Other than being scared, he was fine. I sat up, and before I could start to get up, the pain registered. I was pretty sure I had just snapped my ankle.

I yelled up the stairs to get help from my oldest son and wife. After what felt like tons of yelling, I realized

continued on page 2


Building Relationships That Matter. Personal. Professional. Powerful.


COVER CONTINUED ... You may be wondering, what’s the point of all of this? How does this help me grow my business? The reality is, growing a business is a lot like working out and losing weight. You need to find a plan that works for you, you need to commit to it, you need to allow it to build on itself, and you need to do the same things over and over again, even when you’re bored with them.

The most dangerous number in business is one of anything. I’m living that right now. I have three team members in my company who don’t have backups or anyone who can fill in for them, and all three of them are pregnant. I’m super excited for them, but because one is a horrible number in business, I’ve had to figure out how to fill those positions for six to eight weeks while those team members are on maternity leave. But too many people have taken the idea of one being the worst number in business too far, too fast. When you’re doing a million dollars in sales, you’re going to have “ones” in your life. If that “one” is your marketing, and you can keep scaling it on a stable platform (by stable, I mean one where the rules don’t change twice a day), then ride that horse and simply experiment with one or two additional media. I want to clear up one point that I’ve seen people get confused by when I give this advice. There will be different stages in the customer lifecycle, and you may need one or two marketing components for each stage. For example, let’s say you use Facebook to generate a lead. You now need an education and nurture component, which may be emails and newsletters. That is still all one campaign, because the emails and newsletters take care of a different section of the customer lifecycle. What would be an issue is if you start Facebook advertising, LinkedIn, and direct mail all in the same 90-day period. When you find a medium that works and is steady, you RIDE THAT MEDIUM HARD and work out all those leads and sales you can handle. If your winning marketing campaign is in an unstable medium, that would be one case where you’d need additional sources of traffic or leads to make sure you don’t find yourself screwed. (For example, if Facebook suddenly decides they won’t allow you to advertise.) But don’t go crazy. You won’t need six different marketing campaigns to test. Just get one or two campaigns working and keep riding the unstable medium until it goes bad. I want to make one last point about marketing campaigns, because other than getting bored, the other major issue I see is that the entrepreneur isn’t clear what the goal of the campaign is and who is

Heavy leg day - leg press - 1,005 pounds, 6 reps

responsible for each area. For example, we recently did a direct mail campaign for a customer who called us five months in and said the campaign wasn’t working. He insisted he’d gotten zero ROI. That is concerning, so we pulled the call tracking numbers and found the campaign was, in fact, working. All the calls had been recorded, and we could hear his team scheduling appointments with new patients. When we shared our >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8

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