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The Newsletter Pro - July 2020

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The Newsletter Pro July 2018

The Newsletter Pro July 2018 #120 in the 2015 and #343 in the 2016 INC. 500 | 2016, 2017, & 2018 Bes

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The Newsletter Pro - July 2017

topgun. Once they’ve opted Last year, we introduced an amazing referral campaign for my company, The

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The Newsletter Pro - July 2019

benefit-blueprint) and you’ll find their “Benefit Blueprint.” This blueprint essentially breaks down

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The Newsletter Pro - May 2020

schedule or call 208.297.5700 to schedule an appointment. GO BACK TO THE BASICS. From now on, you wi

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The Newsletter Pro - September 2020

schedule or call 208.297.5700 YOU MUST FOLLOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL WHEN HIRING NEW EMPLOYEES! One of the

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The Newsletter Pro - March 2020

AnklePain • AndMORE! Starting New Beginnings INSIDE APRIL2019 Why Millennials Are Perfect PASSINGTHE

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The Newsletter Pro - January 2020

FosteringChristmas, and share with your friends and family to help us spread the word! RESOURCE OF T

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The Newsletter Pro - April 2020

stop-losing- customers. when everything else was turning digital. He shares his hard-earned, no-nons

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The Newsletter Pro - June 2020

The Newsletter Pro - June 2020 208.297.5700 JUNE 2020 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PA

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The Newsletter Pro - February 2020

schedule or call 208.297.5700 so we can set up a time for you. 2 BUILDING R

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The Newsletter Pro - July 2020

208.297.5700 JULY 2020




Use This 1 Question to Get More Growth, More Sales, and More Success Developing a Buyer Persona for Your Business ‘Originals: How Non- Conformists Move the World’ Book Review



Want to Read Your Customers’ Minds?


How TikTok Can Revolutionize Your Marketing


There’s a Reason People Love Chick-fil-A

1. Why do we do things this way? 2. Which areas of my business have I always wished were different? 3. Can I simplify my products or services? 4. Where can I get leverage? 5. Are there opportunities to make investments in my business and get huge returns? 6. What stuff don’t I want to do anymore? 7. Where are there opportunities for partnerships or growth that weren’t available previously? 8. Are there any major accounts in play that I can finally land? 9. What talent may be in the market that I can get access to or hire? 10. Are there new products or services I should be considering?

Not all of these are created equally, and not all apply to every business. The question is this: Which of these makes sense for you and your industry? The answer will be different for everyone but let me touch on just a few. No. 10: Be careful when thinking of new products and services, as this can be a kind of shiny object to us entrepreneurs. There is a reason I put this one last; I didn’t want anyone to get stuck on this one and not get through the whole list. Nos. 1–3: These are my favorites. When answered truthfully, they can have major impacts on profitability and your overall happiness in your business, which is important, especially since business valuations for most companies are depressed right now. No. 6: This is an area I’ve spoken about a few times, but it could be difficult to make tons of improvement on it at this particular moment. Recently I’ve found myself having to do work in areas I haven’t had to think about in years. This Continued on Page 2 ...

Are you ready for the opportunity that is coming? Right now is one of the single best times ever to gain market share, grab attention, and make a name for yourself and your business. Everyone is asking to go back to business as usual, but that’s not going to be how things play out. “Business as usual” will need to be redefined for everyone, and it could become whatever you say it is for your industry or community. Over the last number of weeks, I’ve been looking at all areas of my business and reevaluating them. I’ve asked myself what I like about my business and what I don’t like, and I’ve been working hard to change and/or remove the areas of my business I don’t like. So many businesses are in a state of change right now. You may have already stumbled upon this, but if you’re being forced to change, then why not also reevaluate the areas of your business you wish were different? Why only look at the areas of change that you’re being forced to look at? Here are 10 good questions to ask yourself to help find some of the opportunities in your business.






hustle anyone, and that belief was really put to the test as I struggled to overcome the onslaught of both personal and professional obstacles. The unexpected benefit, though, is that I suddenly see the world through new eyes. Business, people, places, material goods — all the things around me are suddenly different. It’s like I went from seeing everything in standard definition to seeing everything in high definition. Everything has become crystal clear. And let me tell you, the opportunities around all of us right now are massive. The ability to make your dreams come true and leave your mark on the world — or, as Dave Ramsey says, “change your family tree” — has likely never been better than it is right now, if you’re willing to do the work . If you’re willing to build out your business foundation and focus on strengthening your relationships, then you can thrive like never before. You can create that business, life, and income you’ve always dreamed of. You can have it all.

would be a negative to most, and honestly, some of the work was less than pleasant. However, it has allowed me to see other opportunities in the business that I may have missed had I not gone “backwards” and done work I’d passed off long ago. Another massive opportunity is found in purchasing one — or maybe all — of your competitors’ businesses, or better yet, maybe just their list and phone/web properties. Some businesses simply won’t make it through this. When they close, there will be a great opportunity for the ones that survive to buy up their assets for pennies on the dollar. There will be a whole industry of people devoted to helping put those deals together. Think of this industry like the short sale industry in the housing market, but for business. You can easily set those deals up yourself or, if you have massive amounts of free time or are going to lose your business, maybe this is a nice hustle you can get in the middle of and make some good cash from. Depending on how big and complicated the deal is, there is even the possibility of taking a tollbooth position, which is one of the single best positions to have in any transaction. (A tollbooth position is where one person sits in the middle of a deal and takes a cut of sales or profits from one or both parties on an ongoing basis. If you arrange the deal correctly, then you could get a piece of the action for years to come. Of course, you have to provide a good reason for these people to need you in a tollbooth position. But it can be crazy profitable once you have your reason, arrange the deal, and get the contract in place.) Like most of us, this year has been crazy for me. The craziness came both personally and professionally. As I write this and reflect, I’m not sure I’ve ever been through a more difficult time in my life — and surely not in such a short amount of time! I’ve always said I can out-work and out-


P.S. One of the changes I’ve made to my business has allowed us to create a better product and service for our existing customers as well as new customers. We were able to make these improvements and still decrease the monthly investment by 33% on our starting newsletter program. If you’ve been thinking about getting a newsletter to help grow and building out the foundational marketing aspects of your business, then now is a great time. You’ll be able to get the best possible quality and pricing we’ve ever been able to offer. To get more info and see how we can help you and your business thrive right now, go to or call 208.297.5700.






I got a call from my friend Yamin yesterday asking if he could come over because he needed some business help. But before I get to that, I want to tell you Yamin’s amazing story. Born in Burundi, a landlocked country in Africa, Yamin lived through and witnessed unspeakable horrors. As a young man in his 20s, he came to America as a refugee. Yamin lived in a Motel 6 for three months, working multiple jobs until he could save enough money to buy a car and become an Uber driver. Then, one Uber drive changed the trajectory of Yamin’s life. That ride happened to be for a very close friend of mine — and now of Yamin’s — where Yamin spoke of his desire to learn how to code, develop websites, and one day become an entrepreneur. A few days after that drive, Yamin, with the help of my buddy who he drove, enrolled in a program to learn to code. Fast forward a few years and at 26 years old, Yamin is a student at Boise State, was recognized last year by the mayor of Boise for his accomplishments, and has his own business building websites for other entrepreneurs, fulfilling his dream. So, like many other entrepreneurs, last night Yamin wanted help knowing what to do in his business to grow, especially right now. He wanted to know what he should be working on and how he should prioritize his day. The funny thing about the advice I gave Yamin is that I’ve given this same advice to literally tens of thousands of people over the years. I’ve shared it in different ways and via different mediums, but the advice is still the same and works just like it always has. The problem is that it’s not complicated or shiny. It’s foundational advice you build your business on and a process you should use and not deviate from. But one thing I’ve noticed about many Americans is that if advice seems too easy, then they assume it won’t work. People tend to brush off this advice and pretend they already know it and do it. But Yamin was taking notes. I guarantee he acted on this advice last night and will begin to incorporate it into his daily routine.

Moving Forward Every day you need to ask yourself one question: What is the most important thing I can do to move my business forward? It’s really that simple. The funny thing is that very few people do it, and they lose days, hours, and minutes of their valuable time as a result. Too many people focus on what they want to do or on the fire right in front of them. Too many people allow the day to be stolen from them by letting the priorities of others dictate what they do with their own time. Once you know what needs to be done, the question changes: How many of these tasks that will move you forward can you get done in a day, week, or month? Most people are working eight hours a day. What if you worked 16 hours a day? You’d be working double what everyone else is in a week. What if you also worked 16 hour days on the weekend? You’d

be working nearly three times what a high performer is working in any given week.

Starting on about March 14, I worked 18–20 hours a day, seven days a week, for a month to navigate COVID-19. I didn’t just want to survive. I wanted to put The Newsletter Pro in a position to thrive as we emerge from the pandemic. I will out-work, out-think, and out-hustle anyone. You have to be willing to fight for your dreams. You have to be willing to work hard for your dreams. You have to be willing to put it all on the line to achieve your dreams. You can do anything you want. The question is this: How bad do you want it, and what sacrifices are you willing to make? Don’t write this idea off as too simple. Yamin surely won’t. Do this process daily. –Shaun






“My office has been utilizing the services of The Newsletter Pro for several years, and we are incredibly pleased with the level of service we receive from their team, the professionalism, and the thought that is put behind their efforts. While the company has grown and they have had to do some restructuring to make things run more efficient, the level of service has never been compromised. Keep up the good work!” -Michael A. Prost, DDS Fletcher Heights Dental Care “These guys are super professional and always do a tremendous job. Amazing company. They have gone above and beyond with me on many occasions. This is a company that you can learn from when it comes to customer service. Top notch. Use them by all means.” -Joe Miller Joe Miller Law, Ltd

“I've used The Newsletter Pro for years, and they never disappoint. I like how accessible they are and how they do what they always say. I love their newsletters!”

-Brodie Tyler Inbound Systems


WHY THE G ORIGINALIT Read ‘Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World’ b

“I've been a very happy Newsletter Pro client for four years. I trust them to help me retain my current customer base and add more customers! And if your peers tell you direct mail newsletters are not for your type business ... that's perfect ... it means YOU will be the only one gaining profits from a printed newsletter. Thank you, Newsletter Pro!” -Wally Conway Homepro Inspections Schedule a call with us! Visit or call 208.297.5700

Original, creative ideas can seem difficult to come by and even harder to execute due to obstacles or personal reluctance, but that shouldn't stop you from chasing them. In “Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World,” Adam Grant examines the conflict inherent in presenting new ideas and how that feeling is far more universal than some may think. Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself a creative person, you might have found yourself with unique, risky opportunities that you were reluctant to take. Many of those who went down in history for their brazen originality, such as George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., and Michelangelo, were incredibly hesitant to perform those acts. In reference to leading the Revolutionary Army, George Washington wrote, “I have used every endeavor in my power to avoid it.” Martin Luther King Jr. was





industry, size of business, revenue, and location, to name just a few demographics.

However, when you take on the wrong customers, it can be a nightmare for both parties. Every business has occasional customer service issues, and you need to work hard to keep your customers satisfied. But we’re talking about the kind of clients you can’t please, even if you had a million years to make the attempt. Even with the best intentions on your part, these wrong-fit relationships typically end badly because you never should have been working together in the first place. Understandably, someone finally decided to get a divorce. So how do you find clients who are a match for you and your business? You need to develop demographic and psychographic profiles.

You wouldn’t get married to just anyone, would you?

Psychographics involve looking at your markets or consumers based on their personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. By developing a buyer persona, you’ll have a much easier time targeting your content, sales message, and marketing toward someone who is more likely to not only do business with you, but to also be a great match for your product or service. How to Develop a Buyer Persona Start by looking at your best customers and make a list of what you know about them (or can research online and find out about them).

Of course not!

You need to have a relationship first, feel an attraction, and be with someone who’s a good match for you. Obviously it makes a lot of sense to be picky in your personal life, but it’s just as important to be picky when you’re looking for new customers in your business! Many business owners happily accept any leads that come their way, but finding the right customers for your business isn’t that different from finding the right spouse. If you get the right customer, then everything is great for both parties — you’re making money, and they’re getting a valuable product or service.

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