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The P.E.O. Record July-August 2022 (public)

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The P.E.O. Record March-April 2022 (public)

Historian Kate Westercamp Director of Information Technology Dawn Clayberg Director of Membership Je

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Audit Committee Parliamentarian (Barbara) Ann Bowen Cha i r Ellen Fox Belinda Hargrove Barbara Rosi

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The P.E.O. Record May-June 2022 (public) . This would make an easy chapter program! Leadership Ti : 15 May–June

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01 Public Speaking الخطابة

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EMJ Construction - Public Works Brochure OUR PUBLIC WORK EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE 50 Years of Experienc

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The P.E.O. Record July-August 2022 (public)

july/august 2022




Prepares for Her “LAST


Officers of International Chapter President

P.E.O. STAR Scholarship Chair, Jayme Resnik

Vice Chair, Sheri Bailey Isabelle DuBois Wattles Susan Smith Sue Barker

Patricia L. Brolin-Ribi

First Vice President

Cathy Moss

P.E.O. Foundation Chair, Nicole Berner Margaret “Peggy” Rose Jennifer Bream Finance Committee Chair, (Barbara) Ann Bowen Ellen Fox Belinda Hargrove Audit Committee Chair, (Barbara) Ann Bowen Ellen Fox Belinda Hargrove Study and Research Committee Chair, Elizabeth McFarland Vice Chair, Christine Ankeney Judith French Karen Leftwich Ellen Busby Glenda Dixon Special Appointment Parliamentarian, Barbara Rosi, PRP Nominating Committee Chair, Cathy Manhart

Second Vice President

Alix Smith


Kathryn S. Ebert

Recording Secretary

Jennifer G. Mitchell

Standing Appointments Administrative Staff Executive Director

Kathy A. Soppe

Director of Finance/Treasurer

Dana Van Roekel

Director of Communications/Historian

Kate Westercamp

Director of Information Technology

Dawn Clayberg

Director of Membership

Jennifer Chittenden

Susan Penrod Lori O’Keefe Jacqueline Dawson Marylou Ruud Membership Committee Chair, Rita Briggs Vice Chair, Kathleen Feldman

The administrative staff has offices at the P.E.O. Executive Office.

Cottey College President, Stefanie D. Niles, Ed.D., 1000 West Austin Blvd., Nevada, MO 64772 Boards of Trustees and Standing Committees Cottey College Chair, Kathryn Bayne

Lauri Cushing Laura A. Parris

Becky Clines Susan Harber P.E.O. Leadership Development Committee Chair, Debbie Kotecki Julee Carucci Karen Fite Special Committees Special Committee to Study a Virtual Ceremony of Initiation Jennifer G. Mitchell

Vice Chair, Georgann Douglas Secretary, Tamara Kenworthy

James R. Bickel Cheryl Denslow Jack Ewing

Joan Braddock Lydia Bangert Ariel I. Delaney Pamela E. Napier P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund Chair, Ann Lambert Vice Chair, Nanci Rosensteel Laurel Andrew Stephanie Halton

Susan Penrod Janet Litterer Monica Brown Denise Rugani

Marti Ramsey Kristin Cresta P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund Chair, Jan Knuckey Karen Neylon Bobbie Gervais P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education Chair, Debra Dumler

To Reach P.E.O. P.E.O. Executive Office 3700 Grand Ave. Des Moines, IA 50312

To Reach Cottey College Cottey College 1000 W Austin Blvd. Nevada, MO 64772 P 417-667-8181 F 417-667-8103 E peorelations@

To Reach The P.E.O. Record or Submit Material Becky Frazier, Editor 3700 Grand Ave. Des Moines, IA 50312

P 515-255-3153 F 515-255-3820

P 515-255-3153 F 515-255-3820 E bfrazier@

Beverly Prewitt Donna Corbin P.E.O. Scholar Awards Chair, Rebecca Daniel Terry Northcutt Lisa Cooley (Go to Member Login, enter username and password, then click Contact Us.)

Layout and design of The P.E.O. Record by Allison Vial

PRESIDENT’S | message THE BENEFITS OF Teamwork by Patricia L. Brolin-Ribi, President, International Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood During these summer months, many of our sisters will take a break for a family vacation, to undertake a long-awaited adventure or to tackle a home project. Many chapters also take a break from meetings during the summer, and instead gather for a fun summer social. Whatever your plans, I wish you joy and happy times that will be rejuvenating. That rejuvenation will be important when we enter the fall and chapters get back to Raising the Bar to the Stars for P.E.O.!

As we look forward to resuming business, it is helpful to remember the value of teamwork and the importance of a mindset of “we, instead of me.” That is something for members at all levels of our Sisterhood to keep in mind. Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist, stated it precisely: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can

member are important, we have the most impact when we are working in conjunction with our sisters toward the same goals. The key to the success of a chapter and what influences its vitality is all members working together as a team. We know intuitively that all members bring different skills to P.E.O. It is wise to recognize those individual

they have, even when the task requires hard work. It also offers an opportunity to better know our sisters. When we stress teamwork, we also celebrate the efforts of all those around us and let them all shine. It is crucial to lift up our sisters and recognize them for their efforts. Freely giving kudos to the team for

MARGARET MEAD, AMERICAN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGIST, STATED IT PRECISELY: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.”

change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.” This is a great example of what our wonderful P.E.O. sisters have accomplished through teamwork by helping to educate women for 153 years. P.E.O.s are the very essence of teamwork, especially as we are all volunteers who rely on each other to be successful and accomplish our mission. We each accept and perform our duties as a part of the team—whether that be as a participating chapter member, a committee member or even as an officer. While the efforts of every

strengths and blend them together to their greatest advantage. Whether the goal is to find an applicant who would benefit from one of our projects or to organize the chapter’s fundraiser, simply stated “more heads and hands are better than one” when it comes to achieving the task at hand. Members working as a team find satisfaction and joy in their assignments which leads to more willingness to participate in the future. Encouraging a collaborative approach yields a better outcome and also more support for the endeavor. Those pulling together as a team often express what fun

a job well done goes a long way to increasing self-confidence and brings joy to their efforts on behalf of our Sisterhood. The next time your chapter undertakes any endeavor—whether organizing meals for a sister who is ill or helping host your state, provincial or district convention— remember the benefits of teamwork and how that will help your chapter sisters Raise the Bar to the Stars. WITH BEST WISHES AND P.E.O. LOVE, Patti


July–August 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


Contents The P.E.O. Record | July–August 2022 | Vol. 134 | No. 4

cover story

The Last Stitch: P.E.O. Marcia Streepy Faces Mortality, Completes Her Painting Oeuvre BY PEGGY GRAHAM AND MELANIE WERNER 6

Convention of International Chapter Save the Date! Convention of International Chapter is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 21-23, 2023 5

Special Features

5 10 11 12 14 16 18

Celebrate the Reintroduction of the Ceremony of Initiation! Capturing the Glow and the Full Import of P.E.O. BY VITA BERG IPS Recipient Sol Vidal Almela Studies Women’s Heart Health, Feels the Love from P.E.O. BY BECKY FRAZIER Heart Disease in Women BY THE CANADIAN WOMEN’S HEART HEALTH ALLIANCE Life-Long Learner Marilou Cassidy Graduates College at Age 81 BY CANDY BENNETT


You’re Not in Charge, Madam President! BY SUNSHINE REGIACORTE

Saluting Commander Stacy Coulthard: 2nd Generation P.E.O. is a Shining Star in the U.S. Navy BY JERRY OSBORNE Daisy Download Injects Renewed Excitement in P.E.O. for South Dakota Chapter BY NANCY SCHMIDT




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Twitter: @PEOSisterhood

LinkedIn: International Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood

PEO International


THE P.E.O. RECORD | July–August 2022

Women helping women reach for the stars

IN THIS | issue

In Every Issue 1

P.E.O. Philanthropies and Foundation 21 P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund 3 ELF Superstar Chapters BY MARTI RAMSEY 22 Cottey College Dr. Stefanie D. Niles Named 13th President of Cottey College BY RANDON COFFEY

President’s Message The Benefits of Teamwork BY PATRICIA L. BROLIN-RIBI


Your Letters


P.E.O. International Membership Committee Refresh, Reconnect, Renew BY KATHLEEN FELDMAN AND RITA BRIGGS

24 P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund

Partners in Peace Program Amplifies the Power of IPS BY JAN KNUCKEY

25 P .E.O. Program for Continuing Education


P .E.O. Leadership Development Why Do I Need Leadership Resources? I Am Not a Leader!... Or Am I? BY KAREN FITE

Fighting for Communication Equity BY DEBBIE NIELSEN DUMLER

26 P.E.O. Scholar Awards

Supporting Our Scholars and Nominees BY TERRY NORTHCUTT

36 Award Winning Ideas 38 P.E.O. Authors 39 New Chapters 40 Centennial Chapters 42 Where in the World is The Record? 44 Fundraising Marketplace 48 About P.E.O. 49 To the Point Events and Reminders 8 H ave You Seen the NEW Online P.E.O. Record? 28 Connect with P.E.O. International on Social Media

27 P .E.O. STAR Scholarship


50 P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education PCE Turns 50 Years Old This Biennium!

Gallery of Presidents 29 Jean Franovich, Arizona Carolyn Zachry, California Beverly Carlone, Connecticut

Barb Timm, Michigan Jane Henning, Minnesota Diane Hartingh Price, North Carolina Jean Van Delinder, Oklahoma Carol Hungerford, Oregon Barbara Helmer, South Carolina Betsy Grimes, Texas Alice Stephenson, Utah Judy Dierker, Virginia

Janet Brown, Florida Nancy Burk, Georgia Vera Redman, Idaho Carol Flora, Indiana Sherryl Appling, Kentucky Diane Meek, Manitoba- Northwest Ontario

The P.E.O. Record (ISSN 0746-5130) is published bimonthly by the P.E.O. Sisterhood, 3700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312-2899. Periodical class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa, and at all additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $5.00 per year. Single copies are $1.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The P.E.O. Record, 3700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312-2899. Printed in USA. Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40586518. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to IMEX, P.O. Box 4332, Station Rd., Toronto, ON M5W 3J4. Submission of material to The P.E.O. Record is your consent to our right to edit and publish it, either all or in part, in any P.E.O. print or digital communication medium. The content matter may or may not reflect the opinions of the Sisterhood. Complete submission guidelines appear on the “Members Only” section of P.E.O.’s official website, The P.E.O. Record welcomes members’ submissions to the address on the inside front cover.


July–August 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD



ELF Recipients Who Are Sisters I enjoyed reading the article on P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund (ELF) recipients who are sisters (May/June 2022 issue of The P.E.O. Record). Chapter IS, Kirkland, Washington, has sponsored my three nieces for ELF loans. One received an ELF loan in 2013 while she was earning her master’s degree in security studies from Georgetown; another received an ELF loan in 2014 while she was majoring in mechanical engineering at Stanford and, in 2021, another niece received her loan to obtain her bachelor’s in computer science, economics and >Page i Page ii Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50

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