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The P.E.O. Record March-April 2022 (public)

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June 2022 issue of The P.E.O. Record). Chapter IS, Kirkland, Washington, has sponsored my three niec

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Audit Committee Parliamentarian (Barbara) Ann Bowen Cha i r Ellen Fox Belinda Hargrove Barbara Rosi

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The P.E.O. Record March-April 2022 (public)

m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 2 2

OFFICERS OF International Chapter


Patricia L. Brolin-Ribi

P.E.O. STAR Scholarship Chair, Jayme Resnik

Vice Chair, Sheri Bailey Isabelle DuBois Wattles Susan Smith Sue Barker

First Vice President

Cathy Moss

P.E.O. Foundation Chair, Nicole Berner Margaret “Peggy” Rose Jennifer Bream Finance Committee Chair, (Barbara) Ann Bowen Ellen Fox Belinda Hargrove Audit Committee Chair, (Barbara) Ann Bowen Ellen Fox Belinda Hargrove Study and Research Committee Chair, Elizabeth McFarland Vice Chair, Christine Ankeney Judith French Karen Leftwich Ellen Busby Glenda Dixon Special Appointment Parliamentarian, Barbara Rosi, PRP Nominating Committee Chair, Cathy Manhart

Second Vice President

Alix Smith


Kathryn S. Ebert

Recording Secretary

Jennifer G. Mitchell

Standing Appointments Administrative Staff Executive Director

Kathy A. Soppe

Director of Finance/Treasurer

Dana Van Roekel

Director of Communications/Historian

Kate Westercamp

Director of Information Technology

Dawn Clayberg

Director of Membership

Jennifer Chittenden

The administrative staff has offices at the P.E.O. Executive Office. Cottey College President, Jann Rudd Weitzel, Ph.D., 1000 West Austin Blvd., Nevada, MO 64772

Susan Penrod Lori O’Keefe Jacqueline Dawson Marylou Ruud Membership Committee Chair, Rita Briggs Vice Chair, Kathleen Feldman

Boards of Trustees and Standing Committees Cottey College Chair, Kathryn Bayne

Lauri Cushing Laura A. Parris

Vice Chair, Diann E. McChesney Secretary, Georgann Douglas

Becky Clines Susan Harber P.E.O. Leadership Development Committee Chair, Debbie Kotecki Julee Carucci Karen Fite

James R. Bickel Cheryl Denslow Tamara Kenworthy Hope Zoeller Jack Ewing

Joan Braddock Lydia Bangert Ariel I . Delaney P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund Chair, Ann Lambert Vice Chair, Nanci Rosensteel Laurel Andrew Stephanie Halton

To Reach P.E.O. Mail Phone 515-255-3153

P.E.O. Executive Office, 3700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50312-2899

Fax 515-255-3820

Web (Go to Members Login, enter username and password, then click Contact Us.)

Marti Ramsey Kristin Cresta P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund Chair, Jan Knuckey Karen Neylon Bobbie Gervais P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education Chair, Debra Dumler

To Reach Cottey College Mail

1000 W Austin Blvd., Nevada, Missouri 64772-2790

Phone 417-667-8181

Fax 417-667-8103


[email protected]


To Reach The P.E.O. Record or Submit Material Becky Frazier, Editor Mail 3700 Grand Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 50312 Phone 515-255-3153 Fax 515-255-3820 Email [email protected] Layout and design of The P.E.O. Record by Allison Vial

Beverly Prewitt Donna Corbin P.E.O. Scholar Awards Chair, Rebecca Daniel Terry Northcutt Lisa Cooley

PRESIDENT’S | message

SPRING BRINGS GoodFeelings OF ANTICIPATION by Patricia L. Brolin-Ribi, President, International Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood

For me, spring brings many positive feelings of anticipation. Anticipation with hopes for more temperate weather for those who have endured a long winter, with warmer days ahead. And anticipation that, for those sisters who know summer will bring intense heat, there will be relief with comfortable temperatures during these spring days. We all anticipate growth, with flowers blooming, leaves budding on trees and spring in the air. For our P.E.O. chapters, this is

If everyone pitches in, tasks can be accomplished more easily and that provides a great opportunity to get to know your sisters better. There are many ways to help, such as offering to lead a fundraiser, serving as a pro-tem officer, or reaching out to non-participating members. These efforts also exemplify ways to Raise the Bar to the Stars . As we anticipate growth this spring, that also relates to us, as P.E.O. members. Personal growth comes as we follow these passages from our Objects and Aims “To seek growth in

charity toward all with whom we associate…” and “To seek growth in knowledge and in culture and to obtain all possible wisdom from nature, art, books, study and society…” Those thoughtful words inspire us to seek self-improvement and are not idle suggestions; they call us to action.

also a time of anticipation. We offer thanks to those who have served as chapter officers and on committees to keep our members engaged and connected during this unexpected time of continuing COVID. We also look forward with anticipation to the new officers who are being installed

By reaching out to a sister who may be struggling, that

encouragement and the compassion you show are beneficial for her and

and those who will be serving on committees. By stepping up in these very important ways, they are giving of their time and individual talents so their chapter sisters can stay in touch and share loving concern as they continue to support our projects. They truly exemplify some of the best ways to Raise the Bar to the Stars for P.E.O. How can each of us help our officers and committees sustain chapter vitality? We all can, by willingly and enthusiastically offering that support! Don’t wait to be asked. Take the initiative to lend a hand to your sisters. I like to stress the importance of working together as a team, and that is especially beneficial at the chapter level.

also yourself. By mentoring a newer sister, you help her understand and enjoy membership and, at the same time, renew your own enthusiasm for P.E.O. By learning how to host your chapter’s virtual meeting, you gain a new skill. These efforts also benefit and bring growth to your chapter. Our chapters grow stronger when we lift up our current sisters in ways that make them feel cared for and that they belong, and also when we take steps to increase attendance at meetings, plan interesting programs, and welcome new members. Anticipate how your chapter can Raise the Bar to the Stars in the next several months and what new P.E.O. experiences you can anticipate this spring. With best wishes and P.E.O. love, Patti


March–April 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


Contents The P.E.O. Record | March–April 2022 | Vol. 134 | No. 2

In Memoriam Jane Burtis Smith 5

Special Features


Sisterhood, Scholarship & Service: Inside the Heart of P.E.O. Adrienne Stephenson BY BECK Y FRAZI ER



10 13 14

A Happy P.E.O. Homecoming BY JODI ZIRBEL

Why I Am Excited to Become a P.E.O. BY BEVERLY CROWE

P.E.O. Proves Her Puzzle Prowess on National Public Radio BY BECK Y FRAZI ER


Founder Alice Virginia Coffin’s Historical Marker Restored BY BECK Y FRAZI ER


18 30 34

Weaving the Threads of Life with P.E.O. BY GA I L CAWLEY SHOWALTER

Suggestions for Hosting Chapter Meetings

The “Essence” of a P.E.O. Chapter Officer BY L I SA DEGRAAFF



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LinkedIn: International Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood

PEO International


THE P.E.O. RECORD | March–April 2022

Women helping women reach for the stars

IN THIS | issue

In Every Issue 1

P.E.O. Philanthropies and Foundation 22  P.E.O. Foundation Raise the Bar: Establish Your Legacy 23  P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund Searching for ELF Applicants…in the Workplace BY L AUREL ANDREW 24  Cottey College Cottey Happenings BY JANN WEI TZEL 25  P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Roommates Discover Common Bond in IPS BY K AREN NEYLON 26 P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education Welder Jessica Jones Breaks Barriers, Perseveres, Thrives & Pays it Forward BY BEVERLY PREWI TT 28  P.E.O. Scholar Awards Scholar Awards Transcend Borders BY REBECCA DANI EL 29 P .E.O. STAR Scholarship Tips, Tricks and Hints for Finding and Guiding Your STAR Applicant BY JAYME RESNI K 50 P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund A Perpetual Legacy of Love Since 1907 Events and Reminders 16 March is Introduce Your Family to P.E.O. Month 20 New Local Chapter Publicity Guidelines BY K ATHY A . SOPPE 22 Connect with P.E.O. International on Social Media

 President’s Message Spring Brings Good Feelings of Anticipation BY PATR ICI A L . BROL IN-R IB I


Your Letters

9  P.E.O. International

Membership Committee P.E.O.—A Family Heirloom BY L AURA PARR I S AND MI SSY GARY 12  P.E.O. Leadership Development Successfully Passing the Baton to Newly-Elected Chapter Leaders BY JULEE CARUCCI  Tech Tip Let’s Stay in Touch BY ANNI E JENK INS 32 Award Winning Ideas 36 New Chapters 37 P.E.O.s in the Spotlight 38 Centennial Chapters 40 P.E.O. Authors 42 Where in the World is The Record? 44 Fundraising Marketplace 21

27 PCE Turns 50 Years Old This Biennium! 39 New Online P.E.O. Record Experience

48 About P.E.O. 49 To the Point

The P.E.O. Record (ISSN 0746-5130) is published bimonthly by the P.E.O. Sisterhood, 3700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312-2899. Periodical class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa, and at all additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $5.00 per year. Single copies are $1.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The P.E.O. Record, 3700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312-2899. Printed in USA. Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40586518. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to IMEX, P.O. Box 4332, Station Rd., Toronto, ON M5W 3J4. Submission of material to The P.E.O. Record is your consent to our right to edit and publish it, either all or in part, in any P.E.O. print or digital communication medium. The content matter may or may not reflect the opinions of the Sisterhood. Complete submission guidelines appear on the “Members Only” section of P.E.O.’s official website, The P.E.O. Record welcomes members’ submissions to the address on the inside front cover.


March–April 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD



RADIATING Light In a world of algorithms,

P.E.O. Kindness Caravan I answered a knock at my door to find a smiling P.E.O. holding a huge neon pink sign stating, ‘“Congratulations for completing treatments!” There on my lawn stood seven P.E.O. sisters with cowbells, signs and an air horn all yelling, “Congratulations!” The P.E.O. sisters of Chapter MF in Council Bluffs, Iowa, were there to share in the joy of my completed breast cancer treatments. These sisters had supported me through eight months of breast cancer surgery, chemo and subsequent radiation. Chapter MF members sent me cards and called me. Hearing from other sisters who had faced cancer and won gave me encouragement and helped calm my fears about unknown tests and procedures. Other sisters still battling the disease with courage while living vital lives gave me hope with their examples of strength. My sisters brought me meals and made trips to the store for groceries and other needed items for me. Amid all my medical and radiology protocols, my P.E.O. sisters kept the cards and calls coming as my healing continued. The Kindness Caravan (the actual caravan of cars of cheering sisters) was the topper! My sisters had brought the celebration and gave me permission to rejoice in my healing. It is difficult to rejoice alone, so much easier to do within the bonds of sisterhood. How perfect that the theme that our chapter chose for our yearbook was “A Kaleidoscope of Kindness.” Kindness was the thread that ran through the planned programs. COVID-19 may have stopped some of the programs, but it did not stop the kindness of my P.E.O. sisters. — Irene Brucker, MF, Council Bluffs, Iowa

hashtags and followers, it is essential to recognize the true importance of human connection. P.E.O. sisters all over the world, renowned for their joy in gathering, sharing and giving, lamented about missing those sister connections throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In the true spirit of sisterhood, many have come to realize that connecting heart and spirit can be done across many miles…no password required! Sometimes, that which we get most disgruntled about can turn into something quite magical. As Minnesota Chapter EQ halted in-person gatherings in the spring of 2020, planning for the next months needed imagination. A new word “zoomed’ into our consciousness, as we traded “face to face” for “gallery view” on Zoom. A tool was illuminated in the P.E.O. Objects and Aims, supporting our desire to “seek growth in knowledge and in culture…. to radiate all light possible by conversation…[and] by exercis[ing]…any talent we possess.” In our collective P.E.O. wisdom, Chapter EQ faced the isolating COVID-19 challenge by reaching out with “loving concern [to] each sister.” Our Zoom meetings were really about celebrating philanthropy of spirit with P.E.O. sisters. As the Objects and Aims so clearly state, we never know when the “secret places of our hearts” will be made glad. There is no question in my mind that through conversation and writing, a radiation of light occurred through holy intervention. Sometimes all it takes is “a little determination to do all we can… express a loving concern for a sister.” Nonagenarian Erna Rohs says it best, “Even at this age of 95, I want to continue to be a P.E.O. because I have never met a sister I didn’t enjoy and I look forward to meeting more sisters.” — Marjorie Wright Hawkins, EQ, Saint Cloud, Minnesota

Irene Brucker (left) was surprised by her Chapter MF sisters’ Kindness Caravan, celebrating her completed breast cancer treatments


THE P.E.O. RECORD | March–April 2022

Women helping women reach for the stars

Jane Burtis Smith was born on March 19, 1932, to Buff and Reba Burtis in Clinton, Oklahoma. She attended Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, and received her B.S. degree from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, with a major in English and speech, where she was a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. As a college senior, Jane was initiated in her mother’s chapter, BR, Clinton, Oklahoma. IN | memoriam MARCH 19, 1932 – NOVEMBER 18, 2021 • PAST PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER, 1999-2001 Jane Burtis Smith

Upon graduating from the university, Jane married her high- school sweetheart, Don, who was a pilot in the U.S. Navy. He later began his career with Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Corporation, a division of United Technologies Corporation, where he retired as a senior project manager. Following a move to Florida, Jane transferred her membership to Chapter AZ, West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 1965 became a charter member of Chapter CW, North Palm Beach. She and Don lived in Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Lake Park and North Palm Beach, Florida. She taught high school English until their children were born. Jane’s involvement in the community included the United Way, PTA, Brownie Scout leader, president of the Junior League of the Palm Beaches and board member of the YWCA, Science Museum, Volunteer Center and president of the Pi Beta Phi alumnae club. Jane taught classes at Goodwill Industries as well as adult education classes. She and Don, members of North Palm Beach First Presbyterian Church, sang for many years in the church choir and served as Deacons and Elders. Jane enjoyed the beach, gardening, bridge, tennis and collecting cookbooks. Jane served Florida State Chapter as president in 1981- 1982. While on the board of Florida State Chapter, she was appointed to the executive planning committee for the Convention of International Chapter in Orlando. She was committee secretary from 1979 until the conclusion of Convention. Jane was appointed to the Nominating Committee for International Chapter in 1983 and served as chair during the 1985-1987 biennium. She was a member of the Study and Research Committee from 1987 to 1991, serving as vice chair during the last two years. She was elected recording secretary to the International Executive Board at Convention in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1991. During her term on the Executive Board of International Chapter, she was appointed chair of the Special Committee on Electronic Communication for the P.E.O. Sisterhood. The P.E.O. Sisterhood website was launched on August 1, 1998.

Jane served as President of International Chapter from 1999-2001 and presided at Convention of International Chapter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Convention opened on September 20, 2001, just days after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Delegations from every state, provincial, district chapter and chapters in subordinate territory were present with 1,375 members of Convention attending. Jane will be remembered for many qualities; among them as a fair and compassionate leader, for her strength of character and ready smile. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and P.E.O. sister. She was loved by all who knew her and will be missed. Jane is survived by her husband of 67 years,

Don, their daughter, Stephanie Nelson, FC, Tampa, Florida, and husband Scott; son, Brian Smith, and wife Lisa, six grandsons: Ryan Nelson (Ashleigh), Grant Nelson (Desire), Bradley Nelson (Kelsey), Chase Nelson (Erika), Travis Smith, Nathan Smith and one great granddaughter, Magnolia. She is also survived by her brother, Buff Burtis, M.D. (Jeannie).

We can best maintain the vitality of our Sisterhood by drawing upon the resources of our rich heritage,

becoming more involved with our projects, which reach out to others, and responding to

the challenges of the times in which we live.



March–April 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


COVER | story

Adrienne Stephenson, GR, Tallahassee, Florida, has received multiple awards and recognitions during her career, including being named one of the 25 Women to Know in 2021 by the Tallahassee Democrat; the newspaper honored women who “defied the challenges that 2020 brought and continued to give back and give their all to those in need.” Following (page 8) is the profile of Adrienne that appeared in the Democrat in April 2021. It highlights her many accomplishments academically, professionally and in her community. As you learn about this amazing service- minded woman with a passion for mentoring, it will seem a natural fit that she became a P.E.O. Adrienne is assistant dean of The Graduate School and director of the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards at Florida State University (FSU). It was in her role at the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards where she first learned about P.E.O. In 2017, members of Chapter GR Carolyn Walker and Dusty Bennett reached out to Adrienne to ask for help identifying graduate women pursing doctoral degrees who may be eligible for the P.E.O. Scholar Award. Carolyn and Dusty were hoping to create an on-going sustainable



Inside the Heart of P . E . O . Adrienn St phenson

by B cky Frazier, Editor, The P.E.O. Record

relationship. Adrienne recalls, “When Carolyn and Dusty came to the university, it was like we knew each other for a very long time. They told me about the P.E.O. Scholar Awards and all the other things their chapter does in the community. We connected over our love for service and talked about what we could do to engage all six P.E.O. chapters in the Tallahassee area.” Carolyn and Dusty invited Adrienne to a reciprocity meeting; she spoke to the group about her role at FSU, the landscape of women pursuing doctoral degrees and what the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards does to help students identify fellowships and scholarships. Adrienne and those in attendance recognized the potential for a mutually-beneficial relationship. P.E.O. has scholarships, grants and loans and Adrienne has an extensive >Page i Page ii Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50

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