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The Scoop On Supply Chain

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The Scoop on Supply Chain

Committee related issues • Registration and Certification Issues • Compliance monitoring methods: o

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The Scoop On Supply Chain

The Scoop on Supply Chain

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

SERC is committed to providing training and non-binding guidance to industry stakeholders regarding emerging and revised Reliability Standards. However, compliance depends on a number of factors including the precise language of the Standard, the specific facts and circumstances, and the quality of evidence.

Purpose: The intent of this event is to focus on mitigation to Supply Chain risk to the electric utility industry. Target Audience: This event will be of interest to those responsible for cyber and physical security within their company as well as Risk Managers, Human Resources, Legal and others who may want to learn more about the risk mitigation programs for Supply Chain for the electric utility industry. It would be helpful for attendees to have a basic understanding of the supply chain standard which can be gained by reviewing the SERC/RF Supply Chain e-learning modules prior to this webinar. Objectives: • Raise awareness and encourage a deeper understanding of Supply Chain as a risk to the electric utility industry. • Learn how convergence on the use of North American Transmission Forum supply chain resources, and leveraging third-party assessments and certifications, can optimize approaches to understanding and managing supply chain security risks. • Review the CIP Evidence Request Tool and discuss types of evidence necessary to demonstrate compliance to CIP-013. • Provide panel discussions and Q and A opportunities with industry and regional experts

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The agenda allows time for Q&A after each presentation. Therefore, times listed may vary.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

WebEx Logon Useful Links Questions for SERC Speaker Bios

Chris Holmquest –SERC Senior Reliability and Security Advisor

1:00 p.m. Introduction and Logistics

Ken Keels –NATF Director, Initiatives David James Earley –NATF Program Manager, Cybersecurity & Supply Chain

1:10 p.m. NATF Resources Available to Industry for Optimizing Supply Chain Risk Management

Tony Hall – LG&E and KU Energy Manager CIP/Federal Regulatory Compliance Tony Eddleman –NPPD Director of NERC Reliability Compliance Chuck Abell –Ameren Supervising Engineer of Technical Support for Transmission Operations

2:00p.m. Supply Chain – LGE/KU View and Industry Panel QA

Ken Keels –NATF Director, Initiatives


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

WebEx Logon Useful Links Questions for SERC Speaker Bios

3:00 p.m.


3:10 p.m.

ERT, Evidence Review, Lessons Learned

Mark Givens – SERC CIP Auditor Robert Vaughn – SERC CIP Auditor

3:50 p.m.

Monitoring Panel QA

Brian Allen – SERC Manager, CIP Monitoring Stephen Brown - SERC Director of Cyber and Physical Security Ken Carver – Texas RE Director, Cybersecurity Outreach and CIP Compliance Shon Austin – RF Principal Technical Auditor Chris Holmquest – SERC Senior Reliability and Security Advisor

4:50 p.m.

Questions and Wrap –Up

5:00 p.m.


WebEx Logon

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Slido Information SERC will be making use of slido to encourageAudience engagementas well as the Event Feedback Survey. Please scan the QR code below or go to #SERC

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