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The Wellness Studio - October 2019

The Wellness Studio - October 2019 The Wellness Studio THE WELLNESS REPORT THEWELLNESSSTUDIOLB.COM 2

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The Wellness Studio - December 2019

4 cup brown sugar Parsley leaves, for garnish • Kosher salt Directions 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. Tri

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The Wellness Studio - February 2020

2 cups almond flour 1 tbsp coconut oil • 3–4 tbsp coconut flour Learn more about how our team can

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The Wellness Studio - January 2020

or safeguard your follicles. Try adding more eggs, berries, spinach, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, avo

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The Wellness Studio - April 2020

The Wellness Studio - April 2020 The Wellness Studio APR 2020 THE WELLNESS REPORT THEWELLNESSSTUDIOL

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The Wellness Studio - March 2020

English-Ivy-Laundry-Detergent. 3. Say goodbye to paper towels. Paper towels are a mainstay in Americ

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - November 2019

2- inch thick. Cut dough into small rectangles using a knife or pizza cutter. 4. Bake for 30 minutes

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Regenerative Physical Therapy and Wellness - November 2019

2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • 6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Kosher

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Grand Strand Health and Wellness - November 2019


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The Wellness Studio - November 2019

The Wellness Studio





NOVEMBER’S LESSONS Seek Gratitude Even in Challenging Times

M y children learned a valuable lesson when they were just little kids. Their father and I have been divorced since they were still practically babies, which meant they always had two Thanksgivings, two Christmases, and so on. In addition, because I’m a nurse and my children’s father was a police officer, we always worked strange hours. Because of this, our children learned that our holiday celebrations may not land on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. Instead, we had to be flexible and celebrate whenever we could. Looking back, I like to think that made our holidays more special. Our children learned to be more flexible with situations beyond their control, and instead of getting together because some holiday dictated it, we found time to celebrate because we wanted to. Our holidays may not have been customary, but they were always special. November is filled with opportunities to express gratitude. Thanksgiving may serve as a reminder to actively remember what you are most thankful for, but I also think it’s important to find reasons to be grateful each day. It’s easy to slip into the victim mentality and feel sorry for yourself, but there’s always something to be grateful for. For me, it’s about finding the little things that mean the most to me. I’m not rich, but I’m thankful for what I do have. I’m lucky enough to live in California, where we are spoiled with pristine weather. I’m thankful for God and the strength He gives me every day. I thank Him all the time. And Thanksgiving isn’t the only holiday that asks us to say thanks. Veterans Day, which lands on Nov. 11 each year, is a day to honor the veterans who have fought for our freedoms and protected us. As a nurse, I love my patients who are veterans. I always take the opportunity to thank them.

life. While injured veterans are covered by insurance, it’s disheartening that our system does not provide lifelong care for veterans who may not have a physcial or mental disability, especially after they gave so much of themselves. They deserve so much more, and by thanking them, I hope they know that I also support them. They fought so I could live my life. The least I can do is honor that sacrifice. This Veterans Day, I would encourage you to do the same. However you practice gratitude this November, I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving — regardless of how you choose to celebrate — and thank you to all our veterans. “It’s easy to slip into the victim mentality and feel sorry for yourself, but there’s always something to be grateful for.”

Many veterans live with post-traumatic stress disorder, combat wounds, and financial stress upon returning to civilian

—Denise Dial



TOO BUSY TO WORK OUT? 5 Simple Ways to Stay Active

Being active doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every single day. An active lifestyle can be as simple as going for a walk around the neighborhood for a few minutes a day. There are plenty of ways to exercise during daily activities like shopping, spending time with your kids, or hanging around the house. PARK FARTHER AWAY. A lot of people will spend several minutes trying to find a parking space as close as they can to the entrance of a store. However, parking a little farther away will help you score a better parking space and make sure you get your steps in for the day. DO SOME YOGA. You don’t have to push yourself to your absolute limit in order to stay active. There are other, gentler ways to exercise than running 5 miles a day. Tai chi or yoga are excellent low-impact alternatives to keep your body fit and healthy. REDUCE TV TIME. It can be tempting to plop down in front of the television after a long day at work or after dinner, Last month, we walked you through the invigorating process of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial treatments. As we outlined in our explanation, PRP facials utilize the naturally occurring rejuvenation and replenishment techniques of your body’s PRP to stimulate healthier, younger-looking skin. But this powerful serum can be used to do more, too! In fact, The Wellness Studio’s PRP expert, Denise Dial, can use her knowledge and training to replenish your natural hair through a PRP treatment for hair regeneration. Losing your hair can be an isolating experience. Many patients live in constant fear that everyone notices their balding scalp, fracturing their confidence and possibly interfering with their mental health. To solve this, they may change their diets, take extra vitamins, or apply topical treatments, yet the results can leave them feeling hopeless.

but you can also use this time to be active. Get the family together for a walk around the neighborhood, take a few minutes to dance to some of your favorite tunes, or do some light cleaning around the house. PUT A SPIN ON DATE NIGHT. Forget dinner and a movie. Instead, try taking your date out for a round of miniature golf, indoor rock climbing, an evening stroll, a bike ride, or dancing. You’ll have more fun while doing your body good. GRAB A LEASH. Having a dog gives you plenty of opportunities to stay active. If you don’t have a dog, try asking a neighbor or friend if they would like their dog walked, start a dog-walking service, or volunteer at a local animal shelter.

There are plenty of ways to make staying active a part of your daily routine! With enough creativity and motivation, you can turn any activity into an active one.

A ‘HAIR’ ABOVE How PRP Treatments Can Reverse Hair Loss after solution. While the patient’s PRP serum is applied to the scalp, a microneedling process will poke thousands of tiny holes into the scalp to open the skin to the PRP’s healing effects. This process can be more painful than a PRP facial, but Dial utilizes numbing agents to make the experience more comfortable. The tiny holes created by the microneedling pen will remain open for a few days and make it easier for the scalp to soak up the healing, rejuvenating qualities of the serum. As the PRP seeps into the scalp, patients are encouraged to aid its success by applying topical treatments. As Dial explains, in the days after microneedling, topical treatments are 80% more effective.

As with any hair revitalization treatments — including topical treatments — consistency is key. Hair regeneration patients will continue with PRP treatment once a month for 3–4 months. After this initial treatment, patients will then do the PRP treatment once every 3–6 months. Continued application of topical treatments after the PRP session will still give patients the best results. Don’t let hair loss rule your life any longer. You deserve to feel confident and beautiful. Schedule your first PRP treatment for hair rejuvenation today by calling 562.980.0555.

For patients who struggle with hair regeneration through traditional means, PRP treatments can offer a long-sought-




With a Meal Plan This Holiday Season

With an abundance of hearty meals, sweet treats, and delectable drinks, there’s something at the holiday table to fill everyone’s cravings. Unfortunately, not many holiday treats or meals are also healthy choices, but that doesn’t make maintaining wellness during the holidays hopeless.

Developing a plan can be vital to enjoying a successful and healthy holiday season. Here’s how we can help!

MOTIVATOR AND ENCOURAGER Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays are just a few days out of the year. It’s the other days within the holiday season that you have to watch out for. Holiday potlucks, gifts of cookies from neighbors, and candy presents from faraway family members will cause you to lose sight of your goals. However, when you commit to a program, you are surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded people who will support you through the many ups and downs of choosing a healthier lifestyle and instilling new habits. IT’S JUST ONE DAY The holidays only happen once each year, and it’s okay to indulge in some of your favorite treats — in moderation, of course. According to psychologists, designating something “off-limits” only makes you want it more, which sets you up for a major binge later. Instead, develop a plan that includes a few favorite treats you must have, and don’t slip back into old habits during the holiday season. Close each major holiday with the reminder that it’s just one day, and you can start over tomorrow. FIT FOR YOU At The Wellness Studio, we want you to meet your goals, but we also know that everyone is different. Our coaches and nutrition experts will develop an eating plan to help you create healthy habits through traditional chiropractic care, medical expertise, and nutritional guidance to keep chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer at bay. Our goal isn’t just to help you eat better; instead, we develop a holistic approach that manages your health on many fronts.

Leftover Thanksgiving Dog Treats

Inspired by

Don’t attack this holiday season alone. The experts at The Wellness Studio can help you develop a plan to make this holiday season your healthiest yet. Call 562.980.0555 to get started today.


1/2 cup cooked sweet potatoes, plain and mashed

2 cups cooked turkey, finely chopped

Today, we know a lot about medical and wellness science, but before diet programs catered to specific people and modern medicines advanced to curing once-deadly diseases, many cultures had to get creative with the common ingredients they had on hand. WELLNESS QUIZ

2 cups whole wheat flour

• •

●3/4 cup water

●1 egg


1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a medium bowl, combine sweet potatoes, water, and egg. Add turkey and flour and stir again until dough is thick and sticky. 3. Use a rubber spreader to spread dough evenly on parchment-lined baking sheet, about 1/2-inch thick. Cut dough into small rectangles using a knife or pizza cutter. 4. Bake for 30 minutes, until the dog treats are lightly golden brown. 5. Remove from oven and let treats cool completely. Break treats apart along score lines. 6. Serve fresh or store in refrigerator for up to two weeks.

This month’s trivia question asks you to consider which common ingredient was once considered the be-all, end-all in treatment options.

Which ingredient commonly found in holiday treats was used as a medicine, starting as early as the 9th century?

Hint: It may be the main ingredient in cookies, cakes, and pies, but it’s also found naturally.

Email your answers to [email protected] for your chance to be featured in next month’s newsletter!



3711 Long Beach Blvd., Ste. 200 Long Beach, CA 90807


The Wellness Studio

















Supporting the People You Believe In

N ovember is usually all about Thanksgiving, but it isn’t the only holiday that encourages generosity. Giving Tuesday is a phenomenal celebration in which millions of people from across the globe are inspired to spend 24 hours giving back to the communities they love. ORIGIN AND GOAL Giving Tuesday is celebrated every year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, and this year, the holiday lands on Dec. 3! It was established in 2012 by the United Nations Foundation and New York’s 92nd Street Y as a response to consumer-driven holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The purpose of the holiday was to spread the spirit of giving, not only for the people in our nation but individuals across the world. The goal is “to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day and touches every person on the planet.”

TECHNOLOGY AT ITS BEST Through the use of social media and technology, the organization hopes to encourage and spread generosity on a global scale using the hashtag #GivingTuesday. The website states that “... technology and social media could be used to make generosity go viral; that people fundamentally want to give and talk about giving.” Through massive social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, the individuals and companies participating in Giving Tuesday can spread their missions and messages all over the world, encouraging others to do the same. HOW YOU CAN CELEBRATE Now is the perfect opportunity to support your community and the causes you believe in. The best part of this holiday is that “giving” doesn’t just refer to donating money. People can give back by volunteering their time to help a nonprofit business, donating goods and food, or just buying a stranger some lunch. Even the smallest actions can have the biggest impact. If you’re interested in participating in Giving Tuesday, get together with your friends, family, sports team members, or neighbors to brainstorm on how you can give back. To learn more about how you can participate, visit .

