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Tracks 2021

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Tracks 2020

Environment category. Both projects illustrate innovative models for partnering with local utilities

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Tracks 2022

11 World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks. P&J’s Disaster Response market has focused mainly on vegeta

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2022 Summer Making Tracks

Tick Preventative TO • Exclusive HSTB Merch for animal-loving humans of all ages OPEN 10AM – 5PM DAI

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Bob Dylan | The Side Tracks

Bob Dylan | The Side Tracks ‘ Rather than fantasize, be real and draw it only if it is in front of

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FC Sessions, Descriptions & Tracks

severe frontal lobe injury. Concepts and strategies are gleaned from this presenter’s 25 years of in

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Bullhead PT. Stop Sciatica In Its Tracks

7619.php EXERCISE ESSENTIALS WHAT PATIENTS ARE SAYING! Perform This Exercise To Relieve Sciatica Pai

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King PT. Stop Sciatica In Its Tracks

2 cup Plain Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt • Salt and pepper to taste Directions Wash the mushrooms and

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Total Performance. Stop Sciatica In Its Tracks

7619.php Call Total Performance Physical Therapy at 215.997.9898 or visit to

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Lott PT. Stop Sciatica In Its Tracks

M O N T H ! N O C O M M I T M E N T ! E X E

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Loop PT. Stop Sciatica In Its Tracks

2 hours is really bad for your heart. 4. SLASH SATURATED FATS. To help your heart’s arteries, cut do

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Tracks 2021

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Announcements & Awards


On the Right Track: A Message from Avis & Teddy


Innovative Construction Management


Preparation & Communication Foster an Adaptive, Safe Workplace During COVID-19 Pandemic


Expanding Our Approaches to CCR


What Makes Construction Essential?


Featured Projects

Market Contacts

ROW Construction / Disaster Response Morgan Pierce [email protected] 865.688.8342

Water Resources / Power Generation Gerry Arvidson [email protected] 865.392.3081

Industrial & Commercial Art Phelps [email protected] 813.780.4371


Tracks | 2021

Announcements & Awards

We’ve Moved! P&J continued to grow in 2020 to better serve our client base – throughout the year we remained “open for business”, and we continue to prepare for the future of our work.

As we expand our western client base, P&J opened a new regional office in Denver, Colorado .

Our new corporate HQ in Knoxville, Tennessee , opened in the spring of 2020, centralizing our corporate services and executive management hubs for our expanding enterprise.

After decades in Zephyrhills, our Florida team moved in to a brand-new P&J building in San Antonio, Florida .

Zero Harm Award P&J’s ROW Construction Group joined AEP’s Zero Harm Club by consistently working safely on their projects.

Triangle Safety Award P&J’s Heavy Civil Construction Group received Southern Company’s Triangle Safety Award for the fourth straight year in spring of 2019.


A MESSAGE FROM AVIS & TEDDY On the Right Track During this trying year, we’ve each been challenged in new ways — as individuals, as families, and as a company — and I am heartened by how the P&J Family responded. You showed courage as essential workers, resilience in the face of changing working conditions, and compassion toward one another as we all adapt again and again. P&J has seen more than half a century of change and crisis across our country. From hurricanes, to wildfires, to terrorist attacks, we helped communities rebuild and weather hard times, and these events taught us to meet adversity with determination and hard work. We know exactly what it takes to keep communities moving forward. As we face this new challenge, remember our history, and our foundation. P&J is built on decades of innovation and adaptation — we are ready for anything and prepared to stay the course.

Avis A. Phillips Shareholder & Chairman of the Board

Adapting to life in a global pandemic forcedmany of us to evaluate what is ultimately important — to our lives, our work, and our communities. As a critical infrastructure company, P&J consistently stepped up to keep our country moving forward, and we could not succeed without the hard work of the P&J Family. In months of uncertainty, P&J was not forced to initiate a full closure or project shutdown due to COVID-19, further proving our work is essential to the communities we serve. As CEO, I am incredibly proud of our work to keep our operations running smoothly while always putting People First. Project and Executive Management began considering the pandemic’s possible effects early, and this foresight allowed us to implement safety measures swiftly and decisively. Our MedLine service stepped up to serve our employees better, and constant communication about team health and welfare allowed us to protect one another in this difficult time. Most importantly, our team members in the field responded to new requirements and procedures by meeting the challenge and adapting their work efficiently and effectively. From cleaning and sanitation procedures to new PPE and distancing requirements, P&J employees implemented COVID-19 precautions while remaining committed to the quality of their work. We continued to build critical infrastructure for our growing communities, and we did so by putting employee safety at the top of our priorities, at all levels, on all projects.

W.T. “Teddy” Phillips, Jr. CEO

The engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) model effectively bundles client design and construction services into one contract. EPC is traditionally led by an engineering or design firm, but increasingly in recent years, experienced contractors are taking point. P&J has long been a successful and respected player in the Heavy Civil and Right-of-Way (ROW) markets, and our ROW Construction Group welcomes the shift toward contractors as EPC Leads. Our heavy civil background expertise leading complex projects and project controls, schedules, and cost adherence, is directly transferable to this new Contractor-Led method.


Tracks | 2021

Through our long-standing relationships with prominent design firms, we learned how to best collaborate with engineers to bring their designs to life. And as a contractor, we are better positioned to coordinate work on the ground, quickly solve problems, and even anticipate opportunities to improve value for the client. In recent foundation drilling projects as EPC Lead, we employed technology like Osterberg Load Cell tests to validate pre-bid design assumptions and prove the design. This type of collaboration between the design firm and our construction team led to reduced drilled shaft lengths, construction costs, and production schedule. Because we are capable of self-performing most ROW construction work, including foundation drilling, clearing, access construction, SWPPP, matting, restoration, and substation construction, we can plan the schedule and ensure construction activities adhere to project controls, schedules, and cost. This unified management structure also allows us to avoid redundancies in field oversight, making essential functions like safety and quality control less costly, while also removing opportunities for miscommunication or inconsistency. By looking at the big picture, with all of its moving parts, we are demonstrating Contractor-Led EPC efforts create unique opportunities for innovation at all stages of the project.

Substation Construction

ROW Clearing

Foundation Drilling

ROW Access Construction

As more communities look forward, we are actively brokering public-private partnerships (P3s) to bring landowners and


Innovative Construction Management

municipalities together to meet anticipated water and power needs. These partnerships are fluid and can be easily customized, and they allow for earlier collaboration between landowners, utilities, and other stakeholders and contractors. In early 2021, we broke ground on a perfect example of this principle — the C-51 Reservoir. This 15-year collaboration brought together regional municipalities, utilities, landowners, and contractors to design a fully-conceptualized product to meet the surrounding communities’ water resource and environmental sustainability needs. By partnering with local stakeholders, we leveraged our experience as a contractor to develop project execution, procurement, and mobilization plans as part of the design process, saving time and avoiding schedule delays. Public-private partnerships allow communities and municipalities to assess their needs and create opportunities for creative problem solving among contractors and engineers. Other P3 partnerships, like the Pasco County Water Reuse Project, resulted in mutually beneficial, multi-use projects creating value for both municipalities and private landowners. This shift to Contractor-Led EPC, along with other non-traditional project delivery methods like P3s, allows us to innovate beyond conventional techniques. By involving contractors earlier in the development process, clients can realize the tangible cost, design, and production benefits to better serve their communities.

L-8 Reservoir, a Public Private Partnership

Pasco County Master Reuse System, a Public Private Partnership


Tracks | 2021

Traditional Bid Process The Client considers a solution

The Client is responsible for: • Soliciting Designs • Seeking Public Approval • Sourcing Funding

Challenges: The traditional bid process is often long and arduous for the client. Late contractor involvement can lead to design revisions and project delays. Planning timelines are lengthy and often reactive. Prolonged bidding/approval process means the community is forced to wait to enjoy benefits.

• Soliciting Bids • Reviewing Bids

• Selecting Contractor • Sequential Process

Partnering with P&J The Client states their needs

P&J brings: • Design Options • Value Engineering During Design

Solutions: P&J can bring you a comprehensive solution from the beginning. Early collaboration with engineers allows P&J to have direct input on the design, avoiding revision. By streamlining project development, P&J can deliver a complete product more quickly. P&J can help you get ahead of your community’s needs and prepare for the future now. With a variety of partnerships and funding opportunities, P&J can find innovative opportunities for better and faster results.

• Funding Opportunities • Landowner Engagement

• Creative Structure • Integrated Project Management • Concurrent Process


Preparation & Communication Foster an Adaptive, Safe Workplace During COVID-19 Pandemic

Friday the 13, March 2020 – P&J’s President and a Vice President are the first two employees quarantined with potential COVID-19 exposure.

In years past, this moment would have instigated a cascading series of events leaving us with unclear leadership and shuttered jobs. Instead, our foresight and crisis preparedness paid off. Our forward-thinking management team ensured our business continuity. We successfully prepared for, communicated, andmanaged this—and themany subsequent uncertainties of 2020—while staying open. As the pandemic moved into the U.S., our executives set two priorities to guide our decisions for the months to come: 1) Keep our employees safe, and 2) keep working. Our owners and executives have always believed in putting People First and taking care of our employees as we would


Tracks | 2021


our own family - with respect, urgency, and transparent and meaningful communication.

As on our job sites or during disaster recovery, thorough planning is critical to responding safely to rapidly changing conditions. In February 2020, our executives first discussed the potential impacts of COVID-19 and how to keep our employees safe. By mid-March, we finalized and deployed crisis plans to our teams as our country and the world shut down, almost an entire month before our industry peers. Beginning March 11, our crisis management team, including our President, key corporate services leaders, key operational leaders, and our Medical Director, convened multiple times a week for the first 45 days of the pandemic. Along with other necessary departments, they established regular and precise communications to our workforce via emails from our President/CEO, daily texts and emails, a COVID-19 information SharePoint site, and a company-wide town hall meeting via Zoom.

We were determined to protect our entire workforce and their families. Through our MedLine service, our Medical Director served as the primary contact regarding all things COVID-19, and supported our employees and their family members by discussing symptoms and exposure and coordinating rapid testing appointments. Essential on-site employees were assessed for symptoms and possible exposure daily, self- reporting if necessary. Daily self-assessments, in conjunction with our COVID-19 Pay Policy, were key to helping us successfully manage our exposure. Our detailed and clearly communicated pay policy for time off related to COVID-19 reassured our employees and removed financial stressors, ultimately destigmatizing self-


Preparation & Communication Foster an Adaptive, Safe Workplace During COVID-19 Pandemic

reporting possible exposure or symptoms. In 2020, P&J paid out a total of $704,430 through the new program as part of our commitment to supporting our essential workers. As of the end of 2020, P&J has invested $837,534 in COVID-19 programs such as new PPE, rapid testing (for employees and their family members), face coverings, hygiene/sanitization kits, new mass texting software, and a new pay policy. We may be asked to stay home, but germs can’t keep the world from turning. Our work on critical infrastructure crisscrossing the nation was rightly deemed essential to the function of our nation. Our management closely monitored travel beginning in February, and we closely followed CDC guidelines. We eventually established travel restrictions applying to most company travel, with all necessary travel reviewed and approved. We also established a “re-entry” evaluation and process following CDC guidelines. These processes contributed greatly to protecting the health of our people and the continuity of our business. In addition to travel restrictions, we implemented new jobsite policies and protocols, including allowing only one Operator per one cab per day, filling vans to only half capacity, and cleaning all touch points on equipment daily. Our Safety department adjusted our daily JSA meetings, managed new sanitation requirements, and coordinated all supplies necessary to

avoiding jobsite outbreaks. We equipped our field and office employees with face coverings and hygiene/sanitation kits well before our clients set these requirements. Overall, we quarantined 365 employees and had 51 positive cases, by the end of 2020. That is an impressive 4.6 percent of a 1,100 person workforce! Throughout the global crisis, the majority of our clients expected or demanded we continue to work. Our policies and procedures ensured our business continuity through summer P&J’s MedLine service is an in-house phone number that allows employees to directly contact an in-house medical professional. While this has traditionally been used for quick response to first aid and other workplace concerns, during the pandemic the service received and handled more than 500 more calls regarding non-work-related issues this year than in 2019.


Tracks | 2021

Hygiene kit given to all employees


face covering

hand sanitIzer

hand towEL

when many industries were shut down or could not survive. Only one client chose to close a project. All other sites remained

Even with no end in sight to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud of how our entire P&J family pivoted and adapted to ensure our projects stayed on schedule and budget, and our headquarters kept operating with little interruption. The importance of meeting face-to-face will not die with the pandemic. But we have embraced technology to maintain our business communications.

open throughout the crisis.

Throughout the pandemic, our office staff seamlessly supported our operations teams by collaborating from home via Microsoft Teams, providing live updates and easy access to new policies and protocols for employees through SharePoint, and meeting via video chat. At one point, we hosted 400 employees on one Zoom call!

We earned, yet again, our reputation for being tough, resilient, and innovative. Thanks to you, P&J has true grit.


COVID-19 INVESTMENTS Keeping Each Other Safe, At Work & At Home

Our Priorities

Keep Employees Safe

Keep Working

Actions Taken

Early & honest communication with employees

Early use of face coverings and sanitization

MedLine advising & scheduling of rapid tests

Implemented COVID-19 pay policy to ensure employees report symptoms instead of not reporting in fear of missing a paycheck

Implemented “One cab, one operator” and other safer jobsite protocols

Daily self-assessment before reporting to work

Restricted business travel with approval process

First employees quarantined

Travel restrictions & approval process in place COVID-19 Info hub site launches

Daily communication with employees begins

Continuous communication around changing COVID-19 protocols

P&J Crisis Management Team begins early planning & monitoring

Face coverings & social distancing mandatory

Live Town Hall meeting with Q&A




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