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Travis G Black & Associates January 2019

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Travis G Black & Associates January 2020

trap-skate- night-21-tickets-81227639055 When was the last time you strapped on some skates for a fu

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Travis G Black & Associates February 2019

book_discussions.asp Join the Folsom Book Club every month at the public library. All adults are wel

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Travis G. Black & Associates March 2019


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Travis G Black & Associates December 2019

roseville Join thousands of Christmas enthusiasts across the country as they come together to run fo

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America’s Fund, Fregoso Outdoor Foundation, Patriots Honor, and various organizations dedicated to s

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events Visit the Folsom Ice Rink in December to witness the tree lighting this year. The lighting wi

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Travis G Black June 2019

farmers-market Why not get an early start to your weekend by attending your local farmers market? Yo

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Travis G Black September 2019

4 cup pecans, finely chopped • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour • 2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp lemon juice DI

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Travis G Black & Associates January 2019




I’m not someone who is into New Year’s resolutions — to me, it’s all about setting and keeping goals. This is something I practice both in and outside of the office, and I encourage others to do so as well. One of the things my team does every year is get together and set goals, not only for the office, but also as individuals. We’ve been doing this for a few years now and have had a lot of success with it, especially this past year. I’m a firm believer that you need to have a long-term, a medium-term, and a short-term goal. It follows that the short one must fit into the medium, and the medium into the long — if you don’t do this, it’s highly likely that you’re not going to meet the goals you’ve set for yourself. By breaking them up into three parts, you make them more achievable than if you were to head straight for your goal without a clear idea of the steps you need to take to fulfill it. Everyone in the office starts off by writing a list of 15–20 things they want to accomplish or receive at the end of five years. Then, they go back through the list and break them down as best they can. Once everyone has a long- term goal in mind, they look at the 2-1/2 and six-month marks to decide what they need to do to achieve their five-year target. The list that each person writes down becomes a letter of sorts, addressed to our future selves, that we open after one year to see how much closer we are to our aspirations.

One of our office targets was to work toward making our office operate more efficiently and smoothly. After each passing year, with the whole team working toward that goal, we’ve noticed a remarkable difference — it’s worked out better than we ever thought it would.

“I’m a firm believer that you need to have a long- term, a medium-term, and a short-term goal.”

When my team makes personal goals using the same method, I’ve seen them include things like wanting their children to go to college, returning to school themselves, eating healthier, or traveling more often. They then set their three targets of what they need to work toward in achieving that goal. When the letters are opened on Dec. 31, it can be immensely satisfying to see their progress. We’ve been doing this as a team for a couple of years now, and we’ve seen huge successes, but occasionally some goals are never achieved. No matter what happens, the thing that remains crucial in all of this is the long- range goal. When everyone opens that letter from the prior year, they ask themselves, “Am I working toward it? Am I not? Do I need to reevaluate it? Do I need to be more serious?” This method has worked well for me. One of the goals I put into motion was to speak to my children more often. All of my kids are

grown and live away from home, which can make it hard to talk to them on a regular basis. There were times when I would go months without speaking to them. This wasn’t something I wanted, so I sought to change it. Now, every Sunday is dedicated to “family night,” when I call my kids, and have a good long chat with each. Sometimes we get on a conference call, and sometimes we don’t, but I enjoy what we have now, compared to what it was in the past. It’s a time for us to catch up with one another and learn about each other’s lives. If you’re planning to set up goals for the new year, this can be an excellent method for you to try. From all of us at Travis G. Black & Associates, Happy New Year!

-Travis Black

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Car accidents can be one of the most frightening experiences a person faces in their life. Within seconds, your life is flipped upside down. With so much going on at once, it’s often hard to keep calm and think through what you need to do following an accident. SAFETY FIRST The safety of the people involved in the accident should be top priority. If you or your passengers are injured, call 911 immediately, or have someone else call if you can’t. It’s critical not to move people who are seriously injured. Wait for emergency personnel to arrive. GET THE POLICE INVOLVED When a minor accident occurs, people might not think the police need to come, but contacting them will create a record that the accident happened. Having a police record can help you later on if you need to file an insurance claim. If the police arrive shortly after the accident takes place, they will also help keep an accurate record of the details of the event. COLLECT INFORMATION It’s vital for you to exchange information with anyone involved in the accident. Typically, a police officer who responds to the scene will take down information from everyone involved — witnesses included — but if they don’t, grab each of their addresses, names, PROTECTING YOURSELF AFTER AN ACCIDENT For many people, preparing for the New Year’s countdown is the most exhilarating part of the holiday season. You tune your TV to the Times Square ball drop, hand out party hats, confetti, and noisemakers, and meticulously line up some champagne flutes. What’s left to do? Pop open the champagne! There are many partiers who pop the cork with enthusiastic and careless abandon, while others point the bottle away from their faces and anxiously twist the cork until they hear those bubbles surge to the surface. Turns out, while the latter practice may be slightly less fun, it’s certainly the safer approach. On April 8, 1978, Charles J. Murray was injured when a natural cork stopper spontaneously ejected from a bottle of previously unopened Almaden Blanc de Blancs champagne and struck him in the left eye. He was preparing to serve the bubbly to a party of 40 people, so he placed 12 bottles on a rolling cart and removed the foil and wire retainer from three or four bottles — including the one that eventually injured him. Once he started to roll the cart toward the guests, the cork shot out of the bottle all on its own. PUTTING THE ‘PAIN’ IN CHAMPAGNE

Due to the severity of his injury, Murray sued Almaden Vineyards, Inc., National Distillers and Chemical Corporation, and Carbo, Inc., alleging that they were responsible because they failed to include a proper warning label on the bottle. The defendants, however, argued that the cork stopper did not and could not spontaneously eject unless Murray had handled the bottle improperly. The case was argued by both sides for two years, but eventually, Murray won. Almaden Vineyards now prints the following on its bottles: “WARNING: THIS BOTTLE IS UNDER PRESSURE. THE STOPPER WILL EJECT SOON AFTER THE WIRE HOOD REMOVAL. TO PROTECT AGAINST INJURY TO FACE AND EYES, POINT AWAY FROM SELF AND OTHERS WHEN OPENING.” When it comes to bubbly-induced mayhem, the greatest potential trouble lies in the eye of the beholder — literally. With an estimated velocity of 60 miles per hour, uncontrolled corks do in fact fly faster than the blink of an eye. To avoid having to explain a not- so-fashionable eye patch at work on Monday, handle those fizzy drinks with care.

and telephone numbers. Take photos of the damage done to your car and other vehicles involved, as well as any injuries you sustained.

CONTACT YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY You can call your insurance company right at the scene of the accident. Doing this sooner rather than later will keep you up-to-date with what you need to do, and ensures that you receive full benefits. Getting in contact with your attorney can also significantly help you in the aftermath of an accident. They will put their full effort into protecting you, and informing you about any difficulties as they arise. If you’ve been in an accident and don’t know where to turn, call our offices today. Travis G. Black & Associates can provide the comfort and guidance you need.


WHY JANUARY? THE ORIGIN OF NEW YEAR’S DAY The month of January kicks off by welcoming the new year — there are countdowns, fireworks, and of course, the ball drop in a freezing- cold Times Square. But why? Why do we start our calendars when much of the U.S. is in the dead of winter? Why January? The short answer is Julius Caesar and Roman politics. The calendar had long been a political tool in Rome. Depending on who was in power, Roman pontifices would add or subtract entire weeks from the year, manually adjusting the term limits of elected officials. As you could imagine, this caused a lot of chaos, because months frequently slipped out of time with the changing seasons. After becoming emperor, Julius Caesar brought about some much- needed reforms. Inspired by the Egyptian solar calendar, Caesar fixed the Roman year at 365 days and instituted the leap year to keep months aligned with the solstices. He moved the new year from the spring to the day that elected officials traditionally began their year-long terms, Jan. 1. This choice carried spiritual significance, since January was named for Janus, god of doors and gates. What better month to celebrate new beginnings? Under Caesar and subsequent rulers, the Roman

Empire expanded its reach, carrying its calendar with it. While much of Europe adopted Caesar’s calendar, New Year’s Day remained a hot- button issue for centuries. Thanks in part to the spread of Christianity and to the colder conditions in Northern Europe, there was a lot of resistance to the January start date. Religious leaders saw it as a pagan holiday, and much of Europe chose to restart the calendar on March 25, during the Feast of Annunciation. Much of Catholic Europe officially recognized Jan. 1 as the start of the new year after Pope Gregory reformed the solar calendar again, correcting certain mathematical errors made in Caesar’s day. There were still holdouts, however. In fact, England and its American colonies continued to celebrate New Year’s Day in March until 1752. So there you have it — we were very close to having our fireworks celebrations in lovely spring weather. Ultimately, the ubiquity of the Gregorian calendar won out, as the demands of our increasingly interconnected world made a shared calendar a necessity. So if you struggle to start your New Year’s resolutions this winter, blame Julius Caesar.



INGREDIENTS • 1 blood, cara cara, or navel orange, sliced 1/8-inch thick and deseeded • 1 Meyer or regular lemon, sliced 1/8-inch thick and deseeded • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided

• 1/4 small red onion, thinly sliced • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice • 1 bunch arugula


• 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat oven to 425 F.

2. In a rimmed baking sheet, toss citrus slices with 1 tablespoon oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast citrus until lightly charred and caramelized, about 10–15 minutes. Let cool. 3. Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl, combine onion and lemon juice. Season with salt and let sit for 5 minutes. 4. Add citrus, arugula, and mint to onion mixture. Drizzle with remaining oil, season with salt and pepper to taste, and toss thoroughly. 5. Add avocado, combing very gently to not crush avocado. Inspired by Bon Appétit CALL NOW! 916.962.2896 • 3


1839 Iron Point Rd. #160 Folsom, CA 95630 Phone: 916.962.2896

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Individual and Office-Centered Goals PAGE 1 Watch Out for Rogue Champagne Corks This Year PAGE 2 Know What to do After an Accident PAGE 2 Why Start the New Year in Winter? PAGE 3 Citrus and Avocado Salad PAGE 3 Local Events PAGE 4

LOCAL EVENTS PERFECT FOR YOU! Beginning a new year might seem a little daunting — people all around you are going off to experience new things and set up goals for themselves. But where do you start? You can start 2019 the right way with these events! GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE WHERE: The Granite Center WHEN: Wednesday, Jan. 16, 7:30–9 a.m. ADMISSION: Free CONTACT: Dawn Johnson: djohnson@ or 916-985-2698 ext. 17 CUPCAKES & CRAFTS WHERE: Gather Studio & Marketplace WHEN: Check website for times and dates ADMISSION: $15 for 1 child and 1 parent; $10 each additional child WEBSITE: CREATING EXPERIENCES IN THE NEW YEAR

FRANCESCA’S TABLE — FIRST FRIDAY SERIES WHERE: Folsom Public Library WHEN: Friday, Feb. 1, 10-11 a.m. ADMISSION: Free! WEBSITE: Join Francesca Mirabelli as she creates a meal right before your eyes in the most unlikely of places — the library. Attendees will sit at tables and be served an authentic meal by the cook herself. She will delve into the history of pasta as she creates dishes based around wild game, handmade pastas, and farm-fresh produce. If you enjoy pasta, you’ll be keen to catch this event early Friday morning! For more information about things happening in our communities, check out Visit Folsom happening/ and Sacramento 365 https://

Eager to spend time with your little ones? Enjoy cupcakes? You can get both at Gather Studio & Marketplace! Enjoy creating wonderful seasonal crafts, and snack on mini cupcakes provided by the local Little Bliss Cakery. Parents and children looking to spend the day crafting are also welcome to bring their own lunch. For details, and to register, be sure to call the shop at 916-872-1316. You can also purchase a ticket by visiting their website.

The Folsom Chamber of Commerce, Government Affairs Committee, strives to encourage and provide business leadership within the city. If you own a business, the committee is here to give you support. You can join the committee to mingle and enjoy coffee and refreshments.