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Travis G Black & Associates November 2019

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Travis G Black & Associates January 2019

Eager to spend time with your little ones? Enjoy cupcakes? You can get both at Gather Studio & Marke

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Travis G Black & Associates February 2019

book_discussions.asp Join the Folsom Book Club every month at the public library. All adults are wel

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Travis G. Black & Associates March 2019


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Travis G Black & Associates December 2019

roseville Join thousands of Christmas enthusiasts across the country as they come together to run fo

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Travis G Black & Associates May 2019

America’s Fund, Fregoso Outdoor Foundation, Patriots Honor, and various organizations dedicated to s

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Travis G Black & Associates July 2019

free- tuesday-night-tech-clinics-pg212.htm Maintaining your bike might be easier than you think. Whi

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Travis G Black & Associates October 2019

UptownMarket916 With 2019 flying by, December will be here before you know it! If you haven’t starte

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Travis G Black & Associates January 2020

trap-skate- night-21-tickets-81227639055 When was the last time you strapped on some skates for a fu

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Travis G. Black - November 2018

sacramento Did you know that prostate cancer is the most common cancer found among men? Come help ra

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Travis G Black June 2019

farmers-market Why not get an early start to your weekend by attending your local farmers market? Yo

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Travis G Black & Associates November 2019




This month, I learned that there is a holiday called National Take a Hike Day, which takes place on Nov. 17 each year. It reminded me of the many years I spent in Boy Scouts when I was younger, specifically of one of the assistant scoutmasters who led our troop on a few adventures. He was very much involved with hiking and backpacking, which is why he decided to organize an eight-day backpacking trip for us through some of the most beautiful country California has to offer. Growing up, I had a lot of opportunities to go backpacking, but this trip stands out as one of the most memorable. It was set to take place in Mineral King in Sequoia National Park. One of the fathers of my fellow scouts had a cabin there, and we used it as our starting and ending point for the eight-day hike. Getting to Mineral King requires taking one of the most winding roads I had ever been on. I can remember that we had to stop several times, as a few of the boys got car sick. What a way to start our adventure! Once we got to the cabin, everyone crashed for the night in preparation for the upcoming adventure. I don’t think any of us were too worried about being gone for eight days; more than anything else, we were mostly anxious to get started. We were more concerned about the weather, which, although gorgeous, had a reputation for suddenly changing. The next morning, we slipped on our packs and headed out the door. Mineral King is a beautiful place to go backpacking. There are

about a hundred lakes in the area, and every day, we hiked past at least 3 or 4 lakes. We also saw several waterfalls, walked alongside rivers, and saw an incredible number of bears throughout the days. We also got to see the marks they left on the trees where they marked their territory. One night, we could actually hear them walking through the camp. A couple of the men who were with us banged pans together to chase them off. I don’t remember being scared of them, though. They never actually came too near to any of us. We also did a lot of fishing, which was just incredible. The lakes we fished ranged in size, but most of them were pretty small, about half the size of a football field. The amazing thing was that it was like no one had ever fished these lakes before. You’d throw your line out, and you could catch a fish without even trying. They were really small lake trout, but they were still good, and we were so busy having fun that we didn’t mind. At one point in our trip, we stopped to make camp next to a decently sized lake. We all used plastic tube tents that we’d string up and roll our sleeping bags through to sleep under. I closed off one end of my tent to keep the wind from coming through and fell asleep like that. The next morning, it was freezing cold, and everything was dark. I thought I’d woken up in the middle of the night, but I could see a chunk of light at the bottom of my tent. I realized it had snowed the night before and

completely covered my tent. None of us were dressed for snow; yes, we had long pants and coats, but we had nothing to fight off the extreme cold. We got right up, quickly ate breakfast, and started out on the trail again; we knew that the sooner we moved, the warmer we would be. My backpacking adventure to Mineral King has always stuck in my mind as one of the most beautiful trips I’ve ever been on. I’ve wanted to go back and do it again since that first trip, but I’ve never had the chance. If the opportunity does come up, though, I’ll definitely take it. I probably won’t hike the 80 miles I did the first time, but just visiting that area again would be enough for me. –Travis Black

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When we think of the words “insurance companies,” most of us think of our own insurance company and how they will always be there to help us. Isn’t that what we pay premiums for? However, what we often learn is that when it comes time to file a claim, whether it’s through our own or through another person’s insurance company, we quickly discover that they aren’t there to help us at all. Insurance companies may use slogans such as “the good hands company,” “like a good neighbor,” “gets you back where you belong,” or “we keep our promise to you,” but they do not hold up to their own sayings. In reality, the motto of most insurance companies is, “delay, deny, and defend!” Insurance companies always try to deflect blame toward someone else. They want to pay the absolute minimum possible, regardless of what your family is now facing due to the dreadful circumstance they had to go through. They know that the combination of your injuries and the financial stress you are under can be overwhelming and choose not to help. If they can, they will take advantage of that stress to push you into a quick settlement for less than your claim’s full value. NEVER ALLOW AN INSURANCE COMPANY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU Thanksgiving is an excellent time to teach children about gratefulness. By planning some fun, gratitude-themed games, you can impart a valuable lesson and spend some quality family time together. Get your kids in the holiday spirit by adding a Thanksgiving twist to these classic games. PICTIONARY Want to bring out your kids’ creative sides? Pictionary is the perfect way to encourage artistic expression and grateful thinking. Try adding a rule where players have to draw something they’re grateful for. This will get your kids thinking beyond turkey and stuffing and give them an imaginative way to express their gratitude. Plus, who doesn’t love a good art contest? GUESS WHO? To play gratitude-themed Guess Who?, have each participant write down their name and something they’re thankful for on a slip of paper

and put it in a bowl. Then, at the dinner table, have each person draw a random slip and read what it says without saying the name while everyone else tries to guess who wrote it. While Pictionary may get your kids talking about what they are thankful for, Guess Who? will tune them into what others around them are thankful for too. PICK-UP STICKS Like regular pick-up sticks, the goal is to remove a stick from a haphazard pile without disturbing the others. However, by using colored sticks that represent different kinds of thankfulness — such as places, people, or food — you can make players think outside the box. This will ensure you get a wide range of creative, thoughtful answers whenever the kids pick up a stick. These modified games are great for helping your kids realize how much they have to be thankful for. Use these to spend some fun, educational, quality time with your family this Thanksgiving.

Stopping that from happening is a huge part of what our team does at the Law Offices of Travis G. Black & Associates. We know how insurance companies work. More importantly, we know how to leverage the power of the law for our client’s benefit. When the insurance companies refuse to listen to reason, we are unafraid to take your claim to court. We have the experience in court and the knowledge that gets results. Personal injury law is a complex minefield of legal traps and pitfalls thanks to the games played by insurance companies. That’s why having an experienced legal team by your side is critical to the success of your case. The Law Offices of Travis G. Black & Associates offers full- service legal counsel to individuals who have been hurt through the carelessness or negligence of others. If you’ve had difficulties with your insurance company, call our offices today. Our consultations are free, and we take all cases on a contingency fee basis.


GET READY FOR GOOD NUTRITION IN NOVEMBER! 3 TIPS TO GET YOUR PICKY EATERS TO EAT THE VEGGIES THEIR BODIES NEED It might seem strange that November — when millions of Americans gather around the dinner table to show gratitude through lavish Thanksgiving feasts — has recently been dubbed Good Nutrition Month. But it’s true; now is the time to pay extra attention to the nutrients your body needs to maintain its healthy state through the new year. While mindful eating is a habit families know they should practice year-round, once the holiday season kicks into full gear, it becomes much easier to overlook. With colder weather keeping you inside, the cravings for heartier meals and delicious baked goods leave parents struggling to encourage their picky eaters to consume anything nutritious. If you’re finding it more difficult than usual to convince your child to eat their greens, here are some tips to keep in mind! 1. LET THEM HELP. If your child has grown out of the toddler stage and is still resistant to eating their vegetables, child psychologists say you should have them help with the cooking process. The excitement and anticipation that comes with getting to prepare the vegetables can encourage kids to try a couple bites during dinnertime.

2. CHEESE IT UP! Cheese can undoubtedly make veggies more appealing for your little ones. When making their favorite mac ‘n’ cheese dish, consider adding broccoli and peas to the sauce. The cheese will mask most of the veggie flavor, and your kids won’t care as much! Another option for really picky eaters is to purée vegetables, like sweet potatoes, into the cheese sauce. The bright orange color will mask the inclusion, ensuring your little one gets a good share of fiber-rich nutrients while being none the wiser. 3. GET ‘BEEFY’ WITH YOUR VEGGIES . If your kids are fans of meat-based pasta sauces, meatballs, or sloppy Joes, you can substitute some of the ground beef with finely chopped mushrooms. Since the meaty texture of the tasty fungi is similar to ground beef, it’ll be hard for kids to notice the difference. Riced cauliflower can also be mistaken for tender ground beef when cooked in darker sauces and gravies. While it can be frustrating to negotiate with a picky eater, especially during the holidays, don’t lose hope. Try out these three tasty tips and observe Good Nutrition Month with a little more ease.



INGREDIENTS • 2 lbs whole green beans, ends trimmed

• 6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced • 1/2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • Kosher salt, to taste

DIRECTIONS 1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. To the side of the stove, prepare a large bucket of ice water. 2. Cook beans in boiling water for 4 minutes. Immediately transfer to ice water. Drain and pat dry. 3. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 30 seconds. Stir in ground ginger and crushed pepper. Add green beans. 4. Cook together for 2–3 minutes. 5. Transfer to plate and serve.

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Inspired by Food & Wine Magazine


1839 Iron Point Rd. #160, Folsom, CA 95630 Phone: 916.962.2896


8 Days in Mineral King PAGE 1 Gratitude-Themed Games for Kids PAGE 2 Getting the Law on Your Side PAGE 2 Trick Your Picky Eaters PAGE 3 Green Beans With Ginger and Garlic PAGE 3 EVENTS NEAR YOU! You don’t have to look very far to find events perfect for you and a couple friends or the whole family. Keep an eye out for these exciting activities! ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS TO THE FULLEST

ICE RINK OPENING DAY WHERE: Folsom Historic District WHEN: Friday, Nov. 15; 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. ADMISSION: See website for details WEBSITE: Hit the ice this month as the Folsom Ice Rink opens up once again! Bring your family or friends down to Folsom Historic District, strap on a pair of skates, and get ready to have an excellent time. The rink is perfect for both veteran skaters and newbies who are eager to try this activity out for the first time. The rink will be open until Jan. 20, so don’t miss out on your chance this winter. Be sure to dress warmly and have plenty of fun.

DANCING & KARAOKE WHERE: The Opera House Saloon, Roseville WHEN: Tuesdays; 6:30 p.m. to midnight ADMISSION: $5–$7 to enter WEBSITE: karaoke-every-tuesday-tickets-69209159459 Looking to have a fun night out? Join dancing and singing enthusiasts as they head over to the Opera House Saloon for a music-filled evening! If you’re looking to get in a bit of dancing beforehand, you can join Mike Del Campo in his dancing lessons from 7–8 p.m. Guests will also have access to the Opera House Saloon’s full bar, and specials will last until 10 p.m. With this event, your Tuesday evenings just got a lot better.

CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING WHERE: Folsom Historic District WHEN: Friday, Dec. 6; 6–9 p.m. ADMISSION: Free! WEBSITE:

Visit the Folsom Ice Rink in December to witness the tree lighting this year. The lighting will be accompanied by ice skating, singing, horse and carriage rides, face painting, and all sorts of festive cheer. Join your community in this bright and cheerful moment. The tree lighting will be at 7:30 p.m. Don’t forget to mark your calendars and head on over!



As a valued client, I want you to be 100% SATISFIED with your decision to hire me as your lawyer. You should know within 90 days whether or not I am the right lawyer for you. So I offer you a RISK-FREE PROMISE, NO-QUESTIONS-ASKED GUARANTEE!

If you are NOT 100% SATISFIED with my services, you can fire me and NOT OWE ME ONE PENNY!

CALL NOW! 916.962.2896 -Travis Black