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Travis G Black September 2019

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Travis G Black June 2019

farmers-market Why not get an early start to your weekend by attending your local farmers market? Yo

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Travis G. Black August 2019

8454713 Love singing? Love beer? Then you’ll love this recurring weekend event! With over 20 craft b

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Travis G Black April 2019


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Travis G. Black - November 2018

sacramento Did you know that prostate cancer is the most common cancer found among men? Come help ra

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Travis G Black & Associates January 2019

Eager to spend time with your little ones? Enjoy cupcakes? You can get both at Gather Studio & Marke

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Travis G Black & Associates February 2019

book_discussions.asp Join the Folsom Book Club every month at the public library. All adults are wel

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Travis G. Black & Associates March 2019


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Travis G Black & Associates December 2019

roseville Join thousands of Christmas enthusiasts across the country as they come together to run fo

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Travis G Black & Associates May 2019

America’s Fund, Fregoso Outdoor Foundation, Patriots Honor, and various organizations dedicated to s

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Travis G Black & Associates November 2019

events Visit the Folsom Ice Rink in December to witness the tree lighting this year. The lighting wi

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Travis G Black September 2019




Labor Day is a time to honor the working class, and, for me, I want to honor my father. Growing up, my family was poor, but as kids, we didn’t know it. My parents did everything they could to take care of us; my mom always made homemade meals, and my dad was a hard-working laborer. He worked at a factory that made steam irons. Back then, the bottom of the iron was made out of metal, and my dad’s job was to mold it. He worked with molten metal, and, as you might imagine, it was extremely hot. On an average day, the temperature of his work environment reached up to 150 degrees F, and, in the summertime, that was in addition to the 100-degree weather. To avoid the brunt of all that heat, Dad always worked the graveyard shift. He did so much to support his family. I remember waking up some mornings, and I’d look outside to see him driving home after a long shift. He’d park in the driveway, and, sometimes, he’d be so tired that he would open the door of his pickup and just sit there. “I learned at a young age that it’s better to do a job right the first time than to go back and do it again.”

The main lesson my dad instilled in me was to work hard at any job I had to do. He taught me that if I was going to do a job, it was always best to put everything I had into it to get the best results, even if it was something as simple as mowing the lawn. From the time I was old enough to push a lawn mower, it was my job to make sure the grass was cut. There were a lot of times where I’d have just finished, and dad would come out and make me recut certain areas. I learned at a young age that it’s better to do a job right the first time than to go back and do it again. I started delivering newspapers when I was a little older, but my first real job was working as a box boy and stocker at a grocery store in high school and into college. At 3 a.m., I’d go to work and arrive just as the delivery truck pulled in. A couple of my coworkers and I would unload the truck, take all the merchandise into the store, and start putting everything up on the shelves.

Once I got out of college, I became a police officer, but I never forgot what my dad taught me. In all the jobs I’ve had, my philosophy has been to do the best I can, no matter what the work is. As a police officer, I trained numerous young officers, and I remember being pretty strict. There were many times I would make them do a job over and over again until they got it right. Years later, those same officers thanked me for teaching them how to do things correctly. I was always very proud that I had that reputation. Once I retired from law enforcement due to an injury, I went to law school and became an attorney. Now, everyone in the office strives to do the very best we can for our clients to make sure they’re taken care of in whatever situation they’re faced with. –Travis Black

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Bicycling has taken off in the last 10 years. Bikes are used for both exercise and transportation, but their surge in popularity has come with a cost. Across the U.S., 677 pedal cyclists were killed in 2011, and another 48,000 were injured in crashes with motor vehicles, representing 2% of deaths and 2% of injuries caused by traffic collisions that year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Sadly, this number accounts for 4% in California. In 2012, 338 cyclists were killed in California, and California had a higher number of cyclist deaths than any other state that year. • The average age of cyclists killed in crashes with motor vehicles is on the rise: 45 in 2014, 39 in 2001, 32 in 1998, and 24 in 1988. • 88% of cyclists killed in crashes with motor vehicles are male. • 71% of bicyclist fatalities occur in urban areas. • 20% of bicyclist fatalities occur between 6–8:59 p.m. • 19% of bicyclists killed in 2014 had blood alcohol levels of .08 or higher. • In 2012, 66% of fatally injured bicyclists were not wearing helmets. BICYCLE ACCIDENTS IN CALIFORNIA KNOW WHAT TO DO IF YOU’RE INJURED Here are more sobering facts to consider. If you feel like you’ve hardly seen your kids since the school year started, you’re not alone. Americans are way too busy — from childhood onward, we’re always running hither and thither, packing in as many after-school activities, work-related meetings, and social engagements as possible. It’s a problem so pervasive that it has a name: time scarcity. Families feel time scarcity keenly after school starts in September, when children’s schedules explode with engagements. But all hope for close ties isn’t lost; there are ways to stay connected with your spouse and kids, even in an increasingly busy world. Here are some ideas from counselors, teachers, and psychologists who claim to have mastered the art. REMEMBER YOUR RITUALS Rituals make up the backbone of individual families and society at large. Most people wouldn’t dream of abandoning their holiday traditions, so why forgo the smaller rituals that bring families together? STAYING CONNECTED HOW TO KEEP YOUR FAMILY CLOSE IN A BUSY WORLD

Whether it’s eating dinner at the same table each evening, watching a movie together every Thursday night, or going on a monthly getaway, make sure these traditions aren’t canceled. If your family doesn’t have many rituals, a great way to connect is to start some. MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT As cliche as it sounds, when you don’t have much time together, it’s crucial to be present for every minute of it. If you have a rare half hour at home with one of your kids, make a point to spend it in the same room and try to start a conversation. If you squeeze in a romantic dinner with your spouse, turn off your phones before the food comes. Listening to each other without distractions will strengthen your

relationship. HUG IT OUT

Physical contact is vital for closeness. When you get the chance, hug your kids, hold hands with your spouse, and do physical activities as a family, like hiking, biking, or even playing group sports. It’s been scientifically proven that physical closeness leads to emotional closeness, so if you’re low on time, take advantage of that shortcut!

After an accident, there are steps bicyclists can take to protect their rights to recover. If possible, take pictures of the aftermath of the accident and collect information from the driver of the vehicle involved. This includes their name, insurance information, address, and license plate number. In addition, try to obtain contact information from anyone who may have witnessed the accident. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, you should immediately contact one of our attorneys. We understand that cycling accidents can significantly impact your life and your family. The team at Travis G. Black & Associates has decades of experience dealing with insurance companies and successfully handling bike accident cases, including recovery, lost wages, pain and suffering, and the cost to repair or replace the bicycle.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WHO? THE STRANGE HISTORY OF ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ Is your calendar full of birthday parties this month? You’re not alone. In the United States, more people are born in September than in any other month, meaning Americans will sing many choruses of “Happy Birthday” this month. This popular tune has a surprisingly controversial history. First composed by sisters Mildred and Patty Hill in 1893, the familiar melody originally belonged to a song called “Good Morning to All,” a song the sisters sang to their students every morning. Over time, the word “birthday” entered variations of the song and became a popular party tune. By the 1930s, “Happy Birthday” appeared all over in films and on the radio, prompting Mildred and Patty’s sister, Jessica, to secure the copyright to “Happy Birthday” due to its similarity to “Good Morning to All.” In 1988, Warner Music acquired the copyright, and the song’s ingrained popularity ensured a profit. They reportedly made $2 million a year on royalty charges. The Walt Disney Company paid $5,000 to use the song in a parade, and many documentaries were INSPIRED BY NATURE

also impacted by the copyright. The civil rights documentary “Eyes on the Prize” never made it to DVD because the royalties charge on a scene of Martin Luther King celebrating his birthday was so high. Due to its age and popularity, many people have insisted “Happy Birthday” is, or at least should be, in the public domain. When Warner Music tried to charge filmmaker Jennifer Nelson royalties to make a film about the song, she filed a lawsuit. Her attorneys uncovered a 1922 songbook featuring “Happy Birthday” without any copyright notice. They even suggested Warner Music knowingly hid the songbook because it proved “Happy Birthday” had been in the public domain for decades. In 2015, a U.S. judge ruled that “Happy Birthday” is not under copyright. So, the next time you record guests singing “Happy Birthday” at a birthday party, you don’t have to worry about paying royalties if you upload it online.


INGREDIENTS Filling: • 5 lbs Granny Smith

Topping: • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour • 1/3 cup brown sugar • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon • 1/4 tsp salt • 6 tbsp chilled butter, cut into pieces • 1/4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped

apples, peeled, cored, and chopped

• 1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour • 2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp lemon juice

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix all filling ingredients together. Transfer to individual serving ramekins. 3. In a different mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, and salt for the topping. Mix in butter until it forms lumps roughly the size of a pea, then stir in pecans. Sprinkle topping over filling. 4. Bake for 35–40 minutes, let stand for 10 minutes, and serve.

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Inspired by Food Network


1839 Iron Point Rd. #160, Folsom, CA 95630 Phone: 916.962.2896

INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Philosophy I Learned From My Dad PAGE 1 How to Keep Your Family Close in a Busy World PAGE 2 Bicycle Accidents in California PAGE 2 Who Can Sing ‘Happy Birthday’? PAGE 3 Classic Apple Crisp PAGE 3


FOLSOM RENAISSANCE FAIRE WHERE: Folsom City Lions Park WHEN: Saturday–Sunday, Sept. 28–29 ADMISSION: $8–$16 WEBSITE: People who are eager to attend their next renaissance faire or those who have never experienced one before will be sore to miss this spectacular gathering! Interact with 800 actors who put on shows from medieval times and enjoy jousting championships, duels, dancing, and a bard’s tale. Guests will also enjoy parades, games, arts, crafts, and plenty of food and drink. All attendees are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite renaissance apparel and prepared to have a day full of fun!

Don’t worry about making plans for the weekend when you have these delightful events near you. Take a break from the workweek by heading to these three local happenings!

1,000 LIGHTS WATER LANTERN FESTIVAL WHERE: Folsom Lake WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 14, 5–9 p.m. ADMISSION: $0–$24.99 WEBSITE:

‘DOWNTON ABBEY’ TEA WHERE: Murer House and Learning Center WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 21, 12:30–3 p.m. ADMISSION: $55 WEBSITE: In celebration of the “Downton Abbey” movie, the Murer House is hosting a classic tea party. Guests are encouraged to come dressed from the 1920s, and prizes for the most elegant hat, most royal-visit-ready hat, best vintage hat, and best whimsical hat will be handed out. For more information about this event, visit the website or contact Cindy Baker at 916.985.3250.

Join the multitudes for a magical evening as they come together at Folsom Lake to set a thousand water lanterns afloat on its still surface. Come with family, friends, or by yourself to experience this captivating event. Whether you’re lighting a candle to share your hopes and dreams or remembering a friend or loved one, this night will be one to remember for many years to come.



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CALL NOW! 916.962.2896 -Travis Black