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Tribute Book 2022 Gala

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Tribute Book 2022 Gala

Levine Academy Annual Gala Tribute Book

Honoring SandyHaymannMarks Sunday, March 6, 2022

RubySponsors ($18,000) Ann & Nate Levine

SilverSponsors ($10,000) Janet & Jeff Beck

Dot & Basil Haymann Sandy & Andrew Marks

SapphireSponsors ($5,000) Janet Behringer Lisa & Randy Fleisher The Schultz Family The Texas Jewish Post DiamondSponsors ($3,600) Carol & Steve Aaron Stacey & Chuck Butler Lois & Malcolm Davidson Julie & Gary Haymann Tina & Marcus Orlowski Sury & David Sacher Susan & Steve Wilkofsky

GoldSponsors ($2,500) Claudia & Brian Frankel Ashley & Marc Grossfeld* Veronique & Hylton Jonas* Emily & Larry Kern Carol & Mark Kreditor Sandra & David Veeder

PearlSponsors ($1,800)

Congregation Shearith Israel Sandy & Howard Donsky Kim & Dan Gold Pam & Jonathan Goldminz Jennifer & Jerald Goldstein* Nina & Jonathan Goodman Bonnie & Michael Grossfeld* Nancy & Solomon Israel Marcia & Jaime Kopel Amy & Harlan Korenvaes

Meriplex Communications / Shani & Jeff Romick Jolie & Michael Newman Risha & Steven Reiman Lilach & Amichai Ron Marilyn & Stanley Rothstein Laurie & David Sokolsky Debra & Elliot Tannenbaum Jackie & Steve Waldman / IMA Waldman Laura & Ben Weinstein

EmeraldSponsors ($1,000) Janet & Jack Baum* Diane & Mark Fleschler Frannie & Robert Gardner Gillian & Roy Greenberg, Michelle & Bryan Lurie Angela Horowitz & Doug French Helen & Frank Risch Rockefeller Capital Management

EmeraldSponsors (continued) Michelle & Daniel Rosenberg Dafna & Neil Rubinstein

Lisa & Steve Rudner Saville, Dodgen & co Amy & Steve Schachter Leora & Larry Short

Andrea & Loren Weinstein Donna & Herbert Weitzman Lauren & Jeff Zlotky

UnderwritingSponsorships: Bar Sponsor Anonymous

Video Sponsor Dalfen Industrial / Gabriela & Sean Dalfen

Valet Sponsor Marsh & McLennan Agency / Kevin Pailet, Dan Prescott, & Stuart Prescott

Photo Booth Sponsor Key Whitman Eye Center / Bonnie & Jeffrey Whitman

Entertainment Sponsor Legacy Orthodontics / Allison & Joshua Becker

Raffle Sponsors Eileen & Steve Lee Shira Diamonds / Adva & Kfir Rahamim

Table & Chairs Sponsors Ortholazer / Julie & Ian Wilkofsky

UnderwritingSponsorships (continued)

Centerpiece Sponsor Behringer Investments

Dessert Sponsor Julia Weis - Gittlitz & Seth Gittlitz

Stage Sponsor Cantoni / Carolyn & Michael Wilkov

Student Art Sponsor UBS / Kari & David Goldberg

TeacherTicketSponsors: Carol & Steve Aaron Janet & Jeff Beck Diana & Bradley Behringer Janet Behringer Eden & Tom Elieff Claudia & Brian Frankel Diana & Leon Frid Michelle & Ran Friedman Nina & Jonathan Goodman Marcia & Jaime Kopel Amy & Harlan Korenvaes Frieda & Edward Khalameizer Charmaine Lampert Ann & Nate Levine Shaun & Jeremy Medows Jodi & Joshua Music Janis & Allan Peiser Sabina & Scott Pincus Lauren & Daniel Rothstein Andrea & Brett Steiger Stephanie & Beau Taylor Texas Jewish Post Jackie & Steve Waldman Susie & Ellis Wolbe Julie & Aharon Yochananov

Thank you to ourTeam of Gala Volunteers!

Board Chair Marc Grossfeld

Development Chair Julie Wilkofsky

Gala Chairs Beth Weinstein Laura Weinstein Shana Staub

Honorary Chairs Dot & Basil Haymann

Tribute Journal Brad Behringer Tara Karp Julie Weis Gittlitz

Sponsorship chairs Julie & Gary Haymann

Honorary Committee Tracy Haymann & BJ Elliot Julie & Gary Haymann Dot & Basil Haymann Veronique & Hylton Jonas Emily & Larry Kern Ann & Nate Levine Amy & Steve Schachter

Development Committee Brad Behringer Randy Fleisher Marc Grossfeld Sandy Marks Solomon Israel Hylton Jonas Emily Kern Mark Kreditor

Mahra Pailet Risha Reiman

Gala Committee Dana Abrams Rebecca Bashara

Laura Weinstein Julie Wilkofsky

Nili Bueckert Stacey Butler Gabby Dalfen

Host Committee Stacey & Chuck Butler Julie & Jared Drinkwater Judy Glazer Kari & David Goldberg Pam & Jonathan Goldminz Ashley & Marc Grossfeld Izzy Haymann Kaya Haymann Tina & Marcus Orlowski Einat & Gil Sadka Julie & Ian Wilkofsky Julie & Michael Zimmermann

Shera Dressman Julie Drinkwater Jacqui Felder Alysha Frieden Julie Weis Gittlitz Kim Gold Ashley Grossfeld Julie Haymann Emily Luskey Natalie Mellman Tina Orlowski Jenalee Raphael Einat Sadka Jennifer Tonini Petty Weiss Julie Yochananov Brittany Zeltser Julie Zimmermann


AuctionDonors (continued)

AuctionDonors (continued)

AuctionDonors (continued)

Mazel Tov to Levine Academy for providing an outstanding Education and foundation for the future leaders of our Jewish Community. The professionals that fill the halls at this institution embrace each & every child with love, honor, and pride well beyond the books that they teach from.

You are the heart and soul that make this institution the very special place that we all call “home. ”

You not only have survived challenges But have thrived!

Serving you has been an honor and a privilege.

With love, respect, and gratitude Sandy, Andrew, Jake, & Adrianna marks

To the Mo s t Amaz ing Wi f e & Mo ther in the Wor l d!! We congratulat e you on t hi s t r emendou s honor! The r e i s no th ing you can’t ac comp l i sh when you put your mind t o i t… f rom s choo l , fami l y , bu s ine s s , and communi ty , you ar e the be s t e ve r! Lov e And rew, Jake ,

Ad r ianna , & Hud s on (your favor i t e!)

Sandy Haymann Marks , Mazel To v

Your who le fami ly i s s o pr oud of you . You are the mo s t amaz i ng wife , mother , daughter , commun i ty member , & bus i nes s par tne r . We are al l s o pr oud of the example you s et fo r your chi ldren , n ieces , nephews , and fr i ends . Wi th Lo ve , Mom & Dad

In appreciation

Of all your

Hard work

And dedication

To our

Levine families

Mazel Tov Sandy An award well deserved Withlove, Howard&SandyFrysh Charles,Jodi, Samantha,Brenna,&DevynNorton

If we do not add to education we diminish it. Talmud

Mazel Tov to Sandy Haymann Marks for this well - deserved honor. Thank you to the teachers of Ann & Nate Levine Academy for their outstanding work in this difficult year.

The Schultz Family



Monday — Friday 9:00am — 4:30pm Saturday 9am — 12:00pm (972) 941-9697 (972) 807-2012 Fax

12200 Park Central Drive Suite 405B Dallas TX 75251

Mazel tov to

Sandy Haymann Marks

for this well-deserved honor!

Jeremy & Shaun Medows

“ Our community could not exist without it’s volunteers.

They are the lifeblood of our organizations …”

- Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks OBM

Mazel Tov, Sandy, on this well deserved honor!

Jackie & Steve Waldman

Thank you, Sandy, for your ongoing personal and professional leadership in helping Levine continue its evolution as a top tier private school. All our admiration, Nancy, Sarina, and Solomon Israel

Mazel Tov Sandy! Thank you for your unending devotion to Levine Academy. Through your leadership & guidance, our community has strengthened & flourished.

You are an exemplary role model & we are all better Because of you! with love & best wishes, Bonnie & Mike Grossfeld

We join in paying tribute to SANDY HAYMANN MARKS

Your hard work & dedication to the Levine Academy is an inspiration. May you continue to do good and inspire others to do the same.

Elliot & Debra Tannenbaum

Diamond Treasures 4201 Spring Valley Road, Suite 530, Dallas TX 75244 (214) 749-1145

Barbara & Arnie Stokol

We express our gratitude to the Gala honoree, Sandy Marks. She has been a compassionate advocate for Levine Academy, as well as our entire community! Sandy is a shining star in our lives and leads by example; I am honored to be in her company and thankful for her unconditional friendship. She is always available to lend an ear or a shoulder with sincerity and a smile, and her ability to make everyone feel special is unique to her character; we all cherish her so very much! With much LOVE, Tina, Marcus, Henry, & Cayman Orlowski

Sandy, you are a superhero who finds a way to balance everything important in your life - family, community and friends.

Thank you for being such an inspiration and a "ray of light" in our community. We love you so much! Ashely, Marc, Jacob, Jonathan, & Sarah Grossfeld

Sandy Haymann Marks, Congratulations on being a well-deserving honoree, as well as a great pillar of the community. Mazel Tov! Stacey & Chuck

Congratulations Sandy! ...and thank you for all you’ve done to help create an amazing school that encourages

our grandchildren to grow, learn, and love being Jewish. Emily & Larry Kern


Yasher Koach for your wonderful service to Levine Academy. Thank you to those who came before you and thank you to those who will come after you.

With love, Lois & Malcolm Davidson

Congra tul a t i ons and Thanks t o Sandy Haymann Marks !

wi th l ove , Amy & Harl an Korenvaes

Sury Feinstein, David Sacher Solomon Schechter Class of 1989

Sandy, Thank you so much for all your hard work, dedicat ion, and leadersh ip. We apprec iate all you have done for Lev ine! Love, Kim, Dan, Samantha, Jessie, & Josh Gold

Thank you, Aunt Sandy, for helping shape our school, our community, and our futures. We appreciate all the time and effort you have spent over the

years working to ensure the growth and success of Levine Academy. You are an incredible role model and leader for all who surround you. We love you so much, Mazel Tov! Julie, Gary, Izzie, Kaya, & Eli Haymann

Mazel Tov Sandy! You are so deserving of this honor & we are in awe of all you do! the time and effort you have poured into Levine Academy, benefitting the school & all of our children, has us so grateful! You are a shining light in our lives and one of the most gen- uine, caring, & Supportive people we know. We love you, The goldminz family

*We are so fortunate that Levine Academy offers classes from infant through 8th grade; it was incredibly special for us & our children To attend Levine Together during the 2019-2020 school year!

Congratulations & “Thank you” to Sandy, and the entire Levine Board, Faculty, and Staff for a successful year. We appreciate your hard work & dedication,

and we are so proud to be a part of the wonderful Levine community. Sandra and David Veeder & Family

A huge Mazel Tov for such a well-deserved honor! You have done so much for the Levine Community and we are so very appreciative for all that you do! Congratulations!! Jonathan, Nina, Eliana, & Benjamin Goodman


Your commitment, enthusiasm, and outstanding leadership benefit all our children, grandchildren, and the Jewish community. Many thanks to the dedicated teachers and staff for their devotion to the Levine Academy.

Susan & Steven Wilkofsky

Sandy, Congratulations on your well-deserved honor. Of course,

Mazel Tov S andy!

Your dedication and hard work Has made a difference to Levine Academy

given the level of selfless devotion you’ve shown to Levine Academy, your community, family, & friends,


With love, The Glanger Family

you deserve at least another 100 of these. The Rose Family

Thank you, Sandy, for your meticulous guidance on the academic & cultural development of Levine Academy. Your insight has shaped our children’s Jewish values and academic growth since Maya’s 1st grade year. Your hard work & dedication are greatly appreciated. Mazel Tov! All our love,

Neal, Paige, Maya, & Gabe Rothstein

[email protected] (972) 362 - 6106

Congratulations on this amazing honor!

The Caplovitz Sadka Families

Mazel Tov to Sandy! I am so appreciative of

your hard work & dedication, and have enjoyed working with & getting to know you over these last 5 years! Such a well-deserved honor! Yael Twito

Congratulations Sandy Haymann Marks, as the Gala Honoree and for your relentless commitment to the Ann & Nate Levine Academy.

Suellen & A.J. Rosmarin

THANK YOU, SANDY Your love for Levine, its faculty, staff, & community, with your extraordinary vision, has propelled

us forward. Judy Glazer


foryour inspiring



Sandy Haymann Marks is truly one of a kind! She thinks of giving, not only as a duty, but as a privilege. We are all better for having Sandy touch our lives. Much love, Roxanne Cohen, Cori Malaby, Sharon Surloff, and Families

Sandy, you have always been so special to your community and family, and this honor is well-earned and deserved. I am proud to be your friend. Patti & Michael Steinmetz

with gratitude for all you have done for Levine.

and to the entire 8th grade graduating class. We are so proud of you & the amazing people you have become. Jonathan & Andy Blum

On behalf of the 2021-2022

8th grade graduating class,

we say

“thank you” to

Sandy Haymann Marks

& the entire Levine Academy staff,

for your personal influence

on our children’s Jewish education experience.

From the board room to the classroom,

your guidance has prepared

this amazing group of graduates

to leave Levine with solid roots

grounded in Jewish values,

& academically prepared

to broaden their minds.

Thank you for this gift you have given them.


TEACHER: Where is your homework? STUDENT: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren ’ t the best teacher in school.

Thank you 5 th grade teachers & advisors, we appreciate you!

Thank you, Mrs. Shari & Mrs. Audrey, for guiding us, inspiring us, and making us what we are today. You are both very much appreciated. With love, our 2021- 2022 3’s Class