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Triple Clear_Flip Book



Environmentally friendly water purification technologies

for commercial, industrial and consumer markets.

TripleClear Force Field TM


Submicron Depth Filtration Series The Triple Clear Force Field™ Submicron Depth Filtration Series uses a proprietary, patented, electroadsorptive media technology capable of removing submicron pathogens and inorganic contaminants through electro-adhesion and ion exchange. This technology makes it possible for a nonwoven media to produce filtration efficiency comparable to ultra membrane filtration, but at very low pressure drop. Force Field™ will work equally well in fresh, brackish, or salt water due to its high flow rates and high loading capacity. The media consists of coated micro-glass fibers produced using a wet laid nonwoven manufacturing technology. The base media is laminated between layers of spun-bond to provide both strength and pleat support. The media in the Force Field™ Filter is NSF 61-approved (Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects), and USP Class VI testing and endotoxin testing. The resulting filters have the ability to remove virus, bacteria, cyst, trace pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, RNA, DNA, VOC’s, organic acids, and cellular debris with almost no pressure drop, and no need for chemical treatment. Perfect for potable water applications, water re-use, reducing RO membrane biofouling, HVAC legionella protection, biofilm reduction, and securing the safety of stored water. Unlike any other filter on the market, Triple Clear’s Force Field TM Filters solve water challenges simply and effectively.

Photos courtesy of R. Ristau, IMS, Univ.

FIG.1: Shown above are three, 0.65 micron microglass fibers coated with alumina that form a pore approx 3 x 2 microns in size. Such a large pore allows for high flow rate at very low pressure drop but as a mechanical filter, has only about 2-3 micron initial efficiency. There are approximately 400 such pore structure layers in the Force Field TM Filter media to produce an excellent depth filtration media.

FIG. 2: When exposed to water between pH 5 – 9.5, a charge potential is generated by the natural crystal structure of the alumina fibers. The resulting charge field radiates to a maximum distance of 1-micron from the fibers as represented by the red shaded area. Expressed as streaming zeta potential, the charge field of Force Field TM Filters have been consistently measured as greater than 53 millivolts at pH 7.2.

FIG.3: Force Field™ has been specifically engineered to have an average pore size of 2 microns and a mean flow pore of 0.7 microns. This allows the charge field created by the alumina fibers to effect the total volume of the individual pores as well as virtually the entire void volume of the filter media itself! 1-micron Force Field TM Filter media has more than 400 individual pores making up the average sheet thickness of 0.8 mm. Contaminants are removed by being exposed to a torturous path through the media, depth and the powerful electropositive charge field generated by the alumina fibers.

FIGURES 1-3 above represent magnified views of the Force Field TM Filter media, and the processes of what takes place during the electrical charge created by the alumina fibers (from natural boehmite).


[email protected]


How Does the Force Field TM

Filter Work?

WITH FORCE FIELD TM FILTER – even if there is a “hole” or “pore” in the media that would seem big enough to let a virus or particle pass – it does not pass. There is an electropositive + charge to the Triple Clear Force Field TM Filter media that electrically attracts and bonds to viruses and particles. Water molecules have 10 protons and 10 electrons, so as a whole they are neutral and pass freely through the media. Viruses contain DNA or RNA which is negatively charged because of the phosphate ions that make up the chemical backbone. The positive charge of the Force Field TM Filter attracts the viruses’ negative charge and holds them in place in the Triple Clear Force Field TM Filter media. Force Field TM Filter nanofibers are shown at right. With Force Field TM Filter about half the atoms of the fiber are on the surface of the fiber itself. At the atomic level, unique things can occur. Based on the crystaline 1 properties of the mineral pseudoboehmite 2 , AIO(OH) active fibers are 2 nanometers in diameter by 250 nanometers in length. The small size of the AIO(OH) fibers allows Triple Clear technology to operate on the atomic level.

Pseudoboehmite at Crystal Structural Level This image to the right is a representation of the crystal structure of the mineral pseudoboehmite, AIO(OH) - the active ingredient in Force Field TM Filter. The bonds holding the crystal together “relax” when exposed to water. When the bonds relax, some of the electrical energy that was used to hold the mineral structure together will radiate out about 1 micron from the fibers. This positive charge is what adsorbs contaminants having a negative charge as they approach the pores. Force Field TM Filter has been designed so the pores are 1.75 micron in size, thus the entire void volume of the Triple Clear Force Field TM Filter media is energized by the charge generated.

1 Crystalline: In a crystal the atoms are arranged in a regular periodic manner. 2 Pseudoboehmite is an aluminum oxide hydroxide compound with chemical composition AIO(OH).

Triple Clear Force Field TM Filter Reduction Capabilities

• Arsenic V 8.5 pH* • Bromate • Chromium IV • Manganese Nitrate • Mercury 6.5 pH* • Mercury 8.5 pH*

• Arsenic III 6.5 pH* • Arsenic III 8.5 pH* • Arsenic V 6.5 pH* • Bromine (white) • Ferrous Iron* • Lead 6.5 pH* • Soluble Silica • Trihalomethanes (THM) • Chloramine* • VOC

• Virus 1 • Bacteria 2 • Cyst* • Humic Acid

Triple Clear Force Field TM Filter has been tested repeatedly with a variety of submicron particles, colloids, virus, bacteria and cellular debris to determine what Force Field TM Filter will and will not reduce. The table to the left shows the reduction effectiveness of the Triple Clear Force Field TM Filter.

• Bromine (carbon) • Chlorine* (carbon) • Iodine (carbon) • Lead 8.5 pH* • Ortho-phospate • PCBs • PBA • Polysaccharides • Penicillin G • Flumenquine • DNA.RNA

• NDMA • Sulfate • Geosmin

1 Polio, Norovirus, Rotavirus, etc 2 E coli, Legionella, Pseudomones, etc. * These materials were tested in accordance with an NSF standard and removal/reduction meets that standard.

Decreasing Negative Charge of Contaminants

Excellent Reduction Good Reduction Minimal Reduction



[email protected]


Testing by BCS Labs (1/2/14), #1401002

Percent removal of the challenge species by the filter initially and following the passage of the indicated volume (liters) of laboratory grade reagent water

Challenge Species: Triple Clear 2.5” Force Field™ Gravity Camp Filters

Filter Influent Average Concentration

1.0 liter

10.0 liter

25.0 liter

50.0 liter

3.45 x 10 5 cfu/ml





Bacteria: Raoultella terrgena

3.45 x 10 5 pfu/ml





Virus: MS-2 Bacteriophage

1.8 x 10 4 spheres/ml





e: 3.0 micron microspheres

* No species were detected in the filter effluent for the duplicate samples analyzed. Filter effluent samples were analyzed in duplicates at the minimum following collection.

Triple Clear filters have been tested by an independent, certified laboratory using accepted test methods for the reduction of pathogens using filtration devices. The industry established test methods define the contaminants, their concentration, and how the test should be conducted. The challenge solution used in testing the Triple Clear filter contained virus concentration of 3.65 x 105 (3,650,000 virus) per milliliter of water. Bacteria concentration was 3.45 x 105 (3,450,000 bacteria) per milliliter of water. This would be a total of 70.5 TRILLION pathogens in a liter of water! To help put this number into perspective, it would be similar to the discharge of a municipal sewage treatment plant or that of a highly polluted river such as the Ganges. It is unlikely that any of us will be using water this contaminated as a source. Total pathogen load from a “typical” mountain stream may be as high a 1.0 x 102 per milliliter or 100,000 per liter of water or 70,000 times less concentrated than the defined test solution. Although if you are in a situation where you must use water from a questionable source, Triple Clear Filters will produce many liters of safe water. The Triple Clear filter acts both as a particulate filter and as an electroadsorbent filter. Depending on the laboratory test method the Triple Clear media can be plugged with pure solutions of humic acid, bacteria or particulates to the point where water will no longer flow through the media under normal operating pressure of the device. Triple Clear will also adsorb dissolved contaminants such as lead, cadmium, iron, certain forms of arsenic, zinc and others that pass through hollow fiber and other mechanical filters. In the real world no water stream is “pure”. All waters contain some mix of contamination that will eventually cause any filter to fail to reduce one contaminant or the other. This is why Triple Clear has designed a family of filters to allow the user to select the best combination of

Made in a WQA Gold Seal Certified facility.

Assembled in an

ISO9001 Certified Facility

MADE IN U.S.A. Patent Pending

filters for their particular application. * The level of turbidity in the water influences filter life.



[email protected]

TripleClear Force Field TM


POWERFUL enough to remove: 99.9999% of Bacteria;

Electroadsorptive technology for water purification and filtration Our media removes a wide range of submicron particulates, pathogens, trace pharmaceuticals and cellular debris with its naturally occurring electropositive charge. Force Field TM is specifically engineered to have this charge field cover the entire depth and void volume of the media. By accomplishing submicron “filtration” with a charge field rather than with mechanical pores our filters have just a fraction of the pressure drop, and many times the flow rate, when compared to ultrafiltration membranes having similar efficacy. Performance Independent testing has shown reduction of the MS2 virus at greater than 99.99%. We can also remove a wide range of bacteria at greater than 99.9999% including; E. coli, Pseudomonas and Legionella. Removal of 3 micron spheres (as a surrogate for cryptosporidium) is greater than 99.95% efficiency. Our filters are proven to remove certain species of colloidal metals, hazardous compounds such as PCB’s and trace pharmaceuticals including BPA, a known hormone inhibitor. University testing has shown Force Field’s combination of electroadsorption and depth filtration to effectively reduce low molecular weight organic acids and polysaccharides from fresh, brackish, and salt water. These organic materials are considered the main cause of fouling for hollow fiber and RO membranes. In other words, our filters are much harder to clog!

99.99% of Viruses; 99.95% of Crypto

What is Force Field TM Technology?

What does it mean?

How powerful is it?

Independent testing has shown Force Field TM Filter to reduce MS2 virus at greater than 99.99%! It can remove a wide range of bacteria at greater than 99.9999% including; E. coli, Pseudomonas and Legionella. Our removal of 3 micron spheres (as a surrogate for cryptosporidium) is greater than 99.95% efficiency. Force Field TM has also been proven to remove certain species of colloidal metals, hazardous compounds such as PCB’s, and trace pharmaceuticals including BPH, a known hormone inhibitor.

In layman’s terms, all filters have holes that allow water to pass through. If you make the holes small enough, the good stuff can pass through, but the bad stuff (like viruses and bacteria) cannot because they are larger than the water molecules. The problem is, small holes slow water flow and clog easily. Our technology uses science to essentially create a “force field” over the holes in the filter. This “force field” has the ability to keep out bad stuff, but has no effect on good stuff. This allows for our filters to have bigger holes, allowing for better flow and massively decreased maintenance, while still being incredibly effective at stopping bacteria and viruses from passing through.

We use an electrodsorptive technology for water purification and filtration. Our filters remove a wide range of submicron particulates, pathogens, trace pharmaceuticals and cellular debris with its naturally occurring electropositive charge. Force Field TM Filters are specifically engineered to have this charge field cover the entire depth and void volume of the media. By accomplishing submicron “filtration” with a charge field, rather than with mechanical pores, Force Field TM Filters have a small fraction of the pressure drop, and many times the flow rate, when compared to ultrafiltration membranes having similar efficiency.



[email protected]


Triple Clear Force Field™ PAC Our PAC filters also contains powdered activated carbon (PAC) with an average particle size of only 8 microns. Activated carbon at this particle size has a very high pore size to weight ratio which produces remarkably high dynamic adsorption. We use no adhesives or binders to retain the carbon, therefore significantly more active sites remain available for adsorption of chlorine, iodine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), disinfection by- products (DPBs) and organic acids from water. Triple Clear Force Field™ with Silver Since it is naturally non-toxic, Force Field TM is effective in removing bacteria from water, but does not deactivate the retained bacteria. For applications that require growth inhibition of bacteria retained by the media, all Force Field TM Filters are available with a silver treatment certified safe for use in potable water. Triple Clear Force Field™ High Flow High Flow is an exciting addition to our family of filter media. High Flow was designed with a large pore volume that is not totally covered by the boehmite charge field. This feature reduces the efficiency of the media but increases its capacity for colloid, particulate and organic acid loading. When High Flow is used as a prefilter to our standard Force Field TM Filter grades in more turbid waters the life and efficiency of the two-layers significantly outperforms a single layer filter. High Flow can also be used as a stand-alone filter when high levels of organic contaminants must be removed, such as to protect reverse osmosis membranes from biofouling.

Antimicrobial Statement about Force Field TM Filter Products

Force Field TM Filter products can be treated with antimicrobial product protection. Materials utilizing naturally occurring silver are frequently used to protect products from bacterial and fungal growth. Such treatments are recognized in a broad range of regulatory requirements including EPA, FDA, NSF, USDA, European BPD and FSA. Such a use of silver is an environmentally intelligent treatment, allowing used filters to be disposed of in standard waste facilities. While antimicrobial product protection can prevent the growth of odor-causing microbes, protection is limited to the treated article. Certification Force Field TM media has passed testing to NSF/ANSI standard 61 for potable water contact, USP Class VI testing and endotoxin testing.

Water Remediation Technologies - Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Municipal, Desal

Force Field TM Pac Technology

Particulate Cartridges






Carbon Block

Ultra violet

Dissolved Salts





Polysaccharides (TEP)



Chemical Reduction

Trace Pharmaceuticals

Membrane definition: Reverse Osmosis=RO; Nanofiltration=NF; Ultrafiltration=UF; Microfiltration=MF.

DISCLAIMER: The information supplied in this document is for guidance only and should not be construed as a warranty. All implied warranties are expressly disclaimed, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability of fitness for use. All users of the material are responsible for ensuring that it is suitable for their needs, environment and end use. All >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22

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