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Ty Wilson Law May 2018

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Ty Wilson Law May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats 1–2 tablespoons olive oil DIRECTIONS 1. Place half the black beans, on

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Ty Wilson Law - May 2020

2 tsp black pepper • DIRECTIONS: 1. Take rib roast out of the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to grill

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Ty Wilson Law February 2018

Ty Wilson Law February 2018 www.TyWi lsonLaw. com 1-866-937-5454 Your Compass MONTHLY FEBRUARY 2018

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Ty Wilson Law December 2018

Ty Wilson Law December 2018 www.TyWi lsonLaw. com 1-866-937-5454 Your Compass MONTHLY DISCOVER YOUR

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Ty Wilson Law July 2018

2 red chili (such as Freson) or jalapeño, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS 3. Cut kernels off cob and combin

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Ty Wilson Law August 2018

2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano- Reggiano • 1 medium yellow onion, sliced •

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Ty Wilson Law November 2018

Ty Wilson Law November 2018 www.TyWi lsonLaw. com 1-866-937-5454 Your Compass MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2018

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Ty Wilson Law March 2018

4 cups hot milk 1 head cabbage, cored and shredded DIRECTIONS 1. Steampotatoes for 30 minutes. Peel

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Ty Wilson Law October 2018

Ty Wilson Law October 2018 www.TyWi lsonLaw. com 1-866-937-5454 Your Compass MONTHLY OCTOBER 2018 FR

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Ty Wilson Law June 2018

2 cup cilantro • 4 slices whole-wheat bread • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Juice

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Ty Wilson Law May 2018

... continued from cover S hadow T heir D ream J ob

B ecome a H istorical D ocumentarian

If your teen doesn’t already have an internship, the summer could provide the perfect opportunity to shadow a job. Are they set on going to law school? Curious about design and computer science? Encourage them to reach out to local businesses to see if they can job shadow an employee for a day. It’s also a good way for them to improve their communication skills and learn how to interact with professionals. They’ll explore some of their passions and perhaps find new ones. E xplore L ocal C ulture There’s a treasure trove of culture in your community if you know where to find it. Challenge your teen to explore local culture. This could include visits to a restaurant that serves food they’re unfamiliar with, checking out a museum, or even meeting up with a friend from school they don’t normally hang out with.

Does your town have a story? Encourage your teen to explore your town’s roots. Equipped with a phone, they can document their work with film or audio recordings. This may include interviewing local residents and searching through newspaper archives. Have them take a partner for this activity so they have safety in numbers (and a potential camera person). B ecome P art of L ocal G overnment

Has your teen expressed frustration with the way the government is run? Challenge them to do something about it! They can contact their local legislators, write letters, or learn about the bills that are up for vote. Even if they can’t vote yet, getting involved will help them feel part of the process and prepare them for when they can. During some of the most recent rallies, many of the mobilizers were teens. They have more influence than they realize. MOTHERS SHAPE THE WORLD 3 of History’s Bravest Moms

I rena S endler (1910–2008) When the Nazis invaded Warsaw in September of 1939, Irena Sendler, a 29-year-old social worker and mother of two, hatched a scheme to rescue Jewish children from the brutal ghettos. Along with many friends and colleagues, she smuggled out nearly 2,500 Jewish orphans, hiding infants on trams and garbage wagons and guiding kids through a labyrinth of secret passageways beneath the city. E mmeline P ankhurst (1858–1928) Despite being a wife and the mother of five children — two of whom died tragically young — Emmeline Pankhurst became one of the fiercest advocates for women’s suffrage in the late 19th century. After founding the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903, she and her cohorts adopted an aggressive strategy to raise awareness for the issue; they began by buttonholing politicians and staging rallies, then progressed to vandalism, window smashing, and arson. She was instrumental in the movement. Pankhurst lived to see women gain the right to vote in 1928.

Moms make the world go round. After running the gauntlet of childbirth, they raise and guide us throughout our lives, shouldering the tremendous burden and responsibility of motherhood. Mothers are in turn formidable, kind, powerful, gentle, wise, fierce, patient, supportive, empathetic, driven, and full of love. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are three historic moms who never stopped fighting for what they believed in. S ojourner T ruth (1797–1883) Before she escaped from New York slaveholder John Dumont, Sojourner Truth had at least three of her children sold away from her. When Dumont went back on his promise to emancipate Truth and her infant daughter in 1826, she took the girl and fled to an abolitionist Quaker family, but she was forced to leave her other daughter and her 5-year-old son, Peter, behind. Soon after, she learned that Peter had been illegally sold by Dumont to a slaveholder in Alabama, so she went to court and secured his safe return. It was the first successful case brought by a black woman against a white man in American history. Truth went on to become a prominent abolitionist and a speaker for women’s rights, delivering her famous impromptu speech, “Ain’t I a Woman?” in May of 1851.

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For Your Best Adventure Yet

meals and some nonperishable items. Dutch oven meals and hot dogs roasted over the campfire are great options, and snacks such as trail mix and fruit are easy to store. Think about the meals you normally cook at home, then decide which are adaptable for the campsite. Once you’ve decided on the meals — which could be a fun opportunity for the kids to get involved in the preparation — make a list and head to the grocery store. As you pack, make sure you have proper storage options for perishable and nonperishable items. If bears are a concern, think ahead about how you’ll safely store your food. P lan A ctivities — A nd a F ew B ackups If it rains during the trip, don’t let the weather ruin your whole weekend. You may have to save fishing and hiking for another day, but there are still some activities you can enjoy in a sheltered area or a cozy tent. Bring along a few indoor activities, such as a deck of cards or games like Boggle, which require little equipment and can easily be stored in a backpack. To keep kids engaged outside, bring some picture books listing the plants and animals native to the area where you’re camping. You could even use the picture books to set up a nature scavenger hunt along a trail, which is a great way to motivate reluctant hikers. A few games can prevent the most dreaded words a parent will ever hear: “I’m bored.”

Camping season is upon us. We all like to enjoy the scenery and adventure of the great outdoors with our families, but sometimes “roughing it” can be, well, rough. Luckily, a little prep goes a long way and can make camping more enjoyable for everyone. These three simple tips will let you spend more time soaking in the natural beauty around you and less time stressing about who brought the trail mix. D o Y our R esearch Triple-checking your packing list won’t do you much good if you arrive at your destination and find it’s lacking some of the necessities you were counting on, such as water or restrooms. Campsites offer different amenities, and some can be quite meager. With a little research, you can find a spot that fits your family’s needs. Don’t want to pack in all your water? Find a site that has a pump. Are you bringing your dog? Look for a site that’s pet- friendly. Prefer a cabin or yurt over pitching a tent? Plenty of locations have these options. Most U.S. Forest Service websites and state and national park resources include these details. By doing your homework, you can find and reserve the place that fits your priorities. P lan a S imple , T asty M enu Nothing ends a camping trip as quickly as realizing you didn’t bring enough food. To avoid this, plan your menu with a few ready-made GRILLED RANCH Potatoes If you want to be the hit of this year’s Memorial Day cookout, don’t overlook the star power of a well-made side dish. These smoky, tangy grilled potatoes will be the talk of the party. The best part is how easy they are to prep and make!

Take a Break!


1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives Bacon bits (optional) Salt and pepper to taste

2 pounds baby potatoes, halved 1/4 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil Juice of 1/2 lemon 1/2 packet ranch seasoning Ranch dressing for drizzling

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill tomedium. In a large pan, toss potatoes with olive oil, lemon juice, and ranch seasoning. Season generously with salt and pepper. 2. Skewer potatoes. (If using wood skewers, be sure to soak in water

an hour before grilling.) Grill until tender and lightly charred, about 15 minutes. 3. Drizzle with ranch and garnish with chives and bacon bits.

Recipe courtesy of

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Give us a call! 1-866-937-5454 Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST


1 Bull St., Suite 305 Savannah, GA 31401

Inside This Issue From the Desk of Ty PAGE 1 Beat BoredomWith Our Summer Survival Guide PAGE 1 3 of the Most Formidable Moms in History PAGE 2 Plan the Perfect Camping Trip PAGE 3 Grilled Ranch Potatoes PAGE 3 Take a Break! PAGE 3 Bobbie the Wonder Dog’s Incredible Journey PAGE 4


as well. He may have been scared away, but he was determined to get back home. And so began his incredible journey. He turned his head west and began walking. And walking. With winter setting in, Bobbie had a monumental task ahead. Bobbie swam across numerous rivers. He trekked across the Great Plains and over the Rocky Mountains. While we will never know exactly what Bobbie endured, we know he made it home. Over 2,500 miles later, in February, 1924, a tired and beaten- down pup arrived home in Silverton, Oregon, to a stunned family. Bobbie the Wonder Dog’s story made national headlines. He received a medal and the key to the city, and he became a silent movie star in the film “The Call of the West.” Today, you can visit Bobbie’s memorial near his home in Oregon.

Of all the stories to come out of 1923, Bobbie’s may be the most incredible. It all started with a road trip. The Brazier family of Silverton, Oregon, decided to take a road trip to visit relatives in Wolcott, Indiana. Mom, Dad, their two daughters, and their Scotch collie piled in the family Overland Red Bird touring car and headed across preinterstate-highway-system America. Several days later, after the Braziers had settled in with their Wolcott relatives, Bobbie the Scotch collie was attacked by a pack of dogs. The dogs scared Bobbie away, and despite a long search around Wolcott, the family was unable to find any trace of the collie. The search continued throughout their stay, but time ran out, and the Braziers had to return home to Oregon without their beloved Bobbie. What the Braziers didn’t know was that Bobbie had been searching for his family

Imagine America in 1923. Yankee Stadium opened its doors for the very first time. Walt and Roy Disney founded The Walt Disney Company. The first issue of Time magazine hit newsstands. President Warren G. Harding died of a heart attack in office, and Vice President Calvin Coolidge became the 30th president. And Bobbie the Wonder Dog trekked 2,550 miles to return home.

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