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Ultimate PT Marketing System

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The Ultimate PT Marketing Funnel

CEO Call Us 800-594-7656 Or Go Online To Schedule Your 1-On-1 Consult RECOMME

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Clinic Marketing System - December 2020

Clinic Marketing System - December 2020 12.20 3. UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRATEGYAND IMPLE

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Clinic Marketing System - September 2020

7 to answer client questions. This is a pretty expensive option. Worse, if a message is overlooked,

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Clinic Marketing System - November 2020

home. 2 Do New Year’s resolutions really need to wait until January? W

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Clinic Marketing System - October 2020

Clinic Marketing System - October 2020 10.20 3620 40th Street Court NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 206-437-

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Clinic Marketing System - August 2020

or offer pre-booking with a deposit. 5. MARKET YOUR NEW SERVICE . At this point, it’s time to levera

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PT Marketing Newsletter 2021

Tacoma metropolitan area. They specialize in industrial rehab therapy with a clear “back to work” mi

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Ultimate Trifold 3.19_FlippingBook

Month in Just Three Months!” - Rogan Taylor, Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers in Utah New Patient

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The Ultimate Journey Brochure

1971. Over the years, I have been fascinated by the use of colors to emphasize the scent, the spirit

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The PT Marketing Newsletter | September

Video of Your Team or Practice Events A picture or video is worth a 1000 words (and lots of clicks

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Ultimate PT Marketing System



Hook more new patients online Mobile websites, chatbots, leads

Turn website visitors into new patients Your website should provide a steady stream of new leads to your front desk on an ongoing basis. Convert more visitors to new patients with a PT Performance Website. Packed with awesome info pages, calls to action, new lead magnets, forms, and website chatbots. Our PT Performance Websites give you the most advanced mobile-responsive, and custom designed website available in the PT industry. They are packed with the latest in technology, to attract new patients from any device, and further improve your Google rankings, making your practicemore discoverable.

• Powerful custom PT websites • Landing and workshop pages • Rank high in Google • Website chatbots

Discover the Ultimate PT Marketing System TM Go Online to Schedule the Product Webinar


Create a massive online presence Digital marketing, SEO, social Cre te a massive online presence Digital marketing, SEO, social


Have a strong social media presence Our done-for-you social media marketing allows you to leverage the power of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, without all the time and hassle. Have a strong social media presence Our done-for-you social media marketing allows you to leverage the power of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, without all the time and hassle. You get 4 monthly posts created, and sent out for you, to build your Facebook, and Twitter followers. You get 4 monthly posts created, and sent out for you, to build your Facebook, and Twitter followers. Stay informed with business center app Use theBusiness Center App to take your onlinemarketing to the next level. Easily manage Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn from one convenient place. Also, manage your online reputation, and view your chatbot leads. For multi-location practices, market each practice at the local level, and manage at a brand level with our multi- location tool in business center. Create interested new patient leads With ebook lead magnets in your website, capture new leads into your advanced marketing funnels, and email campaigns. Drive interested visitors down the path to connecting with your office. Stay informed with busine s ce t Use theBusiness Center A p to take your onli m to th next l vel. Easily manage Faceb ok, i LinkedIn from one convenient place. Also, onlin reputation, and view your chatbot lea s. For multi-location practices, market each practice at the local level, and manage at a brand level with our multi- location tool in business center. Create interested new patient leads With ebook lead magnets in your website, capture new leads into your advanced marketing funnels, and email campaigns. Drive interested visitors down the path to connecting with your office.

Reach thousands more people online Thousands of people in your area are searching for help. Will they find you? Go direct to the consumer and never have to rely on physician referrals again, by creating a massive online presence. We help your practice rank high in Google, Bing, Yahoo and more. Our SEO specialists work every month on improving your Google ranking for lots of different search terms, boosting the number of people visiting your website. Our Listing Builder Pro Systems, allow your practice to be discovered across hundreds of different smartphone apps, maps, and much more. Reach thou ands more p ople online Thousands of people in your area re searching for help. Will they find you? Go direct to the consumer and never have to rely on physician referrals again, by creating a massive online presence. We help your practice rank high in Google, Bing, Yahoo and more. Our SEO specialists work every month on improving your Google ranking for lots of different search terms, boosting the number of people visiting your website. Our Listing Builder Pro Systems, allow your practice to be discovered across hundreds of different smartphone apps, maps, and much more.


Develop patient super fans Patient newsletters, reviews

Build your online reviews Our Online Review System makes it easy to build your online reputation by gathering and controlling online reviews for your practice, through your website, email, and clinic app.

Control any negative reviews, and easily promote all those positive reviews to Google, Facebook, and more.

Custom patient newsletters build your brand Our team of expert designers and PT marketers, make your custom patient newsletters engaging, and create a wow factor to reactivate past patients, increase word-of-mouth referrals, and create physician referrals.

Improve patient compliance and engagement with your very own clinic app Imagine what your patient’s will say when they download your very own practice app. Improve retention rates and re- engage patients. Prescribe custom home video exercises, encourage/track progress, share your website health tip blogs, and even request Google or Facebook reviews, right on your patient’s phone! Blogging keeps patients loyal to your clinic Powerful done-for-you blogging every 2 weeks pushes out PT specific health tips on email and social, to help you develop and maintain your patient super fans. Written by PT marketing experts, your blog posts drive more people to your website, increase your SEO rankings, increase patient reactivations, word-of-mouth referrals, and establish you as the expert in your field.

Your newsletter is posted to your website, emailed, direct mailed, and socially shared with your patients, for maximum visibility.

“We Hit 255 New Patients/Month in Just Three Months!” - Rogan Taylor, Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers in Utah

New Patient Visits - 31% increase in 3 months


Track your marketing results Marketing dashboards, metrics

Automate your marketing The Business Center App makes it easy to manage your powerful marketing systems from one convenient place, saving you time. See the ROI We want you to see the results happening, in fact we guarantee it! Our Marketing Analytics Dashboard provides you with key marketing >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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