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UTAS Personal Safety & Security on campus

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Personal Safety and Security UTAS


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UTAS Personal Safety & Security on campus

Personal Safety & Security On campus and in University communities


A Free App for your safety

Find out more



Medical Emergencies



Armed Intrusion • During an Intrusion • After the Intruder has left Active Shooter

Your personal safety • Reporting an incident • Your personal security • Your property • Support following an incident




• Responding to an Active Shooter • After an Active Shooter Lockdown • When to Lockdown • How to Lockdown Hazardous Materials/ Chemical Spills

Safe and Fair Community Unit



The University’s Emergency Response





• Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans • When to Evacuate • How to Evacuate

Natural Disasters


• Flooding • Earthquakes

• Hazardous Weather • After the Emergency SafeZone



• Upon discovering a fire


Bomb Threat

• Your on campus safety app


• If a Bomb Threat is received by telephone • Notify Safety and Security immediately if you notice anything that...




An Emergency is any situation that poses, or is likely to escalate to, an immediate threat to life, health, property or environment or has already caused loss of life, risk to health, or damage to property or environment. The University of Tasmania is committed to ensuring effective management of emergencies across all of our campuses and Student Living Communities.


Your personal safety Take care. Be aware.

Reporting an incident • Report any crimes or incidents to University Safety and Security. • Remember that reporting a crime doesn’t mean you have to go through with a court case – the police will only take action if you want them to. • Report any suspicious behaviour to Safety and Security, no matter how minor it appears. This includes anyone loitering around the University. • If you are unsure and need help or advice, phone Safety and Security. • Immediately report lost UTAS keys and access cards to Safety and Security. Requesting a security escort • In certain instances, Security Officers are available to escort students or staff from and between buildings, campus car parks or to campus bus stops. • Security Officers cannot escort students or staff off campus.

• If you feel you need an escort, phone Safety and Security ahead of time. Your personal security • Respect your feelings. Recognise potentially dangerous situations before they develop. • Have a safety plan. Think about what you would do if you felt threatened. • Always carry photo identification. Store the University Safety and Security number in your mobile phone. • When out socialising, drink alcohol responsibly. Keeping a clear head makes it easier to make better decisions about personal safety. Plan transport to and from the venue and make sure you and your friends get home safely. • If someone attacks you, scream or shout as loudly as you can to get assistance. • Walk in well-lit areas; avoid dark streets and alleyways and avoid


Take care.

Your personal property • Never leave your keys, wallet, bag or other items of property unsecured or unattended. • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash – only carry cash for your immediate needs. • Never let anyone see your PIN when using an ATM. • Always carry your wallet or bag close to you. • Do not put your wallet or bag on the floor when using a public toilet cubicle. • Do not leave keys, cash, or other valuables in your desk drawers. Your vehicle • Park in a well-lit, busy area. Assess the safety of your surroundings before getting out of the car. • Always lock your car when leaving it, and never leave valuables in the car, even for a short period. Support following an incident The University offers a free counselling service to University students. The counselling team is made up of qualified counsellors offering confidential and professional counselling, including trauma recovery counselling.

taking short cuts, especially at night. • Be alert and walk purposefully. Confidence deters attackers. Try to walk with a friend or stay with a group. • Be aware of your surroundings. Remember that wearing headphones or talking/texting on your mobile will make you less alert to what’s around you. • Be cautious of strangers asking directions – it is better to be rude than in danger. • If someone follows you, change direction and go where there are other people around. Call Safety and Security if you are on campus or the Police if you are off campus. • Don’t respond to verbal abuse, but try to remember details. Always report instances of abuse to Safety and Security or the Police. Taking public transport or taxis • Know your bus timetable to avoid long waits. • Keep to open, populated areas while waiting, in full view of the bus. • Don’t walk the streets looking for a taxi – call ahead and get one to collect you from your location.


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to staff seeking support following an incident. Newport and Wildman is the preferred provider for EAP Services. Appointments can be made by phoning 1800 650 204. Be aware.

Appointments can be made online at login, by calling 1800 817 675, or in person with a member of the UConnect team. Face to face, phone and online appointments are available between 9.00am and 5.00pm on weekdays. An after-hours crisis support service is available from 5pm – 9am on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays and can be accessed by calling 1300 511 709 or texting 0488 884 168. International Student Advisers also provide assistance and counselling to international students who have been involved in an incident. They can assist international students with making reports to University Safety and Security and Police, and should be contacted whenever an incident has occurred. International Student Advisers are available from 9:00am to 5:00pm on weekdays. They are available after hours for emergencies only. They can be contacted at [email protected] or on 6226 1797 or 6226 6633 (south) or [email protected] or 6324 3506 (north).

External support services

Lifeline 13 11 14

Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

Sexual Assault Support Service 1800 697 877

Alcohol and Drug Service 1800 250 015

Mental Health Hotline 1800 332 388

NSW Rape Crisis Service 1800 424 017


Safe and Fair Community Unit A safe and respectful university community is everybody’s responsibility

What is the Safe and Fair Community Unit? The Safe and Fair Community Unit (SaFCU) is a University-wide service providing support, advice and information to assist all our community members to be safe and well. We respond to notifications of sexual assault or sexual harassment, concerns raised in relation to wellbeing or behaviour, reports of misconduct and the lodgement of general concerns or complaints. The Safe and Fair Community Unit aims for early identification and intervention of concerning behaviour that could affect the safety and wellbeing of individuals or other community members. If you have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment, observed concerning or

unacceptable behaviour, or you wish to make a complaint, we encourage you to contact the Safe and Fair Community Unit. We are here to listen, provide information and advice regarding your options and support, and where appropriate, will facilitate actions to assist you with your situation.

A safe and respectful university community is everybody’s responsibility.


6226 2560

[email protected]


Emergency Response

The University’s Emergency Response Team is a structured team that will initiate an emergency response to a situation

The Team structure has been implemented for the safety of all building and site occupants in an emergency situation. The Emergency Response Team will always ensure the safety of people first. This diagram shows the hierarchies used across the University. Staff, students and visitors must obey reasonable instructions from members of the Emergency Response Team shown.

• An Emergency Response Team is activated when there is an event that impacts upon its designated building. This hierarchy overrides normal management until resolution of the event. • The Emergency Response Team will assume control of the building and its occupants until the ‘all clear’ is delivered by Emergency Services or the Chief Warden. Responding Emergency Services or the Campus Emergency Coordinator may assume control of critical incidents.

Emergency Services

• Members of the emergency

response will identify themselves by wearing the appropriate coloured helmet for their role.

Campus Emergency Coordinator

Communications Officers (Security business hours & after hours)

White helmet Chief Warden

Building Chief Wardens (Security after hours)

Yellow helmet Area Warden

Wardens (business hours)

Red helmet Warden



When to Evacuate • If there is an internal threat to safety or life • If you hear a fire alarm • If told to evacuate by a member of the Emergency Response Team or responding Emergency Services or warden in a Student Living Community. How to Evacuate • Remain calm • Turn off anything that may become a hazard if unsupervised (e.g. laboratory equipment, cooking appliances etc.) • Do not use the lift • Direct students and visitors to the nearest safest exit • If in a lab, follow any quarantine or biohazard regulations • Make a final check of the room and shut the door • Lead students and visitors to the nearest safe assembly area. • Account for your group. Notify the emergency response team or Safety and Security at the Evacuation Assembly Area if anyone is missing or requiring first aid • Remain at the Evacuation Assembly Area until instructed by the Emergency Response Team, Safety and Security or Emergency Services.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) should be created for you if you require additional assistance during an evacuation. PEEPs are designed in consultation with the Building Chief Warden of the building and/or Student Living Community in which you are primarily based and with assistance from Disability Support staff where appropriate. If you have a PEEP, please consider informing your colleagues so that they can provide the best assistance to you in the event an evacuation is required. EVACUATIONS An evacuation is the movement of building occupants outside to a safer location because there is an internal threat.


people away from danger before considering the use of a fire extinguisher • Fires grow fast. A standard room can ‘flashover’ (where everything in the room ignites) within as little as two minutes Upon discovering a fire • Remove yourself and others from danger. Assist those with disabilities. • Turn off hazardous equipment • Make a final check of the room and shut the door • Raise the alarm • Notify a Warden if possible • Press the break glass alarm • Notify Safety and Security on your campus • Move yourself and others around you to the Evacuation Assembly Area


• The first priority in any fire situation is sustaining life • In a normal building environment smoke and lack of oxygen is what can kill people. Do not place yourself at risk. • If the room is full of smoke, get down low and crawl out • Only use fire extinguishers if you are trained and confident to do so • You need to act fast. Always move

If a Bomb Threat is received by telephone

• DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE • If the caller is still on the line try to obtain as much information as possible • Raise the alarm as soon as you can • Record as much information as you can


Notify Safety and Security immediately if you notice anything that • is suspicious

Safety and Security: 6226 7600 (University wide) Emergency Services: 000 EMERGENCY CONTACT

• does not seem to belong in an area • does not have a readily identifiable owner • has suspicious labelling • has an unusual size, shape, sound or smell • has wire, tape, string, aerial or other unfamiliar material



• Check for danger before approaching the victim • Raise the alarm by calling Emergency Services (000) and then notify Safety and Security on your campus • Arrange for First Aid to be administered by a qualified First Aider • An Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) can be used, if required and available (no training required) • Restrict access to the area until Ambulance Officers arrive • Hand over valuables when requested. These can be replaced, your life can not • Do not give chase when the intruder(s) leave. You will be placing yourself unnecessarily at risk • Make as many mental notes of the intruder(s) as possible • After the Intruders have left Notify Safety and Security • Try to remember as many details about the intruder(s) as possible. Make some written notes if you can • Do not re-enter the area until advised to do so • Do not discuss the incident with anyone until you have spoken to police


During an Intrusion • Remain calm and obey any

instructions given to you by the intruder(s) • Do not make any sudden movements • Be courteous and answer all questions



Responding to an Active Armed Offender Depending on the location of the perpetrator, some groups may be running while others nearer to the shooter are covering, hiding or fighting back. After an Active Armed Offender Assist the police in their investigations

A person armed with a firearm(s) or other weapon(s) who is actively engaged in killing or attempting to cause serious harm to multiple people in a populated location


• Remove yourself and others from close proximity to the offender(s) or areas they might reasonably access • Leave your belongings behind, if your mobile is with you, keep it within reach • Do not congregate in open areas or wait at evacuation points • Alert others to stay away from danger


• Maintain concealment and cover • If you don’t believe you can safely escape, consider sheltering in place. Constantly re-assess the situation and your options based on the best available information • Don’t congregate in open areas, such as corridors and foyers • Lock or barricade the door, move away from the door, and cover windows • Silence mobile phones and other devices that may identify your presence • Stay in hiding until told otherwise by appropriate authorities or you need to move for safety reasons • Try to contact police (000) or others to advise of your location and details of the situation but NEVER at the risk of your own safety or the safety of others

TELL • The more information you can pass on to the police or owners and operators about the incident and perpetrator the better, but NEVER at the risk of your own safety or the safety of others.


When to Lockdown • If there is a threat to life or safety where evacuation is not safe • If advised by the Emergency Response Team or the responding Emergency Services How to Lockdown • Move from common areas and blinds and cover windows to limit the visibility • Silence all communication and electrical devices • If you are required to communicate, do so via text message In the event of a hazardous material spill: • Notify all persons in the immediate area, extinguish all ignition sources (including electrical outlets) • Evacuate the area and notify Safety and Security • Do not attempt to clean up unless you are trained • If in a lab, continue to run the fumehoods and press the red emergency stop button • If evacuating, always stay upwind of the spill/leak • Do not re-enter the affected area corridors into offices and safer rooms • Lock and barricade doors, draw

LOCKDOWN A Lockdown is the movement and confinement of students and staff to an indoor area because an external threat exists.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS / CHEMICAL SPILLS Hazardous material spills present a serious risk of fire, explosion or adverse toxic effects such as suffocation.


Earthquakes • Move away from windows, mirrors, bookcases and items that may fall • If indoors, seek shelter under a desk or table or move to a room corner, sit down and protect your face and head with your arms • If outside, move to an open space away from buildings, power lines and trees that may fall • Await instructions from the University’s emergency response team Hazardous Weather • Move away from windows, mirrors, bookcases and items that may fall • If indoors, seek shelter under a desk or table or move to a room corner, sit down and protect your face and head with your arms • If outside seek shelter immediately • Await instructions from the University’s emergency response team After the Emergency • Report any dangerous situations to the Emergency Response Team or Safety and Security • If possible, shut off appliances • If any building damage is identified, evacuate

Flooding • Upon discovering flooding, assist anyone in immediate danger (if safe to do so), before raising the alarm by calling Safety and Security • If flooding is extensive, immediately isolate the flooded area and raise the alarm • Direct people away from bodies of water due to: • Possible electrocution risk • Uncertainty of depth • Potential contamination • Possible slipping hazards • Do not allow people into the area until it is declared safe NATURAL DISASTERS Natural disasters include flooding, earthquakes and other hazardous weather


How it works

Trigger the alert on your smartphone

First responders are notified

SafeZone responders arrive quickly on the scene

Find out more

Find us on Facebook


Delivered by

SafeZone Your on-campus safety app

The SafeZone app is available free for all students and staff, and operates across all University of Tasmania campuses and facilities. How to get SafeZone

The Safezone App automatically calls security if its activated in a University Zone. If it is activated outside a University zone it automatically calls 000 (no prompt).

Campus security For general non-emergency enquiries or support. First aid call For when you need medical Emergency If you feel threatened or need urgent assistance. Campus notifications If there is an incident on campus that requires you to Check-in When working out of hours, share your position with University Security for your personal safety. Privacy! You are not tracked unless you send an Alert or Check-in.

To download the app, please go to and follow the simple instructions for your device. Once you have downloaded the app, you MUST sign up for University of Tasmania campuses. Once you are signed up, if you make a call or send an alarm, it will be received by the University’s safety and security team. They will know your location and act on your request.



SafeZone areas The SafeZone service is specific to SafeZone areas that have been defined by your campus security team. You can find out what areas are covered by tapping “Regions” on the SafeZone app menu.


UTAS Contacts

Safety and Security (24 hours)

University wide

6226 7600

Safe and Fair Community Unit


6226 2560

Counselling Service

University wide

1800 817 675

1300 511 709 (phone) 0488 884 168 (text)

After-hours crisis support


6226 2600 6226 2102

Campus Services Health Services


Campus Services Health Services

6226 2600 6324 3744

Emergency Services Public Contacts

Police, fire, ambulance


Other numbers for assistance


13 11 14

Beyond Blue

1300 22 4636 1800 697 877 1800 250 015 1800 332 388 1800 424 017

Sexual Assault Support Service

Alcohol and Drug Service Mental Health Hotline NSW Rape Crisis Service

Your Contacts


Raise the alarm Upon noticing a dangerous situation, raise the alarm by:




This will activate Security and Tas Fire Service will be notified

Located around campus, use to notify Security that you require assistance



Security on 6226 7600 or Emergency Services on 000

Automatically calls security if activated in a University Zone. (See pages 14 & 15)