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Vagabond Airport Staff Handbook

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Vagabond Airport Staff Handbook


p.1 Vagabond

Our Company Vagabond is Britain’s leading and multi award-winning wine bar and urban winery business based in London. From a small store in Fulham in 2010, Vagabond today has ten wine bars and an urban winery, with several more venues in the pipeline. We pioneered the ‘pour your own’ service model with self-dispensing wine and beer systems. More recently we introduced an app that, amongst other features, enables guests to dispense wine directly from their phones. We make a lot of our own wine, from English grapes at our Urban Winery in Battersea Power Station, to international wines in collaboration with selected wineries around the world. As important as it is to be versed in our offering of wine, food, beers, cocktails and service standards, it is also of upmost importance to be familiar with the origins of the company itself and how the business functions as a whole. How you and your teams play a part in this will be down to how you apply your newfound knowledge. Our Culture Vagabond is the perfect place to come together, to host a company event, to celebrate a birthday, to escape for a date night or simply try new wines with friends and soon it will be a destination for travellers to come and relax, eat great food, try amazing wines and provide a memorable start their holiday or trip. Since opening our first location in 2010 in Fulham, Vagabond now has ambitious plans for world domination! Our Vision We have always been on a journey with our Teams and our guests to make wine an adventure, to ensure it is accessible to people who both love wine and are new to it. It has always been important to us (and always will be), to be different from the herd. We want to create a revolution in the wine industry and change peoples perspective on what wine is all about! Our Mission

Make every choice exciting Make every glass exceptional Make every experience extraordinary

Our Values

Write down in a few words what you think our values stand for






Vagabond p.2


the vaga-bond

“Hospitality is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard. ”


The Vaga-Bond experience is all about making lasting ‘Bonds’ and ‘connections’ with our guests so that we can provide a unique and memorable experience. This is in the DNA of everything that we do at Vagabond when it comes to interacting with our guests so make sure you absorb every part of it! Fill in the 4 Vaga-Bond layers and the short descriptions in the section below.




Each layer of the Vaga-Bond steps of service is just as important as the other when creating the perfect guest experience. Work with your Trainer and write down some examples of how you can achieve each layer when interacting with guests.

How can you achieve it?




p.3 Vagabond


Hand Washing Hand washing should be done using anti-bacterial soap, warm water and your hands dried using disposable towels • When entering the kitchen or line

Smoking Smoking is not allowed inside the restaurant, kitchen or prep areas or on terrace areas. If you need to smoke you must remove all uniform and do so in the agreed designated area.

• Having visited the toilet • Having taken the bins out • After having a cigarette • After handling money • After handling chemicals • After touching your face, nose or hair • After handling raw meat

Team member


Plasters If you need to cover any cuts or burns with a plaster it must be blue. These are available from the in house first aid kit. Ask a manager for one.

Team member


Team member


Coughing and Sneezing Always wash you hands after blowing your nose or coughing into your hands. You must follow the hand washing procedures when doing this to avoid cross contamination.

Jewellery Only plain wedding bands may be worn whilst at work. Ear rings, necklaces and piercings must be removed or covered with a blue plaster.

Team member


Team member


Mobile Phones You should not have your mobile phone with you when working on shift. Should anyone need to get hold of you in an emergency only they can call the restaurant directly.

Hair Hair needs to be clean, washed and kept neat and tidy. Long hair must be tied up.

Team member


Team member


Bathing It is important that you was and bathe daily. Use deodorant but no heavily smelling perfume.

Dressings Should you cut yourself or need to wear a dressing it must be blue in colour and changes regularly. This is to ensure it can be seen should it fall off into any of our products.

Team member


Sickness If you are unwell you must ensure you follow the Sickness Guidelines and contact a manager as soon as possible. To protect our guests and other team members you will not be able to work for 48 hours following any food poisoning symptoms (sickness, diarrhoea).

Team member


Allergies From time to time some of our guests will enquire about certain ingredients in the food due to allergies. You must inform your manager straight away so that we can follow the company allergy procedures. Never try to deal with questions regarding allergies yourself.

Team member


Hands Hand must be kept clean with short nails. You must not wear fake nails or nail varnish.

Team member


Team member


Vagabond p.4



Equipment Throughout your training you will be shown how to safely operate all equipment including some dangerous. To help protect your self and other colleagues you must • Only use equipment that you have been fully trained to use • Use equipment as you have been shown • Never remove or dismantle and parts from equipment • Report any issues or breakdown of equipment • Wear the correct uniform when using equipment

Accidents Should you or any guest or employee have an accident whilst at work it must be reported to the duty manager straight away and all details entered accurately into the Accident Log. We will then investigate the causes so that we can ensure it does not happen again. Should you need to make a statement or complete the accident book please make sure you do this as accurately as possible

The First Aid Box is kept:

Team member


Chemicals As part of your training you will have been shown how to handle chemicals with care. Your Trainer will have shown you the chemicals we use and what they are used for. It is important that you only use chemicals you have been trained in and follow the exact guidelines for each chemical regarding usage and storage. If you are unsure do not use them and speak with your Duty Manager.

Accidents are recorded:

The First Aider is:

Team member


Team member


Spillages Should there be any spillages you must it is wiped up. If the spillage is on the floor a yellow Wet Floor sign is used to notify other people to help avoid any accidents.

Manual Handling When lifting heavy or large items ensure you follow the Manual Handling guidelines as shown during your training to avoid injury to yourself or another Team Member.

Team member


Team member


Fire Should there be a fire you must fool the evacuation guidelines and exit the building as quickly and safely as possible Do not use fire fighting equipment unless you have been trained to use it.

Airport Passes If you lose or mis place your Airport Pass you must inform your Line Manaer immediately.

Team Member


The Fire Evacuation Assembly Point is:

Team member


p.5 Vagabond


As you are now part of the Vagabond Team you need to make sure you look the part! We have a uniform standard to help ensure everyone is always looking their best and to keep them safe. Speak with your Trainer to find out what your uniform standards are and complete the activity below.

What is the Vagabond Mission?

What are the 4 Values at Vagabond?

What are the 4 Vagabond guest experience layers?

When did the first Vagabond open and where is it?

Vagabond p.6


TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE We will always list your start times well in advance of your shift and being ready to start work at that time is essential for our operations. Remember that the ‘start time’ means on the venue floor, in uniform, looking on fly, ready to rock and roll at that time.

Breaks are important! We work hard and so rest is needed throughout your shift and so your manager will accommodate these depending on the business needs. When you are at the end of your shift, always notify a Manager to gain approval to finish your shift before you leave your section. We just like to say thank you for your hard work and say goodbye!


How do I swap a shift?

Weekly rotas are created by your managers one week in advance and will be posted on the HR system online. If you have a particular day that you would like to take off then give your request in writing to your line manager with plenty of notice. We love holidays and want you to take them, requests need to be given to your manager with at least one months’ notice via the online portal. Your Manager will sign it off unless it interferes drastically with the business needs, we will always do our best to accommodate though.

HEALTH & SAFETY Health & Safety is very important to use here at Vagabond, we’d do anything to keep you safe under our roof. Our online learning system LITMOS will take you though some vital information that will help you to understand lots of safe ways of working. Don’t worry it’s not too long and is slightly different to your normal Health & Safety training, we happen to think it’s actually quite entertaining! When you do first enter your venue, you will be given a site specific Health & Safety induction which will involve being shown the various fire exits, emergency procedures and locations of the First Aid areas

p.7 Vagabond


Having worked through this section, sit down with your Trainer so they can test and ensure you are 100% confident in all areas.








Vagabond p.8

our food

p.9 Vagabond


By now you should have seen our menu and talked about the different items we sell with your Trainer. Now it’s time to get stuck in and eat some food.... In this section we would like you to get to know the dishes we sell, what;s in them and most importantly, what they taste like. The food we serve relies on simple, authentic and quality ingredients that stay true to the foundations of Vagabond and above all, taste fantastic. Our menu may change from time to time but there will always be our core dishes available. We want everyone who works with us to know and have tasted all our food. Have a bite of these dishes over your first few weeks and use the next ew pages to take some notes, remembering what you might tell a guest when they ask ‘what does that dish taste like?’.......

Vagabond p.10



With your Trainer, work through the tables below identifying the ingredients and taste of all the key products we sell.


Key Ingredients


p.11 Vagabond

Key Ingredients



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Key Ingredients



p.13 Vagabond


Key Ingredients


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Key Ingredients



Key Ingredients



p.15 Vagabond


Key Ingredients


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Having worked through this section, sit down with your Trainer so they can test and ensure you are 100% confident in all areas










p.17 Vagabond

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service steps

p.19 Vagabond


At Vagabond we want every guest to experience memorable service whether they are visiting for 15 minutes or an hour. How we leave that mark on our guests relys on our Teams undrestanding their needs and fulfilling them, allowing all guests to feel they can relax and enjoy some peace before their flight.

WHAT MAKES GREAT SERVICE? Great service is achivable in so many ways. It’s not about just completing a set of steps or giving a guest their food and drink on time. It’s about engaging with everyone, anticipating people’s needs, creating a great atmosphere and ultimately exceeding expectations. Sounds like a tough job; exceeding expectations! But this isn’t always a huge deal; sometimes it’s as small as helping a guest with their bags, changing a dish slightly for their child, asking about their day or simply just being their and caring.

Name 3 other casual dining restaurants you have visited.

Which was your favourite and what made the experience great?

Describe an example of great service, where you have exceeded guest expectations.

Vagabond p.20

Shoryu Ramen



Following our steps will ensure

All our guests receive friendly, professional and attentive service at all times.

Our staff have the support and tools to deliver the Vagabond experience to all their guests

Our teams have the time to interact with their customers whilst working efficiently and quickly.


We want all our Team Members to work together, helping each other to achieve success. It is important that we do this whilst also taking ownership of their own guests and section. Having one waiter per section allows guests a consistent and personal level of service whilst building a rapport with their waiter. It also allows you to know exactly where your tables are in the service steps and what stage of attention they may need next. If you need help or notice your team mates may need some help always be ready to help out but ensure you communicate anything you do with the waiter who is running that section. If a guest in another section asks you for something always help out and never deflect the question saying ‘I’ll go and get your waiter’. GUESTS All our guests are different. Whilst we are giving you the tools to offer consistent and professional service we don’t want you to offer robotic service. We hired you for your personality and it is important that you use the steps and pointers alongside you individual personality to offer unique service tailored to the individual needs of your guests.

p.21 Vagabond


STEP 1: GREET & SEAT We want all our guests to be wow’d from the moment they walk through the door. Greet everyone with a smile, open body language and within 5 seconds. Our guests have chosen us from a whole terminal of offers and we should be proud to be the restaurant they have chosen to start their holiday or trip. ‘WELCOME!’

If there is a queue make sure you are greeting potential guests along the line with a simple ‘I will be with you shortly’


Ask guests if they’ve been to Vagabond before and explain you will take their order but they are free to browse the wine machines and use contactless payment to help themselves to any of our 100 wines or 10 druaght beers available. Explain the menu, and highlight the appropriate sections for the time of day. Inform guests that if they have any allergies we have an allergies sheet available and they should make you aware when they place their order.

If guests are ready to order drinks or food process straight away.

Vagabond p.22



When your guests are ready, or within 2 minutes, offer to take their food and drinks order. We want to aim to take a tables order within 1 minute of them being ready so keep an eye on body language and signs such as menus being placed back down on the table.

Reccomend sides to accompany dishes or additional items for breakfast.

Suggest additional drinks such as juices or water.

Repeat the order back to the table to double check and check for allergies

Check back your tables within 2 minutes or as soon as they have had enough time to taste their food. Always ask an open question. STEP 4: CHECK BACK (& UPSELL)


Place the bill down on the table and explain to guests they are free to order more and we do this to allow guests in a rush to pay as soon as they are ready.

During quieter periods offer additional drinks

p.23 Vagabond


When you are clearing their main dishes offer desserts. If guests decline this, ask if they would like to pay the bill. Be back to take payment as soon as you see a card or cash on the bill tray. If payment is in British Airways Compensation Vouchers find a Duty Manager or Supervisor to process.

If requested process Heathrow Rewards.

PDQ payments always prompt a pause whilst a guests card is being processed. This pause is great for building a final rapport with questions such as ‘ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR HOLIDAY?’

STEP 6: PAYMENT & FAREWELL Saying ‘Goodbye’ is the final point of contact for our guests and when done well will leave a lasting impression. It is the job of everyone in the restaurant to say goodbye to our guests from waiters to bar staff and kitchen teams.


Be ready to help guests with bags if needed and always check to make sure they haven’t left anything behind (like a passport....) Reset the table as soon as they have left.

Vagabond p.24

Shoryu Ramen



Sometimes we get it wrong. We are on stage everyday so it’s no surprise that occasionally we may drop the ball and make a mistake. And that’s ok on occasion.

The most important part of making a mistake is putting it right, quickly.

You should see mistakes as an opportunity to engage with our guests and build regulars for tomorrow. Guests will always be up against the clock so we have to be quick when remedying any mistakes.

This section explains the process for putting things right and ensuring everyone leaves our restaurants happy.

Step 1

Understand what the problem is

• Listen to the guest. Don’t interrupt but keep eye contact and listen to what they have to say until they have finished. If you are able to resolve the issue do so quickly.

Step 2

When to inform the Duty Manager

• Explain to the guest that you understand their issue and what you will do to correct this, ie ‘I will arrange a new dish’ . • Explain everything to the Duty Manager straight away.

We would never expect our Team Members to deal with a serious guest complaint without informing the Duty Manager. Team Members can help by pre empting an issue and informing a manager so that they can address the situation before a guest feels they need to raise a complaint.

What issues could you resolve without informing a Manager first?

What issues would you speak to a Manager to resolve?

p.25 Vagabond


Sometimes things can go wrong; a meal gets delayed, a drink is forgotten or a dish isn’t cooked as well as it should be. It’s rare but when it happens it is vital that we address the issue and make sure all our guests leave feeling happy. Watching your guests behaviour and checking back helps ensure we catch any issues quickly giving us the time to make things right. If there is a problem follow these steps to make things right

REMOVE Remove the item or dish. Listen to the guest, apologise and remove the dish.

REPORT Always report any issues to the duty manager as soon as the happen.

REPLACE Replace the item with what the guest would like as soon as possible. Inform the guest accurately how long this will take.

RECOVER Recovery is the most important step. Making things right is good but going the extra mile ensures our guests leave feeling special. Always speak to your Duty Manager first before offering anything to guests.

Vagabond p.26


MAXIMISING THE GUEST EXPERIENCE Making sure our guests have the best possible experience is very important. There are ways of doing this that benefits both the guest experience whilst also helping to maximise the guest’s spend - and possibly your tips

1: SUGGESTIVE SELLING Suggestive selling is about offering dishes, sides or desserts that the guests may not have thought of or been aware of. For example, if guests don’t want a starter or a dessert suggest something that two people could share. 2: UPSELLING Up selling is taking the guest one step further. This is about offering a bigger or more premium item instead of the one the guest has ordered. Examples would be offering a double measure rather than a single or a more premium wine. The basis of Up selling is in your knowledge of the products we sell.

Proactive selling is offering something to a guest before they want or have thought about it. Proactive selling requires you to be aware of your tables and pre-empting your guest’s needs. 3: PRO ACTIVE SELLING

p.27 Vagabond

Name 3 items on the menu you could up sell and detail what you would offer in their place

What questions could you ask when ‘Checking Back’

What should you say to all guests as they enter

What should you say to all guests when they leave

Give an example of proactive selling

What should you ask guests whilst seating them

Vagabond p.28


RUNNING & BUSSING All of our Front of House Team Members are responsible for helping deliver food and drinks to our guests. We have a designated role for Runners role but we all need to work together to help keep the restaurant slick. If you see food on the pass or drinks and have a spare pair of hands always take them to a table. The same applies if you are heading to the kitchen or bar; always grab dirties from the Wait Stations.

Additional roles you will be expected to help with

This role comprises of 3 main things

Delivering food to guests from the pass. At this point you will need to ask guests if they would like any condiments such as mayonnaise or ketchup and clear any empty plates or glasses. 1: RUNNING FOOD

Delivering drinks from the dispense area of the bar. It is important to clear empty glasses from the table as you do this. 2: RUNNING DRINKS

Keeping the Wait Stations clean and clear is important to help turn our tables and ensure guests see and have the best experience. Whenever you are returning to the kitchen having dropped food or drinks to a table you should always be carrying something; empty glasses from tables, plates or bus trays from the wait stations. 3: BUSSING WAIT STATIONS

p.29 Vagabond


Our guest’s experience isn’t limited to what they can see at their table.

In fact, guests are constantly looking around them and taking in their surroundings.

To make sure we are able to operate a fast but fantastic restaurant experience it is everyone’s task to work together and help each other out. We cannot afford to have any messy or unorganised parts of the restaurant; everything has to be slick. Some rules to achieve this → Never walk past anything that needs moving to where you are heading → If you are empty handed find something to clean or clear → If drinks are on dispense and you are free, take them to guests → If you walk past another waiter’s section and see something that needs clearing from a table always lend a hand → If a guest in another section asks for something always oblige and let the waiter know

Below is a plan of the restaurant. Highlighted are the areas that will require constand attention. With your Trainer talk about what that focus needs to be

Vagabond p.30



Work with your Trainer on the final service steps and then answer the questions below:

What should you ask guests when you seat them?

What do you reply if guests ask about takeaway food?

What should you say if guests ask about takeaway wine?

What currencies do we accept?


It’s not a step in itself but a fantastic goodbye is just as important as the 6 Steps and something that we are all responsible for. An average “bye” will not set a memorable lasting impression for our guests and leave them wanting to return and tell their friends.

Speak with you Trainer about how you can say goodbye to our guests and complete the Activity below.

Fill in the blank speech bubbles with examples of great and genuine good byes.

“We hope to see you again”

“Thanks for coming, have a great flight!”

p.31 Vagabond


Hosting is perhaps the most important role on any shift. Hosts have to juggle many balls • Greeting guests • Managing the queue and handing out menus

• Seating guests and ensuring a smooth and fast level of trade • Maximising space and covers to ensure a high occupancy level


This is the first time guests will speak to someone at Vagabond and will form the basis of their visit. A huge smile and greeting is important with open body language. • Ask guests how many they would like a table for. • If you are unable to seat straight away advise how long the wait will be. • Hand the guests menus so they are able to peruse and choose whilst they are waiting. This will help speed up the order time when they are weated.

• When a tble is ready take guests to their table. • Walk at their speed, don’t rush off ahead of them! • Place menus down if they don’t have them and advise a Team Member will be with them shortly 2: SEAT GUESTS

Ensuring we don’t loose guests in the queue is vital to ensuring a consistently busy restaurant. Make contact with everyone waiting and explain what the wait time is (but that it is worth waiting for!) hand guests a menu to look through to help speed up ordering and also to keep them engaged and pass the time quicker. 3: MANAGING THE QUEUE

Vagabond p.32


Having worked through this section, sit down with your Trainer so they can test and ensure you are 100% confident in all areas








p.33 Vagabond

Set up

Vagabond p.34


We have spend years and years and years perfecting the best standards to help our Teams work easier and our guests have the most amazing experience. Seriously, it’s taken years. Below shows the table set up for breakfast, all day and the bar. TABLE SET UP




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At Heathrow you will look after guests from all over the world. To help their experience at Vagabond we accept payment in many different currencies and in different formats.

We accept the following currencies in cash • Sterling (British) • Australian Dollar • US Dollar • Canadian Dollar • Euros CASH

Speak with your Trainer to understand the features you will need to check to ensure all cash is the real deal. If you are ever unsure make sure you check with the Manager on Duty before accepting payment in any currency

p.37 Vagabond


We accept most currencies on card.

Our card machines don’t offer the guest the option to pay in their local currency but will automaticlly exchange their local rate to Sterling when they pay. Exchange rates are updated by the bank and vary day to day but will be in line with local rates. Sometimes the card machine will print a receipt off for the guest to sign (if the bank they are using doe not support chip & pin). If this happens you must make sure the signiture on the card matches their signed copy. If it doesn’t then you need to refuse the poyment and ask a Manager to help.

• All our guests have the option to leave a tip on their card when they pay. We never want to pressure our guests to leave a tip so allow them to make the decision in their own time. You will have been told about how our tronc is distributed. Complete the sections below with your Trainer highlighting how tips are shared amongst the Team TIPS TIPS LEFT ON CARD


Vagabond p.38



As a Team Member you will be given your own unique log in code for the tills. This code allows you and us to know how much money you have taken during your shift when you cash out.


You mustn’t let anyone else know your code and if you suspect someone has seen it please ask your Manager to change it for you.


From time to time you may be given vouchers by guests. There are 2 vouchers we accept at Vagabond • Heathrow Rewards Vouchers • Airline Vouchers

Vagabond claims the amountof the vouchers back from the Airlines/Heathrow so you must look after the vouchers and hand them over when you cash out. If you loose these you will be asked to pay the difference.

Airline Vouchers

When flights are delayed Airlines may give passengers vouchers to use within the Terminal for food and drink. Please ask you Trainer about these vouchers and how to process them We don’t give change for vouchers but guests may use them towards a larger bill.

Heathrow Reward Vouchers

Heathrow reward vouchers are treated the same as cash and may be used towards the cost of food and drinks. We don;t give change for these vouchers. Ask your Trainer about these and how to process them.

p.39 Vagabond

WINE MACHINES Our bar Teams will oversee the wine machines but should you notice a bottle needs changing or a guest asks you a question we want you to be confident in answering and helping. Work with your Trainer to discuss the various parts of the wine machine and how to maintain them. Complete the drawing below with comments about the parts highlighted.


I can change an empty bottle

I know how to reset or change the amount of wine in the bottle

I know what to do if the ‘error’ sign is showing

I know how to take contactless payments

I know how the Vagabond app works

I know how to top up a Vagabond card

I know how to clean the wine machines

Vagabond p.40


Having worked through this section, sit down with your Trainer so they can test and ensure you are 100% confident in all areas







p.41 Vagabond




Did the Trainee demonstrate how to use contactless payment for Wines by the glass?

Did they dazzle you with their knowledge, charisma and enthusiasm?

WINE MACHINE BASICS Our wine machines are the vehicles that allow our guests the opportunity of discovery and you are the guide! We want you to know our machines intimately, so take some time to learn all there is to know about them and share your knowledge with us here:

Identify and explain some advantages of using wine machines?

The Vagabond Service Card has lots of functionality, your Trainer will demonstrate them all.


Service Card Option

Bottle Service Pour Cleaning Calibration Residues Info

Service Card I understand that if I use the cleaning function to sample wine for guests that I will forever be shamed and regarded as a shoe… and not a very nice shoe

Trainee Initial

Vagabond p.42

Time to perform the correct procedure for changing a wine bottle with your Trainer, it’s not hard but it is very important to get right, so take notes:

Write down any key steps that must be adhered to

Now you need to do it without a safety net (also known as your Tra perform three perfect bottle changes with all the correct settings:


Wine Machine Basic Operations

Trainee Initial

Successfully complete 3 wine bottle changes Demonstrate how to use the ‘Residues’ function Successfully adjust and edit the bottle volume measurement

SPRAYED OUT ON Don’t worry, it’s not as gross as it sounds, but every now and again you will hear the sound of a wine machine tap hissing. This is because it has run out of wine (sad face). You will then notice a forlorn guest looking confused and dejected at their wine glass, which is now less than what they paid for and is also covered in wine…. Queue shock and horror. Fear not, we are all about turning any potential negative experiences into positive ones, let’s learn about resolving this catastrophe:

How can you turn that negative experience into a positive experience?

p.43 Vagabond

THE beer wall

ACTIVITY Your Training Buddy will now show you the correct steps to take when teaching a guest how to pour the perfect beer.

Write down the key points of pouring the perfect beer:

Let’s put it all together and demonstrate your superior knowledge to your Training Buddy, take them through the whole beer process: Trainee Initial Pour My Beer Trainee can demonstrate how to top up a guests beer if foamy or poured incorrectly Trainer Initial Trainee can demonstrate how to train a guest to pour the perfect beer. Trainee can describe how the beer wall is organised and why

Vagabond p.44

MODULE SIGN OFF I verify that my trainee has demonstrated and achieved the level of competence to meet the company and legal requirements needed in this unit.

Trainer Signature:

Trainee Signature:


p.45 Vagabond


Vagabond p.46

URBAN WINERY The Vagabond Urban Winery showcases what Vagabond and English wines have to offer. Complete the Vagabond Urban Winery Litmos training to learn more about what an Urban Winery is, why we have it as well as all the great wines we are making. So, first things first; what is an Urban Winery?

And why is the fox (Foxy as we like to call her) the Urban Winery Wine Logo?

Then, where do we source our grapes for each Vagabond Wine.

Vineyard Location


Finally, why did Vagabond decide to build an Urban Winery?

RIGHT, now for the fun part…It’s tasting time! Your Trainer will now taste all of the current Urban Winery vintage with you (you’re welcome). As you are tasting, complete your 3 Key Points training sheet below…What do they remind you of, how do they make you feel, which is your favourite? We want to know it all!

p.47 Vagabond


Wine / Style

Guest Description (3 Key Points)

Bottle £ 175ml £

3 Key Words

175ml = £


Key 1:

Bottle = £


Key 2:

Vineyard (Origin):


Key 3:

Key 1:


175ml = £

Key 2:


Bottle = £

Key 3:


Vineyard (Origin):

175ml = £


Key 1:

Bottle = £


Key 2:

Vineyard (Origin):


Key 3:

175ml = £


Key 1:

Bottle = £


Key 2:

Vineyard (Origin):


Key 3:

Key 1:


175ml = £

Key 2:


Bottle = £

Key 3:


Vineyard (Origin):

175ml = £


Key 1:

Bottle = £


Key 2:

Vineyard (Origin):


Key 3:

Vagabond p.48

ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY To ensure the learning has really stuck you will now be asked to present 2 of the wines, using your 3 key points knowledge sheet to another team member. Team member feedback 1: What went well and what could be improved for next time.

Team member feedback 2: What went well and what could be improved for next time.

Trainee feedback: What went well and what could be improved for next time.

MODULE SIGN OFF I verify that my trainee has demonstrated and achieved the level of competence to meet the company and legal requirements needed in this unit.

Trainer Signature:

Trainee Signature:


p.49 Vagabond


Vagabond p.50


In this Unit you will learn how to run drinks from the bar to our guests (not literally “run” by the way). You will also learn the finer details of how to properly serve wine by the bottle to guests and what to do if the bottle is “faulty”.

So, before we get into the practical stuff, first complete the Wine Service module and assessment in Litmos!

Serving Wine by the Bottle

Using the knowledge that you gained from the Wine Service module on Litmos and your Trainer, you will now demonstrate how to serve wine by the bottle to your trainer.

Activity Observation - Did the Trainee: (Trainer to fill out)


Bring the correct vintage of the wine that they ordered

Present the wine label to the guest to acknowledge it’s the wine they ordered

Bring fresh glasses to the table

Open the bottle at the table (The Vagabond Way)

Offer to pour a small measure, for the guest to check for faults

Smile with confidence and offer interaction

Trainer Feedback

Trainee Feedback

Trainee successfully demonstrated how to serve wine by the bottle to the table Trainee can successfully demonstrate how to open a bottle of wine the Vagabond way Wine by the Bottle Service

Trainer Initial

p.51 Vagabond

Faulty Wine

What does “faulty” mean we hear you ask! Well, basically it means the wine has been ruined in some way meaning the taste has been impacted negatively. Understanding all the different faults of a wine can be tricky and takes a lot of practice. However, one fault you should definitely be familiar with is CORK TAINT aka corked. A wine is typically described as ‘corked’ if it has been affected by cork taint. The chemical responsible is known as TCA (Trichloro anisole). It can give the affected wine un- pleasant aromas and flavours and can dull its fruity characteristics. TCA can come from a range of sources but by far the most common is tainted cork.

Your trainer will now present you 2 wine samples, one which has cork taint and one that does not. Select which one you think is corked and write down what you smell.

Corked Wine Smells

Trainer Initial

Trainee Initial

Trainee can successfully identify a very corked wine Faulty Wine Activity

When dealing with faulty wine claims by a guest, the ultimate goal is to turn any potential negative experiences into positive ones.

Write down the steps you should take if a guest identifies a wine they have ordered as faulty:

Sometimes you will open a bottle of wine and after the guest tastes it they will discover it is not to their liking, in this situation you will need to assist them in finding something more to their taste. Even though the tasting process is just to see if the wine is faulty, ultimately, we don’t want anyone drinking wine they don’t like. Write down the procedure for dealing with an unsatisfied guest who is unhappy with their wine:

Vagabond p.52

MODULE SIGN OFF I verify that my trainee has demonstrated and achieved the level of competence to meet the company and legal requirements needed in this unit.

Trainer Signature:

Trainee Signature:


p.53 Vagabond


Vagabond p.54

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE At Vagabond, it’s not just about knowing your Claret from your Beaujolais. We have a wealth of other drinks we serve that we are passionate about too.

Complete the Product Knowledge Wines modules on Litmos.

BEER Although we offer 100 wines, rumour has it some of our team and guests love beer even more... shock horror. For that reason, we stock a variety of great beers.

Jump onto Litmos and complete the Beer Module to learn about the wonderful world of the golden nectar.


Pale Ale


p.55 Vagabond

Beer Tasting ‘Core’ Range

You will now taste the core beer range with your Trainer. Complete the core beer range below applying the 3 key points training.

Pint £ 1/2 £

Beer Name

Style + ABV % Guest Description (3 Key Points)

3 Key Words

What Drinks Are On My Bar Complete the Product knowledge module Spirtis & Coffee Litmos modules.

Not all bars are created equal… Well, what we mean is not all bars stock exactly the same products.

Fill out the bar drinks sheet to get familiar with your surroundings and what your bar has on offer.

Vagabond p.56

Standard Serve + £

Premium Serve Options + £

Drink Item







Other Spirits

Beer, Cider by Bottle and Can



Soft Drinks, Juices, Water, Sparkling, Softs




Negroni, Old Fashioned, Aperol Spritz



Dairy/ Non-Dairy Options



Tea Options

p.57 Vagabond


Vagabond p.58

WINE STYLES Vagabond is all about making wine accessible, which is one of the many reasons we categorise our wines by style.

In this module you will learn the basics of our wine styles and you will have your first foray of helping guide guests at the wine machines.

Let’s find out a bit more about what makes these wine styles so important to Vagabond and to the guest. Complete the WINE STYLES Litmos training.

Why does Vagabond categories it’s wine by styles?

You will need to memorise the Vagabond styles and their short descriptions, you will be tested by your Training Buddy on each style. First Complete the wine style table below.



Skin Contact


p.59 Vagabond

Can you demonstrate how we categorise our wines to your Trainer? Take them round the machines and explain the differences between each category!

Trainee Initial

Trainer Initial

Vagabond Wine Style Description Trainee can successfully describe each Vagabond Style

Body Understanding the process and what goes into deciding where a wine falls into each category, can be quite complex. However, it can also be quite simple when you concentrate on just one aspect which is the BODY. It’s a term that most guests understand. However, if they don’t it’s our job to make it relatable.

Using the analogy of milk, explain what the difference between light and full body means in wine.

Tasting Activity; Wine Style - Body You will now try 4 wines with your Training Buddy. 2 white wines, one of which will be Crisp and one of which will be Rich. You will also try 2 red wines, one of which will be Vibrant and one of which will be Bold. The ultimate objective of this activity is to see if you can assess the difference in body between the 2 wines.

Working with your Training Buddy, write down some notes on things you are tasting and smelling in wine.

Focus on difference between the Colour, Smell, Taste, Flavour Intensity & Body:

White Wine Wine 1:

Crisp / Rich

Wine 2:

Crisp / Rich

Vagabond p.60

Red Wine Wine 3:

Vibrant / Bold

Wine 4:

Vibrant / Bold

Shelf Talker In addition to categorising wines by style, we believe it’s important to give guests a quick informational snapshot of a given wine through our shelf-talkers. You’ll see this information on a card in-store (or in the app) for each wine we carry. You will need to know how to explain each section, so you can help guide our guests in store.

Trainee Initial

Trainer Initial

Vagabond Shelf Talker Trainee can successfully demonstrate understanding of each section of the shelf talker

p.61 Vagabond

Range Training

Learning 100 wines can feel daunting which is why it’s important to focus on mastering the wine styles to begin with. This is because you can guide a guest towards a flavour profile without having to know every single wine in the range. However, sometimes a guest will have a specific wine in mind that they like. At this early stage it is very important to be aware of the most popular grape varieties and regions that guests most frequently ask for. This will give you more confidence when you are on the floor. Activity Explore the wine machines and fill in the below template in order to familiarise yourself with the range. If the wine is not currently in the range ask your Trainer to suggest something similar. This means you always have something to suggest to a guest even if you don’t have the exact wine they are after.

Machine / Styles

Wine Name / Alternative

Country / Region

10 Key Grape Varieties



Sauvignon Blanc



Pinot Grigio

Pinot Noir


Syrah / Shiraz

Cabernet Sauvignon

Vagabond p.62

Machine / Styles

Wine Name / Alternative

Grape Varieties

5 Key Wine Regions







Wine can be confusing and overwhelming for guests, especially when you are faced with up to 100 wines or more. Being able to quickly take our guests on a Vagabond Wine Style Journey through our machines/store, is the fastest and easiest way to make it accessible for the guest. Your Trainer will now demonstrate what this journey looks like. Be sure to take notes as you will be assessed on this later.

Vagabond Wine Style Journey Notes

p.63 Vagabond

Vagabond Wine Style Journey Training Observation

The Trainee should be able to Physically demonstrate a guest lead journey through the wine styles

Did the Trainee do any of the following:


Ask the guest what type of wine they were after (White, Red, Rose etc) Explain how many styles we have in each type (Red/White) Explain that within each type (Red/White) they are categorised by light to full body Explain the milk analogy if a guest does not know what the term body is

Describe each style using the short Style Description

Physically walk the guest through the styles in the correct order (e.g Light to Full)

Trainer Feedback

Trainee Feedback

Time to put it all together and do a whole guest journey from start to finish. Your Training Buddy will pretend to be a variety of guests, with a variety of preferences to test your skills on leading them through the Wine Styles. As always, have fun with it and don’t forget to make it an adventure for the guest!

Vagabond p.64

Trainee Initial

Trainer Initial

Vagabond Wine Style Journey Trainee can successfully demonstrate how to take a guest on a Vagabond Wine Style Journey by describing each Vagabond Style

On Shift Activity

You will now spend some time on the floor helping to guide our guests by using the Wine Style Journey. You will first shadow your trainer and then you will be let loose on your own.

Module Sign Off

I verify that my trainee has demonstrated and achieved the level of competence to meet the company and legal requirements needed in this unit.

Trainer Signature:

Trainee Signature:


p.65 Vagabond


Vagabond p.66














Rosé Red










Aroma Characteristics:

e.g. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary






















Flavour Intensity




Flavour Characteristics

e.g. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary









p.67 Vagabond