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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center July 2019

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center July 2018

2 cup candied or roasted pumpkin seeds DIRECTIONS 1. To a large skillet, add 2 tablespoons olive oil

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center November 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center January 2019

marietv. This list is just a start to the wealth of amazing, diverse podcasts out there. News recaps

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center September 2019

building inspectors • Crossing guards • Clergy These seven jobs are projected to grow between 8–14%

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center March 2019

4 cup olive oil • 2 sprigs rosemary • Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste • Lemon we

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center May 2018

4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion,

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center March 2018

Ventura Spine & Nerve Center March 2018 (805) 648-7897 | The Vertebral

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center November 2018

4 cup organic pumpkin purée • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or Rest and recreation is important for

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center September 2018

2 cup water, bring to a simmer. 4. Partially cover skillet and cook until liquid is nearly evaporate

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Ventura Spine & Nerve - March/April 2021

2 medium avocado DIRECTIONS 1. In a large, high-powered blender, add in all ingredients. 2. Blend on

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center July 2019

(805) 648-7987 | The Vertebral Column Health Transformations Without Toxic Medications

JULY 2019

GETTING TO THE SOURCE To Become the Healthiest You

We knew our immune system would become stronger for the next time we came in contact with the virus, and our body would fight it off. Do you remember measles and chicken pox parties? These days, we tend to just react to every little symptom with an over- the-counter or prescription medicine. But doing this, we are just tricking our

Thirty-seven years ago on July 5, 1982, I sat on my front porch and watched as the mailman walked toward me carrying a letter that would tell me if I had passed my state chiropractic examinations. With my heart racing, I ripped opened the envelope and saw the words: “Congratulations, you are officially a ‘Doctor of Chiropractic’!” What a great celebration dance I had with my wife! It had taken a lot of time and effort to get my license, but now I could help people restore and maintain their health. I love being a wellness doctor! When I first opened my practice almost four decades ago, there weren’t as many sick and overmedicated people coming in with chronic conditions: peripheral neuropathy, autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, autism, leaky gut syndrome, dementia, and more. Many people are caught in a serious downward health spiral and don’t know where to turn because they understand medications are not the answer. They come to us for education and answers on how to pull themselves up and out of a premature death spiral. Did you know the United States takes 80% of the world’s medications but is only 5% of world’s population? Wow! We are also ranked 37 — out of 37 countries the World Health

Federation studied — on the health of our country. Have you ever thought about how unhealthy our country is and how it continues to get worse? Think about it: The U.S. has the most doctors, hospitals, medications, and specialists in the entire world, but we are still the sickest country!

We keep coming out with more and more medications to

body into thinking we are healthy. There’s a time and place for medications, but they were never meant to be abused and chronically used long-term. Never stop working

combat the symptoms that arise in patients. Are we getting

healthy because of this?

Absolutely not! Medications were originally

on improving your health and try not to use medications to fix everything.

designed to treat disease and illness for a short period of time.

When medications have a role to play in your health, take action to fix the internal underlying problem, which is what you are doing when you come to

This is called acute care. Now, if you are near death and about to die, our health system is No. 1 in reviving, but what we lack are the protocols and programs to teach people how to stay healthy and how to fight off disease through natural means. Do you remember when it was actually good to get sick and let the body fight off infections naturally?

our center. We are here to restore your health and quality of life.

–Dr. Steven Alff, D.C.

1 (805) 648-7987

3 Free Apps to Help You Catch Those Z ’ s INSOMNIACS UNITE

afterward. The inability to stay asleep throughout the night can stem from a multitude of factors, but snoring tends to be the most common. The Snore Report app records through the night to detect any snoring sounds and then provides the user with an overview of the previous night’s recording, including an index to determine snore intensity. Using this app might not help you fall asleep faster, but it could offer helpful information about why you aren’t able to stay asleep. Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock Instead of setting an alarm to jolt you out of sleep at a specific time, choose a window of time to wake up with the Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock. The app will sense your sleep movements and ring an alarm when you’re in the lightest stage of sleep. This way, you’ll wake at the optimal time, feeling refreshed rather than groggy.

Everyone with a smartphone has heard time and time again that looking at your phone before bed is a bad idea. According to the

National Sleep Foundation, “The use of electronic devices in the bedroom further disrupts the natural pattern of the sleep-wake cycle” primarily because of the blue light emitted from the screen. While most scientific >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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