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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center May 2018

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center July 2018

2 cup candied or roasted pumpkin seeds DIRECTIONS 1. To a large skillet, add 2 tablespoons olive oil

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center March 2018

Ventura Spine & Nerve Center March 2018 (805) 648-7897 | The Vertebral

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center November 2018

4 cup organic pumpkin purée • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or Rest and recreation is important for

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center September 2018

2 cup water, bring to a simmer. 4. Partially cover skillet and cook until liquid is nearly evaporate

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center November 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center July 2019

Ventura Spine & Nerve Center July 2019 (805) 648-7987 | The Vertebral C

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center January 2019

marietv. This list is just a start to the wealth of amazing, diverse podcasts out there. News recaps

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center September 2019

building inspectors • Crossing guards • Clergy These seven jobs are projected to grow between 8–14%

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center March 2019

4 cup olive oil • 2 sprigs rosemary • Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste • Lemon we

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center - April/May 2020

coronavirus. Be careful and stay safe. Social Distancing Doesn ’ t Mean You ’ re Trapped Many people

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Ventura Spine & Nerve Center May 2018

(805) 648-7897 | The Vertebral Column Health Transformations Without Toxic Medications

MAY 2018


May Is Enjoyably Busy

of the picture with my son and the other cyclists who came from all over California to meet him. I was impressed with the cyclists, as most of the group was over 50 years old and they were out riding their bikes. Going out and cycling is a good anti-aging practice. It was very heartwarming to see how most of them were older and having a great time, even when it was the first time for some of them to do something like this. While my son is enjoying his life out on the road, my daughter, Marissa, is moving forward with her life. This Memorial Day, Susie and I are flying to Denver to visit her and see the new house she just bought. Marissa will be married in September, and she’s our first child to get married. We’re helping her with the planning and anything else she needs for the ceremony. It’ll be good to see her and her brand-new house in Denver. In the office, I’ve been giving seminars each month that I call the Body Signals Workshops. So far, I’ve presented information on battling post-holiday stress, building up your immune system naturally, how to prevent lower back pain, how to

There’s a lot on my mind this May. I have activities I’m looking forward to putting into action, and I’m thinking a lot about family. My son, Darren, is a world-renowned bicycle touring pro. He has traveled all over the world on his bicycle for 18 years now. He loves being out on the road and runs the website On his website, Darren teaches others how to travel by bicycle by giving tips and providing his books and video training. He even has a popular YouTube channel. Just last month, we were pleased to have Darren home with us. He arranged a meetup at our home, and 15 of his followers showed up to meet him and ride together to Sycamore Canyon Campground. Unfortunately, it started raining that day, and it continued to rain the rest of the trip. They biked through it, though, and they were able to camp out for the night in tents. It was a good time for them! I wasn’t able to participate in the ride, but I enjoyed watching my son indulge in what he loves to do with other people who are equally excited. That’s me in the middle

defeat peripheral neuropathy, and natural help for asthma and allergies. This month, I will be giving a weight loss presentation, and in June, we’ll discuss upper extremity conditions and their treatment. The whole idea of this is to teach people that chiropractors are wellness doctors — we don’t just focus on back pain. These seminars and lectures are to let people know that we focus on all sorts of conditions throughout the body and give them alternatives to medical treatment. Pain and other symptoms are “body signals.” It’s your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It’s important to be aware of your body signals and not cover them up. If you simply cover up that signal, the problem usually remains. While I strive to educate people about this, I’ve been really impressed by some of my practice members because they are being proactive about their health by attending. They are not being reactive and waiting to take action when their health fails. Everyone needs to do all they can to support their health naturally. Being educated about natural health preventative practices is important! Each workshop is held on the last Tuesday

of each month at 6:30 p.m. More information is enclosed. If you’re interested in attending, please call our office and reserve your seat.

–Dr. Steven Alff, D.C.

1 (805) 648-7897

3 Things to Do Before the Trip TRAVELING WITH THE GRANDKIDS?

signed by all legal guardians, especially if your grandchild’s parents are divorced. You don’t want to accidentally cause a custody dispute. Plan a Trip You’ll Both Love When planning your itinerary, ask yourself if your grandkids will have fun, too. You might be excited to visit an art museum, but a younger child might not appreciate it as much. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit museums or historical sites! In fact, most of these places offer kid-centric activities, like scavenger hunts, that can help a younger audience engage with the environment. Just be sure to think of your grandchild first when planning. There’s nothing like the adventure of travel to bring generations closer together and create lasting memories. These tips will help you ensure those memories are good ones. Happy travels!

parents’ concerns. If your daughter asks you not to be on your phone while in crowded public places because she’s concerned you might lose sight of her child, promise to keep the phone in your pocket. If your son-in-law wants regular updates, make time before bed for your grandchild to call home and tell her father about all the fun she’s having. A little compromise can lead to less stress and more fun for everyone. Pack Necessary Documents You need to have some form of ID for your grandkids. Older kids can use a driver’s license, but if you’re traveling with little ones, find a copy of their birth certificates. You also need copies of insurance and prescription cards and a notarized letter from the parents granting you permission to authorize medical care in case of an emergency. It’s also a good idea to have a letter of permission for your grandkids to travel with you. Make sure the letter is

We could all use a vacation, and if you’re looking to bond with your grandkids, a trip might be the perfect answer. It’s fun for you, and getting away from Mom and Dad for a while is thrilling for any kid. But before you board a plane to Italy with your granddaughter or rent an RV for a trip to Yellowstone with your grandsons, there are a few things you need to check off your to-do list. Don’t Let the Parents Worry Letting their kids go on a trip without them can be nerve-wracking for parents. Don’t view parental worries as an implication that you are an irresponsible grandparent. Instead, think about how you felt when your own children were young, and take steps to alleviate the

I was suffering for months with back pain, burning legs, and lack of sleep due to pain. I had no energy! What Our Patients Say

just a few treatments, which were very gentle and painless, I regained my sleep and energy! The burning leg pain and back pain slowly dissipated. Now, I am able to enjoy my work and can do whatever I want without the pain and discomfort. I would not hesitate to recommend the Ventura Spine and Nerve Center, with Dr. Alff and his wonderful assistants. If you’re in need of help with chronic pain symptoms, they’re amazing. Dr. Alff offers the health care of the future — with no drugs! Thank you, Dr. Alff, Rosey, Summer, and Susan!

I didn’t know what to do to get better except ask my medical doctor, and he just kept giving me more medications. That was not my idea of helping! I happened to read an article in the newspaper about Dr. Alff’s natural neuropathy program. I decided to make an appointment, not knowing what to expect. He gave me a very thorough examination and figured out the cause of my disabling symptoms. He talked to me about how medications don’t help the problem; they just mask the symptoms. He developed a customized action plan for me and I began the program. After 2

Sincerely, – Suzanne Oxnard, California

If you want to achieve your Ideal Weight – best shape and physique – feel great and function better … then join us for this month’s Body Signals Workshop: "Get 15 Pounds Healthier in 15 Weeks". Learn the secrets to achieving your Ideal Weight – for LIFE Look good, feel great and function better. Are you ready? Let us help you reach your goals. Tuesday, May 22 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Presented By Dr. Steven Alff, D.C. 1590 E. Main Street, Ventura Call 805-648-7987 to reserve your spot and bring friends!

If you have ANY of these symptoms, YOU NEED TO ATTEND THIS EVENT!

FREE EVENT with Complimentary Meal

S E A T S A R E L I M I T E D . C A L L 8 0 5 - 6 2 6 - 8 8 2 6 F O R Y O U R C ON F I RMA T I ON C OD E T O A T T E ND

Stop Being a Victim

to Neuropathy Pain

the sooner you come into our office, the better. Once we diagnose you, we need to determine the cause of your symptoms and establish whether it is small- or large-fiber peripheral neuropathy. From there, we design a specific course of action customized just for you. Since 1982, the Ventura Spine and Nerve Center has been helping Ventura County residents restore their health naturally, without the use of drugs or surgery. We set a high standard for treating neuropathy disorders. Our comprehensive program could very well be the nondrug and nonsurgical solution to restore your quality of life. Our clinic houses the latest equipment, testing, and drug- and surgery-free treatments. If you’re fed up with being in constant pain and wish to discuss your condition, please call our office at (805) 648-7987 and ask for a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr. Steven Alff today.

by your doctor, “You’re going to have to live with it” — don’t despair! There are other ways to take back your life! Procrastination is the thief of health, especially when it comes to peripheral neuropathy. What will your feet, toes, or hands feel like and be like six, nine, or 12 months from today if you don’t take action? The thing we hate to see the most is someone who has let the condition progress to the point of having ulcers or sores on their feet. Don’t let this happen to you! You should not be so quick to give up your lifestyle. Many Ventura County residents who thought that nothing could be done have found out that their neuropathy was reversible! Many Ventura County residents have found out that our drug-free, six-step peripheral neuropathy program was the solution to restoring their quality of life. It all starts with diagnosing the problem correctly. If you believe that you may be suffering from peripheral neuropathy,

Are you experiencing pain, tingling, burning, weakness, or numbness in your feet, hands, legs, or arms? If so, you may have a condition called peripheral neuropathy. That means the nerves are damaged at the periphery of your body and you need to take action quickly before the damage becomes permanent. Peripheral neuropathy sneaks up on you. Unlike other disorders that set in quickly, this is a condition that slowly eats away at you, damaging your nerves in the process. It happens so slowly that you may not notice anything wrong at first. Then, you’ll steadily begin to experience the symptoms. In other words, if left untreated, it will get progressively worse over time, causing you severe pain. Neuropathy can negatively affect every part of your life. You may have severe difficulty doing simple things, such as walking or sleeping. If you’ve tried everything you can think of and are still not getting the results you want — or even worse, if you were told


and Squash With Feta Zucchini and summer squash are arriving on grocery store shelves. Here is a great way to take these humble, delicious vegetables to the next level. This easy dish is perfect for early summer. SAUTÉED ZUCCHINI


• 2 teaspoons fresh thyme • 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese • Salt and pepper to taste squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize. 4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta.

DIRECTIONS • 1 zucchini • 1 summer squash • 1/2 medium red onion • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1. Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and

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3 (805) 648-7897

(805) 648-7897


1590 E. Main Street Ventura, CA 93001

inside this issue

1 2 2 3

Family and Business Secrets to a Great Family Vacation Testimonial Let Us Treat Your Peripheral Neuropathy Sautéed Zucchini and Squash With Feta 3 Holistic Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen




morning sickness, raw ginger might do the trick! Just ask the people of ancient China. Like many spices, ginger’s use as a supplement goes back centuries. Southeast Asian countries used it to ease their own common ailments. Call it tried and true. PEPPERMINT You can use peppermint as an essential oil, steep the leaves for tea, or take a supplement capsule. Each form comes with its own benefits. As an essential oil, peppermint is great for treating colds. It’s a mild decongestant, and it helps with coughs and stuffed-up noses. It also soothes sore throats and headaches. Rub one or two drops under your nose, on your temples, or over your sinuses and feel the relief wash over you! Even further, a study published by The BMJ found that when administered as a capsule, peppermint helped reduce the symptoms of IBS in a majority of patients. in Your Life?

NUTMEG This spice, known for its earthy, nutty flavor, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Want to calm nagging pain? This spice has been used to treat joint pain and arthritis. It can even be used to remedy bad breath! Nutmeg is most potent when it’s freshly grated, so it’s recommended you purchase whole nutmeg seed, found in most specialty food stores. You can incorporate nutmeg into your diet by taking it as a supplement in capsule form or simply sprinkling it into your next chai tea. Your achy joints will thank you. GINGER This root is an essential natural anti- inflammatory. It can help ease an upset stomach and finally tame your nausea. You can safely eat it raw, candied, as a supplement, in tea, or in baked goods. Ginger is most effective when it’s ingested raw or in capsule form. If you have

Spices and herbs add much more than flavor and aroma to your favorite beverages and treats. They also offer many health benefits. When properly utilized, these spice rack staples can ease a variety of symptoms. Ready to find your new holistic health kick? Read on. 4